The campus is so cute

340 She Betrayed You

At this time, Wen Lan's base had been discovered.In fact, it is a matter of time to find out here.

Based on the location of Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo's mobile phones, Xie Wenxuan found that both of them were within a designated area, so she joined hands with the local officials who surrendered and hurried here.

This is a mountainous area, located in the southwest of Yangcheng, the climate is humid, surrounded by trees, only this location is slightly flat.If you look carefully, you will find that there are many exhaust outlets and manhole covers in a radius of several hundred miles.

Wu Jun was the only person who had been to this place at that time. Wu Jun said that his eyes were blindfolded and he couldn't tell the exact direction at all.But that place must be very hidden, not easy to be noticed.But he knew the exact location, and it was definitely right in this place.

Yang Xuerui ordered the soldiers to search to see if there was an intersection that could be passed, and then contacted his superiors to ask about the next action strategy.

According to the orders of the superiors, a leader has been arranged to go there. It is a head of the National Military Region, named Fang Zhixin, and all actions are subject to his arrangements.

Soon, Fang Zhixin came, revealed his identity, met with Yang Xuerui and Xie Wenxuan, and after communicating with each other, he returned to the car.

Soon, Chu Xiaotian came out.Of course, no one here knew his identity and thought he was someone close to Chief Fang.

Chu Xiaotian ordered someone to turn on the computer, and then a video dialog box popped up.At the other end is Wen Lan.

Wen Lan didn't panic at the moment, because she knew in her heart that this place would be exposed sooner or later, but she was not worried, after all, she had the trump card in her hand, which was Han Zixuan.

She asked Qian Zhao beside her, where are the five of them now.

It wasn't because there were cameras in Wen Lan's base, but because Han Zixuan and the other five people came in from the outside.Wen Lan used advanced technology to add some rare elements to the food eaten in their base.As long as outsiders enter, an alarm will be issued immediately, and the five of them will appear as a black spot, under Wen Lan's surveillance.

Of course Wen Lan knew that Han Zixuan had seen Han Xiaotian and Ye Qingsong, of course she didn't know what they were doing, if she had seen the scene just now.Definitely won't take it lightly.

Qian Zhao reported that a man was standing guard at the patrol gate, and another man and a woman were in the room where Ye Qingsong was being held. They should be Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo.As for the other two women, one of them must be Guo Linghua, because she is heading towards our core. As for the other woman, she is currently active near the infirmary.

Wen Lan snorted coldly, and told another person to call Han Xiaotian, it's time to meet his old friend.

Chu Xiaotian said to the video: "Wen Lan, you are already surrounded, even if you hide on the [-]th floor underground, it is difficult to escape. Obediently, let's get caught, the country can make a difference, otherwise it will definitely blow you up here. "

Chu Xiaotian's words immediately stirred up quite a storm.Everyone on Wen Lan's side became nervous.They are basically radicals, and of course some people were forced to come in and stay in this dark place all day long.They wanted to rush out a long time ago, and soon many people rioted, wanting to set off a storm and escape.

As soon as there was a change, someone shot from behind, and immediately people didn't dare to make mistakes, and stayed where they were in fear.

Wen Lan said to the video dialog box: "Chu Xiaotian, since you're here, don't be impatient. Meet your old friend."

At this time, Han Xiaotian walked into the control room from another place.When Wen Lan saw him, she warmly greeted Brother Tian, ​​come here and see who is outside.

Han Xiaotian was struggling, but Wen Lan saw something strange.But she didn't think much about it, thinking that her body might be a little stiff after being held for a few days.

Slowly, Han Xiaotian came to the computer and stared at the screen.

Outside, when Chu Xiaotian saw Han Xiaotian's face, he was also shocked.Although I already knew that this person was still alive, I had mixed feelings when I saw the real person.The ups and downs and disgraces of my life have a lot to do with this person. Han Xiaotian fell down, and he, Chu Xiaotian, succeeded in taking the position.I had been proud for 20 years, but in the end it was nothing.

"Old man, you're not dead." Chu Xiaotian gritted his teeth.

Han Xiaotian squeezed out a smile at last: "I want to watch you die first, if you don't die, how can I die."

Chu Xiaotian smiled coldly: "Han Xiaotian, you are a rebellious scum of the country. Since you were lucky enough to survive, today you are not so lucky."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, I have lived for more than 20 years, and I don't care about this moment." Then Han Xiaotian sneered: "Actually, you are even more sad. When we Molong was brilliant, the world knew it. And the rise of your stars, In fact, it is a joke, and you are the laughing stock of being ridiculed."

Chu Xiaotian was already furious, but he held back: "Okay, Han Xiaotian. No matter how brilliant your Molong is, you will be destroyed as usual. I think you still don't understand how Molong was destroyed."

