The campus is so cute

347 Never Touched a Man

Just when Han Zixuan was at his wit's end, fortunately there was a knock on the door.

Han Zixuan immediately opened the door, and Guo Linghua looked at the two dubiously outside the door, as if they were catching rape.Guo Lingsu immediately turned her head, wiped the tears from her eyes, and tried her best to calm down.

"I accidentally walked into the wrong room just now. Your house is too big, and it's not convenient to find someone." Han Zixuan tried his best to hide his embarrassment with a smile, and leaned against the door, intending to go out.

Guo Linghua didn't say anything, she stepped aside and let him go out.Then the door was shut with a bang, and she entered her sister's room.

Han Zixuan didn't know what the sisters were going to say, and he wasn't in the mood to think about it.To be honest, he is very irritable, maybe because of too many things he has experienced recently, he is very exhausted physically and mentally.

Soon, the door opened, and Guo Linghua walked out of the room.She saw Han Zixuan sitting silently on the sofa, hesitated for a moment, and then sat beside him.

"Susu told me everything."

What, Han Zixuan was a little startled, but he wasn't sure what the girl said.

"What kind of expression is that on your face? I didn't expect you to be able to hold it back. It really impressed me." Guo Linghua's tone was playful.

Han Zixuan smiled bitterly: "I'll take it as your praise."

Guo Linghua moved her body lightly, and the two got closer to each other.Then she tilted her body and stuck to his side, softly said: "Our sisters are really unlucky, why did we meet you."

Han Zixuan stretched out his hand to embrace her delicate and fragrant shoulders, and said shamelessly: "Hey, there is no way, who made me so good, sometimes I am very distressed."

Guo Linghua chuckled: "Forget it, everything is predestined. Since you promised Susu, you can't go back on your word."

"Okay, as long as we are all healthy and alive." Han Zixuan exhaled lightly.

Guo Linghua asked: "What are you going to do next, return to the army?"

"No, I'm going back to South China Sea to live my own life. But before I leave, I hope to spend more time with you, let's increase our relationship." Han Zixuan said.

Then, Guo Linghua immediately asked.

Han Zixuan looked at her puzzled, there was no more, I went back to Nanhai.

What about us, should we just separate the two places and tell you, since you took Hong Ying away, don't leave me behind.Anyway, there are my father and elder brother here in Suzhou and Hangzhou. It’s the same with me or without me. I will accompany you to the South China Sea.

Han Zixuan stared at her with reddish eye circles.

Guo Linghua said: "When I go to South China Sea, I mainly meet Shen Hanyu. It is said that she is your queen in the South China Sea harem. To be honest, I am not convinced, I want to meet her."

"Why, looking for a place."

Guo Linghua said unconvinced: "No, no matter what I, Guo Linghua, I am the number one beauty in Suzhou and Hangzhou. She, Shen Hanyu, is the most beautiful in Beijin. Finally, I meet someone of the same kind. I must see her."

"You're not ashamed, the number one beauty in Suzhou and Hangzhou, who made it." Han Zixuan mocked.

"That's what outsiders say, isn't it?" Guo Linghua sat up straight and looked at Han Zixuan quietly: "Zixuan, am I not beautiful?"

Although the outside world praises her, women are eager to be praised by their men.Having been in touch with Han Zixuan for so long, he never seemed to show her the expression a man should have, shouldn't he be drooling, his eyes staring round, wishing he could just throw himself down.

"Very beautiful, you are all beautiful." Han Zixuan added.

Guo Linghua burst out laughing.

Now that he came to Suzhou and Hangzhou, Han Zixuan decided to relax during this time, why not visit the scenic spots here, tomorrow he will go out with Linghua and the others.

In the evening, after dinner, Guo Xiangtao arranged a room for rest, and Han Zixuan went back to rest.He went to take a shower first, and then lay on the bed and watched TV boringly.

It is said that watching TV is a more nutritious after-dinner exercise, which he rarely experiences.Now, finally.There were domestic TV dramas and spy movies on the TV. The acting was not bad, the plot was ups and downs, and the suspense was full of suspense. He really watched it.

However, what makes him very upset is that such a solemn and serious film actually has scenes of hugging and kissing, especially the heroine in it, who is dressed sexy and shows off her shoulders and beautiful back, which makes him feel a little distracted.

Not only is he sad, but there are three beauties who look like flowers and jade living here, but at night, he is lonely facing the empty room, takes out his phone, and looks for the number book.Which one to invite, Duan Hongying, I think there must be no problem, but after all, this is the Guo family, she will definitely feel embarrassed.How would you know if you didn't test it? He secretly sent a text message.He quickly replied that he was not feeling well and had already fallen asleep.One last word, I'm sorry, you can find Sister Hua.

Hey, Han Zixuan had the cheek to call Guo Linghua, and he got connected quickly.

"Linghua, your quilt is too thin, it's a bit cold, please add another pair for me."

