The campus is so cute

339 Exchange Blood

Han Zixuan raised his head and glared at the two men very displeasedly: "Which team are you from? Damn, interrupt my good business."

The two knew they were wrong, and laughed and said, "Brothers, don't be fooled, I did offend you just now. We are from Action Team A, how about you?"

Han Zixuan made nonsense that we belonged to Team B.

The two men have no doubts, because here, for the convenience of management, Wen Lan has unilaterally contacted all the teams in order to prevent them from uniting to their own detriment.

One of them looked at Han Zixuan enviously and said, "You're pretty handsome, idiot, your team is really happy, there are even women, we are all men."

Han Zixuan chuckled and said nothing.

Another man said: "Brother, I have to go to the dormitory for some errands. There are beds there, so it's better than here." Then he said cheaply: "I have condoms, and I always wear them, but they have nowhere to use them. Why don't I give them to you?" Bar."

"No, I never use that thing, it's so inconvenient."

"Fuck, be careful, don't make the girl's belly bigger. The higher-ups will definitely disqualify you if they know about it. Don't forget the rules, it is forbidden for male and female employees to fall in love. Take it easy."

"Thank you two big brothers for reminding us, we are just warming up, not doing real work." Han Zixuan rubbed his head and said, "You all know that it is too lonely and empty here."

The other two men showed mutual understanding smiles: "Okay, don't bother you, we're leaving, by the way, I'm afraid something big is going to happen on our side recently, so be careful."

Han Zixuan stepped forward and stopped him, "What do you mean?"

One person said: "I'm afraid this place won't be able to survive. Huaxia sent an army to destroy us. I don't know if the higher ups can resist it. Hey, I thought I could spend the rest of my life here in peace, but it seems too bad."

The two left with unhappy faces, Han Zixuan tidied up his clothes, and pulled Duan Hongying, the girl had just recovered, her pink face was pink, her eyes were dizzy, obviously she hadn't woken up from the stimulation just now.

"Let's follow those two men and see what they are doing." Han Zixuan dropped these words and took a step forward.

Duan Hongying suddenly realized, and hurriedly followed, thinking in her heart, what was that just now, after taking advantage of it, she wiped her mouth and left.I remembered the feeling of kissing just now, it was very exciting, and I wanted to have another time.Touching her feverish face, she secretly cursed herself for being depraved.

Those two men didn't doubt Han Zixuan's background at all, and now everyone in this place is worried, so they don't think too much, how to save his life is the only thought.

The two of them entered a room, and Han Zixuan hurriedly leaned against the door, listening to the conversation inside.

One of the men said: "Mr. Han, there is an order from above. You are asked to come out and preside over the overall situation. The Holy Mother said that your old friend is coming, so you should come out and meet him."

I only heard an old voice shouting: "Go back and tell Wen Lan that I will stay with my brother for a while and get out of here."

The two men left awkwardly, Han Zixuan and Duan Hongying stepped aside hastily.

That Mr. Han must be Han Xiaotian.To be honest, Han Zixuan desperately wanted to meet this man, because he changed the fate of his life.Whenever the night is quiet, he always thinks, if I meet Han Xiaotian, how should I face him, kill him with my own hands, but there is no reason to kill him.

Han Zixuan stopped where he was, and suddenly heard a very familiar voice from inside, which was his master Ye Qingsong.Ye Qingsong said to Han Xiaotian, leave me alone, go out and do your unfinished business.

Master actually came here too, Han Zixuan's heart beat wildly and he was extremely excited.In any case, I should thank him for his kindness in nurturing me for so many years, and he cultivated me so carefully that I am what I am today.

Although he doesn't like his own fate, Han Zixuan likes that he has good skills, so he won't be at a disadvantage in a fight.

Heartbroken, Han Zixuan pushed open the door and walked in with heavy steps.

Han Xiaotian thought it was still someone sent by Wen Lan, so he yelled angrily again.But when he saw a familiar and unfamiliar face in front of him, he was stunned.

Ye Qingsong beside him was also stunned at the moment, opened his mouth, but didn't speak for a long time.

Han Zixuan ignored Han Xiaotian and came directly to Ye Qingsong: "Master, I will take you out of here."

Ye Qingsong thought at first that Han Zixuan was caught by Wen Lan, and Wen Lan sent him here on purpose, but now it seems that Zixuan came here secretly.

"Son, you are too brave. There are many dangers here, and Wen Lan didn't find out." Ye Qingsong couldn't believe it.

"Don't worry about it so much, Master, why did you get arrested? With your skill, no one can subdue you. I'm sure you have other reasons." Han Zixuan glanced at Han Xiaotian who was on the side.

Ye Qingsong said bitterly: "Zixuan, since we've arrived here, we've entered the Devil's Den of Death, and it's very difficult to leave. Master is old, so I don't have much to think about. I'm just ashamed of you. I really didn't know that you belonged to Zhao Zekai." child."

