The campus is so cute

352 You Are Still a Big Girl

Guo Linghua immediately became angry, Han Zixuan could say that he is a broken shoe, who made her like him.But other women can't, especially Xie Wenxuan who doesn't like each other in front of her.

"Officer Xie, what do you mean? As a people's policeman, you have to be responsible for what you say." Guo Linghua stood up abruptly, looking intently at Xie Wenxuan.

Xie Wenxuan didn't care, she knew it well.According to the understanding in the previous volume, no woman who joins Yangcheng can escape, and will definitely be trained according to the unspoken rules.

So, Xie Wenxuan talked about catching an agent before, and learned a lot of unknown secrets from her.She, Guo Linghua, as Wen Lan's number one subordinate, must have also experienced this kind of special training.Zixuan, we follow you innocently, I don't want such an unclean woman to appear in our family.

To be honest, Han Zixuan really didn't care much about Guo Linghua's innocence.After all, those were all in the past, and I didn't know her at that time.It's like seeing a beautiful woman on the street, but there is a man like a pig next to her. Everyone will sigh, but what does it have to do with you.

And she firmly believed that now Guo Linghua must be sincere to herself, as long as she has a sincere heart, everything else doesn't matter.

"Okay, those are all in the past, we don't need to pursue it. Now that we can reunite, why not live a good life."

"Having said that, I don't think a woman like her deserves your love at all. I knew it all in Yangcheng. At the critical moment, you saved her. She was grateful to you, so she was forced to follow you. And the Guo family I guess I think so too. Although Guo Linghua has a good reputation and is the most beautiful woman in Suzhou and Hangzhou, she is a broken flower after all, so it is not bad to choose a son-in-law like you. Otherwise, with the famous status of the Guo family, how could she marry a girl like you? Such a bad man has several wives at home."

Xie Wenxuan spoke clearly and clearly, and the more she spoke, the more vigorous she became.

Guo Linghua finally couldn't bear it and burst out, and rushed out, grabbing Xie Wenxuan's collar: "Xie Wenxuan, who do you think is a broken flower and a broken willow?"

Xie Wenxuan's neck was stuck, and she couldn't help coughing, but she still said stubbornly: "I'm talking about you, what's the matter, did I say something wrong?"

"I'm not, let me tell you, I'm not as unbearable as I imagined." Guo Linghua couldn't help but aggravate her hands.

Han Zixuan hastily separated the two, really wanting to reach out and slap them both.What happened to these two people? It seemed that they had disliked each other from the first time they met.Could it be that it is a crime, Feng Shui is not very good.

"According to you, you are still a big girl." Xie Wenxuan said with a sneer.

Guo Linghua's body trembled, she was also a woman with rich experience, and she had never encountered such a battle before.

Duan Hongying on the side groaned inwardly. Surviving in the South China Sea was much more difficult than imagined. The big policeman in front of him was too domineering.

"What if I say yes." Guo Linghua asked coldly.

Xie Wenxuan was stunned: "Who would believe it? You and Zixuan haven't shared the same bed yet, who knows. Besides, the technology of counterfeiting is so advanced now, maybe you have secretly repaired it recently."

This sentence is too ugly, and a bit unreasonable.Han Zixuan's nose was about to turn crooked, and he stretched out his hand and slapped Xie Wenxuan hard on the buttocks a few times.Xie Wenxuan stuck out her tongue and asked playfully, "Zixuan, is she a girl?"

"Yes, in my heart, she is pure and beautiful." Han Zixuan stretched out his hand to hold Guo Linghua, needing to comfort and encourage her.

Guo Linghua was very grateful in her heart, but she had a resolute character, how could she be defeated by the other party, so she went all out and said, "Zixuan, we share the same bed tonight, you come and check it out."

Xie Wenxuan immediately clapped her hands and exclaimed: "Okay, I agree. And I supervise the battle from the side, so I can basically tell if it's a girl or not."

Uh, there is a black line in front of Han Zixuan's eyes, these two girls are going to kill me.

Guo Linghua snorted coldly: "No problem, you are not afraid of the shadow if you are upright. But there must be a conclusion."

Of course Xie Wenxuan understood: "If Zixuan is your first man, there is nothing to say. Our family recognizes you, so you can naturally live in. On the contrary, our family may accommodate you because of you."

"Also, you have to apologize to me yourself, and then slap yourself." Guo Linghua said abruptly.

Xie Wenxuan said without hesitation, "Okay, you can do it yourself, I won't even blink."

Shen Hanyu basically understood it in the kitchen, and it was lively at night.She poked her head out and said, "Whoever you are will help me, give me a hand."

Guo Linghua doesn't know how to cook, and Duan Hongying doesn't even know how to cook.Xie Wenxuan didn't know it at first, but she lived with Shen Hanyu recently, and she learned a little bit through it.She immediately ran over: "Sister Yu, I'll come too."

The smoke finally cleared, Han Zixuan sat down wearily, and stretched out his hand to beckon the two girls to sit down.

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying were on the left and right, Guo Linghua suddenly looked up at Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, you have to watch carefully tonight, don't frame me together."

