Gao Chang smiled bitterly, now the ground of Yangcheng is not controlled by the state at all.It doesn't work even if you say it out loud.Of course, Gao Chang is not a fool, he can't have a firepower conflict with the other party right now, otherwise he will die.

This person cherishes life very much. He calculated just now that the other party has five cars, and the number of people is at least around 20. Maybe the other party has backup forces.Although they secretly arranged a lot of people around them, once they confronted each other, the bullets had no eyes, and they would definitely become the focus of the opponent's attack.

"Captain Xie, you should have heard the news this morning. Yangcheng is in chaos now, and I have also received orders from my superiors to check suspicious people and vehicles. Please go back and don't get involved. I didn't say that." Big talk, even if you break in, it will be a dead end. Why waste your life, you are young, it is not easy to achieve what you are today." Gao Chang saw that the other party was already the captain in his early twenties, and he was the same as himself Level, it is estimated that he must hold the thigh of his superior or have a deep background. Now that the situation is unclear, he does not want to offend anyone.

Xie Wenxuan is a stubborn person. Although Han Zixuan has softened her a lot, she is still the old Xie Wenxuan in front of the outside world.

"Captain Gao, to tell the truth. We are here to deal with the Yangcheng rebellion. If you stop it, you are fighting against the country. I can only send you to see the coffin board." She doesn't care about that, as long as someone stops , she was about to pick up a weapon and kill the other party.

While speaking, she pulled out a pistol from her waist and pointed it at Gao Chang's head.At the same time, several small policemen around Gao Chang also picked up their micro-chargers, staring at him.

Immediately afterwards, the policemen who came with Xie Wenxuan got out of the car one after another, picked up their weapons and aimed at each other, and the air became tense for a while.

There were still many vehicles passing by. Seeing that there was going to be a battle here, they immediately backed up in fright, backed up, and even ran away.

Gao Chang was not nervous, and smiled slightly: "Captain Xie, you really make it difficult for me. After all, I am from the traffic police team in Yangcheng, and all my actions must follow the arrangements above. If you come to Yangcheng in normal times It's definitely fine, but today, I'm really having a hard time, and I can't let you in." As he spoke, he was about to pull out the pistol from his waist, damn it, he was too passive.

But as soon as Gao Chang's hand touched his waist, he suddenly felt something was wrong. A stone hit his arm, and he suddenly felt numb.When he was a little dazed, Xie Wenxuan quickly took action, holding the gun with one hand, stretched out the other hand, directly grabbed his neck, and then exerted a little force, Gao Chang was passively restrained, followed by Hei Huhu aimed his gun at his temple.

Xie Wenxuan's set of movements was clean and quick, and it happened in an instant.

Gao Chang was restrained, and she was a woman.Although he usually knows a little bit of kung fu, it is only superficial, and he can barely deal with ordinary people.But in front of the tough Xie Wenxuan, she was simply weak.

Xie Wenxuan said coldly to Gao Chang in front of her: "Captain Gao, I'll give you a chance, or I'll kill you right now." Then, with a click, the safety catch was opened and the bullets were fired.

Gao Chang suddenly became limp. He didn't pay much attention to this woman Xie Wenxuan before. After all, she is very beautiful and charming, she is just a vase. He never thought that the other party's explosive power is so powerful and her actions are so fast.

Gao Chang was restrained, and the brothers around him quit, they clamored to let their captain go, otherwise the two sides would die.

"Don't, you idiots." Gao Chang shouted loudly, and at the same time asked for help: "Captain Xie, what are you doing like this, we have something to discuss. After all, we all came out of the same trench, so don't hurt your peace."

Xie Wenxuan said: "Then tell me what to do."

Gao Chang made a bitter face: "I'll contact the higher-ups immediately and listen to their opinions."

Suddenly, gunshots rang out, and the source came from behind the traffic police team.In an instant, many officers of the traffic police team led by Gao Chang fell to the ground.

Gao Chang could see clearly that the shooter was a killer ambushing around. These people were arranged by the superiors at that time to assist them, and they could help them in times of crisis.Unexpectedly, this group of people shot at their own people.

There were more than a dozen people who came, all of them were dressed in black, well-mannered, with tough faces, and soon, more than a dozen brothers around Gao Chang died.

Xie Wenxuan was out of consciousness, and hurriedly dragged Gao Chang to hide behind the car, and ordered his men to fight back, and suddenly there was a loud gunshot.

"Captain Gao, what's the matter?"

Although Gao Chang is greedy for money and power, he values ​​brotherhood. These people have been with him for many years, supporting him and protecting him, which is why he has the status he is today.Unexpectedly, all the brothers died in an instant, and the death was unreasonable.

Xie Wenxuan's men fought fiercely with this group, and both sides suffered casualties.At this moment, Han Zixuan was sitting in the car, seeing the situation in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but say to the two women beside him: "Take up your weapon and kill this group of men in black."

Saying that, Han Zixuan started the car, and the car started to gallop, screaming towards the group of men in black.As for Chen Yuluo and Guo Linghua, one left and one right, they aimed at the men in black, and caught them off guard.

