Huang Boqing suddenly understood in her heart that this elegant woman in front of her must have a special relationship with Han Zixuan, the person she most wanted to see before she died must have an extraordinary relationship.

Chen Yuluo felt extremely sad, she had always disliked Guo Linghua before, maybe it was because of the jealousy in a woman's heart.But at this moment, Guo Linghua let go of the arrogance on her face, and now she looks extraordinarily fragile.

Guo Linghua let out a forced breath and said, "Miss Chen, help me. I want to see him for the last time, just say one word."

"But now you are seriously injured and must be treated first."

"It's useless. When I got here, I didn't want to go back alive." Guo Linghua smiled, "Thank you, please." After saying this, she passed out.

Chen Yuluo glanced at Huang Boqing: "You first help her deal with the wound and try to delay her life. I'll go find Zixuan."

Huang Boqing agreed, full of confidence: "Don't worry, I will definitely not let her die." Then, he quickly took out the medicine box, medical scissors, etc., and treated the wound.

Huang Boqing was worried about Chen Yuluo's safety, so he arranged for two people to go with her, namely Li Tieniu and Lu Chengwen.The two immediately nodded and followed closely behind Chen Yuluo.

Wen Lan folded her hands on her shoulders and stared at everything around her coldly.It seems that everything is the general trend, and I have to think about the preparations for retreat.In fact, she had already made the arrangement, and she knew in her heart that her strength was temporarily unable to fight against a powerful enemy.

But before saying goodbye, she had to destroy one person, and that was Han Zixuan.Han Zixuan's death was a victory for her.Not only will the Molong Order be destroyed, but it will definitely push the Huaxia government to another level.

There are people around to report the current battle situation, the enemy has already entered, our people have suffered heavy casualties, and Qian Zhao seems to be caught by the opponent.

Wen Lan smiled coldly: "It's okay, protect this place, as long as I live, you have the possibility of survival."

Han Zixuan took Qian Zhao to look for Wen Lan, when the phone rang, Chen Yuluo called, reporting Guo Linghua's injury, hoping he could take a look as soon as possible, this was Guo Linghua's last request.

I heard that Guo Linghua was injured, and it was very serious.Han Zixuan was very sad, he asked his master and Duan Hongying to keep an eye on Qian Zhao for the time being, he was going to see her for the last time.

Soon, Han Zixuan met Chen Yuluo, and met his good brothers Tieniu and Chengwen. After a few words of greeting, he followed them to find Guo Linghua.

Han Zixuan walked fast, wishing he could grow two wings.Chen Yuluo comforted: "Don't worry too much, Huang Boqing is treating her wound, she should be fine."

Even so, his footsteps are still flying.

Soon, they found it.When he saw the blood-stained Guo Linghua lying on the ground with a pale face, his eyes couldn't help turning red and tears almost welled up.

He rushed forward and hugged Guo Linghua.Huang Boqing hurriedly said: "Zixuan, she is weak now, the bullet has been taken out, her life should be saved, don't disturb her."

At this moment, Guo Linghua opened her eyes slightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Are you hugging me? I asked you to hug me all the time."

"Linghua, don't talk too much, you're fine, I won't let you die." Afterwards, Han Zixuan secretly lucked out and used Molong's true energy to heal her injuries.

Guo Linghua felt a heat flowing through her body. Although she didn't know what it was, she felt that she was getting stronger and stronger. It must be the man in front of her.

"Zixuan." Guo Linghua whispered softly.

"Well, how do you feel?" Han Zixuan felt that the zhenqi he had output just now was very strong, and it seemed much stronger than before.But my kung fu has reached a bottleneck, how could this happen.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had exchanged blood with Han Xiaotian just now, could it have something to do with this.

Han Xiaotian's kung fu is definitely not weak. The master said that among their brothers back then, except for He Tianbei and Luo Shenke, the others had good kung fu.Thinking of Han Xiaotian, Han Zixuan suddenly worried about his safety, how is he doing now.

"Zixuan, I thought I'd never see you again. But before I leave, I have something to say to you." Guo Linghua's face gradually turned rosy at this moment, and sweat slowly oozes from her face. This is the situation A performance that turned around.

"Speak, I'll listen." Han Zixuan put his ear to her lips.

"Zixuan, do you like me?" After Guo Linghua said this, her face blushed unknowingly, showing a little embarrassment.

"I like it." Han Zixuan replied without any explanation.

"Lied to me again, I know you don't like me, you even look down on me and think I'm a broken shoe. I heard the conversation you had with Chen Yuluo that day."

Han Zixuan regretted for a while, why did he talk so cheap at that time.

But having said this, he had to admit: "I'm sorry."

Guo Linghua covered his lips with a trembling hand: "Needless to say I'm sorry, I should thank you. Your appearance changed my life and my destiny. Thanks to you, thank you."

"Okay, let me go. Ms. Chen is right next to you. You are her man, so it's inappropriate to hug me." Guo Linghua moved her body, trying to break free.

"Who said, you are also my woman. We have a marriage contract. Could it be that you want to call off the engagement? Guo Linghua, let me tell you, if you regret the marriage, you know what consequences your Guo family will face. I will completely mess up your family. Overturning the sky." Han Zixuan vowed, "When we go back, we will get married immediately."

Chen Yuluo came over at this time: "Linghua, we are a family."

Huang Boqing and the others jokingly said, "Zixuan, give me a kiss."

Han Zixuan turned his face and gave them a hard look: "You all turn your heads, don't look at evil."

Then, she turned around and stared at Guo Linghua's incomparably beautiful face, and buried her head deeply.As for Guo Linghua, tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.

Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spewed out from the corner of Guo Linghua's mouth, but the blood was black, and an unpleasant smell could be smelled from a short distance.

Wen Lan, who was staring at the screen watching this scene, said bitterly: "Damn little bitch, you actually betrayed me because of a man, then you go to die."

Guo Linghua immediately understood, and with the little strength left: "It's Wen Lan, she activated the death-killing chip in my body. Zixuan, I can't love you anymore, I'm leaving."

"Wen Lan, I want you to die." Han Zixuan roared to the sky.

Huang Boqing and the others were stunned when they saw this scene. They were fine just now, but suddenly they changed.

Han Zixuan gently put his hand into Guo Linghua's nose, but without a trace of breath, he stretched out his hand to press her heart, feeling carefully, there was still a little heartbeat.

Linghua, I won't let you die.Han Zixuan hugged Guo Linghua, rushed out like the wind, turned his head and shouted to Huang Boqing: "Destroy this place for me, wipe it all out."

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