The campus is so cute

345 You need to be more active

About a week or so later, Guo Linghua's body recovered, and she went through the relevant procedures in the hospital before being discharged.

Guo Xiangtao's whole family came to greet him, and everyone had bright smiles on their faces.Not only because she was able to escape the danger of her life, but also because her family was free from the entanglement of evil forces.More importantly, Guo Linghua has found love and found her own happiness.

In the past few days, Han Zixuan has been taking care of her in the ward, caring for her in every possible way.Let Guo Linghua, who lacks love, experience the love between a man and a woman for the first time, especially when Han Zixuan personally feeds her, the woman was moved and cried several times.

In order to provide space and time for the two of them, Chen Yuluo first went back to Beijin's home to visit his family, but before leaving, he told him to take care of everything here and not cause trouble.

Today, Guo Linghua is going back to Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the feeling of going home is so good, she can't wait to grow wings and fly home soon.

Han Zixuan promised that Guo Xiangtao would go to Suzhou and Hangzhou together, but he had to finish his work in Yangcheng, and he would definitely arrive in a day or two.

After bidding farewell to the Guo family, Han Zixuan went to Duan's house. After all, there is still a little trouble to be solved here.

When I came to the Duan's house, I suddenly found that the Duan's house had changed a lot. Although it was still very big, there were no guard posts outside.Only after seeing Duan Fengchen did he realize that their family had begun to change their minds, they were no longer doing underworld business, they were following the right path in China, and started to take the path of business.

Due to the war in Yangcheng, many businesses were facing crisis or even collapsed during that time.Duan Fengchen saw the opportunity and carried out the acquisition. In an instant, he transformed into the hottest big boss in Yangcheng.But the underworld did not abandon it either, and developing abroad must be the foundation of his life.

Duan Fengchen knew the purpose of his trip, and it must have something to do with Xiaoying.After Duan Hongying returned home, she waited wholeheartedly, looking forward to the arrival of her lover.

"Father-in-law, I'll be direct. I'll take Xiaoying away. You can see if you can."

Duan Fengchen's hand that had just picked up the teacup was almost still on the ground, and he took it away without showing any sign.You kid is really arrogant, empty-handed white wolf.

"No, you made a promise before, so please show some interest. Actually, I'm not short of money, but if you don't express it, it's your fault."

Han Zixuan smiled and said that he would help Duan Fengchen and make him No.1 in Yangcheng.The Guo family in Suzhou and Hangzhou and the Shangguan family, the Shen family and the Chen family in Beijin, the He family and the Xie family in Nanhai, etc., will all become important business partners for him in the future.

Duan Fengchen's snot bubbles were about to flow out, he nodded hurriedly, then drew the distance between the two of them, and said in a low voice, "Xianxu, it's interesting."

Afterwards, Duan Fengchen sent someone to invite the lady out.In fact, Duan Hongying knew that Han Zixuan was coming, but she was restless and had no idea.

Duan Hongying tidied up briefly, then left her room and came to the reception room.Clasping his hands tightly, he lowered his head and came to his father.

Duan Fengchen glanced at the little girl: "Xiaoying, hey, I have something bad to tell you."

Duan Hongying's face turned pale, she stared blankly at Duan Fengchen, pursed her lips, her eyes were full of resentment.

Duan Fengchen thought to himself: "Han Zixuan is leaving Yangcheng, what are your thoughts?"

Duan Hongying was in great pain in her heart, she lowered her head and said nothing, after a second thought, even if she wanted to part.She also wanted to say goodbye, she got up her spirits and looked up at him: "You are leaving, I wish you a good journey."

"Thank you, but I want to take you away. I discussed it with your father just now, and he disagreed." Han Zixuan said intentionally.

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Duan Hongying was happy in her heart, but when she heard the latter part, she immediately turned her head to look at Duan Fengchen, her face was full of displeasure, but she couldn't say anything.

"Xiaoying, do you want to go with him?" Duan Fengchen's voice was a little choked up, after all, father and daughter are about to be separated.My daughter has never left her side, and I don't know if she can adapt to the outside world.Moreover, Han Zixuan's situation is special, and he is worried that his daughter will suffer.

Duan Hongying nodded: "Dad, I want to go with him. I know you are worried about me, it's okay, my daughter has grown up."

"Hey, women's colleges are not allowed to stay. That's all right, go back to your room to clean up and get ready to go."

Duan Hongying ran back to her room excitedly, the deer jumped wildly in her heart, she still couldn't believe it was true.

Han Zixuan looked at Duan Hongying's back, and understood in his heart that he had to shoulder the burden and take good care of her.He looked at Duan Fengchen and said, I'll go see her.

Han Zixuan followed to Duan Hongying's boudoir, the girl's room was very clean and fragrant.Duan Hongying's room is no exception, and it can be seen from the decoration that she is simple and hearty.

Seeing him following in, Duan Hongying's heart beat wildly.After all, she knew what it meant for a man to enter her room.

