The campus is so cute

348 The beauty is broken

When the cold water washed over Han Zixuan's body, he felt a lot more awake, and at the same time he was wondering what this girl Susu was doing. There was no doubt that she was deliberately seducing me and making mistakes.

What will happen if I don't hold on to it today.In fact, it's nothing, it's just an invisible burden on myself.But now, Susu's love for her is very direct, obviously, it is also a burden.And the burden made it a little difficult for him to breathe.

For example, in the afternoon, just now, this girl teased herself with purely feminine methods, but she pretended to be indifferent and fearless.He believes that it takes a lot of courage and guts for Susu to get rid of her clothes, and even abandon her inner shyness and self-esteem.

She is the daughter of the dignified Suhang Guo family. In school, she must be the proud daughter of heaven. At home, she is the youngest and receives the most love.

Han Zixuan suddenly became a mother-in-law recently, not straightforward enough.What changed me, or what fettered me.The road ahead is full of obstacles, and the future life and death are uncertain. Although Wen Lan flew up with the dirt in the gunpowder smoke, who knows if she is still alive, and living is her greatest enemy.

There is also a hidden enemy, and this person is very powerful, that is Liu Peng.Although the two hadn't met, Han Zixuan felt that as long as his identity was exposed, he would definitely pursue him endlessly.

Maybe he was afraid, and if these lovely women around him were with him, he was really worried about their safety.Nowadays, he has to keep talking with women in Nanhai basically every day, and he is really worried.

Therefore, sometimes Han Zixuan dare not respond quickly to a woman who loves him, such as Duan Hongying, such as Guo Linghua.

Duan Hongying, because Duan Fengchen's attitude at that time determined the key to Yangcheng's trend, not because he chose Duan Hongying because he had no choice but to act against his will.That way he wouldn't take Hong Ying away today, it's just a feeling that something is wrong, he is a person who treats feelings very slowly, he will not love for no reason, let alone hate for no reason.Since Hong Ying is very attentive to him, then he will take Hong Ying to slowly find his feelings in the future.

As for Guo Linghua, Han Zixuan admits that he will remember it the first time he saw it.It's nonsense to say that he doesn't like it, but he knows that this woman is not simple, but very complicated.Then, he has to unravel her mystery little by little, open all her hole cards, and enter her inner emotional world. Although he doesn't know when he broke the other's heart, he understands that everything will come naturally.

Suddenly, a girl's figure flashed in front of her eyes, with a sweet smile, a charming expression, and the persistence and bravery in her heart.She is a good girl, I can't let her down, I can't bear to see her cry behind her back.

If the other party falls asleep when I go out again, then forget it.If she still puts on a seductive posture, then I can't stand it anymore, why bother to make each other uncomfortable.

After walking out of the bathroom, Han Zixuan was sitting on the sofa, the TV series was still playing boringly.On the bed, there was still a petite figure, but the body was wrapped in the quilt, leaving only a soft back and sexy buttocks.

Well, Han Zixuan took a closer look, this girl took off her skirt at some point, revealing a section of the same pink lace panties.

Han Zixuan instinctively took a few more glances, then immediately turned his head and stared at the TV screen.Then he picked up the water glass on the coffee table and took a few sips violently, suppressing the restlessness in his heart.

At this moment, although Guo Lingsu didn't look back, she could feel what happened just now.His body trembled slightly inadvertently, and when he heard him drinking water, his heart beat wildly.

She bought this drug secretly in the adult goods store in the afternoon. The boss said that a man who took it would make him interested and ensure that your boyfriend will be alive and well. It is no exaggeration to say that it will be fine for at least an hour.

Although there are many terms, Susu can't understand her.As long as you understand one thing, a man can get spring after taking this medicine.

After Han Zixuan finished drinking the water in the glass, he felt a ball of fire burning violently in his heart.Just had a cold shower, so that shouldn't be the case.Besides, it's late autumn now, and the weather is very cold at night, why does he feel hotter and hotter.

Moreover, he obviously felt a kind of obscene thought deep in his heart, longing for women, stronger than ever.

Damn it, Han Zixuan scolded himself inwardly, he is no longer Chu Ge, yet he did this.

However, the more he wanted to suppress it, the stronger the feeling became.

At this time, Guo Lingsu turned around and lifted the quilt, exposing a pair of slender, white legs to the air. She slowly raised her body and stared at him with pure black eyes: "Brother Zixuan, it's so late ,still not going to sleep."

Han Zixuan swallowed his saliva: "Go to bed first, I'm not sleepy."

"Brother Zixuan, stop talking nonsense, go to bed quickly, don't you guys have to go out for sightseeing tomorrow, I'm already sleepy, don't turn on the TV." With that said, Guo Lingsu got out of bed and turned off the TV.

