The campus is so cute

334 Did you bully me?

Duan Fengchen's eyes widened, with a hint of anger in his expression, he turned to look at Duan Hongying and asked forcefully, "Xiaoying, he bullied you."

Duan Hongying looked at Duan Hongjun complaining, while Duan Hongjun lowered his head to eat, secretly happy in his heart.

"Nothing, my brother is talking nonsense." However, her voice was weak, and she might not even be able to convince herself that according to the ancient saying, she was indeed bullied.

The veins on Duan Fengchen's forehead popped out, he clenched his fists tightly, and his joints made a clear voice: "Bold lunatic, I must kill him."

After hearing this, Duan Hongying hurriedly said, "Father, you can't."

Duan Hongjun laughed muffledly: "Dad, even a blind person can tell that my younger sister likes Han Zixuan. You should stop being a bad person and break up a couple of lovers when you are old."

Duan Fengchen was secretly lucky, took a little breath and asked: "Xiaoying, tell me the truth, what happened last time you went to Suzhou and Hangzhou, don't hide it from me."

Duan Hongying was embarrassed to open her mouth and asked Duan Hongjun to speak.

Duan Hongjun saw that although his father was very angry, he was not as violent as he had imagined, so perhaps he could persuade his father to have some clues.He then explained the details. The assassination of the brother and sister failed, but was captured by the other party instead.At first they thought they must be dead, but in the end Han Zixuan let them go.

In fact, we would rather die than surrender, but Han Zixuan is too despicable, he wanted to humiliate Xiaoying in front of me, I had no choice but to surrender, so I was lucky enough to return home.And bringing Han Wenxuan back smoothly was all at his behest, the purpose is to prevent Wen Lan from doubting us.

Duan Fengchen understood immediately, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "In this way, Xiaoying has not been bullied."

"Dad, in fact, Han Zixuan didn't want to kill us. He wanted us to surrender after he captured us, and let us force you to betray Wen Lan as well."

Duan Fengchen looked deeply at the pair of daughters, showing disappointment.

Duan Hongying spoke at this time, hoping that his father could understand the overall situation, Yangcheng would definitely not be able to keep it, why bother to go into this muddy water, think about the Chen family in Beijin, they have already washed their hands and started a legitimate business.Why do we have to continue on this path? The current situation is delicate. If we betray Wen Lan at this time and serve Huaxia wholeheartedly, the government will definitely forgive us.Moreover, Zixuan mediates in the middle and helps us speak well, so that our family can hold its head high in the future.

Duan Hongjun saw that his sister had made it clear, so he also lobbied from the sidelines.

Duan Fengchen was silent for a while, then turned to look at Duan Hongying: "Girl, do you like him?"

Duan Hongying thought for a while, she didn't understand if she liked it.But since that incident happened, she would occasionally think of him.And when her father wanted to kill him, she was absolutely unhappy.

"Dad, is this still useful? I discussed it with Zixuan when he came, and he will come to our house to propose marriage with a huge sum of [-] million."

Duan Fengchen's eyes lit up instantly, it wasn't that he was greedy for money, but Han Zixuan boasted to give out [-] million, if it was true, it showed that he was sincere.If it is false, there is no need to spend such a large bargaining chip.

He looked at Duan Hongying: "Is there such a thing?"

Is it there? It seems to be. Duan Hongjun kicked the girl lightly under the table, feeling anxious.Silly sister, hurry up and nod your head. When Zixuan offers [-] million yuan, maybe Dad will really agree.

Duan Hongying naturally understood and nodded: "Well, he did say so."

OK, then I'll wait for him.If he takes out [-] million, I will consider your matters.As for letting me betray Wen Lan and obey him, it depends on whether he has the capital.

Duan Fengchen left the dining table with a flick of his sleeve, with no emotions on his face.

The two brothers and sisters began to discuss and plan: "Sister, congratulations, lovers will finally get married."

"Brother, it's all your fault. What nonsense you said, and that sentence of kissing and touching, how ugly."

"I've restrained myself a lot. Originally, I wanted to say that your stomach will be full in a short time. Our father will definitely agree to your marriage by then."

Duan Hongying blushed, and stretched out her hand to hit him, when suddenly the phone rang.

Duan Hongjun hurriedly waved his hand: "Little sister, don't worry, my brother-in-law is calling."

Brother-in-law, Duan Hongying quickly stopped, his eyes were blank.

"Brother-in-law, I mentioned you just now, but you called so soon." Duan Hongjun laughed, brows were very happy, and secretly watched his sister's reaction, the little girl was still in a daze.

Han Zixuan ignored Duan Hongjun taking advantage of him, and directly explained his purpose. If he wanted to enter Wen Lan's secret base, he needed the help of your brothers and sisters.

Duan Hongjun said no problem, but he had to come to propose marriage first.About you and my little sister, we have already reported to our old man.He said that you must come in person and talk about it when the time comes, and if you are lucky, you may be able to persuade him to betray Wen Lan.

Han Zixuan was a little excited, but he didn't expect that the siblings would actually help out.Now that time is tight, there is no time to think about it.If Duan Fengchen cheats, he can't do it either.Now that they are on the ground in Yangcheng, although the two of them have changed their appearance, it will not take long for Wen Lan's people to find out.

It's better to go to Duan's house now, at least it's safer there.Duan Fengchen should be a person who speaks with a sense of propriety, and he won't just talk about it.Without hesitation, he agreed and would soon step into Duan's house.

Duan Hongjun was very happy and said that he would go to meet him in person.

