The campus is so cute

331 Wheel Battle

Guo Linghua could tell that Captain Xie had a close relationship with Han Zixuan, and hearing the jealousy in his tone, he immediately understood.

Can't help but take a look at the man in front of him, he really has some skills in courting women.When Xie Wenxuan confronted Gao Chang just now, she showed fierceness, courage and resoluteness in the face of danger, she was by no means an ordinary woman.Guo Linghua couldn't help admiring her for such a remarkable achievement at such a young age.

"Guo Linghua, a friend." Han Zixuan said lightly, and then looked at Xie Wenxuan: "The situation in Yangcheng is quite chaotic, and there are not enough people like you to die. For the time being, you better not act rashly."

Xie Wenxuan glanced at him, as if she didn't hear what he said just now, she just turned her gaze to Guo Linghua and asked: "Miss Guo, please get out of the car, we have something to say and don't let outsiders know about it."

Although Xie Wenxuan's tone was very tactful, there seemed to be a commanding tone in her words.

Han Zixuan hurriedly said: "Wenxuan, Ms. Guo is here to carry out the mission with me this time, so she is not considered an outsider. It doesn't matter if you have anything to say, and she is very familiar with Yangcheng, so she will be of great help to us."

Guo Linghua listened quietly, without expressing her opinion, but looked at Xie Wenxuan with her charming eyes, and the two eyes met in the air, sparks seemed to burst out instantly.

"No, she's just in the way. Husband, I want to kiss you. I'm ashamed to have her here." Xie Wenxuan turned her delicate face around, wrapped one hand around Han Zixuan's neck, her eyes shot out tenderness.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Yuluo laughed and said, "Wen Xuan, let's talk, I'll go down."

"Sister, it's okay. We all sleep together, it's okay."

Chen Yuluo felt a black line in front of her eyes, this vixen, you like coquettishness, why did you bring me along.I had no choice but to turn my face slowly to see Guo Linghua's attitude.

Guo Linghua knew in her heart that the other party regarded herself as a competitor.Originally, she didn't care about these mundane things, and she didn't dare to be interested in the women around him.However, this woman challenged herself openly, and she was not afraid.

"If you make out casually, just treat me as if I don't exist."

"That can't be done, you have seen my man's body, and you can't let you take advantage of it." Xie Wenxuan saw that the other party didn't care at all, but wanted to fight against her, and the anger surged in her heart.

Han Zixuan saw that the situation was not good, Xie Wenxuan was deliberately finding fault.He turned to Guo Linghua behind and said, "Miss Guo, please get out of the car first, I'll talk to Captain Xie about something."

Guo Linghua immediately felt a chill in her heart, she gave Han Zixuan a hard look, without saying a word, opened the door and got out of the car, then walked away with big strides.

Xie Wenxuan was complacent, and felt very useful. No matter what, her husband still turned to his own people.

Guo Linghua got out of the car, and Xie Wenxuan rushed forward, with a fragrant smell in her mouth, she looked like a cannibal.Han Zixuan flaunted his teeth and claws but couldn't resist, so he could only passively accept the terrorist attack of the female satyr.

Chen Yuluo had already understood the true nature of this female detective, but she never expected that she would be so unrestrained outside.Xie Wenxuan unbuttoned her blouse, revealing the white shirt inside, and her turbulent curves were immediately exposed. She opened her chest, held Han Zixuan's hand with one hand, and placed it gently on it, making a seductive voice: " Husband, you have been away for so many days, I miss you, and it misses you too, please touch it quickly, if it has become bigger."

The girl in uniform in front of her eyes was sweating, and the desire of a woman's body sounded in her ears, how could a man resist it.Although the situation outside is complicated and dangerous, but this little girl who is dissatisfied with desire must be dealt with first.

Han Zixuan said to Yuluo who was behind him: "Yuluo, hold a gun and keep a close watch on the surroundings. I'll satisfy this little desire first."

"Bad guy, I don't want to flirt with you, don't talk about me like that." Xie Wenxuan was so charming, she lowered her body, touched the man's crotch with her green hands, then untied the zipper, and buried her head deeply. After a while, she heard something strange the sound of.

Chen Yuluo's face was flushed red. Although she would occasionally become passionate when there were no outsiders, she was not like Xie Wenxuan.She spat and said, "Hurry up, don't make too much noise."

Chen Yuluo looked out the window, but she remembered the passionate voices of men and women panting in her ears. She took a sneak peek, and her ears turned red. Xie Wenxuan was sitting on the man's body at this moment, raising her hips regularly His body was moving up and down, and his clothes were disheveled, his whole face was full of spring.

She hurriedly turned her face away and looked out the window, but her heart became inexplicably agitated, and she felt that the bottom was getting a little wet unconsciously.She touched her face, secretly scolding herself for being so shameless.

The police officers brought by Xie Wenxuan didn't come out for a long time after they found that the captain got into the car.Immediately afterwards, they found that the car was vibrating, and they were all dumbfounded, no way, it was too explosive.

