The campus is so cute

332 Lust for Beauty

In the meeting room of the chief executive building, the two heads of the Huaxia family sit side by side in the center, and on both sides are important officials of the country, mainly senior leaders of the military region, the army, and national security.

Everyone has a solemn expression on their faces. Liu Peng is reporting the situation to Zhao Zekai at the moment. He has arranged for the police, army, armed police, and special warfare to be dispatched from the nearby South China Sea. The mopping up of bandits.

Zhao Zekai nodded, and nodded in relief: "Old Liu, it is fortunate that you presided over the overall situation during my serious illness. Now that my body has recovered a lot, we will fight side by side together. This time, we will completely unplug Yangcheng. This big cancer."

Liu Peng glanced at Zhao Zekai, concerned about his physical condition, and asked him to pay more attention to rest.Although we are facing the biggest reactionary force since the founding of the People's Republic of China this time, I personally have absolute confidence in annihilating them.

Other Liu Peng's cronies also advised Zhao Zekai to rest more. Although the current situation is turbulent, but under our control, I believe that under the leadership of Chief Liu Peng, this mission can definitely be completed.

Zhao Zekai didn't say anything, leaving all the actions to Liu Peng, and then announced the dissolution of the meeting, and asked Yang He to stay when it was over.

Everyone else left, and Yang He sat in his original position, looking at Zhao Zekai with puzzled eyes, not understanding his intentions.

Zhao Zekai coughed: "Yang He, next year's general election is coming soon, I'm afraid I'm going to step down, it's time to give way."

Yang He didn't understand what this sentence meant, but he immediately said: "Chief, your body has slowly recovered, I believe you are still doing well."

"Is it ok? You saw it just now. They told me to rest. Don't you understand what it means?"

Of course Yang He understands that now the top management in the country is basically under the control of Liu Peng, and those who hold important positions in the country are basically Liu Peng's cronies.This time Liu Peng's success in annihilating Yangcheng will inevitably increase his social status, and more people inside will lean towards him.To be honest, he admired Liu Peng's ability very much, and he did have means.

In comparison, Zhao Zekai is gentle, while Liu Peng is rigid.If the country wants to grow and develop, it is obvious that Liu Peng is the best candidate.However, Yang He is a little tired of Liu Peng's liking to play tricks, and deep down in his heart, he hopes that Zhao Zekai will be the number one, and Liu Peng's second in command is the best equipment.However, Liu Peng has ambitions, which can be said to be well known by passers-by.

Zhao Zekai then changed the subject, with a smile on his face: "But those are not important anymore, the biggest regret in my life has been completed."

Oh, Yang He wondered, thinking about the regret in Zhao Zekai's heart.Everyone knew that it was the Zhao family's regret that Zhao Zekai had no heirs.Could it be that he knew the whereabouts of the child who had been missing for many years.

Yang He was stunned for a while, and immediately asked: "Chief, may there be news about that child."

"Hehe, there is not only news, but also a meeting." Zhao Zekai's smile deepened.

"Really, great, where is he now?" Yang He stood up excitedly.

"Don't say anything, he is currently in Yangcheng. You have met this person many times, and I would like to thank you for helping me teach him so that he does not let him go astray." Zhao Zekai patted Yang He on the shoulder and said thank you emphatically .

Having said this, Yang He completely understood, and quickly began to analyze in his mind, and they all matched in an instant.The last time Zixuan called to ask about his specific life experience, he was thinking about it, thinking about it, but he didn't think about the chief, after all, he didn't dare to think about it.

Yang He was so excited that he almost shouted, for no reason.Because he has too many expectations for Zixuan, now that he has this status, the future of this child will be brighter.

"Yang He, I hope you don't say anything. Here, I only explained this to you. Once I step down in the future, I hope you can protect him."

Yang He said immediately, I will.

Han Zixuan drove to Yangcheng. He had been here once before, but he was not very familiar with it.Chen Yuluo was very familiar with this place, having been here many times, the car drove slowly on the street, there were not many people on the street, and even many shops were closed.

In the end, the two finally found a hair salon, which belonged to the corner of the street.

In order to prevent anyone from spotting them at first glance, Han Zixuan decided to take Chen Yuluo to change his appearance.Han Zixuan dyed his hair in several different colors, making him look like a gangster.Chen Yuluo got a wig, and it was silver-white. It looked nondescript and not mainstream.

When the two came out of the hair salon, they looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

In Wen Lan's secret meeting, Wen Lan was in a meeting, and the people below were talking about the situation in front of them.Mayor Yang Song said that the situation is critical. At present, the South China Sea has sent armed forces, and there was a fierce gun battle at the intersection of the highway in the morning.Surely there is no way to stop them, what to do next.

Wen Lan was not afraid: "Then fight with them. Since there will be a riot, there will be bloodshed and sacrifices. What is there to say about this? Continue to send more people, and I will also mobilize people here."

