Han Zixuan and Duan Hongjun were stunned at the same time, especially Duan Hongjun, who had lived in the Duan family for so many years and didn't even know about it.

Duan Fengchen looked at the two curiously and surprisedly, showing a wretched smile: "Wen Lan has a lot of good things there. I originally planned to steal something, so I just dug a secret passage."

How shameless, Han Zixuan cursed inwardly.

Then, Duan Fengchen arranged for his valet, a man named Gao Rong to lead the way.Gao Rong is the person Duan Fengchen trusts the most, that's why he knew about the secret way.

Just as Han Zixuan and the others were about to enter the tunnel, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared.She was dressed in a black dress, with a dagger in her hand, a May [-]th pistol in her waist, and a weapon like a rocket launcher on her back. It was Duan Hongying.

She already knew it all, and she was shy and excited inside.But she was very worried that the other party would go to the dangerous situation in person.

Duan Hongjun glanced at the little girl: "You should stay at home and wait to be a bride."

Duan Hongying's face turned red immediately, but she still said bravely: "You are not here, I am boring at home alone. Brother, this task is a very big scene, how can I miss it."

"But it's too dangerous." With the previous experience, Duan Hongjun didn't dare to take his sister on missions anymore.

"What are you afraid of? I, Duan Hongying, am not scared too much. Let's go, don't stand still." She took the lead and walked in front of everyone.

Duan Hongjun shook his head helplessly, came to Han Zixuan's side and muttered: "You have to protect my sister's safety, otherwise my old man will never end with you."

Han Zixuan rolled his eyes: "Isn't it because you're here? That's all right, don't smudge, look like your bitch, look at your sister, how refreshing."

A few people groped their way through the tunnel for about an hour.Gao Rong stopped and pointed forward with his fingers: "If I remember correctly, the front is the exhaust pipe, gas pipe, etc. under Wen Lan's lair. Just follow the pipe and you can enter it."

Han Zixuan took a few steps forward to observe the situation in the tunnel.The underground of Yangcheng is covered with various pipelines. Wen Lan and the others also have to eat and sleep, so they must use these pipelines to build their own residence.

Gao Rong said that he will not go up, and he will go back to report immediately. The Patriarch will definitely have a plan for the next step, and will not let you alone in danger.

The four of them discussed briefly, and then began to climb up the pipeline.When you come, you are well prepared and have all kinds of tools.

Duan Hongjun was the first one. This kid probably belonged to a monkey. He moved quickly and climbed up quickly. Then came Duan Hongying, who was pulled by Duan Hongjun on top, and Han Zixuan helped behind him.

Duan Hongying pretended not to know with a dizzy face. Fortunately, it was dark here, so no one could clearly see her face at the moment.

Han Zixuan secretly compared it in his heart, and found that the elasticity is excellent, and it is firm, and everything about a girl is good.

In the end, the four of them successfully went up, and slowly opened something similar to a manhole cover. Suddenly, a cloud of turbid air rushed towards them. After a little adaptation, they were able to see the light.Presumably this is Wen Lan's lair.

After the four of them came up, they restored the cover to its original shape, and then huddled together to observe the terrain here. There was a long and narrow corridor in front of them. Looking forward, occasionally someone would pass by.After a glance, I saw that they were fully armed, and if there was any movement here, they would shoot.

Han Zixuan regretted it. He should have asked Guo Linghua to draw a sketch. After all, she had lived here, unlike her own eyes, who couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north.

When he was hesitating, Duan Hongying took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to him: "I got it from my father. It's a simple sketch of Wen Lan's underground palace. My father will take it when I come out."

This girl is quite careful.Han Zixuan praised her, and Duan Hongying benefited from it. He sat down next to him and observed the sketches together. In fact, he stretched out his nose to smell the smell of the man next to him. She had to remember.

Han Zixuan picked up the sketch, but he didn't dare to use the flashlight, so he could only look at it with the help of a little bit of light here. However, Duan Fengchen hand-painted it too hastily, he just drew an outline, and he couldn't find their current figure in the sketch. position.

What a few broken pictures, Han Zixuan really wanted to throw this thing away, but he failed Xiaoying's sister's painstaking efforts at the beginning.

Duan Hongjun asked urgently, "How about it, where are we now?"

Han Zixuan rolled his eyes: "Who taught your father's painting skills."

The two brothers and sisters immediately understood, covered their mouths and snickered.

Han Zixuan thought about it for a while: "Since we are here, we must protect ourselves. Wen Lan has many traps and complicated terrain, so we must not be impulsive. Let's catch a brat first and ask about the situation."

Han Zixuan muttered a few words to the three of them, and they nodded silently.

