The campus is so cute

346 The Dark Girl

Duan Hongjun was teaching Duan Hongying how to attract men, sometimes he had to show his face, and he couldn't be conservative all the time.The two of you stayed in the same room just now and didn't do anything. Hey, the two of you are too ignorant of style.

Duan Hongying couldn't stand his rambling, so she could only stare at him to tell him not to talk.

Duan Hongjun said endlessly, "If you really don't understand, I have some movies in my computer for reference. As long as you master these tricks, the relationship between you will grow by leaps and bounds."

"Brother, if I said that if you hadn't knocked on the door just now, we would have had sex, would you believe me?"

Duan Hongjun was dumbfounded, for a long time his thoughts were too pure.

After staying at Duan's house for a light meal, Han Zixuan didn't stay any longer.Duan Hongying embraced each other with her father and elder brother, and bid farewell.

Duan Hongjun said with a broken mouth: "Little sister, remember to bring your little nephew with you when you come back next time."

After leaving Duan's house, Han Zixuan drove to Suzhou and Hangzhou, sitting beside Duan Hongying, with a smile on her face all the time.She is actually a person with a cold personality, and she is slowly changing now.

When the car came to the urban area of ​​Suzhou and Hangzhou, it was stopped by a person on the way.Han Zixuan took a closer look, it turned out to be Yang He, why did he come here suddenly.

Yang He said to find a place first, he has something to say to him.

Duan Hongying knew the rules very well, stayed in the car and did not get off with them.

In a quiet teahouse, Yang He was sitting opposite Han Zixuan, with steaming fragrant tea in front of them, neither of them spoke for a long time.

In the end, Yang He spoke first: "Zixuan, first of all congratulations, Yangcheng has won."

Han Zixuan didn't say anything, because the trip to Yangcheng made him feel a little sad.The main reason is that Han Xiaotian is dead, but his blood is flowing in his body.Although Ye Qingsong told him that there will be no Molong in the future, you don't have to continue to carry this shackle on the road.

However, Han Zixuan knew in his heart that the matter was not over.

Seeing that he was not in a high mood, Yang He suddenly smiled and said excitedly: "You will be happy to hear another piece of news. Chu Xiaotian is dead, and Tianxing is also finished."

What, Han Zixuan was very shocked by this news.

Yang He said that Liu Peng personally ordered Chu Xiaotian to be killed, and that Chu Xiangdong died as well as Chu Yuhang.As for Chu Xiangnan and his children, they probably died too.

"This is the chief's way of killing the donkey. Now that the two major domestic cancers, Yangcheng and Tianxing, have perished, he has no cancer on the outside, and the hidden danger of Tianxing inside has been solved. It seems that he will inherit the great treasure soon." Han Zixuan I have to admire Liu Peng's method, it is indeed straightforward.

Anyway, Yang He himself still supported Liu Peng in doing so.

"Nowadays, the country is relatively stable and peaceful. What do you want to do next, return to the army?"

Han Zixuan shook his head: "I won't go back, I think about it more simply, I want to go back to Nanhai University and continue my university dream."

Yang He nodded in relief: "That's fine. You've been really tired for a while, and you need a good rest."

Then, there was another silence.

Yang He thought about it and asked, "Zixuan, do you know your real identity?"

Han Zixuan nodded, but did not say anything.

Yang He asked, "What do you think?"

Han Zixuan looked up at him, and then smiled wryly: "I don't care, and Zhao Zekai won't recognize me. That will definitely cause a lot of trouble, and Liu Peng will find a way to kill me."

Yang He was very relieved. He originally thought that he cared about the aura of the prince, but it seemed that he was wrong.This young man is different from ordinary people.

"According to the current situation, next year's general election must belong to Liu Peng. And your identity is better not to be exposed, so as not to bring disaster and trouble. However, Chief Zhao Zekai told me, and I promised him, I will definitely protect your personal safety."

Han Zixuan squinted his eyes and looked at him, the corners of his mouth pulled out an arc forcefully, and he said sarcastically, "No need."

Yang He was a little embarrassed, smiled self-deprecatingly, and suddenly said: "Will you continue to follow Molong's path? After all, your life has been prepared for this path."

Han Zixuan thought for a while: "I don't want to think about it for now, but it's not necessarily true. If Liu Peng knows my identity, and he plans to take measures against me, then I'm sorry, I can only take up arms to resist."

After leaving these words, Han Zixuan left first, only Yang He sat there silently.

After leaving the tea bar, Han Zixuan returned to the car.Duan Hongying looked at him with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand to help him straighten his clothes, he looked very dignified and virtuous.Han Zixuan was very relieved, but at the same time a little stressed. For his family, he must protect them well.

Now is not the time to relax, the future battle is still going on, Han Zixuan has a strong intuition.

At noon, I came to Guo's house.The Guo family had already received the news, and they were ready to kill pigs and sheep to welcome him.

Guo Linghua regained her health, wearing an elegant blue dress, standing at the door of the house and staring.Seeing Zixuan's car approaching, he suppressed his excitement and his heart beat wildly.