Suddenly, a disturbing cell phone ringing broke the silence.Xie Wenxuan frowned, it must be the call from above.She hurriedly climbed off Han Zixuan, went to find the phone in her pocket, and the caller ID was indeed Tan Chunqing's.

Han Zixuan didn't do it anymore, why did he seduce himself into anger, and then ran away irresponsibly.He grabbed Xie Wenxuan, but he didn't, but pulled down the little Nene at the crook of her leg.

Xie Wenxuan scolded shyly: "Husband, the director's call, wait for me for a while."

"No, neither can the phone number of the king of heaven. I am straight and straight. What are you doing? It is easy to become impotent after a long time."

Xie Wenxuan came to the back seat of the car and pulled Chen Yuluo up: "Sister, I have a call, you go to put out the fire, or my little husband will explode." Then, he pushed Chen Yuluo into Han Zixuan's arms .

Chen Yuluo just heard that Brother Chun had been itching for a long time, so he didn't feel ashamed at the moment, so he took off his pants and sat up with his legs.Han Zixuan said in surprise, "Honey, it's so wet."

"Bah, it's not all about you two bastards." Chen Yuluo buried her head in Zixuan's ear and said, "I don't know what Guo Linghua thinks when he sees us like this outside."

"What do you think, does it mean that my husband is good? I am not afraid of wheel wars."

Xie Wenxuan picked up the phone and reported the situation to Tan Chunqing.There was a fierce gun battle at the intersection of the highway just now, and Yangcheng is indeed in chaos. They don't have enough people, so they need to arrange more people immediately.

Tan Chunqing ordered them not to act rashly, he would immediately contact the army and arrange manpower.Xie Wenxuan hung up the phone in a hurry, and simply tidied up his clothes. Seeing that the two people in front hadn't finished, he reminded: "Okay, it's almost time. Sister Yuluo, you are tired of being with men every day, and you are so hungry and thirsty. Hey, better than I'm still flirting."

A few minutes later, Xie Wenxuan got out of the car and came to their police officers.But this group of people didn't notice, they were still whispering and discussing, only one person said: "You said that our captain likes Che Zhen, I really didn't see it, no matter how dignified a woman is on the surface, it's really hard to say what she looks like on the inside. "

The car shook, Xie Wenxuan's face turned red, she must sit on the train next time, so she shouldn't be able to see it that way.

She coughed, and those people immediately shut up, looking at her a little timidly.Xie Wenxuan pretended not to hear the conversation just now, and arranged tasks for her subordinates, some of them stayed here, and the rest went to the city.

But entering the city is not so easy, you must have a guide, and Gao Chang is the first choice.

Xie Wenxuan found Gao Chang. Captain Gao was still directing the traffic. He also received a call just now. It was Yang Song, the mayor of Yangcheng City.First of all, I expressed my condolences and asked about the casualties of the brothers.Let him not be sad, there must be more battles in the future.

Let him stand up for a while, and immediately arrange for other comrades to go there.Gao Chang didn't say much at all, he just responded with um.After hanging up the phone, Gao Chang took a sip, "Fuck, shit, didn't you treat us like human beings at all?"

Seeing Xie Wenxuan's arrival, Gao Chang made no secret of it, and named Mayor Yang's call just now, his words were full of dissatisfaction with the superiors.

Xie Wenxuan nodded: "Captain Gao, don't worry, I have also received reliable news. The country will soon arrange troops to come over. These reactionary armed forces are simply untenable."

"I understand, I believe in the government, I believe in our country." Gao Chang said.

At this time, Han Zixuan came out with a smile on his face: "Didn't interrupt the conversation between the two of you."

Gao Chang didn't bother to meet Han Zixuan just now, so naturally he didn't chat.Next to him, Xie Wenxuan introduced Han Zixuan, who is an instructor of the Third South China Sea Brigade.

Oh, it turned out that he was also considered a colleague, no wonder the battle was ferocious and the marksmanship was like a god.Gao Chang thanked him for his assistance just now, and explained that you are now the main target of arrest in Yangcheng.He was puzzled, why is he a key figure.

Han Zixuan didn't explain much, and he didn't have time.

"Captain Gao, since you intend to leave the Yangcheng government, you must take action. How about this? Let me make a suggestion. You continue to be the captain of the traffic police. You will be our insider and report to us in time if there is any disturbance in Yangcheng."

Gao Chang hesitated a little, Han Zixuan said: "Look at the brothers who just died beside you, don't you want to avenge them, don't you want to get rid of that female devil in Yangcheng?"

Gao Chang thought of the tragic death of his brothers just now, his heart was full of blood, and he nodded without hesitation.

At this time, Chen Yuluo greeted Han Zixuan with a panicked expression, "Guo Linghua is gone."

"No, I must go to Wen Lan. That's fine, let's go too."

Han Zixuan asked Xie Wenxuan to deal with the matter here first, and there are many injured around you, waiting for reinforcements from behind.Yuluo and I went to investigate the situation first, and then kept in touch.

"All right, be careful."

Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo returned to the car, started it, and then drove to Yangcheng City.

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