Guo Linghua immediately ordered the servant to bring the quilt.

Why is this woman so stupid? I can't understand such obvious hints.Forget it, keep yourself warm.

Just as he was secretly worrying, there was a hasty knock on the door.Han Zixuan was pleasantly surprised, finally came.

As soon as he opened the door, a figure jumped in from outside, alive and kicking like a naughty little white rabbit.Han Zixuan took a closer look and found that it was Su Su.

"Brother Zixuan, I want to sleep with you. During the days when you lived in my house, you belonged to me. Otherwise, I would feel sad and always feel that my things were taken away by someone." After Guo Lingsu finished speaking, she went to bed, Got into bed.

Han Zixuan's forehead kept breaking out in cold sweat, little girl, do you know that it is dangerous to share the bed with a man.And now it's past ten o'clock in the evening, which is the time when men are prone to heat.

"Susu, stop making trouble, I'll call your sister."

"It's useless for you to fight. I've already explained the situation to her, and she agreed." Guo Lingsu was extremely proud, and the sadness in the afternoon was gone.This girl is optimistic, cheerful and easy-going, and she is confident that she can have him.

Han Zixuan saw her indifferent attitude, it seemed that her sister did agree.Is Guo Linghua crazy? Could it be that if I am Liu Xiahui in the afternoon, I will still be so honest at night? It's too bullying.

Guo Lingsu stretched her waist, showing off her exquisite figure.Then he took off the outer shirt carelessly, revealing a pink seductive underwear inside, this girl must have done it on purpose.Because this little lingerie is too sexy for her age at all.

"Brother, come up, it's getting late." Guo Lingsu waved cheerfully at him.

Han Zixuan was about to collapse, and said in a suppressed voice: "Susu, I'm a man with normal physiological reactions. I'm going to make mistakes when you look like this."

Guo Lingsu was secretly happy and expected you to make mistakes.This way you won't abandon me, otherwise I wouldn't believe the promises you said verbally.

"Tch, I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of. And you've said it all, I'm a child, I want to have no breasts, no butt, and you're not interested in my type."

Have I said that? Han Zixuan rubbed his head with a troubled look on his face.

What to do, leaving this room is the most correct choice.But Guo Lingsu's provocative attitude made Han Zixuan feel uncomfortable.No matter how I say it, I am a person who has experienced meat, so I must have no problem dealing with this kind of little girl.

Afraid of anything, Han Zixuan got on the bed without hesitation, lay on Guo Lingsu's other side, then turned his head and turned his back to her.

At first the two of them didn't talk, and Han Zixuan didn't watch much TV, but it was still playing on the TV, but he changed the channel to a TV series with an urban theme, I don't know the name, anyway, he just watched randomly.

There is such a picture being played inside, it looks like a woman seduces a man, but the man doesn't respond at all, the woman cursed: "You are still a man, I stripped you and you didn't respond at all, impotence."

Han Zixuan kept frowning and heard the girl giggling behind him.He gritted his teeth, damn SARFT, how did this TV series pass the review.

Suddenly, Han Zixuan felt a pair of small hands penetrate into his clothes, and then stroked his back, and he could hear her muttering about impotence, premature ejaculation or something.

Han Zixuan became angry, and turned to stare at him: "Who are you talking about?"

"That's what was said on TV, and it didn't mention you. Why are you so excited?" Guo Lingsu stared at a pair of innocent big eyes, and suddenly said in surprise: "By the way, you were like this in the afternoon. Could it be that you have a disease there? Brother, Don't be embarrassed to open your mouth, I won't tell the outside world, especially to my sister, I will keep the secret for you."

Damn stinky girl, deliberately challenged my bottom line, right?Han Zixuan understood that this little girl deliberately provoked me and forced me to make mistakes.

He was secretly lucky, there was no need to be serious with a little girl.But this little girl's hands are too dishonest, touching anything.

Han Zixuan held down her hand and warned, "Don't touch, you've never touched a man before."

Guo Lingsu chuckled: "I haven't touched it."

I was dizzy, Han Zixuan stared at her: "You are deliberately seducing me, aren't you?"

"I don't have that ability. You didn't respond when I took off my clothes. My sister said that you are a famous man, a tough guy."

Is there such a detrimental thing, you sisters are all bastards.

Han Zixuan felt that the atmosphere was too depressing, so he simply got up and got out of bed, and sat on the sofa on the bed to watch TV.

And the hateful Guo Lingsu was lying on her side, tilting her head to appreciate his embarrassment, but she didn't know that her appearance just exposed the two balls of meat on her chest. Say more deadly temptation.

Staring at her body, Han Zixuan instinctively felt that a certain part of himself was changing.No, go take a shower first, goodbye anger.

Han Zixuan rushed into the bathroom and closed the door firmly.

Seeing that the opportunity came, Guo Lingsu hurriedly got off the bed, poured a glass of water, took out a small tablet from her pocket, and put it in.

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