The campus is so cute

350 Harem Drama

Through this video, Han Zixuan got to know Han Qingyun again.Judging from the information just now, she is no longer the mature and graceful woman he knew before, she seems to be Wen Lan's second.

He suddenly thought of a question, since the country does not allow the existence of Tianxing and Yangcheng, using this opportunity to weaken these two forces, why does Molong still exist, or the influence of Han Qingyun in Sichuan exists?

It seems that Han Qingyun obviously has a bigger backer behind him. He doesn't believe that she can have today's ability with her own strength alone.Could it be her boyfriend, the American Mike.

Immediately he shook his head, unlikely.Behind Han Qingyun must have something to do with the government. When Mike didn't show up, Han Qingyun had already planned a strategy and considered establishing a base in Sichuan.She said at the time that she thought for herself and for the growth and development of Molong.

Looking at it now, I'm afraid everything is a lie.Because, he lost contact with her for a long time.

While he was thinking hard, another strange call came.Han Zixuan thought it was the woman just now, so he immediately answered.

Just when he picked it up, he remembered a familiar and gentle voice, which turned out to be Han Qingyun.

Han Qingyun's speech was still sweet and pleasing to the ear. First, he cared about his recent developments and praised him for his excellent performance in the Yangcheng operation, removing a hidden cancer, and Chu Xiaotian, the leader of Tianxing, died.It can be said that the obstacles have been cleared for the development of Molong in the future. We must make good use of this rare opportunity to make Molong a step forward.

Han Zixuan didn't say a word, just listening silently.

Han Qingyun was a little upset: "Hey, brat, are you listening to me?"

"Oh, listen." Han Zixuan responded dully.

Han Qingyun sensed something was wrong: "Boy, we haven't been in touch for a long time, why are you not excited at all, maybe you have a wife and forget about my aunt."

Aunt, Han Zixuan has a bitter face.However, he could no longer open his mouth to yell out these two words.

"How could it be? It's just a little unexpected that I got your call." Han Zixuan made up an excuse casually.

"Well, I lost my previous phone number and was very busy, so I did neglect to take care of you. But I think you are an adult, and you already have a wife, so you must be bothered by me nagging you." Han Qingyun laughed to himself on the phone, like a spring breeze, gentle and gentle.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Brat, where are you now."

Han Zixuan said that he was in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Han Qingyun said: "Now you should hurry back to Nanhai, I brought Yunxi back. This girl helped me some time ago, but she still misses you. Now, I have free manpower here, so I will let her go back , Let you little lovers get together."

"Stinky boy, why are you not happy at all, there must be new people and forget the old ones."

Han Zixuan hurriedly said, "No, it's just a surprise."

"By the way, how is the development in Sichuan now?"

Han Qingyun said with pride: "It's pretty good, it's beginning to take shape. But it still hasn't reached the previous height, because of the lack of you and the Molong Order. So, you have to continue to work hard and try to break the seal as soon as possible."

Han Zixuan felt that he should test it out and ask: "Auntie, the situation in the country is severe now. The country has just wiped out Yangcheng and Tianxing. Are we safe there?"

Han Qingyun was full of confidence: "Don't worry, there is no problem. The reason why the country killed Yangcheng and Tianxing was because they committed crimes on their own and threatened the security of the country. We are different. Our original intention is to defend and support the country. In other words , we serve the country and serve the chief.”

Chief, Han Zixuan immediately thought of Zhao Zekai and Liu Peng.But it was obvious that Zhao Zekai was definitely not the leader Han Qingyun was talking about.

Suddenly, he suddenly understood.The backer behind Han Qingyun should be Liu Peng.

Han Qingjun felt that he seemed to have said too much, and immediately said: "Don't worry, I control everything, don't you feel at ease with me?"

Han Zixuan smiled: "Of course don't worry, but one day, what if we become enemies, will you attack me?"

"Han Zixuan, what nonsense are you talking about. Although we are not direct relatives, our relationship is closer than relatives."

It seems that Wen Lan didn't tell Han Qingyun my real identity.If the backer behind Han Qingyun is really Liu Peng.And Liu Peng learned of my identity, what should I do at that time.

Now, Han Zixuan must return to South China Sea.Investigate Bi Yunxi, and thus investigate Han Qingyun, to verify his judgment.

After hanging up the phone, Han Zixuan took a deep breath and stretched his waist: "I'm going back to South China Sea."

Guo Linghua knew that something must have happened to him, and it might be very troublesome.At this moment, he is in need of manpower, she hurriedly nodded, I will follow you.

Han Zixuan smiled: "Go home first, and tell your father anyway."

Guo Xiangtao wondered why the two came back so soon, because when they came out, the two said that they might not come tonight, Guo Xiangtao was happy in his heart, and the relationship between the two would definitely heat up after this night.

