The campus is so cute

344 Picking Up You Zhang Family

Han Zixuan picked up Guo Linghua and ran wildly. He had to save the woman in front of him.Otherwise, he would not be able to face Guo Xiangtao, Guo Lingsu, or even his own heart.

After finding Ye Qingsong and the others, Han Zixuan gently put Guo Linghua down, then glared at Qian Zhao: "You must save her, or I will kill you right now."

Ye Qingsong saw that Guo Linghua was so angry, and immediately asked what was going on. Han Zixuan briefly explained the situation. This shit was designed and developed by the scum in front of him. He must have a solution.

With the gun on his head, Gan Zhao didn't dare to vent his breath. He glanced at Guo Linghua and said, "That's enough, the toxin has spread all over the body now, it's too late."

Ye Qingsong hastily took out a pill from his pocket, stuffed it into Guo Linghua's mouth and said to Zixuan: "This pill can save your life for now, we must find a way."

Han Zixuan said to Gan Zhao: "You just follow the order and take out that thing. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, I will spare your dog's life."

Of course Qian Zhao didn't want to die, and nodded desperately: "Okay, go to my laboratory quickly, there are well-equipped equipment."

Han Zixuan arranged for Master to go with Duan Hongying, lest this kid cheat.He must face Wen Lan directly now, and must kill this woman.

He went back to fight again, joined Huang Boqing and the others, killed countless enemies along the way, and at a glance from the ground, they were all enemy corpses.

Finally, they reached Wen Lan's core area, the control room.He kicked open an iron door in front of him with a bang, and the room was brightly lit, and there was no one in it, only a dozen or so computers were blinking.

Han Zixuan didn't care about it, and fired at the front, sparks splashed in the room, and there was the sound of something breaking apart.

"Wen Lan, come out for me, don't you just want to see me, I'm right in front of you now." Han Zixuan fired another round of bullets.

Huang Boqing, Chen Yuluo and others sensed Han Zixuan's madness at the moment.But no one dared to speak out, so they could only stand aside silently and observe the situation in front of them.

Suddenly, there was a sudden strangeness in front of my eyes, and a transparent columnar glass body similar to an elevator appeared in front of me, and a middle-aged woman who still had a charm was sitting inside.Her features looked gorgeous, with scarlet lips, bleached red hair, and a mocking smile in her eyes.

"Han Zixuan, are you looking for me?" The woman opened her mouth to speak.

Han Zixuan has always imagined Wen Lan's posture, thinking that she is an old woman who is about to be buried.I didn't expect her to be so young, and she was obviously demonic.

"Wen Lan, you finally dare to show your face." After finishing speaking, Han Zixuan raised his gun and fired, and the bullets hit the glass with a crisp sound, but Wen Lan was unmoved and not worried at all.

Huang Boqing immediately reminded: "Zixuan, it's useless. This is bulletproof tempered glass, bullets can't go through it at all."

Wen Lan laughed wildly inside: "Zixuan, actually, I value you very much, and you have achieved today, in fact, you should thank me."

"Originally, I wanted to absorb you and become my most powerful arm. It's a pity that we have no fate, but have become opposites. In this case, you must die." As she said, there was an extra mobile phone in Wen Lan's hand s things.

She shook this object proudly. Speaking of the masterpiece she was most proud of just now, she witnessed Guo Linghua die in front of you. Next, it will be your turn.

"The little prince of the future, it's a pity. We originally cooperated and achieved great things. We defeated Tianxing, defeated Liu Peng, defeated any forces. Hey, goodbye." Wen Lan's lips showed a smug arc, and began to press the button .

Han Zixuan knew in his heart that it was the life-threatening chip in his body.Although Han Xiaotian exchanged blood with him, who knows if it is reliable.Maybe he will follow in Guo Linghua's footsteps, that would be a kind of relief.

Suddenly, he felt an electric current hit his body, flowing along the blood in his body, and finally merged in a certain place on his chest.But it stopped in an instant, this feeling was short, but very clear.

Wen Lan observed Han Zixuan's reaction, seeing that he hadn't changed at all, she couldn't help feeling puzzled.Impossible, how could this be.She panicked immediately, and her nose and forehead began to sweat, and she continued to fiddle with the things in her hands, no matter how hard she pressed them, it didn't work.

Han Zixuan smiled coldly: "Wen Lan, don't be so busy. That thing of yours is no longer working, you sinner through the ages, it's time to pay off your debts."

Afterwards, Han Zixuan raised his rifle, and then ordered Huang Boqing and the others behind him to shoot in turn. I don't believe I can't kill her.

Wen Lan turned pale, and suddenly smiled: "Zixuan, it seems that you are destined not to die, so I will come to claim your life again in the future. Good luck, goodbye."

Afterwards, the elevator Wen Lan was riding in disappeared in an instant, and she watched helplessly as she drove underground.No, she is going to run away.

Han Zixuan hastily ordered someone to guard the exit, and she must not be allowed to escape.

Outside, Fang Zhixin took a look at Chu Xiaotian: "It seems that the situation is basically stable, you can clean up the mess, don't let the higher-ups down."

