The campus is so cute

333 Touching and Kissing

Han Shaofeng went to Duan's house that day to discuss the marriage in person.

After Duan Fengchen understood the purpose of the other party's visit, a surprised expression appeared on his face. At first he thought the other party was joking, but after confirming it again, his heart became serious.

Obviously, Wen Lan deliberately arranged this operation, fearing that our Duan family would betray them, so the purpose of arranging this marriage is to tie us down.

Duan Fengchen looked at Han Shaofeng and asked, "Shaofeng, did you mean it, or Wen Lan's meaning." His tone of voice was faintly angry, if he never called Wen Lan directly by his name.

Han Shaofeng immediately defended: "Brother, don't worry too much. My family Wenxuan had an accident last time. Thanks to the help of Hong Jun and Hong Ying, I once again express my gratitude. To be honest, my family Wenxuan has taken a fancy to you The two children are about the same age, so it can be said that they are a dream match, so I came to propose marriage in person. Of course, it came a bit suddenly, brother, you must think too much."

Duan Fengchen naturally understood who Han Wenxuan was, he was just a playboy.Although his own son is considered a dude, he is much stronger than Han Wenxuan.Of course he wouldn't refuse right away, after all, the other party was not easy to mess with, but he would never agree to let his daughter marry Han Wenxuan.

If Wen Lan had brought up this matter, maybe he couldn't refuse, so he reluctantly agreed.But Han Shaofeng came here, and his attitude was secretive, which made people very uncomfortable.Duan Fengchen is a decisive person, and he handles affairs simply and neatly.For example, the last conflict with the Chen family used martial arts to resolve the hatred.After the martial arts competition was over, there was no more trouble with the Chen family.

Of course, he felt that Wen Lan must have done it this time, but he didn't say it clearly.Duan Fengchen knew what kind of person this woman was.Now that the situation is turbulent and Yangcheng is at stake, she is worried that our Duan family will not give her life, so she deliberately came to such a play.

Duan Fengchen then smiled lightly: "Shaofeng, children's marriage is an important matter, how can it be trifling. Wenxuan is indeed a young talent, both in appearance and in talent, he can be called outstanding." He said this bravely, feeling disgusted in his heart.

Han Shaofeng understood that Duan Fengchen deliberately buried their children, but he could only smile and nod in agreement.

"I'm afraid my family is not worthy of your family." Duan Fengchen said modestly.

Han Shaofeng patted Duan Fengchen's shoulder: "Brother, we've known each other for many years, why bother talking about this. Your Duan family is a big family in Yangcheng, and to be honest, we're overachievers."

The two flattered each other, Duan Fengchen was thinking about how to reject this marriage.Because I told my daughter when I went home, she probably wouldn't agree.How to refuse? After thinking about it, Duan Fengchen rolled his eyes and said: "Shaofeng, I'm not hiding anything. My daughter is already engaged. If everything goes well, she should marry the man in a few years."

Han Shaofeng really believed it at first, sighed regretfully, and shook his head with emotion.I regret it too much, why I didn't get engaged to you at the beginning, I regret it now.He then asked who the man was, he must have some background.

But Duan Fengchen was dumbfounded, he would definitely not be able to deceive the other party by making up a random person.He could only vaguely say: "Anyway, I'm a big shot, how can I, Duan, marry my daughter to an ordinary person?"

No matter how much Han Shaofeng interrogated him, the other party did not reveal that he was Chou Yin.Han Shaofeng instantly understood that Duan Fengchen was deceiving him for an obvious purpose.

But Han Shaofeng couldn't say it clearly, it would be too embarrassing if his face was torn apart because of this.But there are some things he has to say: "Brother, it seems that you don't think highly of me at all, and talk to me in a hidden way."

Duan Fengchen smiled wryly, but said nothing.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll congratulate Brother Duan. Remember to call us when you drink the wedding wine, and I'm very curious about your mysterious son-in-law."

Han Shaofeng left angrily, and went home to discuss the next strategy.

Duan Fengchen shut himself in his room with a frowning face, because he can conclude that this matter will never end.If Wen Lan opened his mouth in person, or Han Xiaotian came forward, what should he do.

When eating together at home at night, Duan Fengchen talked about this matter.In fact, it just depends on her daughter's reaction, maybe her daughter doesn't hate this Han Wenxuan too much, and Hong Ying is very sensible, so she will definitely take care of the overall situation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the brother and sister immediately put down the bowls and chopsticks.Duan Hongjun spoke first, expressing that he could not agree to this marriage, and the reasons were basically the same as his, thinking that Han Wenxuan was unreliable, just a playboy, and my younger sister couldn't be with this kind of man, and she would never be happy for the rest of her life.

Duan Hongying had a gloomy little face. After returning from Suzhou and Hangzhou, she found that she would suffer from insomnia at night, and the scene of that day would always be remembered in her mind. Han Zixuan tore up her clothes and touched her chest with both hands. Occasionally, thinking of it, she would be covered all over. Trembling, my mind was muddled, it was an indescribable feeling, but it was wonderful.

Later, she went home to check the information and understood the meaning of blowing the flute. She suddenly became angry from embarrassment.Then he remembered the joke he had with his elder brother, that he would come to Yangcheng to bring a lot of money to propose marriage, would it be, would it be possible.He also thought, maybe he will come to Yangcheng soon, whether there will be danger, after all, they are the number one enemy of Yangcheng, so he can't help worrying about his safety.