Wu Jun, director of the Department of Transportation, said: "But I heard that the shootout in the morning was done by our own people. What is going on with this?"

Wen Lan sneered and said: "These people have unclear attitudes and are hesitant. Those who hinder our major events, no matter who they are, must be eliminated."

Wu Jun's face was gloomy and he didn't say anything.He and Gao Chang are in a superior-subordinate relationship, and Gao Chang has already explained the actual situation to him, hoping that Wu Jun can re-judge whether he should continue to work for this female devil.

Wen Lan looked at the people below and encouraged: "Everyone, the war has just started. Don't be discouraged, we can definitely defeat them, we must believe in ourselves."

Wen Lan looked at Mi Jianfeng: "Jianfeng, arrange your troops, order immediately, and prepare for battle."

Then he looked at Shao Bin: "Old Shao, please work harder. Send out everyone to search for Han Zixuan and Guo Linghua. I suspect they have already arrived in Yangcheng."

After the arrangement was completed, the people below were all busy with their work, and Wu Jun went back with a heavy heart.

At the highway intersection, Xie Wenxuan did not go directly into the city, but waited, and drove the car far away from the highway intersection. Seeing the increasing number of troops on the opposite side, it seemed that some troops were dispatched.

I can only wait for my own reinforcements, and I have just received instructions.The Third South China Sea Brigade, led by Yang Xuerui, is on the way to Yangcheng, and it is estimated that they will arrive in half an hour.At that time, it is estimated that there will be a big battle.

Han Zixuan actively looked for Guo Linghua, but his phone was turned off, so he couldn't be contacted at all.He cursed secretly, this bitch has no discipline at all.

Chen Yuluo said that maybe Guo Linghua went to Longmei headquarters in Yangcheng to settle accounts with Wen Lan directly. When this woman came, she put life and death aside.

It's very possible, but even if you die, you can't do this, it's too brainless.It seems that we have to go to Longmei headquarters.

How to get there, where the headquarters is, can only rely on the brothers and sisters of the Duan family.

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family have been staying at home. They have been restless for the past few days and are always concerned about what is going on outside.Look at his father, Duan Fengchen, who is actively training people, dispatching troops and sending generals, intending to go out to perform tasks.After some inquiring, I found out that Duan Fengchen was going to take advantage of the gap in the South China Sea to attack the South China Sea from another direction, directly attack the main government agencies in the South China Sea, and take the South China Sea.

No, the brothers and sisters of the Duan family must stop their father's action.

After recuperating at home for a few days, Han Wenxuan regained his spirit.Knowing that the situation outside is very chaotic, but he is very excited.Knowing that Han Zixuan and Guo Linghua will come soon, it will be my chance to take revenge.

Thinking of her humiliation, if she hadn't met the brothers and sisters of the Duan family, she would definitely not be able to live now.Thinking of Duan Hongying, the beautiful woman of the Duan family, not only was his lust moved.I had only heard about Duan Hongying before, but never met him.After that meeting, he couldn't forget it for a long time.

Han Wenxuan is not a gentleman, he is greedy for beauty.He had been coveting Guo Linghua before, but Guo Linghua was the number one under Wen Lan, so he didn't dare to be too presumptuous, knowing that Guo Linghua was abandoned by Wen Lan, he had the heart to take action.So last time, he went to Suzhou and Hangzhou, but unfortunately the action failed and he made a mess.

Right now, he locked his eyes on Duan Hongying again.This woman is just over 20 years old, with a curvy figure, especially the tight pair of weapons on her chest. It is said that the female killer has a cold personality, but the last time I met, I found that this woman was cold on the outside and gentle on the inside. If she is like this in bed, she must be the best .

So, Han Wenxuan found his father, Han Shaofeng, and explained his thoughts.

Han Shaofeng scolded him: "What time is it now, you still have things on your mind to pick up girls. Besides, it's a girl from the Duan family, don't use your brains."

"What's wrong with the Duan family? They still don't obey us. And father, I have a bold idea. I told you, don't scold me. If the riot in Yangcheng fails, we will all be implicated. At this time There must be allies. The Duan family is the most suitable one. Their family is strong and colluded with the foreign assassin alliance. Once we fail, there must be a retreat route. The Duan family must have them. They can escape successfully. How can we Do it. And this woman Wen Lan is too cunning, she may not be willing to take us with her."

Han Shaofeng couldn't help but nodded, yes.Judging by the situation outside, I'm afraid it will fail again this time.In fact, he was never optimistic about what his father and the others did, he was whimsical.How nice it is to live a good life, you have to make a fool of yourself.Now I have to think about how to retreat, remembering Wen Lan's cold eyes on me, and pinning all my hopes on her, I might really suffer in the end.

Although the son's starting point is greedy for women, but doing so is indeed helpful to his family.

"If you marry Duan Hongying, you have to take care of yourself and stop picking flowers everywhere."

"I understand, don't worry, father, I assure you, it will never happen again in the future."

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