Guo Lingsu said from the side: "Sister, let's meet in a while, and be more enthusiastic."

Guo Linghua rolled her eyes, clasped her hands tightly, and waited quietly.

Han Zixuan got out of the car, Guo Xiangtao came and they hugged each other tightly.Guo Xiangtao said cheerfully, he had already sent someone out to meet you, but you went to the tea bar with someone else on the way, what's going on.

"It's nothing serious, I met an old friend." Han Zixuan saw Guo Linghua standing in front of him, wearing a blue dress, looking dignified and elegant.But there was an indescribably seductive aura between her brows, the title of Blue Enchantress is not for nothing.

Han Zixuan came up, pulled Guo Linghua up, gave her a symbolic hug, and cared about her physical condition.Guo Linghua smiled all over her face and said that everything was fine. If you don't believe me, we can practice together later.

Han Zixuan leaned into her ear and said, "Okay, go to your room, on the big bed."

Guo Linghua's face turned pink immediately, she glanced at him lightly, and nodded with infinite flair, looking very seductive.

Han Zixuan trembled all over, hurriedly greeted Guo Lingsu, and said a few words of hypocrisy.But Guo Lingsu was very indifferent, called her brother-in-law, and then deliberately kept her distance.

This is also very good. I thought it would be troublesome to come here, and I was entangled in how to deal with their sisters' previous problems.Now that I think too much, my little sister has already forgotten about you.

Han Zixuan introduced Duan Hongying, who is the daughter of Duan Fengchen in Yangcheng. Now, she is my bodyguard.Guo Xiangtao understood and didn't say anything, but looked at Guo Linghua.

Guo Linghua acted very aggressively, and pulled Duan Hongying's hand. My sister is long and my sister is short. After all, the two have known each other for a long time, but they are not very familiar with each other.This meeting was obviously more lively than before.

Naturally, it was a good treat at noon, after dinner.Duan Hongying went to look for Guo Linghua, and Guo Xiangtao and Han Zixuan were left in the room.

Guo Xiangtao went straight to the point: "Zixuan, I know you will definitely not stay in Suzhou and Hangzhou for a long time. You probably won't hold a wedding with Linghua now, but you must show your attitude and don't make Linghua wait foolishly."

"Uncle Guo, don't worry, I won't let you down."

"You boy, I don't want you to keep calling me Uncle Guo." Guo Xiangtao wrinkled his forehead slightly, and upon closer inspection, the old man was much older, with a few more gray hairs than when he first met.

"I understand, I'll go see Linghua now."

Guo Xiangtao nodded: "Go."

Han Zixuan went to Guo Linghua's room, because the Guo family was a big villa, and the Guo family sisters lived alone because they were not married.The two sisters lived in one big house, but in different rooms.

Han Zixuan came to the big house, just opened the door and entered, he saw a young girl sitting in the living room, it was Guo Lingsu.At this moment, he was looking at Han Zixuan with resentful eyes.

Now that you have met, you should always say hello.Han Zixuan smiled at her and asked, "Where is your sister's room?"

Guo Lingsu was very unhappy, but nodded reluctantly: "Come with me."

Han Zixuan didn't dare to say anything more, and quietly followed her, then came to a room, followed Guo Lingsu in.As soon as he entered, the door was slammed shut.

After Han Zixuan came in, he found that something was wrong. There was no Guo Linghua or Duan Hongying inside, and looking at the decoration of the room, it was obvious that this was Susu's room.He turned around and wanted to leave, but a pair of powerful little hands hugged him fiercely, not letting go.

Just as Han Zixuan was about to say something, his back felt a chill, and he couldn't bear it any longer. The girl's tears soaked the shirt behind his back.

Just like that, silent, silent.It lasted about 2 minutes, and no one spoke.

Suddenly, Han Zixuan felt something was wrong, he felt two lumps of soft warmth on his back, and two bumps were wrapping himself.He hastily turned his head and saw Guo Lingsu opened up his shirt, revealing two balls of pink steamed buns, with a little bit of bright red blooming quietly.

Han Zixuan felt a little thirsty, this little girl, you are going to play me to death.He said softly: "Susu, put on your clothes quickly, if others see it, I can't be a human anymore."

"No." Guo Lingsu arched her body into Han Zixuan's arms. This girl obviously didn't know that if she used a murder weapon to seduce a man, she just pressed against her. It felt like this would definitely arouse his thoughts.

How could Han Zixuan not understand what she meant, but he couldn't do that.

Han Zixuan slowly broke free from her, then squatted down, straightened her clothes and buttoned them up.The whole set of actions was very pure, even when she saw the two balls of fresh meat, she didn't have any thoughts.He secretly admired himself for having the potential to be a saint.

Guo Lingsu shed more tears: "You don't like me, and you don't like me even if I'm naked."

"Susu, silly child. You forgot our promise, just wait a little longer, we'll fall in love when we grow up, okay?" Han Zixuan hugged her and said.

"But, I'm afraid you'll forget me. Brother, you can kill me, I'm not afraid."

Han Zixuan felt that there was darkness in front of his eyes, this girl's heart must be too dark.

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