Han Zixuan touched his body, took out a coin, threw it towards the end of the corridor, and then signaled everyone to dodge quickly with his eyes, hiding behind the corner.

A patrolman happened to pass by here, and when he heard the sound, he immediately stood up, with a gun in his hand, and slowly approached the corridor, picking up the coins on the ground, full of doubts.

He hesitated for a moment, then continued to walk in, getting closer and closer to Zixuan and the others.Han Zixuan and the others held their breath, relying on hearing to judge how far this person was from them.They are all martial arts masters, and they still have this ability.

That person continued to walk, but stopped when they were about to approach Zixuan.Then stretched his neck and looked forward, seeing that the manhole cover was intact, he felt a little relieved.Suddenly he felt his neck being strangled and wanted to speak, but he couldn't open his mouth.

"Shut up, or I'll kill you right now." Han Zixuan shouted, and at the same time Duan Hongjun held the gun in his hand against the man's head.

The man immediately became honest and remained silent.

Han Zixuan asked, "What's your name, and what are you doing here?"

The man said that my name is Dayong, and I am just an ordinary patrolman. Who are you and how did you get in here?

Han Zixuan increased his strength in his hand: "Don't talk nonsense."

The man stopped talking immediately, trembling, he wanted to see the face of the other party clearly, but he couldn't see it at all, and he didn't know how many people came from the other party.

"How many people are there in total, and where does Wen Lan live?"

The man named Dayong shook his head: "I don't know, I've never seen Wen Lan before, I only heard of this name. I'm just a patrolman, so I don't know anything."

No matter how Han Zixuan asked, this kid just said these few words.It seemed that he did not know anything, but suddenly the pager on Dayong's body rang, and someone asked, "Dayong, how is the situation over there?"

Just as Dayong was about to speak, Duan Hongjun picked up the pager and shouted, "Everything is normal." Then, the other party hung up.

Han Zixuan took a look at Dayong: "I'm sorry, you need to be quiet for a while now." Then, he slapped Dayong on the neck and passed out temporarily.

Han Zixuan glanced at Duan Hongjun: "In that case, you can replace Dayong for now, put on his clothes, and patrol here."

Duan Hongjun had no objection, changed his clothes, and went to the corridor with a pager. Seeing that there was no one around, he asked the three of them to come out quickly.

Han Zixuan thought about it for a while: "Right now, we don't know the exact location of Wen Lan, and we don't know the terrain here. The best way is to disguise ourselves and wait for the opportunity to act."

Duan Hongjun immediately retorted: "No, Xiaoying is too dangerous by herself, Zixuan, you have to take good care of her."

Han Zixuan nodded: "That's fine." Then he looked at Chen Yuluo: "Yuluo, you're fine by yourself, I believe you."

Chen Yuluo smiled confidently: "Don't worry, take good care of Xiaoying."

They separated, Duan Hongjun continued to play the role of Dayong, Chen Yuluo walked east alone, and Han Zixuan took Duan Hongying to another direction.

Duan Hongying looked ashamed: "Zixuan, I shouldn't have come, but I have burdened you."

"Why do you think so? I am very grateful that you can come. To be honest, I should thank you." Han Zixuan couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, what a kind and beautiful girl.

"Thank you, we're almost a family anyway." Her voice was very low, but Han Zixuan still heard clearly.

"Xiaoying, let's wait until the matter in Yangcheng is finished. I don't have anything else on my mind right now."

Duan Hongying naturally understood, and said coquettishly: "I didn't force you, anyway, you have discussed it with my father, and I will follow your arrangement."

The two continued to walk forward without a goal, but there was a road ahead.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps on the opposite side, and the two men who could tell from the sound were muttering something, and rushed towards their position.

There is no place to hide right now, and I just watched a person's head stick out.Duan Hongying panicked suddenly, her face turned pale, but her hands were touching her waist.

With an idea, Han Zixuan pressed Duan Hongying against the wall, then leaned closer and kissed him frantically.Due to the sudden occurrence of the incident, Duan Hongying instinctively hummed.

Han Zixuan whispered: "Don't talk, let's continue to kiss, and your hands must move, keep groping for my clothes."

Duan Hongying understood immediately, the sudden first kiss just happened like this.

The two men came and happened to see a man and a woman hugging and kissing wildly, almost to the point of ecstasy.

"****, who the hell is this? It's too exciting." The two men stopped and stretched their necks to look carefully.One of them patted Han Zixuan on the shoulder and said enviously, "Brother, what a blessing."

Han Zixuan raised his head reluctantly, then turned around and cursed fiercely.

The two looked at Han Zixuan with a smile, and were stunned for a moment: "Hey, brother, which team are you from? You have a very strange face."

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