The campus is so cute

354 I can't do it

Xie Wenxuan looked at Guo Linghua with provocative eyes: "Do you dare to go to the bathroom with me?" After saying that, she began to take off the outer layer of sportswear that was tightly attached to her body due to sweating.

Guo Linghua naturally understood Xie Wenxuan's careful thinking, and looked for any opportunity to bully her.She is not afraid at all, since she is not afraid of her watching from the sidelines, nothing else matters.

Simply, she also began to take off her coat, revealing a proud and perfect body.

Han Zixuan sat on the sofa secretly refreshed, the four women were all in good shape.Shen Hanyu is slender and plump. Because of practicing dance, it can be said that the proportion of the body is the golden ratio that women most envy.

Because of her tall stature, Xie Wenxuan looks tall and her figure is impeccable, without any excess fat.Of course, the breasts are not big, but they are considered outstanding among women.

Guo Linghua, because of her special temperament and the fact that she grew up in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, has a classical feminine beauty in her bones.Once she took off her coat, she would reveal her white skin like jade. She looked weak on the outside, but was actually strong on the inside. This kind of woman had the greatest impact on people, especially when she was half naked.

Duan Hongying, girls are very simple, with no distinct personality.But this simplicity is also a special kind of beauty.She has a proud capital, and because of her practice, her breasts are very textured and very elastic, Han Zixuan has experienced it before.

Xie Wenxuan approached Guo Linghua, looked at her for a few times and curled her lips: "It's just average, probably not as big as mine, my husband likes big ones, he doesn't like you at all."

Guo Linghua responded mockingly: "The big one is a cow, I'm not that vulgar."

Xie Wenxuan hooked her hands towards Guo Linghua: "Miss Guo, please." Afterwards, the two rushed to the bathroom.

Han Zixuan turned his head to look at Shen Hanyu and Duan Hongying, wondering if you two should go.

Shen Hanyu waved his hand hastily: "I'll forget it, I'm not going crazy with you." As he said that, he was about to run away, but Han Zixuan grabbed him.

Shen Hanyu said coquettishly: "Zixuan, please forgive me, and my aunt is here, so I will serve you well some other day."

"Really, let me check." Han Zixuan made a gesture to attack her, but Shen Hanyu twisted her body hastily in panic.Unexpectedly, Han Zixuan hugged her tightly, then pulled her into his arms forcefully, and forcibly kissed her cherry red lips.

Shen Hanyu naturally missed Han Zixuan, and when he kissed her, she couldn't control it.He responded vigorously, and began to touch his body indiscriminately with both hands.

Duan Hongying was sitting on the side, looking at the fierce scene of the two, secretly thinking that Sister Yu looked dignified, but she was quite open in her heart.But after thinking about it, they are a couple, and it's normal to be intimate.

Han Zixuan felt as if Hong Ying had been left out in the cold, so he stretched out his hand to hold her slender hand, and then signaled her with his eyes.Duan Hongying understood immediately, and kept shaking her head shyly.In her own bedroom, she might dare to do some crazy moves, but here, she really doesn't dare to let go.

At this time, Shen Hanyu interrupted the intimate kiss between the two, squatted down, and began to unbutton Han Zixuan's clothes and pants.Duan Hongying was dumbfounded as she watched from the sidelines, because Sister Yu was doing something unbelievable in her eyes.

Shen Hanyu waved at her: "Hong Ying, we are a family, and there is nothing we can't let go of together."

Shen Hanyu's exemplary role really worked. Duan Hongying abandoned her shyness, and then squatted beside her. The two women carefully served the comfortable Han Zixuan. He couldn't help but feel more pity for Shen Hanyu.

When the passion was going on in the living room, the two women in the bathroom were restless. At first they didn't like each other, and then they both lay at the door, watching the wonderful scenes in the living room.

Xie Wenxuan has gotten used to it and doesn't feel anything.But Guo Linghua was greatly shocked. After all, it was the first time she experienced this kind of situation. After thinking about it, she felt relieved. Anyway, they will live together in the future, so it doesn't matter.

Of course, what shocked the two of them the most was when Han Zixuan pierced Hong Ying's body. , you can’t let me go, or I’ll never end with you.”

Han Zixuan's heart ached so much that he loved the people under him even more.

After the sexual intercourse, Han Zixuan personally carried Duan Hongying to the bathroom. Duan Hongying was still shy, knowing that they must have seen the scene just now, so she didn't dare to look up at them.

Han Zixuan took a look at Guo Linghua: "Linghua, I'm a little tired today, and Hong Ying just broke her body, I have to take care of her."

Guo Linghua nodded, but felt that Han Zixuan was very considerate. If he turned around and rushed towards other women at this time, Hong Ying must be very fragile inside.After all, she felt that she had the least status here.

Xie Wenxuan didn't want to cause trouble, she nodded obediently, and then looked at Guo Linghua: "Guo Linghua, we sleep in the same bedroom."

