The campus is so cute

337 I want to give money, and the girl wants to marry

As soon as Duan Fengchen finished speaking, four people rushed in from outside. All four of them were sturdy men. They were carrying a huge guillotine at the moment, similar to those used for mowing grass in rural areas in winter, except It looks much bigger.And the whole body is painted with black paint, full of eerie feeling.

Han Shaofeng and his son were dumbfounded immediately, and with two plops, they both knelt on the ground in unison.

Duan Fengchen has already made up his mind, since he intends to betray Wen Lan, he should take some action.It just so happened that these two silly hats came to your door, and it can be said that there is nowhere to find them.

Duan Fengchen glanced at Han Wenxuan, his heart burning with anger.Without saying a word, he gestured to the four people who had just entered the door with his eyes.

The four people couldn't help but talk, two of them rushed forward, held down Han Wenxuan, and pulled them directly in front of the guillotine.Han Wenxuan's legs trembled in fright, and he begged, "Mr. Duan, please spare me."

Han Shaofeng saw that Duan Fengchen was going to play for real, not a joke, and panicked.Immediately stood up, and came to Duan Fengchen: "Brother, what are you doing, you really did it, our father and son knelt down and begged for mercy just now, what do you want to do?"

"I'm just doing things according to Wen Lan's wishes, you think. If you go back unscathed, Wen Lan will definitely think that I haven't calmed down, and you will have to suffer then. It is inevitable that she will do it herself. She will be vicious, I'm afraid not One finger."

Duan Fengchen then shouted loudly: "Chop off his dog's paw, you are paralyzed, how dare you hit our Duan family's crooked brains."

Han Zixuan and the others were not far away. Although they couldn't see the scene inside, they could clearly hear the conversation.Immediately afterwards, there was a howling wolf, which made people panic.

"Your father is really vicious."

Duan Hongjun sneered: "It's nothing. If you want to become the overlord of one side, you must be ruthless, otherwise no one will obey you. Do you think it is easy to manage our Duan family's population of [-]?"

"Fortunately, I was wiser just now, otherwise my life would be dead."

"Actually, by doing this, my father is telling you that he has begun to betray Wen Lan. Just wait and see, that Han Shaofeng will definitely be dealt with."

Han Shaofeng witnessed one of his son's fingers fall off with his own eyes, and the bloody misery deeply shocked him and angered him at the same time.

"Duan Fengchen, I will remember this blood feud, and I will definitely get it back in the future." Han Shaofeng quickly walked up to his son, seeing his pained appearance, felt extremely uncomfortable.

Duan Fengchen said indifferently: "Why wait until the future, you can get it back today."

Han Shaofeng was stunned, what does Duan Fengchen mean, is he going to kill us father and son?But he held back, and now he will treat his son's wound first, and quickly connect his fingers.

He hugged Han Wenxuan and wanted to leave Duan's house, but within two steps, he was stopped by four strong men just now, staring at Han Shaofeng with fierce eyes.

Han Shaofeng turned to look at Duan Fengchen: "Duan Fengchen, what do you mean, do you want me to keep a finger?"

"Yes, it seems that you are still not confused." Duan Fengchen sneered, then waved his hand.

The four strong men restrained Han Shaofeng, of course Han Shaofeng would not let him go, and tried to resist, but he was no match for the four strong men, so he struggled to come to the guillotine within a few strokes.However, the four of them didn't give a good face, and they finished the work smoothly and cleanly.

Duan Fengchen was very satisfied, glanced at the two of them and said softly: "Get lost."

Han Shaofeng wanted to pick up the severed finger, but the four strong men were staring at him. He resisted the impulse, helped his son who was in the same boat, and left Duan's house in a state of embarrassment.

Han Zixuan and the others entered the room, Duan Fengchen took a look at Han Zixuan: "How about it, my sincerity is okay, at least I am more attentive than you."

Han Zixuan swallowed his saliva, and took out his phone: "I'll call my family right now and ask them to send the money quickly."

Duan Fengchen glared at him fiercely, Han Zixuan immediately understood, and hastily changed his words: "I want to give the money, I want to marry the girl, and I want to recognize my father-in-law."

Duan Fengchen smiled and looked at Duan Hongjun: "Hong Jun, Wen Lan has already broken his face, and then get ready. In addition, if Zixuan has any needs, try to meet them. I'm a little tired and need to rest."

The gun battle at the intersection of the highway had stopped at this moment, Mi Jianfeng's troops suffered heavy casualties, and he led the remnants of the defeated army back home, while Yang Xuerui and Xie Wenxuan began to clean up the mess.

At the same time, Gao Chang is in charge of coordinating the work. The leader of Yangcheng's betrayal is Wen Lan, but many people from the Yangcheng government have participated, and rectifying them is also a key task.

Next job, get rid of these rebels.If you sincerely admit your mistake, spare your life temporarily, press it back for trial, and wait for follow-up processing.If you resist desperately to the end, you will be shot and killed without saying anything.

The Third Brigade and Xie Wenxuan's South China Sea police team started the cleanup work.

