The campus is so cute

335 Where is your sincerity?

The situation suddenly became tense, and the other bodyguards of the Duan family were about to raise their guns and shoot.Just when Duan Hongjun arrived, he stopped those people immediately.He came to Han Zixuan in a hurry, and said polite words, the servant is ignorant, so I hope you can forgive me.Then he glanced at his messy hair, fuck, my father sees that you must beat you.

The Duan family's bodyguard refused to accept it, and came to him and said: "Master, these two people are too arrogant, especially that woman, she is too cruel and poisonous."

Duan Hongjun glanced at it, gasped, and thought that you, Han Zixuan, brought a woman to mess with the scene. Damn it, my old man asked you to propose marriage, and you just act like this.

He didn't say much, and told others to quickly help the miserable brother and go back to treat him.After a little understanding of the situation and what happened, he scolded his brother severely, and the two of them will come to Duan's house in the future without a body search.

Duan Hongjun led the way and led Han Zixuan and the two of them inside.

I have been here once before, and the Duan family is very big, very luxurious, even described as luxurious.Duan Hongjun led the two of them to the resting living room, ordered the servant to offer tea, and then told the two to rest first, and he went to find their old man.

"Yu Luo, why did you attack so hard just now?" Han Zixuan felt that today's meeting might be troublesome, after all, he tore apart the other party's facade when he came in.

Chen Yuluo said indifferently: "Who told them to touch your woman? My body is out of yours, so no one else can touch it."

Alright, Han Zixuan nodded in agreement, and in the future, if he encounters such a situation, he will continue to fight, to the death.

At this time, he received a call from Xie Wenxuan.There was another violent shootout on the highway, on a scale not seen in years.Both sides dispatched troops and fought fiercely.

The current situation is basically under control, and the other party is struggling to support, Xie Wenxuan asked him how the situation is.Han Zixuan said that he is currently at Duan's house, negotiating and trying to win the other party over.

Xie Wenxuan told him to be careful and keep in touch if there is any trouble.

Hang up the phone and take a sip of tea.Footsteps sounded outside the door, judging from the sound, two people came, probably Duan Fengchen and Duan Hongjun.

The door opened, Duan Hongjun walked in first, and quickly introduced his father to Han Zixuan.Then he glanced at the messy makeup of the two people in front of him, and secretly shook his head and sighed.

Duan Fengchen looked at the two people, and his eyes were suddenly dazzled by the appearance of the two, what the hell, it looks like a broken chicken, if you don't identify them carefully, you can't see the original appearance of the two at all.

Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo hurriedly stood up and greeted Duan Fengchen politely.

Duan Fengchen immediately understood why the two looked like this, no wonder many policemen were dispatched in Yangcheng, but they didn't catch their shadows.These two young men were cunning enough, a rare smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Han Zixuan, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, what about your sincerity?" Duan Fengchen cut to the chase.

Han Zixuan naturally understood, but if he really proposed marriage this time, then Duan Hongying would definitely not be able to get rid of it.What should I do? Although he didn't dislike that little girl from the Duan family, after all, he didn't have much contact with her.He has always been more responsible for his feelings, and he has always been cautious about He Lizi's matter before, trying not to quibble or seduce.After all, they already have Hanyu and Wenxuan at home, and there is Yuluo beside them.Happy days are already enough, there is no need for it.

"Mr. Duan, I'm afraid there's something wrong with this matter. Although Lingmei and I know each other, we haven't reached that point yet. You are a reasonable person, and you must love your daughter. A marriage without love is immoral. I am an upright person." people, don’t do immoral things.”

What Han Zixuan said was serious, people who didn't know the inside story really thought he was a gentleman.Duan Hongjun was very annoyed, although he had already seen that this kid had no interest in his younger sister, at most he liked to have some ambiguity.He has warned him not to play with my sister's feelings.

Duan Fengchen curled his lips and sneered: "But as far as I know, you have done a lot of unscrupulous things to my daughter. Do you still need me to explain it clearly?"

Han Zixuan's head suddenly hurt, hey, I blame myself for being cheap at the time, why did I touch it, and I haven't felt anything yet.Fortunately, the other party started blackmailing people.

"It was indeed a mistake at the time, how about this, I sincerely apologize." Han Zixuan stood up, respectfully saluted Duan Fengchen, and almost kowtowed to his knees.

However, Duan Fengchen didn't appreciate it: "Your promise, I remember what you promised back then."

Did he? He glanced at Duan Hongjun before he remembered.But at the time it was all a joke, saying that I would give Duan Hongjun [-] million and then let his sister sleep with me.Could it be that Duan Fengchen knew about this matter.

Duan Hongjun reminded: "Han Zixuan, you said you brought [-] million to my house to propose marriage."

Han Zixuan made a bitter face, and shook his head hastily: "No, I remember I took out [-] million to slap your face, and then you sold your sister to me. I didn't mention the marriage proposal, brother, don't confuse right and wrong."

Duan Hongjun was so angry that he almost jumped up and down, Han Zixuan, if you don't take someone like you to bury someone like you, you'll take me for someone.

Duan Fengchen looked at the two of them coldly, trying to judge who was telling the truth.He finally turned his gaze to Chen Yuluo and said, "Chen Yuluo, the relationship between our two families is relatively good at present, you must know what's going on here, what's going on."

Chen Yuluo understands Han Zixuan's inner thoughts, and doesn't want to make trouble outside. To put it nicely, it's called sticking to one's duty, but to put it bluntly, it's fear of internal affairs.But you've got it all covered, and you've seen all the flowers, so you can't just leave after looking at them.Moreover, Duan Hongying has a strange sisterhood with her. From an enemy to a friend, Duan Hongying's path is a replica of her previous one. Duan Hongying likes Zixuan, she can tell.

If this negotiation breaks down, it is still unknown whether the two of them will be able to leave the Duan family. The key is to plan against Duan Fengchen.If the two families form a close relationship, Duan Fengchen will definitely make a choice.

"I remember the situation at that time. It was indeed a joke at the beginning. I asked sister Hong Ying to sleep with Zixuan for one night, and Brother Hong Jun got [-] million. Afterwards, the two parties reconciled. Zixuan agreed to go to Yangcheng to propose a marriage in person. Hong Jun Eldest brother said it can't be less than [-] million, Zixuan also nodded and agreed." Chen Yuluo said it as if telling a wonderful story.

Duan Hongjun was relieved, and gave Chen Yuluo a thankful look.

Han Zixuan was very angry, this prodigal girl has no dignity at all, she just sold me out.

Duan Fengchen smiled coldly: "Han Zixuan, what else do you have to say?"

Han Zixuan said with a bitter face: "Mr. Duan, I don't have [-] million. I'm just bragging. My family is very poor. All the clothes I wear are picked up. I don't have a house, a car, or savings. I'm just a dick. Definitely not good enough for your family."

"Don't follow me. As far as I know, the Shen family is very rich. The Xie family in Nanhai is also a well-established family, and the Guo family in Suzhou and Hangzhou is the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. You are their son-in-law, and you have to spend [-] million No problem."

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