The other party's attention was all on Xie Wenxuan and the group of policemen, and he didn't care about this strange vehicle.And Han Zixuan drove over suddenly, with super firepower, like a tiger's lower body, and the two women were murderous monsters. In less than 30 seconds, these men in black were all eliminated.

Afterwards, Han Zixuan drove to Xie Wenxuan's side, jumped out of the car, and gave her a teasing smile, but Xie Wenxuan pretended not to see, but instead asked: "Who are you, you are carrying weapons, come here, arrest them first .”

Soon many people came up to surround Han Zixuan, some of them knew him, knew that he had an affair with Captain Xie, and it was rumored that they were a couple.He froze for a moment, staying where he was and no one came up.

Xie Wenxuan ignored them and asked Gao Chang beside her, "Captain Gao, what should we do now?"

Gao Chang saw Han Zixuan clearly, and felt a little familiar.But now he is in a state of panic and tension, and he can't remember.Instead, I thank this person, thanks to his help, otherwise it would be a problem whether I can survive today.

"I, I don't know." Gao Chang wasn't talking nonsense, he came to carry out the mission, which was to check the vehicles and look for suspicious persons.But unexpectedly, the situation took a sharp turn.

"I'll show you a way to get rid of evil and return to righteousness. It's wishful thinking for Yangcheng to riot and become independent. The people behind you will perish sooner or later. If you continue to persist in your obsession, your death will not be far away."

Gao Chang recovered a lot at this moment, think carefully about the situation just now.When negotiating with Xie Wenxuan on my side, both sides are of course posing, and they will definitely not shoot first.Unexpectedly, those people behind him would ignore his brother and attack his brother.

After scolding the neighbor, of course Gao Chang knew the origin of this group of men in black, they were members of Wen Lan, the Holy Mother of Yangcheng.This hateful woman, for her own selfish desires, let me and my brothers be used as guns.Damn, I finally understand that if you continue to hang around in Yangcheng, you must be dead, so it's better to get out as soon as possible.

"Captain Xie, it was true that I was wrong before, and I couldn't see the situation clearly. I will definitely quit, and I will go back to my hometown to take care of myself." Suddenly remembering that Yangcheng still has parents and family, it is impossible for him to leave like this, and sadness appeared on his face .

"Okay, I understand your situation. If you have any difficulties, just tell me, and I will report to my superiors. Let's deal with the matter at hand first." Xie Wenxuan said, leaving him in front of Han Zixuan.

Seeing that her subordinate was disobedient, Xie Wenxuan didn't detain him.Can't help being furious: "Can't you hear the order clearly, this person is a dangerous element, hurry up and take it with me."

One of the brave policemen said: "Captain Xie, you are playing us to death. Everyone knows that Han Zixuan and you are old acquaintances. We dare not do anything. You can do it yourself."

When Gao Chang heard Han Zixuan's name, he immediately heard that he was the most wanted criminal arrested in Yangcheng.My day, no wonder you were so arrogant and brave just now, you are simply a god descending from the earth.

Nowadays, Gao Chang's heart has long since died, so he doesn't pay attention to those things in Yangcheng, and only thinks about how to get his family members out and escape from this place.

Han Zixuan said with a playful smile, "Officer, I'm a good citizen. Why did you arrest me for what you did just now?"

Xie Wenxuan heard the ambiguous words of the policeman just now, she couldn't hold back her face, she reprimanded that person, and then came to Han Zixuan's side, suddenly remembered that the car was shot from two directions just now, one of them was Sister Yuluo, and who was the other person? Think of it as a woman.

"Your problem will be resolved later." Xie Wenxuan came to Gao Chang and said, "Captain Gao, please continue to manage the highway intersection first. There are not enough manpower. Ask my subordinates for help."

Gao Chang nodded. Not far away, many vehicles stopped and watched, not daring to come over.Gao Chang waved his hand, and the vehicle moved forward slowly. Seeing the corpses all around, he couldn't help but tremble with fear.

Several people on Xie Wenxuan's side were injured. She hurriedly arranged for medical staff to give emergency treatment, and at the same time removed the corpses of more than a dozen men in black just now, so as not to hinder the traffic.

The traffic barely stabilized, Xie Wenxuan dragged Han Zixuan to his car, and whispered, "Who is that person?"

Han Zixuan didn't understand and looked at her blankly.

Xie Wenxuan couldn't help but dragged him straight to the car, opened the door and looked inside, saw Chen Yuluo who was smiling and Guo Linghua who was a little dazed at the moment.

Xie Wenxuan glanced at Guo Linghua without saying a word, then pulled Han Zixuan and pushed him to the front compartment, then sat in herself, and slammed the door shut.

Because the glass of the car is black, the situation inside cannot be seen clearly from the outside.And this car is parked on the side, no one will pay special attention.

Xie Wenxuan glanced at Chen Yuluo: "Sister Yuluo, thank you just now."

Chen Yuluo smiled at Mimi: "It's nothing, why are you being polite to me, why should a family talk about two things."

Xie Wenxuan nodded and asked, "Who is she?" But her eyes were fixed on Han Zixuan.My heart is full of jealousy, because Guo Linghua is very beautiful and dignified, and her temperament is a bit similar to that of Sister Yu, but she is a little more heroic and free and easy, anyway, she is very charming.

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