"Of course I understand that I took a wrong turn at that time, and my brother and I had disagreements. But at this time, your strong appearance just took advantage of the loophole."

Chu Xiaotian laughed loudly: "Han Xiaotian, you have lived these 20 years in vain. Since you are going to die, let me tell you the truth, the reason why you Molong were destroyed was the woman behind you. She betrayed you at that time , leak your internal information to me, so I can easily handle your lair. It's just that this woman is too insidious, she didn't let you die, but let you live in pain, watching her constantly grow."

Han Xiaotian was stunned, and slowly turned his head to look at Wen Lan.

Wen Lan showed a charming smile, she looked younger at this moment: "Brother Tian, ​​don't blame me. Who made you too indecisive at the beginning, if 20 years ago, you could have done everything right away, maybe Huaxia's The world has long been ours. But you have too many ideas, and you have no courage. Then you have no choice but to go down."

Han Xiaotian felt very sad, and always thought that Wen Lan was at most an ambitious woman who liked power and stood on top of others.But at least it's a woman, and it's his woman.His own woman actually betrayed him. For a man, what could be more shameful than this.

"Lan, how can you do this, we are lovers in love."

"Bah, old man, who is in love with you." Wen Lan glared at each other, "I have no lover, let alone a lover. I only love myself, and I only love what belongs to me."

Looking at this scene, Chu Xiaotian felt a little more relaxed: "Okay, you two old bastards, don't say such nasty words."

"Wen Lan, what else do you have to say now, you should get out of here obediently, otherwise this place will soon be turned into ruins."

Wen Lan chuckled: "Chu Xiaotian, you don't dare. Because Han Zixuan is here, do you dare to blow it up?"

Yang Xuerui and the others, Han Zixuan, were already below, and he immediately came to Fang Zhixin: "Chief, no, there are our people below."

Fang Zhixin smiled wryly and said: "There is no way, we can't find the entrance right now, we can only resort to bombing."

Chu Xiaotian heard that Han Zixuan was below, so of course he couldn't blow it up. If this kid died, there would be no way to get the great treasure.

"Chief, the bombing method is too tough, and there may be many of our people down here, let's see the situation first, and continue to find the way." Chu Xiaotian whispered in Fang Zhixin's ear: "Old Fang, don't bomb first, since Han Zixuan and the others can go in, which means there is an intersection here."

Fang Zhixin then ordered people to continue searching for the path.

Xie Wenxuan was on the phone with Han Zixuan at the moment, and she was much relieved that he was safe.Ask him how to get in. If he can't get in, the higher-ups may take extreme measures, and we may not see him at that time.

As she spoke, she began to cry.

Han Zixuan comforted her not to worry, four of them had already come in, and there were experts around to help.If you want to enter here, you have to find a pipeline, this is the only way.

Xie Wenxuan immediately went to Yang Xuerui and explained the situation.Yang Xuerui immediately ordered the Saber members to look for a pipeline.

When these people heard that Zixuan was below, they were all very excited.Knowing that there is a mountain of knives in front of you, but still go forward bravely.

Soon, they found many manhole covers, but they didn't know what was under the manhole covers.But now there is no other way but to go down and find out.Everyone is ready, flashlights, ropes, daggers, firearms, etc., uncover the manhole cover, and start walking down the wall.

At this moment, when Han Xiaotian learned the truth, a stream of blood spurted out, and then he fell unconscious.Wen Lan immediately ordered someone to check the situation. The doctor said that he was tired and needed to recuperate.

Old and immortal, Wen Lan cursed, and arranged for someone to throw him in a random place, and quickly gave orders to take up weapons and guard the exits.

Wen Lan ordered Qian Zhao to take people with him to the place where Ye Qingsong was imprisoned immediately, and kill all the others, leaving only Han Zixuan's life.

Qian Zhao nodded, and immediately ordered to do so.

At this moment, Han Zixuan untied Ye Qingsong's rope, and handed him a gun casually.The old man fiddled with it a few times and shook his head: "I don't know how to use this thing, it's better than this one."

As he said that, the old man drew out a soft sword from his waist. It was very soft at first, but suddenly the old man secretly got lucky, and the soft sword straightened immediately, just like a man's butt.

Han Zixuan said to Hong Ying beside him, "Xiaoying, follow me."

Duan Hongying nodded with a firm gaze.

Ye Qingsong asked Zixuan: "This is your new woman."

Han Zixuan nodded: "That's right."

Duan Hongying was overjoyed, her face flushed slightly, and she called out: "Master." Because Zixuan always called it that way.

Ye Qingsong shook his head: "I only have one apprentice, you can call me anything, but you can't call me master."

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