"Stupid woman, why bother with her, she's just crazy and has nothing to do." Han Zixuan scratched the tip of her nose to show his comfort.

"No, I can't swallow this breath. This woman is too arrogant, I have to ride on her head."

Duan Hongying heard the tinkling sound coming from the kitchen, and there was a look of loneliness in her eyes: "Zixuan, I will learn more from Sister Yu in the future, and women should be like her, able to go to the hall and enter the kitchen."

Guo Linghua interjected: "Hong Ying, Shen Hanyu has her advantages, which are appreciated by all men. But we are not bad either. At critical moments, we can point guns at the enemy and protect the people around us, which is also an advantage."

Han Zixuan nodded: "You are all excellent women. And this time I brought you here mainly to do something, you will definitely not be idle here."

Duan Hongying was overjoyed, and immediately asked what he was doing.

Han Zixuan said that he hasn't thought about it yet, but he must use all of your abilities. Although your family has strength, it doesn't mean I have strength.In order to survive, we must have our own team.

Guo Linghua seemed to understand, and asked faintly worried: "Could it be that you also want to build an organization like Wen Lan."

Han Zixuan looked at her happily: "I do have such an idea. Both of you have experience in this field, and it will definitely help me."

At this time, Shen Hanyu said hello that the meal is ready.Han Zixuan and the others immediately stopped talking, cleaned up the tables and chairs, and made dinner.

Shen Hanyu is indeed a virtuous woman, the food is rich, and red wine is prepared, after pouring it for everyone, she looks at Zixuan softly: "Zixuan, you are finally home this time, our family can be reunited .And it also increased the population, which is gratifying. You can say a few words, after all, you are the head of the family."

The head of the family, Han Zixuan looked at the four women around him, all of them were outstanding in appearance, they could be said to be thin and fat, with different styles.But they are all their own women, and they will live with themselves in the future.

"I just want to say one thing, we are all living a good and happy life. There may be quarrels, but we must not tear ourselves apart." Han Zixuan looked at Xie Wenxuan and said.

At this time, Xie Wenxuan took the initiative to pick up the wine glass and clinked glasses with Guo Linghua: "The number one beauty in Suzhou and Hangzhou, it's an honor to have dinner with you, and I hope you will be more tolerant in the future."

Guo Linghua was not pretentious, she raised her wine glass and clinked and said, "Both each other."

During the dinner, he said that he was going to change houses.Shen Hanyu agreed, but it's not easy to find a satisfactory house nowadays. Wen Xuan and I have to go to work every day, so I'm afraid we don't have time to look at the house.

Han Zixuan nodded: "I'll go find He Hongchao, he must have a solution."

Shen Hanyu looked at Zixuan, and said quietly: "You miss Lizi."

Han Zixuan put down his glass and asked, "Have you contacted her? How is she?"

Shen Hanyu sighed: "Occasionally we met on campus, just nodded. But her mental state seems to be pretty good, her academic performance has always been among the best, and she didn't delay the class because of feelings."

"That's good." Han Zixuan said happily.

"I'm back this time. I think it's the best time to use this opportunity to repair the relationship between you. That girl will never forget you. She loves you so deeply." Shen Hanyu suggested.

Xie Wenxuan said nonchalantly: "Sister Yu, I have met this He Lizi a few times, but I haven't spoken to her. She is just a proud stinky girl. Why are you spoiling her? Feelings are paid by both parties. Although Zixuan owes her, but What her father did to you back then was quite interesting."

Han Zixuan hurriedly asked her to stop, there was no need to continue talking.

Xie Wenxuan hurriedly shut up, and suddenly rolled her eyes: "Everyone, there is a good show tonight, do you want to watch it?"

Guo Linghua's body immediately tensed up, her intuition must be that matter.

Shen Hanyu coughed and lowered his head to eat.

Xie Wenxuan said to herself: "Everyone come to the bedroom tonight, our husband is going to open the first beauty of Suzhou and Hangzhou tonight, everyone come and watch."

Shen Hanyu glared at her fiercely, while eating, what are you doing talking about these indecent topics.

Guo Linghua didn't care at all: "I don't care, Sister Yu, you can come too."

Shen Hanyu was frightened by this sentence, and almost threw the chopsticks in his hand on the ground.Xin said that this woman was unusual, definitely not an ordinary person.

"I won't go, I have class tomorrow, I have to prepare."

Xie Wenxuan looked at Duan Hongying: "Miss Duan, what about you?"

Duan Hongying kept shaking her head, looking at Han Zixuan pitifully.

Han Zixuan said vaguely: "Hurry up and eat, after the meal, everyone is busy with their own business, work hard tomorrow."

After dinner, Shen Hanyu cleaned up.Duan Hongying obediently came to help in person. Although he doesn't know how to cook, he should be able to do the dishes.

Shen Hanyu took a look: "Hong Ying, you rest, I will do all these."

"Sister Yu, you are so kind. You have a good personality, good personality, and can do everything. No wonder Zixuan likes you the most. I will learn more from you in the future."

Shen Hanyu was very happy in her heart, who doesn't long for a man to praise him, and in front of other women.

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