Duan Fengchen saw that the woman didn't speak, and seemed to be in a daze, so he asked doubtfully, "Xiaoying, what do you think about this matter."

Duan Hongying immediately came back to her senses, organized her thoughts and said, "Dad, if I don't marry him, you probably won't agree."

"Silly girl, how can I agree?" Duan Fengchen looked at his own girl lovingly, feeling a little regretful in his heart, other people's daughters have a happy life, she should be studying and living on campus at her age, but As for Hong Ying, he has been in contact with the society for a long time, and lives a dark life of drinking blood at the tip of a knife.Although there was nothing about her on the surface, he understood and understood. After all, he had personally experienced this kind of life.

"Dad, you refused in public, Han Shaofeng is not easy to mess with, we will get into trouble."

Duan Fengchen said that in order to delay, he made up a set of nonsense and fooled the other party.But Han Shaofeng has already seen it, and it will definitely be troublesome in the future.He looked at his son helplessly and said: "Hey, I thought our Duan family could have a bright future, but it seems that the good times are coming to an end."

After hearing what his father said, Duan Hongjun didn't frown, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Dad, you made up this nonsense well. My little sister is betrothed to someone. No matter how shameless he is, Han Wenxuan, he will never dare to do scandalous things that destroy other people's marriages. Even if Wen Lan finds out, he will never allow it."

"That being said, what about the person, where is that person, Wen Lan asked me how to answer." Duan Fengchen couldn't help becoming suspicious when he saw that there was something in his son's words.

Duan Hongying immediately realized what was going on, and stared at the eldest brother sitting opposite him.

Duan Hongjun laughed and said: "Dad, you may not know that my little sister has someone she likes."

In a word, it was like a thunderclap.Duan Fengchen immediately turned his head to look at his daughter, it wasn't that Duan Fengchen was rigid, it was just that he knew his daughter's character very well.And she didn't have much contact with men, and she was always with Hong Jun on missions, so how could a man she like suddenly appear.

After all, Duan Hongying is a girl with a thin skin.And now Han Zixuan can't be shaken out, after all, he is on the opposite side of himself.

Duan Fengchen asked: "Xiaoying, who is that man? Do you still need to hide it from me?"

"Dad, no, don't listen to my brother's nonsense."

"There must be. Look at your preoccupation and the panic in my eyes. Tell me, I can't do anything to him, no matter who he is, I have to thank him. If necessary, you should get married as soon as possible. In case Han Shaofeng comes to provoke us." Duan Fengchen decided to use this man who appeared suddenly to solve the current trouble.

Ah, Duan Hongying is dumbfounded, and she wants to get married, which is not as exaggerated as you said.

Seeing that his daughter didn't say anything, Duan Fengchen looked at the boss: "Hong Jun, it seems that you also know this man."

"Oh, I know. But what's the use of me saying it, you won't agree to it."

"What's this called? Although our family's lingo is gangsters, they kill people without blinking an eye. But we also want to live, we also want to have sex with men and women. Come on, it will make me anxious to death." Duan Fengchen was even more curious up.

Duan Hongjun said: "I mentioned this person's name, don't get angry when you hear it. In fact, this person is not very good, not much better than Han Wenxuan, even worse."

"Those are not important. Our family is not a good thing in the eyes of outsiders. Everyone hides away when they see us. The villain is not scary, just don't be a shameless person." Duan Fengchen began to ponder, what is this man? who.

"Xiaoying, you should say it yourself." Duan Hongjun threw the problem to his sister.

Duan Hongying's face turned red, did she just admit that she liked him?You can't say it, and you won't say it even if you kill him.She buried her head in her meal, pretending she didn't hear the conversation between the two, after thinking about it, she wanted to stand up and run away, but was stopped by Duan Fengchen.

"Okay, Hong Jun, tell me who that person is, I promise I won't do anything to him."

Han Zixuan, Duan Hongjun heaved a sigh of relief after speaking, and then secretly watched the reactions of his father and younger sister.The little girl was blushing, her body was trembling slightly, but Duan Fengchen couldn't see anything, his expression was very calm.

After a long time, he said, "Oh, no wonder."

Duan Hongjun hurriedly said: "Dad, Han Zixuan and us are deadly enemies now, and it is impossible for my younger sister to marry him. If Wen Lan finds out, she will definitely become suspicious of us."

Of course Duan Fengchen had an impression of Han Zixuan, and of course it was the time when Chen Yuluo came to compete in martial arts. At that time, Duan Fengchen felt that this person was a talent.Later, he didn't understand how he angered Wen Lan.

Duan Fengchen didn't inquire about these things, and he was not interested in knowing them.He looked sideways at his daughter and saw that she bowed her head in silence and her face was flushed. No need to ask, it must be this person, otherwise she would definitely stand up and refute.

Hey, how could this happen.

One is the happiness of the daughter, and the other is the stability of the family. It is difficult to choose.

"Xiaoying, how far have you guys developed?" Duan Fengchen asked with concern.

Duan Hongjun immediately said: "Dad, she doesn't know what you are asking her now, and she has already fainted. But I know that the kid is touching and kissing Xiaoying, and the little girl will not be able to marry in this life. It's the second person."

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