A girl who was almost naked swaggered in front of him, and with the effects of the drugs in his body, Han Zixuan felt that he was about to roar.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that the little girl actually came to his side, then raised her legs, and sat astride his body, with soft words from her mouth: "Brother, you don't seem to be feeling well, are you sick? "

Then, Guo Lingsu clumsily brought her lips close to Han Zixuan, and began to learn how to kiss.She understood that brother Zixuan knew kung fu, so he must have a strong willpower.If you don't take the initiative, even using drugs may not work well.

At first, Han Zixuan was still able to resist, but when the little girl's hand untied his pajama belt, her little hand was groping around his abdomen.He finally couldn't stand it anymore, grabbed Susu's body, stared at her beautiful face: "Susu, don't do this, I'm going to make a mistake."

Guo Lingsu looked at him deeply, and whispered: "Brother, love me, I want you."

Han Zixuan let out a roar in his heart, and then carried Susu to the big bed, pressing his body against the delicate beauty under him.At this moment, Su Su's face was blushing, because she felt the man's desire for her, and there was something firm against her.Although she is simple, she has learned in physiology class and knows what it is.

Although he lost consciousness a little bit, Han Zixuan still maintained a little bit of reason, knowing that this was the first time for a girl, so he should be treated gently.

After a set of techniques, Guo Lingsu has been dizzy for a long time, and her body doesn't seem to be her own anymore.When an unspeakable pain came from her lower body, she didn't cry out, and held back strongly, but she was secretly happy in her heart, and finally became his woman.

Then, spring currents surged in the room, and a fierce battle never ended.

Han Zixuan was a little confused. Although he was good in this area, he was in an amazing state today.And he didn't feel that way for a long time. In an instant, he seemed to feel something.

And the person under him had already passed out several times, his body was unbearable, and finally said in a delicate voice: "Brother, I can't do it anymore, let's rest and sleep."

Han Zixuan was about to collapse, could it be that he let himself sleep upright all night.He whispered something close to Susu's ear.

Guo Lingsu didn't quite understand: "Brother, if you don't ejaculate, it means that you are in good health, and you don't need the medicines in the advertisement."

Han Zixuan was speechless: "No, if you don't ejaculate, there will be problems with your body. And if I sleep like this all night, don't you be afraid."

"Then what should I do?" Guo Lingsu stuck out her tongue, she knew it must be the effect of the medicine.Didn't the boss say one hour? When we arrived at Zixuan's place, the time didn't match up.

Han Zixuan smiled wryly: "You can only use the most primitive method, but your body has just broken out, so you definitely can't continue, otherwise you won't be able to walk tomorrow."

Guo Lingsu buried her head under the quilt in embarrassment, and suddenly said: "Why don't you call my sister?"

Han Zixuan hastily rejected this idea, if Guo Linghua came and said Susu seduced me, she would definitely not believe it.On the contrary, they believed that I had a great animal nature and would not be able to be a human being in the future.

Guo Lingsu said again: "And your little lover, Duan Hongying."

Hong Ying can indeed put out the fire, but when she came, she found out that I was with Linghua's younger sister. She admires Guo Linghua very much. What if she leaks the secret?

Hey, Han Zixuan was quite distressed: "It's too late, they all fell asleep."

Seeing that no one could come, Guo Ling summoned up her courage and said, "Brother, I feel much better physically, it's okay."

"Silly girl, if you continue, your father will find out the abnormality tomorrow." Han Zixuan rolled his eyes. If it really doesn't work, he can only make Susu work hard and use other methods to help.

Guo Lingsu nodded without hesitation.This night, Han Zixuan finally finished his work at about three o'clock in the middle of the night, but he also enjoyed a full set of services.Finally, Guo Lingsu finally figured out what the marshmallow she ate in the hotel that day was, she punched him hard a few times in embarrassment, and the two fell asleep hugging each other.

Very early, Guo Linghua called Han Zixuan, and decided to go out today.She is looking forward to it, because she has never gone out shopping or playing with a man before.

When the knock on the door woke them up, Han Zixuan found that Susu was flustered, and he cried inwardly: "Susu, doesn't your sister know that you are sleeping here?"

"But we had a relationship, she definitely won't allow it." Guo Lingsu looked at a bright red flower on the bed sheet: "What should she do if she sees it."

Han Zixuan thought about it, put on your clothes first, don't reveal too much.Susu got dressed as ordered, and then Han Zixuan took out his silver needle and cut his finger, dripping on the bed sheet.

Guo Linghua leaned against the door and listened, and there seemed to be movement inside.She yelled again.

Han Zixuan greeted: "Wait, come out and open the door right away." While opening the door, he took out a band-aid and stuck it on his finger.

Guo Lingsu quickly understood, nodded at him proudly, then got out of bed and began to tidy up.

The door opened, and Guo Linghua stepped in immediately, staring at him suspiciously: "It was a surprise last night, I must have spoiled you, the little beauty came to the door on her own initiative."

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