Duan Hongying stood there in a daze, a little at a loss.

Han Zixuan said: "Just call him old man, he is a weirdo."

Ye Qingsong suddenly frowned: "They are here, everyone be careful."

Han Zixuan understood, took out his gun and quickly came to the door. He signaled Duan Hongying to go to the opposite side with his eyes, and the two should work together to defeat each other.

Duan Hongying is not Xiao Xiami who has just debuted, and he has been working with his brother on missions before.But this time, being with Han Zixuan has absolutely different meanings, and it will remain in her memory for the rest of her life.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Han Zixuan gestured to Duan Hongying, meaning you come to cover me, I will rush out.She was holding a brake rifle after all.

Duan Hongying understood that when Han Zixuan ordered her to shoot, she leaped forward and exposed her head from behind the door, and then a barrage of bullets came towards the opposite side.

Han Zixuan immediately followed, his marksmanship was very good, let alone a hundred shots, he was about the same, and soon seven or eight people on the opposite side had fallen.

Han Zixuan and Duan Hongjun rushed out quickly. As soon as they came to the corner, five or six people immediately surrounded them. Because the distance was too close, they couldn't react in time when they wanted to shoot.

Without waiting for the other party to react, Han Zixuan approached him closely, holding the three-edged army spear in his other hand, puff puff puff, plowed into the two people facing him first, and at this moment the gunfire also rang out.The other party shot all the bullets on these two people.

When the other party was surprised, Han Zixuan let go of the two of them and lay down on the back at the same time, but he didn't really fall down.It is a kind of martial arts kung fu, erecting iron bridges.

Standing behind Han Zixuan, Duan Hongying quickly picked up the brake rifle and shot at the opposite side, and soon the three of them fell down.

Han Zixuan returned to his original state, turned around and praised Duan Hongying, he did a good job.Duan Hongying was delighted, and just wanted to say that your kung fu was pretty good just now, so I couldn't learn it.Suddenly, her eyes widened, because four more people appeared on the opposite side, and they raised their guns at this moment.

Before the other party could shoot, a black shadow flashed in front of them like a gust of wind, their necks showed blood, and then their bodies fell to the ground stiffly.

Ye Qingsong frowned and said, "At any time, let's wait until it's safe to go out."

Han Zixuan smiled sheepishly: "I showed my flaws on purpose, otherwise if your master doesn't make a move, when will I see your demeanor."

Duan Hongying was dumbfounded at this moment, who is the old man in front of him, his speed is too fast.He is definitely a master of martial arts, and Zixuan's kung fu is already very powerful, so his master must not be an ordinary person.

The opponent's name seems to be Ye Qingsong, I remember that there is only one person in the martial arts with this name, and that is Wu Shengren, could it really be this person.

Ye Qing let go of the road ahead, Duan Hongying immediately caught up with Zixuan and asked, "Is the old man the number one martial artist in the world today?"

Han Zixuan hummed, "Who else is there besides him?"

Qian Zhao brought more than 20 people to fight, and lost nearly half of them when he first arrived.However, this place is narrow, his men can't launch a large-scale attack, they can only fight steadily step by step.

While wondering if his own person was too weak, a figure flew out in front of him. The speed of the other party was so fast that he couldn't see clearly at all. There was only a bloody shadow in front of him, and the people in front of him fell to the ground one after another.Everyone's eyes widened, and they died for some reason.

Qian Zhao's hand holding the gun was trembling. He was a laboratory nerd and had never even fired a gun. Wen Lan asked him to perform this task. He thought it would be easy, but he didn't expect it to be so embarrassing.

Ye Qingsong saw that the man wearing glasses in front of him was an important person here, and he didn't kill him, so he came to him and quickly unloaded his gun, then pushed him back hard, and handed him over to him. Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan ordered Xiaoying to tie him up with a rope, and then asked about the origin of this person.

Of course Duan Hongying didn't know Qian Zhao either, so he shook his head in confusion.

Han Zixuan took a look at him, and saw that his hands were thin and tender, they were not material for being an agent at all, they must be working in the laboratory.According to Guo Linghua's description of Qian Zhao, this person's identity is almost correct.

"You should be Qian Zhao." Han Zixuan said with a smile.

Qian Zhao shook his head hastily: "I am not."

"Okay, don't rush to deny it. It doesn't matter if it's right or not, anyway, you're going to die soon. Are you afraid of death, I know you are not." Han Zixuan held the gun to Qian Zhao's head, before he could shoot.

Opposite Convenience plopped down on his knees: "Han Zixuan, let me go, it has nothing to do with me, I'm just a small person, everything was caused by Wen Lan."

Han Zixuan withdrew his gun: "Lead the way ahead, take me directly to see Wen Lan."

The action outside also started quickly, and the soldiers of the Sixth Company of the Saber smoothly got down from the manhole cover and reached the bottom.It was the intricate channels, and they were secretly happy. According to the location of the mobile phone, they were getting closer and closer to Han Zixuan's direction.

Soon, more and more soldiers from the third brigade came down.

As soon as Huang Boqing came down, he heard a fierce gun battle not far away, so Ma Shan called for people to come closer, following the source of the sound, they saw two groups of people not far away were engaged in a fierce exchange of fire.