Han Zixuan felt a lot more at ease. He always thought that Ye Qingsong knew about his life experience and didn't explain it to him. Now it seems that all the blame is directed at Han Xiaotian.

Han Xiaotian spoke at this time: "Zixuan, it was indeed my mistake at the time, and I won't tell you about the many origins in detail. Now there is a very serious problem. When I sealed you, Wen Lan secretly arranged for you. The life-killing chip, and now she has mastered this technology, which can successfully control your life and death."

Han Zixuan was extremely astonished, then relieved, and smiled coldly: "It's all thanks to you, my fate is destined to be like this."

Han Xiaotian hastily shook his head and said: "Zixuan, I know you hate me and want to kill me. But I also hate, hate that woman, who destroyed everything about me. I have no hope, the only hope falls on your shoulders, Eliminate Wen Lan."

Han Zixuan smiled wryly: "I, you have already said, my body is out of control."

"There is still a way. Wen Lan's technology is actually manipulating the blood of the human body. As long as the mechanism is activated, the blood will be infected with toxins. But if the blood is exchanged before the opportunity is activated, that technology will lose its effect."

Han Zixuan was shocked, it was the first time he heard of such a technique.

Han Xiaotian looked at Ye Qingsong and said: "Qingsong, the rest of my life is numbered, and I have done many regrettable things during my lifetime. But before I bid farewell to this world, I have to complete one last thing. Help me exchange blood with Zixuan. His I will bear the sin, and I will bear his pain."

Both Han Zixuan and Ye Qingsong were stunned.

Especially Han Zixuan, his impression of Han Xiaotian changed from a tall and mighty image to a despicable villain.When they met this time, he originally wanted to humiliate the other party and trample him with all his strength.But he saw the old man's sincere repentance and the guilt he felt towards himself.

Ye Qingsong's mood fluctuated a little: "Brother, you are weak, I'm afraid it's hard to hold on, I'm afraid you will die halfway."

"Fate is destined. I am humble and lived for 20 years. It is meaningless. Today I see Zixuan becoming a talent. I am very relieved, very happy, and very satisfied." Han Xiaotian smiled and looked at Ye Qingsong: "Let's get started, time is running out."

Han Zixuan wanted to refute, but his body was touched by the master's acupuncture points.

Wen Lan crossed her legs, and with a cigar in her mouth, she exhaled deeply, "Qian Zhao, how many people are here?"

Gan Zhao said: "Five, among them are Guo Linghua and Han Zixuan."

Wen Lan chuckled: "These brats are really brave, and they are quite capable. They actually broke into my territory."

Qian Zhao hurriedly said, "Do you want to kill them now?"

"Don't worry, the best show is yet to come. Let these brats be proud first."

Qian Zhao worriedly reminded: "Holy Mother, I'm worried that this time I'm going to fail. People outside have already found our place and are coming towards us."

Wen Lan's expression was still calm: "Have we failed? We haven't. At least the Chinese government is in chaos now. Let them panic."

"However, we have suffered heavy losses, and all the strength we have accumulated over the years has been lost." Qian Zhao said realistically.

"Qian Zhao, there are people who have everything, and nothing else is important." Wen Lan said with a stern expression: "It's time for the final decisive battle, and let all these officials in Huaxia die."

Gan Zhao didn't understand why Wen Lan hated people in the government so much, and how she offended her.

Han Zixuan seemed to have had a dream, when he woke up, Duan Hongying was beside him with a concerned face.

He hurriedly turned his head to look at Han Xiaotian, who had passed out.Ye Qingsong patted Han Zixuan on the shoulder: "Zixuan, although he has done many wrong things in his life, I hope you can forgive him."

"how is he."

Ye Qingsong smiled: "After all, I'm old, my body can't stand the toss, it's nothing serious, just take a rest."

Han Zixuan didn't want to pay attention to the grievances of the previous generation, and now he only wanted to solve the biggest trouble and get rid of Wen Lan.

"Master, regarding Molong's great cause, I'm afraid I..."

Ye Qingsong naturally understood, and didn't let him continue, nodding his head: "Do what you should do, I won't give you any more tasks in the future. But I'm very happy that we will be mentors and apprentices, after all, you are very good. "

"And about the seal."

Ye Qingsong shook his head: "It doesn't matter anymore, Molong's soul is gone." He glanced at Han Xiaotian who was lying beside him, his eyes were a little confused.

"Will it affect my life span? My aunt once told me." Han Zixuan asked.

Ye Qingsong shook his head: "No."

Duan Hongying was next to him. Although he couldn't understand, he listened very carefully.But she knows the rules and won't ask casually.

Suddenly, Han Zixuan felt a strange movement above, followed by the sound of alarm bells around him.

But at this time, Han Xiaotian woke up faintly, and only said: "It's time to come."

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