The campus is so cute

351 Woman 1 Drama

Han Zixuan took a closer look, Xie Wenxuan was wearing a sexy beige pajamas with a white collar showing, and there was no clothes inside.

Outside, Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying seemed to be shocked by what happened in front of them, and they didn't recover for a moment.Duan Hongying didn't see Xie Wenxuan, but she heard Guo Linghua describe this woman as dignified on the surface, but she was actually a prostitute.After all, she witnessed it with her own eyes in the carriage on the day she just went to Yangcheng.

Han Zixuan was led into the house, Xie Wenxuan wanted to close the door.But Guo Linghua took a step ahead and leaned against the door to watch her performance.

Xie Wenxuan gave the woman a hard look, and then continued to pull Han Zixuan into the room.On the sofa in the living room, Shen Hanyu was also dressed in pajamas, white silk and satin, looking very elegant. At the moment, she looked at them with a wide smile, but more eyes were on the two women who followed in.

Xie Wenxuan got excited and wanted to take off her clothes when she held down Han Zixuan.Han Zixuan hastily stopped her, and slapped her plump buttocks several times: "You're not done yet, didn't you see any guests coming?" This woman is purely looking for nothing.

Xie Wenxuan was not ashamed at all, instead she rubbed her ass, pretending to be coquettish, with a seductive voice: "Husband, is my butt plump?"

Guo Linghua finally couldn't help it, she frowned and said, "Xie Wenxuan, you are also a dignified people's policeman, it's really embarrassing for you to be like a bastard."

"I am willing, it's none of your business how my husband and I want to play. By the way, who are you, why did you come to my house?" Xie Wenxuan pinched her waist and glared at her.

Han Zixuan glanced at Hanyu and felt quite a headache.

Shen Hanyu smiled lightly, a little gloating, as if saying that you provoked it, and it depends on how you end up.

Han Zixuan looked at her begging for help. After all, she had a special status in this family. The two sisters lived together all year round, so they must have a deeper relationship.

Shen Hanyu pulled Xie Wenxuan up: "Wenxuan, it's alright. There are guests at home, so you can't restrain yourself."

Xie Wenxuan sat on the side, then looked at Duan Hongying behind, and looked up, down, left, and right several times.Duan Hongying became nervous inexplicably, a little afraid to meet Xie Wenxuan's sharp eyes.

Guo Linghua hurriedly blocked her sight, came to Shen Hanyu, and smiled slightly: "Shen Hanyu, Sister Yu. Zixuan said you are very good, but I didn't believe it at the beginning. When we met for the first time today, you are indeed elegant and dignified, much better than some people. gone."

Xie Wenxuan immediately turned his face, Han Zixuan hurriedly grabbed her, then looked at Hanyu and said: "Yu'er, please say hello, I will go back to the room to teach this disobedient little girl a lesson."

Afterwards, Han Zixuan picked her up and ran straight to the inner bedroom, and then slammed the door hard.

Outside, Shen Hanyu received Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying.She was very calm, chatting with the two women, talking and laughing, and talking freely.

Duan Hongying suddenly heard that voice coming from the room, and immediately blushed.Shen Hanyu also frowned, cursing these two shameless things inwardly.Especially Xie Wenxuan, why are you making such a big noise, I'm afraid others won't know.

Guo Linghua smiled, not surprised at all, she was so unrestrained outside, let alone at home.

Shen Hanyu then set about arranging the rooms for the two girls. When he bought this house, he didn't think too much about it.It's just that the layout of three bedrooms and one living room seems a bit inadequate nowadays.

But squeeze for a while, no problem.

Guo Linghua discussed with Shen Hanyu, consider changing to a bigger house, after all, there will be a large population in the future, and that guy is shameless, so maybe he will add more people in the future.

Shen Hanyu thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, let's discuss it together later."

"Hong Ying, why don't you talk, don't be restrained here, we will be a family from now on." Shen Hanyu found that the girl was sitting silently on the side, her body was sitting upright, and her whole body was tight, which showed that she was very nervous. nervous.

Duan Hongying tried to show a smile: "Sister Yu, I'm not used to it for the first time. And my personality is like this. I don't know how to talk, and I don't like to talk too much. Sisters, please take care of me."

Shen Hanyu smiled gently: "Don't worry, there are no bad people in this room."

There are no bad guys, and the policeman screaming in the house doesn't look like her identity at all.

While talking, Xie Wenxuan came out of the bedroom, unexpectedly naked.Her proud body was fully exposed, she pulled Shen Hanyu up with a smirk on her face: "Sister Yu, hurry up, my husband called you by name."

Shen Hanyu broke her hand, and cursed fiercely: "You look like this, how decent are you, put on your clothes quickly."

"What are you afraid of, everyone is a woman, you have me and I have it."

After hearing this, the three girls suddenly sweated coldly on their foreheads.Xie Wenxuan pulled Shen Hanyu to go to the bedroom, Shen Hanyu said nothing, she would not be ashamed and shameless like her.So he ran away with the excuse of cooking.