On one side are seven or eight men in black, with weapons in their hands, besieging two women, Guo Linghua and Chen Yuluo.

After Chen Yuluo separated from Han Zixuan, she immediately started looking for Guo Linghua.Coming here, Han Zixuan knew that Guo Linghua must be one step ahead of them.

Anyway, Guo Linghua came with them after all, so she couldn't leave her alone.Han Zixuan knew that Guo Linghua had a temper, and he didn't want to hurt himself.But he couldn't let her go.When they parted, Han Zixuan asked Chen Yuluo to go to Guo Linghua to ensure her safety no matter what.

Although Guo Linghua didn't turn it on, Han Zixuan secretly installed a tracking device on her when she arrived, and found the source of the signal as soon as she came here.So Chen Yuluo followed the signal and started looking for Guo Linghua.

Of course, not everything went smoothly on the way, and occasionally met people from Wen Lan.Chen Yuluo easily dealt with the opponent, and finally caught up to Guo Linghua.

Discovering that Guo Linghua was having a gun battle with a group of people, she came to help without hesitation.Fortunately, she rescued her, otherwise her life might still be here.

Guo Linghua did not expect that Chen Yuluo would also come, which meant that Han Zixuan must have been here as well.Inexplicably, she felt much more comfortable in her heart. After all, when she came here, she knew exactly what bad things that guy did in the car.She was just a beast, she was so angry that she could only leave alone.

"Guo Linghua, you are too irritating. When you came here, you agreed to carry out the mission together. It's better for you, so you run away first. Do you know how hard it is for us to find you here because we don't know each other well?" There was complaint in Chen Yuluo's tone.

Guo Linghua thanked her for coming to rescue her, but she didn't think she did anything wrong.

"Thank you for your help, well, let's part ways, you can go." Guo Linghua said very indifferently.

"You can't tell the difference between good and bad. Zixuan is worried about your safety. It's alright. We're going together, and we need to take care of each other." Chen Yuluo picked up the enemy's gun and handed it to her: "Let's go." Let's kill the enemies here together. Isn't this your dream."

Guo Linghua didn't say anything, took the gun and walked forward.

The two were just about to approach Wen Lan's control room, because she usually stays here.Soon they encountered interceptors, and the two sides launched a fierce gun battle.

There were no less than 30 people from the other side, and the two of them killed more than 20 people together. Because of this, both of them lost weight and were injured, especially Guo Linghua was shot in the shoulder and abdomen.

After all, Guo Linghua was a traitor, so most people attacked her.Guo Linghua felt that there was darkness in front of her, and she could only hear the sound of bullets smashing through the wall, and Chen Yuluo calling forcefully.

Chen Yuluo threw her in the corner, picked up a gun and started a confrontation with the opponent, but he was weak alone and couldn't annihilate the opponent with all his strength.

At this time, Huang Poqing and the others appeared.He felt that the two women should be his own, so he said loudly: "We are soldiers from the [-]rd South China Sea Brigade. We are here to destroy terrorist organizations. Who are you?"

Chen Yuluo was overjoyed, the third brigade.That was the place where Han Zixuan served before, and he hurriedly said: "You guys know Han Zixuan, he is my husband."

Huang Boqing understood, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to attack those people. He came to Chen Yuluo and cupped his hands and said, "So it's my sister-in-law, from Zixuan."

"We walked separately. Is there any health worker among you? She was injured." Chen Yuluo pointed at Guo Linghua.

Huang Boqing rushed over immediately, took a look at the woman, and couldn't help but gasp, fuck, they are all stunning, don't ask, this is also Zixuan's.Hey, God, I won't be an instructor in the third brigade anymore, so let me out to hunt for sex.

"What is her identity?" Huang Boqing has a little girl in his heart. If he is not, he will sacrifice his life to save the beauty, and he will not be able to gain the favor of the other party.

Chen Yuluo could tell that they had a good relationship with Zixuan, but they spoke very carefully: "A friend came with me."

Oh, Huang Boqing is overjoyed, so I still have a chance.He immediately jumped over, and at the same time ordered Han Xudong to take out the medicine box and save people and treat them quickly.

Han Xudong immediately saw what this guy was thinking, and smiled cheaply: "Head, do you know how, don't delay the person's illness."

Don't talk nonsense, young master, I learned the medical skills from my master when I was young. Not to mention the best in the world, that is because Hua Tuo was alive.

Huang Boqing took out alcohol, gauze, scissors and other tools, just about to prepare for the operation.Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly opened her eyes and glared at him angrily: "Don't touch me."

Huang Poqing felt a little wronged: "I'm treating your illness."

"No need, I'm already dead anyway, don't waste it."

Huang Boqing was dumbfounded, you were just shot in the arm, although you were also shot in the abdomen, but seeing that you can still talk, it should be fine, as long as you take out the bullet and bandage the wound, you should be fine.

"What's going on here, I really know how to heal." Huang Boqing looked at Chen Yuluo.

Chen Yuluo hastily looked down at Guo Linghua: "Guo Linghua, it's important to heal the wound now, don't say those depressing words."

Guo Linghua opened her eyes vigorously, stared at Chen Yuluo and said, "Take me to see Han Zixuan, I want to see him one last time."

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