Seeing that she still couldn't let go, Han Zixuan walked up to her first, took her hand, and hugged her tightly.The body of the girl below was trembling slightly, but soon stabilized, and leaned her body closer, and hugged him with her backhand.


The girl raised her charming eyes timidly: "Zixuan, I'm so happy."

"I'm also happy, but it's more of a responsibility. I will take good care of you, and I won't let you suffer, I won't let you suffer, but I'm worried..."

Before Zixuan could finish speaking, Duan Hongying covered his mouth with a pale white hand, and nodded: "I understand, but I am willing, Zixuan, don't worry, I will be obedient, sister Yuluo and Ling Sister Hua is an example, and from now on, learn to take care of you, and you will never lose to them."

"I believe you can do it well, come on, let me help you."

Afterwards, Han Zixuan helped her tidy up her things.Coincidentally, Duan Hongying blushed with embarrassment when she saw some bras and underwear in the closet, and hurriedly put the underwear back into the closet.

"Xiaoying, what are you afraid of? Why hide it? Let me see what style you usually like." Han Zixuan opened the cabinet, took out a small piece of cloth, looked at it, and exclaimed: "Oh, Xiaoying, don't look at her young age. , but I like the mature style. I have tasted it last time, and it is very valuable." As he spoke, he pressed her chest a few times nimbly, and then turned into a gentle touch.

Duan Hongying suddenly felt an electric current hit her, her body trembled slightly, she was a pure girl.When he was captured last time, he was touched lightly by Han Zixuan, and he felt extremely irritated.But this time was different, the man's gentle kneading made her feel a longing cry in her heart.

Han Zixuan originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, but he didn't want to give up after touching it.Some time ago, I was tense and tormented, and I finally relaxed.After not being nourished by a woman for a long time, the backlog of desire in my heart exploded.

Duan Hongying obviously felt something, because she heard Zixuan's breathing was a little short, and her hands were exerting a little force. Although it hurt a little, she liked the feeling of being touched by him.

Han Zixuan hugged her tightly and supported her delicate chin with one hand.Duan Hongying realized what was about to happen, so she didn't dodge, she stared at a pair of watery eyes, then leaned forward lightly, and murmured: "Zixuan, I want you."

The two kissed passionately last time at Wen Lan's underground base.At that time, the two had a drill, and this time they were more proficient, especially Duan Hongying, who is a very studious student, not only can tongue kiss, but also tease each other with his tongue, and his little hands swam restlessly on Zixuan's body, touching the firm belly Muscle, touched the man's broad chest.

Han Zixuan roared in his heart, hugged Duan Hongying, and the two fell on the big bed.Then began to undress each other, underwear, and then panties.

When Duan Hongying felt a little cool all over, he realized that he was completely naked.And his hand was touching the man's place, and his hand was trembling slightly.

Han Zixuan hesitated suddenly, after all, this is the Duan family, it's not very good for Duan Fengchen to find out after a while.Let's enjoy after leaving Duan's house.

But Duan Hongying seemed to be more persistent than him, so he mustered up his courage and said, "Zixuan, I know you guys like that bite, so I will do it too. But I definitely can't do it the first time, so don't laugh at me."

Han Zixuan didn't quite understand what it was.But her next actions said everything, this girl is not pure anymore.

When Han Zixuan was secretly refreshing, there was a loud knock on the door, and Duan Hongjun shouted outside: "Han Zixuan, come out, who let you enter my sister's room without permission. Are you doing something bad, Xiaoying?" , you haven't been bullied, have you?"

Ah, when did this old boy come back?

Han Zixuan packed his clothes immediately, Duan Hongying was also extremely nervous.If my father and brother knew that I seduced men in the bedroom, they would definitely laugh at me.

Han Zixuan quickly responded: "Brother, we just communicated, nothing happened."

Duan Hongying immediately said, "Brother, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Duan Hongjun still didn't believe it: "Hurry up and open the door, or I'll hit the door."

Han Zixuan felt that there were no flaws in the clothes of the two of them, so he went to open the door.After Duan Hongjun came in, he stretched his neck and looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the two of them. Fortunately, both of them were wearing clothes, and they didn't do anything like a beast.

"Little sister, he didn't do anything to you, did he?" Duan Hongjun asked.

Duan Hongying tidied up her clothes, her face flushed, "No."

Han Zixuan said from the side: "Brother, I don't dare, after all, this is your home, and I'm not that thick-skinned yet."

"I'm sorry you don't dare. I heard just now that you want to take Xiaoying away. My dad also agreed, and it seems that Xiaoying also agreed. But I have something to say to Xiaoying, Zixuan, you first Go out and avoid it."

Han Zixuan didn't say anything. The brother and sister must have a good relationship, and they have a lot to say.

When Han Zixuan left, Duan Hongjun sat down, stared at his sister and said, "Xiaoying, brother just sent you a word, if you want to stay by his side, you have to deal with him as soon as possible. This kid looks quite Lovely, but sometimes shy. If he doesn't get the hang of it, you have to take the initiative, you understand."

Duan Hongying rolled her eyes, really wanting to bang her head against the wall.

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