Xie Wenxuan saw that the elder sister ran away, so she stopped playing and went back to the bedroom.

Duan Hongying seemed to come back to her senses: "Sister Ling, she is so shameless."

"I've seen it all, you don't know, as long as this woman has a place, she will climb up if there is a man. I wonder if Zixuan is a cuckold."

It happened that this sentence was heard by Xie Wenxuan who came out again, and she was very sad, because Guo Linghua's words humiliated her in a disguised form, so she would not do that kind of embarrassing thing.

"Guo Linghua, it's too hurtful for you to talk like this."

Guo Linghua didn't expect her to come out again suddenly, and knew that what she just said was indeed a bit too much, but since they met face to face, she couldn't back down.

"I'm just talking about the facts. Didn't you understand? I just said that I doubt it. If you didn't do it, what are you afraid of?" Guo Linghua stood up from the sofa and faced the challenge without fear.

"Why do you doubt me, you know nothing about the relationship between me and Zixuan, we are people who have experienced the test of life and death."

It seems that I have experienced the test of life and death, so what can I show off with this.Guo Linghua snorted coldly and said, "I didn't doubt your relationship. Whether your relationship is good or not has nothing to do with me. I just don't like some of your styles."

"I'm willing. I'm acting like a baby with my man. What's the matter with us playing? Guo Linghua, don't look at you coming in, you're Zixuan's woman on the surface. But I still don't like you, I know you came from Yangcheng Those who came out there, I know exactly what kind of virtues the women there have."

Mentioning Yangcheng naturally brought Duan Hongying into it, and she was very upset when she heard that.

Guo Linghua could faintly hear the meaning of her words, but she still had to figure it out: "Xie Wenxuan, you have made it clear, don't hide it."

"Okay, let me make it clear. I personally participated in the last operation to destroy Yangcheng. You are the top agent under Wen Lan, the leader of Yangcheng. As far as I know, the first female agent who joined Yangcheng Training is saying goodbye to Girls' Generation."

As soon as these words came out, Guo Linghua's face turned pale, how could she know this.

Xie Wenxuan continued: "You may be surprised, don't forget my identity. We once caught a female agent in our file, and she also came out from Yangcheng. She told us a lot of the news. of."

Afterwards, Xie Wenxuan looked at Duan Hongying: "Your family has even more problems. Your father is a murderous demon king. If I follow my plan, it would not be an exaggeration to arrest your entire family right now and kill them with a single shot."

"However, you are lucky to have met Zixuan. You and your family are doomed to die, and you simply began to cleanse your whites, but black is black, and white is white. With me, you can never change." Xie Wenxuan pointed at herself said firmly in his chest.

Duan Hongying remained silent, and tears welled up. She is a very strong girl, she never expected to encounter such a problem when she first arrived in South China Sea.

Han Zixuan heard the quarrel outside, hurried out and saw Xiaoying crying.Come over and hold her immediately, and comfort her what's wrong.

Duan Hongying pursed her lips and said, "Zixuan, I want to go home."

Han Zixuan looked at Guo Linghua and asked, "What's going on?"

Guo Linghua shrugged: "The big policeman in your family looks down on Xiaoying's family background, and plans to use guns to destroy their whole family."

Han Zixuan immediately understood, and gave Xie Wenxuan a light look.

Xie Wenxuan said solemnly: "I'm also discussing the facts. Of course, people can change. It depends on whether their family can change their ways in the future."

"Xiaoying, don't be sad. Let's not play with the police from now on. When your underworld sister Chen Yuluo comes back, you all unite and fight against the enemy together."

Xie Wenxuan cried out secretly, and at the same time regretted that she had spoken too harshly just now.After all, Chen Yuluo was also a gangster before, but she has a bright personality, so she immediately came to Duan Hongying and apologized in person.

Duan Hongying looked at her in a daze, and then at Zixuan: "It's okay, sister policeman, what you said is right, I will remember it in my heart."

This girl must have made enemies with me.Xie Wenxuan smiled wryly, the only way to gradually resolve the barriers between each other in the future.

Han Zixuan glanced at them: "It's fine if you want to chat, don't bother me if you have nothing to do. I just came back, so don't mess with me. Otherwise, I'll kick you all out."

Xie Wenxuan was still unrelenting, and explained the reason for the quarrel just now. It was Guo Linghua who suspected me of being dishonest, and gave you a big cuckold.

Guo Linghua looked ashamed: "I know I said something wrong, and I also apologize." She just came here, and she didn't want to destroy the harmony of the family.

Han Zixuan was very relieved and looked at Guo Linghua appreciatively.

Seeing this, Xie Wenxuan was still puzzled, and said: "Miss Guo, continue the topic just now, you came from Yangcheng. The women in Yangcheng are not very clean, I don't want Zixuan to find a broken shoe to come back."

Well, Han Zixuan frowned suddenly, why did he come back to this question again.Damn little bitch, you're messing with me again.

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