Cleaning the battlefield in the front, a black Audi car came from behind, followed by four or five cars, driving very fast, heading directly to Yangcheng.

In the Audi car, Chu Xiaotian said to a middle-aged man beside him: "Old Fang, Chief Liu Peng didn't say anything else. Besides killing Wen Lan and Han Xiaotian, did you say anything else?"

Fang Zhixin took a look at Chu Xiaotian: "Brother Chu, you still can't trust me, but I have been with you for more than ten years."

"Yeah, you are a spy I have worked so hard to cultivate and planted next to Liu Peng. To be honest, I am a little worried. I am afraid that Liu Peng will kill me this time. After all, the mission 20 years ago has not been cleaned up. That old immortal Han Xiaotian is still alive."

"Don't worry, the chief will not touch us now. After all, we have helped him do a lot of things over the years, and there are still many things that cannot be brought to the table. We have video evidence, all of which are in our hands. The chief understands this in his heart." , don’t worry about it.” Fang Zhixin then asked, “Brother Chu, your children are here this time.”

Chu Xiaotian said: "I asked Chu Xiangdong and Chu Yuhang to come. After all, they have failed before, and this time it is considered meritorious service. As for Xiangnan, there is no arrangement for the time being."

Fang Zhixin nodded and said nothing.

Han Zixuan has already called Xie Wenxuan to understand the current situation.Yangcheng was basically under control, leaving only Wen Lan's base camp.

But these people who were arrested didn't know where Wen Lan's base was at all, and they were investigating together now, but it wouldn't take long before they could find their lair.

Han Zixuan said that he has also made progress on his side, and he should be able to infiltrate Wen Lan's base as soon as possible, and give you information when the time comes, and we should cooperate internally and externally to get rid of this cancer.

Han Shaofeng and his son treated the wound briefly, and then rushed to Wen Lan to complain.At this moment, Wen Lan is very happy. Qian Zhao's experiment has been successful, and he can completely control Han Zixuan.Although the battle ahead failed, it didn't affect her good mood at all.

But seeing the miserable appearance of Han Shaofeng and his son, she was still startled.After understanding the actual situation, she had a premonition that something was wrong.

Immediately contacted Duan Fengchen, but the other party lost contact.Falk, Wen Lan muttered, with a gloomy expression.

Han Shaofeng whispered: "Holy Mother, Duan Fengchen is not reliable. He probably betrayed, and I just heard the news that he recruited a son-in-law, and the son-in-law is Han Zixuan."

Wen Lan roared angrily, and immediately called an emergency meeting.She began to order tasks, closely monitoring every move on the periphery, so as not to sneak into the base.At the same time, each team is on standby, ready to meet the arrival of the enemy at any time.

Wen Lan stared at the big screen. There were eight video frames inside the screen, which were the pictures taken by the cameras around the base. Here, every move outside could be seen clearly.

Wen Lan called Yang Song again, Yang Song cried and said, "Wen Lan, I'm avoiding the limelight now, Yang Cheng can't take it anymore, I don't want to play anymore, you can send me money now."

Wen Lan smiled: "Okay, where are you now, and where is the nearest bank."

Yang Song immediately reported the situation.The reason why he agreed to work with Wen Lan before was only for money and profit.Now the benefits are gone, only money is reliable.

Wen Lan immediately ordered someone to set the coordinates to Yang Song's position, and with a slight twitch of her mouth, she took out her phone: "Destroyer No. 1, kill the target, and the address has been sent to you."

Afterwards, Wen Lan contacted Shao Bin, the director of the Public Security Bureau. Shao Bin was even more cunning. He had already run to the beach and was ready to go to the sea at any time.

When he saw Wen Lan's phone call, he yelled, "It's all about you, a monster, who caused the current situation. As a result, I lost my job and couldn't keep my head.

Wen Lan smiled and said it's okay, I'll give you a lot of money to run away, where are you now.

Shao Bin was not stupid, he understood Wen Lan's way of doing things, leaving no trace, being ruthless, and hung up the phone with a snap.

Wen Lan pouted, and soon someone reported that Shao Bin was at ** Wharf.Wen Lan nodded and made a kill gesture.

These trash, the end of betraying me is death.He picked up the phone and was about to dial a number, but he didn't expect that number to call first.

Mi Jianfeng's voice trembled slightly: "I failed, I will choose myself." Then there was a bang, obviously a gunshot.

Wen Lan pouted, put down the phone, turned and left, and went to another room.

Pushing open the door, Wen Lan suddenly changed her appearance and smiled: "Brother Tian, ​​how have you been recently?"

Han Xiaotian ignored her and turned his head away from her.

Wen Lan was making fun of herself, her eyes were murderous, but then disappeared.Without saying anything, he turned and left.At the door, she told the guards to keep an eye on the two of them.

Han Zixuan discussed with Duan Hongjun how to sneak into Wen Lan's lair.Duan Hongjun said that he had only been there once, but he didn't know how he got there that time. The place was very mysterious, it felt underground, and it was very spacious.

When the two were at a loss, Duan Fengchen came out and said: "You can go directly to the underground of our house. I secretly dug a secret passage at that time."

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