Han Zixuan said that he had to go back to Nanhai because there was something to deal with.Guo Xiangtao didn't leave him alone, and glanced at his daughter.

Guo Linghua said she would go with her, Guo Xiangtao was very happy and did not hold back at all.

"Dad, you are so willing to let me go."

"Hey, my daughter is someone else's child after all. Besides, you are now Han Zixuan's wife in name, so of course you have to follow him. When you arrive in Nanhai, it's not your home. You have to restrain your eldest lady's temper." , be a gentle and good wife, a good wife."

Dad, what you say seems like I'm a vexatious shrew.I know what to do, I love him, so I won't care about those things with him.

It's good that you understand.Guo Xiangtao nodded in satisfaction.

I want to say goodbye to Susu, but that girl is not at home.Han Zixuan sent him a text message, and he replied quickly, "Bon voyage, remember to miss me."Brother, I am already your woman, don't forget me easily.

Han Zixuan held the phone, but was silently lost in thought.Then reply: Did you drug me last night?

The other party will reply quickly, without telling you, just guess.

"Zixuan, have you packed up your things?" Guo Linghua asked from the side.

"I don't have anything, I can go." Han Zixuan stuffed his phone into his trouser pocket and walked towards the car.

Duan Hongying was the driver, she turned her head and said, "Both of you, sit down, let me show you how fast I am driving."

Afterwards, the car rode Juechen, left Suzhou and Hangzhou, and headed for the South China Sea.

When they arrived in the South China Sea, Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying felt a little uncomfortable.They knew that this was Han Zixuan's home, with his relatives and everything about him.

"Zixuan, what kind of person is Shen Hanyu?" Guo Linghua insinuated.

Duan Hongying hurriedly asked: "That's right, sister Yu can't be very fierce, don't let the two of us go in."

"Absolutely not. She is the most gentle and virtuous woman in the world." Even in front of the two women, Han Zixuan still wanted to praise her.

Guo Linghua couldn't help eating, but thinking of her father's advice, she immediately felt relieved, and said firmly, "Don't worry, I will never lose to her."

What are you doing, forming a gang, Han Zixuan cursed with a smile, when he arrived in the South China Sea, his mood improved a lot in an instant, and he forgot a lot of troubles for the time being.

Guo Linghua scolded: "Who told you to say that about her just now, we feel bad." She looked at Duan Hongying and said, "Xiaoying, we are outsiders. From now on, we will be bound together to fight against foreign enemies."

Duan Hongying nodded: "Sister Ling, I am younger than you, and I don't understand many things. You have to teach me a lot in the future. I will do what you do." Although she is good at killing, the intrigue between women can be said to be Don't know anything.

Fortunately, there is Guo Linghua in Nanhai who came together this time, otherwise Duan Hongying would be embarrassed to come.After all, I feel like I have robbed someone else's man.

Han Zixuan shook his head and smiled, ignoring them.According to Xie Wenxuan's personality and the degree of prejudice against Guo Linghua, it is estimated that a harem battle will be staged. My god, it must not be Zhen Huan's time travel.

Because, he explained the situation to Hanyu in advance, and he will be back today.So both women waited at home, and knew that two new enemies had arrived.

The car stopped, and Han Zixuan called the two girls to get off.Guo Linghua tidied up her clothes, she was wearing a pink dress, dignified and elegant.Duan Hongying next to him didn't seem to be used to wearing skirts, he was dressed in black and black trousers, looking extremely glamorous.The two women suddenly appeared in the community, which immediately attracted many people's attention.

To be honest, Han Zixuan only knew that his home was here, but he didn't even know what the community was called.

Guo Linghua curled her lips and said: "Zixuan, let's not live here in the future, the family has a large population, should we consider changing the house?"

It's really nice to change to a big villa and raise a nest of beautiful women of all colors.But let's discuss it later when we go upstairs.

It can be said that Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying are rich girls, maybe they don't like the living conditions here, there is nothing wrong with thinking like this.

Knock on the door, and soon there was a commotion in the room, and the voice of a woman talking and laughing was faintly heard, accompanied by the sound of slippers rubbing against the ground.

The door opened, and before Han Zixuan could recover, a plump and soft body rushed in, whispering to her husband, he misses me so much.

Xie Wenxuan didn't care whether there were outsiders at all, and threw herself into Han Zixuan's arms, then stood on tiptoe, and began to kiss eagerly.

Han Zixuan responded instinctively, with the intention of superficially superficial.Who knows, Xie Wenxuan is endless.

Han Zixuan reluctantly opened her, originally planning to introduce Guo Linghua and the others.

Xie Wenxuan took his hand and touched her own tall chest: "Husband, come in quickly, let's make love, Sister Yu is waiting for you."

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