Chu Xiaotian understood that he hadn't done much to destroy Yangcheng this time, so he got off the car immediately, and called Chu Xiangdong to come down with Chu Yuhang, ready to sneak under.

Suddenly, Fang Zhixin shouted coldly to the three members of the Chu family: "Chu Xiaotian, since you failed in your mission 20 years ago, and you can still enjoy a comfortable life for so many years, the higher authorities have decided to give you a small punishment."

Chu Xiaotian and the others froze for a moment, turned their heads and looked at Fang Zhixin in a daze, not understanding what his words meant.

Fang Zhixin coldly ordered the people around him: "Shoot and kill the three of them."

Bang bang bang, several gunshots.The three fell down, Chu Xiaotian looked at Fang Zhixin in disbelief, he was his own, how could this happen.But he couldn't say a word. After 20 years of glory, he died like this in the end.

Fang Zhixin said in his heart, don't blame me, I am also following the instructions of my superiors.Your existence does threaten the security above, and you are too ambitious and must be killed.

Afterwards, Fang Zhixin immediately ordered his subordinates to go to the South China Sea.Find Chu Xiangnan and Chu Weichen, and secretly deal with them without leaving any traces.

Xie Wenxuan didn't go down, she watched helplessly as the shooting happened just now.She didn't understand why, and she didn't dare to ask.After all, Fang Zhixin represents authority and national interests.

Fang Zhixin looked at the time, it was getting dark, and he came to Xie Wenxuan: "Captain Xie, leave the rest of the matter to you, wait for the soldiers from the third brigade to come out, and retreat quickly, when the time comes, the country will take care of you." Drop bombs here, destroy this place."

Xie Wenxuan didn't dare to neglect, she hurriedly contacted the people below and asked them to withdraw quickly.

Han Zixuan, Huang Boqing and the others searched everywhere, but they couldn't find Wen Lan's trace, so this person just disappeared.She must have designed a mechanism here, leaving a way out for herself early on.According to the situation just now, she should come to a deeper position below.

But where exactly, Han Zixuan and the others couldn't find it for the time being.At this moment, he was not in the mood to continue searching randomly. Xie Wenxuan explained the situation to him and asked them to evacuate immediately.

So, he hurried to see Guo Linghua.At this moment, Qian Zhao's operation was very successful, and he successfully took out the death-killing chip from Guo Linghua's body.

Seeing that Han Zixuan was alive and well, Qian Zhao knew in his heart that Wen Lan must have failed.And he knew this woman, so he must have run away long ago.

"How is it?" Han Zixuan asked.

Qian Zhao said: "Everything is normal, and with Senior Ye's pill, his life is temporarily saved. After going out, go to the hospital for another examination. There should be no major problems."

Han Zixuan was happy. Although Wen Lan ran away, he understood that this woman was not easy to catch.And the superior is clearly going to blow up this place, so it is estimated that she will lose her breath if she does not die by then.

He quickly ordered everyone to retreat here, Gan Zhao said in a daze: "Master Han, you will spare me."

Han Zixuan glanced at this person, although he was cowardly and cowardly.But those who do have some real skills are talents and should be used by the country.If you can correct the evil and go the right way, it is the best choice.

"Of course, I will spare you. But after you go out, where are you going? Now that Wen Lan has run away, I'm afraid you have no place to hide."

"Master Han, please accept me. I will work under your command in the future, and I will behave myself."

Well, you follow me.

Han Zixuan picked up Guo Linghua and followed the crowd to leave here.Suddenly remembered that Han Xiaotian was still here, I don't know what happened to him now.

Ye Qingsong saw his doubts and patted his shoulder lightly: "Let's go, Han Xiaotian has already left, let him stay here."

Han Zixuan didn't say anything, his shoulders shook slightly, and he continued walking forward.

Finally, everyone came out from here, breathing fresh air and looking at the bright moon in the night sky.Everyone gave each other high fives to celebrate. This victory was not easy, especially when facing a strong and cunning enemy.

Han Zixuan didn't have time to celebrate, so he immediately drove Guo Linghua to downtown Yangcheng, and had to rush to the hospital immediately.

The Third Brigade and the South China Sea Police also slowly dispersed. Brother and sister Duan Hongying said goodbye to them and went home for the time being.Ye Qingsong looked at the mess in front of him in confusion, sighed quietly, and left quietly.

Everyone left, about 10 minutes or so.Suddenly a human head slowly emerged from the crack in the ground, she let out a sigh of relief, and got out of the ground.

A smile appeared on Wen Lan's face again, and she swore to herself that she would make a comeback.Huaxia, wait for my mother to turn over, and then come to upset you.

She simply patted the dirt on her body, then took out her phone, and said casually, "Come pick me up, and go back to Southeast Asia to hide for a while."

Wen Lan put down the phone and strode forward.Suddenly, she felt that something was obviously wrong, and suddenly many unknown figures came out of the night and surrounded her.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of headlights flickered, and the car stopped.From the inside slowly walked out a woman with outstanding looks, she stepped up to Wen Lan, smiled slightly: "Wen Lan, hello."

Wen Lan stared at the woman in front of her by the moonlight, she seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember it.

"Who are you."

"I'm Han Qingyun, and I'm here to pick you up."

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