Guo Linghua did not refute, and the two returned to the room after washing.There were only Han Zixuan and Duan Hongying in the bathroom. He coaxed the woman in front of him with touching words of love, and exercised his true energy to caress and heal her.

Duan Hongying felt that the pain had disappeared a lot. She looked at Han Zixuan and said in a low voice, "You can go to Sister Ling and the others. I will be fine in a while."

"Hong Ying, you are all my women. I will not be overly partial to any of you, nor will I be merciless. Since you have chosen me without hesitation, I will be responsible to you to the end. Don't say silly things, a while Be good, sleep well at night, and you will be fine tomorrow during the day."

"Well, I will be obedient and be your most obedient and sensible woman. Zixuan, I have no other skills. Compared with all the sisters today, I am the worst. Thinking back, I felt that I was overwhelmed. Why do you have to fly moths to the flame?"

"Let's say something stupid again, do you think I, Han Zixuan, want any woman. I choose you, you must have something that makes my heart beat."

Duan Hongying communicated with him for the first time, and immediately asked: "Then how can I make your heart move."

"You are very simple, without too much selfishness, I like such a simple you."

Guo Linghua slept with Xie Wenxuan, to be honest she was a little uncomfortable.I don't usually have the habit of sleeping with others, even if I have the idea, it is to share the same bed with my future man.

But today it is a bit ridiculous to talk about sharing the same bed with a woman who has conflicts with him.

Xie Wenxuan glanced at Guo Linghua: "Sorry, I didn't prepare so many quilts, so we can only cover one quilt tonight."

Guo Linghua didn't care: "It's okay, I don't care about so much."

"That's good, come on, let's go to bed." Xie Wenxuan lifted a corner of the quilt and signaled Guo Linghua to come up.

Guo Linghua got on the bed without hesitation, then turned her head to the other side, turning her back to Xie Wenxuan.

Xie Wenxuan chuckled: "Hey, what are you doing, you have resentment towards me, you dare not even look at me."

Guo Linghua then turned around, and the two happened to be facing each other, their eyes met, it felt strange.

"Since it's impossible to fall asleep right away, let's talk."

Afterwards, the two women began to chat.Xie Wenxuan found that they still have a lot of common topics. She and Shen Hanyu usually live together. Although they also chat, they hardly have a common language.

Shen Hanyu talked about things in her school, and Xie Wenxuan talked about things in her police station.To be honest, neither of them is interested in the other's story.

But Guo Linghua was different, she had a lot of experience, and Xie Wenxuan was interested in her experience, so the two girls chatted very speculatively, and the estrangement between each other was gradually resolved unconsciously.

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight came in, and everyone got up.And Shen Hanyu had already prepared breakfast and placed it on the dining table.She said to everyone: "I have prepared breakfast, I have finished eating, and I am going to school."

Xie Wenxuan finished her breakfast and hurried out to work.There were only three people left in the family, and Han Zixuan was eating slowly while thinking about what to do during the day.

In the bathroom, Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying were washing. During this time, Guo Linghua found that Duan Hongying didn't have much discomfort, so she hurriedly asked, "Hongying, are you okay?"

Duan Hongying blushed: "Sister Ling, you laugh at me too."

"No, I really care about you. It's very painful for a girl for the first time."

"It's okay, Zixuan knows martial arts and he's really angry, just press it and everything will be fine. Sister, don't worry, it won't hurt so much then." Duan Hongying thought she was worried, so she asked this question.

Duan Hongying went out first, but Guo Linghua lowered her head and pondered. She still doubted whether the bright red blood on the bed that day was Su Su.Could it be that the two of them really had a relationship and deliberately concealed it from me.

Guo Linghua saw the opportunity and asked Han Zixuan.That night at our house, when I slept with Susu, did I eat her sister?

Han Zixuan refused to admit it: "No."

Guo Linghua muttered: "If there is, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Susu has you in her heart, and sooner or later she won't be able to escape from your palm."

Han Zixuan still didn't admit it, although he was drugged that night, only Susu knew about it, other people definitely wouldn't think so.It wasn't that he and Guo Linghua wanted to hide it deliberately, it was just that he didn't think this matter would have much impact on them.

Seeing that she couldn't find anything to ask, Guo Linghua didn't continue to ask.In fact, she was just worried, afraid of what would happen if she got shot and became pregnant.

Suddenly, she discovered a serious problem. There were many women around Han Zixuan, and he seemed to never take preventive measures, but none of the women around him were pregnant.

"Zixuan, don't blame me for talking too much. Why are the stomachs of these women around you so quiet? Could it be that they take medicine every time they are done?"

Han Zixuan was also puzzled. Of course, now is not the best time to have a child, which saves a lot of trouble.He was faintly worried, probably because of his body.

He thought for a while and said, "Maybe, I can't."

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