On the way Han Zixuan went to Duan's house, a fierce gun battle broke out at the intersection of Chengbei Expressway.Yang Xuerui's third brigade brought more than 1000 people, and in order to complete the task as soon as possible, they dispatched the Sixth Company of Sabers, which was built with all their heart.Huang Boqing led the team, and Li Tieniu and others hurried over.

Training every day in the army, and occasionally going out to perform a mission, are all small scenes. These people feel that it is not interesting and not exciting enough.I have been looking forward to major events happening in the country. I watch the news every day. The war in the Middle East is very exciting and fierce. They are full of enthusiasm. I hope that there will be some rebels in the country.

Now the opportunity has come, there is really a terrorist organization in Yangcheng, and it is very powerful, not only declaring independence, but also declaring war with the Huaxia government.Damn, he didn't pay attention to the national army at all.

The superior announced that they were dispatched to Yangcheng to wipe out the enemy, this group was very excited.Gearing up, eager to try.Yang Xuerui served as the commander-in-chief, and Xie Wenxi was the staff officer.The Sixth Saber Company was the main force, led by Huang Boqing, Li Tieniu, Lu Chengwen, Han Xudong, Du Junlong and other elites were all dispatched, and the momentum was huge.

We met Xie Wenxuan at the intersection of the highway and exchanged opinions and opinions. Zixuan has already entered Yangcheng, and there are many dangers. We must help him.

Knowing that Han Zixuan was there, Huang Boqing and the others became even more excited.It is said that I haven't seen him for a long time, the brothers are naturally very worried, and it must be good to have a few drinks when we meet.

After Yang Xuerui and the others made up their minds, they decided to adopt a strategy of negotiation first, and if it failed, they would launch a firepower attack.

At this moment, at the intersection of the expressway, Gao Chang is still sitting in town, and Wu Jun is beside him, but this person is sitting in the car to observe the situation closely, holding a telescope in his hand and seeing a group of troops coming from the opposite side, a team of hundreds of people, in his heart Immediately became terrified.

So Wu Jun called Gao Chang into the car, and the two murmured for a while, Gao Chang showed joy: "Director, you are the most sensible, we don't need to work for Wen Lan."

Wu Jun took out a cigarette and took a deep breath: "Okay, you go, I won't show up." He is a cunning fox.

Gao Chang didn't say anything, got out of the car, and walked towards the opposite side with big strides.

Seeing that the people here were going to shoot, Xie Wenxuan immediately said that Captain Gao was one of his own and agreed to assist us.

Yang Xuerui met Gao Chang in person. Although Gao Chang was not in the army, he knew that the Third South China Sea Brigade, which had recently made a name for itself, especially the sixth company of the ace saber in their army, was comparable to the domestic Spike Special Forces.

Taking a sneak peek, it turned out that everyone was full of energy and their eyes were as sharp as knives. With just one glance, one could tell that the fighting power of this army was very powerful.Although he is a layman, he can see the way.

Gao Chang confessed that he would let them go there, but not far away, he tapped with his hand, a lot of people had ambushed around a jungle, all of them were from Yangcheng 931 Division, and the leader was Mi Jianfeng , the rank of major general.This man is vicious and vicious. He has long lost the awareness of being a soldier after hanging out with those gangsters in Yangcheng all these years.

Be careful, these guys are not easy to deal with.

Yang Xuerui nodded, thanking him for the information he provided.So Gao Chang left and returned to Wu Jun's car.Wu Jun looked around, and then ordered the driver to drive. The car drove in another direction and disappeared quickly.

Mi Jianfeng was watching closely, and when he saw Wu Jun leaving, he immediately understood.After cursing for a while, he ordered his men to cheer up, bring the bullets to the hall, and be ready to fire at any time.

Yang Xuerui also didn't dare to be negligent, and ordered the subordinates to make preparations, especially the Sixth Company of the Saber, who was the striker of the firepower assault. Huang Poqing chuckled and patted his chest to ensure that there would be no problems.

Xie Wenxi looked into the binoculars with a solemn expression: "Head, the number of people does seem to be quite a lot, we need to work harder."

Yang Xuerui said to his soldiers: "This time, it is a national action to exterminate terrorist bandits. The enemy on the other side used to be our comrade-in-arms, but now they have abandoned their beliefs and the national emblem on their chests. We don't need to be soft-hearted to them. Weapons, let's go."

The military trucks were slowly moving towards the intersection. Now everyone knew that there was going to be a big battle at the border of Yangcheng, so the passing vehicles had long since disappeared.

As soon as the car crossed the intersection, there was the sound of a grenade exploding in front of it.Huang Boqing shouted: "Brothers, for the future of the motherland and for our descendants, take up arms and fight."

Han Zixuan came to Duan's house. He had been here once before, and he was deeply shocked by the atmosphere of their house.Now that I'm here for the second time, I still feel a little out of breath.

When they arrived at the door, bodyguards with guns rushed up, unreasonably let the two get out of the car, searched them, and unloaded their guns.

One of them wanted to search for Chen Yuluo, but Han Zixuan hurriedly blocked him: "Brother, we have already handed over our weapons, what else do you want to do?"

The man looked sternly: "This is an order and a rule, so stop talking nonsense."

"Fuck your mother's rules, you can't touch my women." Han Zixuan blocked that man's cheap claws, and hugged Chen Yuluo into his arms.

Chen Yuluo felt warm in her heart, but for this matter, it's not good to start fighting with them.

"It's okay, let them search." Chen Yuluo cast a provocative look at the man.

The man didn't care at all. He reached out to search the body, but he didn't touch Chen Yuluo's body.I just felt the cold wind pavement in front of my eyes, and my body was punched heavily, and the most fatal kick was kicked in the crotch. The man wailed, fell to the ground and rolled miserably.

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