The campus is so cute

355 Hospital examination

Guo Linghua was stunned, how could a man describe himself like this.

"You're talking nonsense, I've seen your ability before, it's very brave."

"Really, I haven't attacked you yet, how do you know." Han Zixuan teased.

Guo Linghua spat: "In the carriage at the intersection of Yangcheng Expressway, and yesterday in the living room, Xie Wenxuan and Xie Wenxuan told me a lot about your past affairs."

Han Zixuan asked in surprise: "By the way, you and Wenxuan slept together last night. I thought you were going to pinch them in the middle of the night."

"You treat us as children, but after going through last night, we seem to get closer. In fact, I know that she is a very good person, but she is just jealous of me. Hehe, I understand." Guo Linghua said boldly Continue to ask: "By the way, is there something wrong with your body, how about I take you to the hospital for a checkup today?"

Han Zixuan vaguely felt that it had something to do with the seal in his body, and there was a deadly chip planted by Wen Lan in his body, so his body must be different from others.

It's okay to check it out, at least to understand.

Guo Linghua whispered next to his ear: "I still want you to give birth to a son. If you can't, it's a pity."

Han Zixuan looked at her: "If I can't, do you want to leave me and find a man who can have children?"

"What are you talking about? I, Guo Linghua, have only been following you for the rest of my life. You are definitely fine. Zixuan, do you have something to hide from me? I know your background is hidden. If you don't tell me, I won't either. I'll ask more questions." Guo Linghua embraced him with open arms, although this man was often so beautiful, she understood that there must be unknown pain deep in his heart.

Han Zixuan was very moved and relieved, so he talked about his own life experience, he was the heir of Molong.From the time he went down the mountain, he talked about his experience and the purpose of coming down the mountain.All the experiences along the way are sweet and sad.And now, he is at a turning point in his life, thinking about how to take the next step.

Guo Linghua suddenly realized that many fragments in her mind were connected, and she figured out the cause and effect of many things.

Of course, Han Zixuan also concealed a lot of things, for example, Han Xiaotian was not his own grandfather, and if it wasn't for Han Xiaotian, he might have died.Therefore, he is more grateful to Han Xiaotian in his heart, and he doesn't want to comment on this person too much, besides, his blood is flowing in his body now.

"Zixuan, so to speak, whether Wen Lan, Tian Xing, or your mysterious aunt, they all come after you because of the Mo Long Ling in your body."

Han Zixuan nodded: "So, sometimes I am very distressed, it is better to die, to save so much trouble."

"Zixuan, you can't think like this. Since Mo Long is inherited from your ancestors, you have to remember that this is your mission. If I were you, continue on this road, and don't give the enemy any chance, who would dare If you come to rob, you will destroy them, and whoever comes to harm you, I will definitely kill them." Guo Linghua's eyes showed determination.

Han Zixuan was suddenly shocked by her words, why didn't he think of this.People live in this world, at least they have to live, but if someone doesn't let you live, then you can only resist.

With Mo Long Ling in his body, it was his own destiny.You can't choose your destiny in the first half of your life, but the right to change your destiny is in your own hands.Besides, Han Zixuan knew that Mo Longling had hidden many secrets, and the mysterious treasure alone was enough to make people flock to it.

"Thank you, Linghua, your words made me wake up."

Guo Linghua squeezed her body into his arms: "No matter what, I will stand by your side. But we should go to the hospital today to see if it is because of the seal. If it is really because of him, then we must Remove the seal as soon as possible, even for us women who are waiting by your side."

Of course, this secret is only known to the two of them for the time being.

The two of them were going to the hospital. Guo Linghua said that she was not feeling well, and it might be because her body had just recovered, so she had to go to the hospital for reexamination.

Duan Hongying wanted to follow, but Han Zixuan didn't let her follow, let her rest at home well, if we don't come back at noon, you go to school to find Shen Hanyu and eat with her.

"That's fine, Zixuan, you have to take good care of Miss Ling." Duan Hongying is very sensible and knows how to create space for the two of them.

After leaving the door, Han Zixuan asked concerned: "By the way, how is your body now?"

Guo Linghua glanced at him, pouted: "If I didn't say it, you probably wouldn't remember it."

Han Zixuan said ashamedly: "I think your body should have recovered very well, besides, your physique is very good, you should be fine. So I neglected to care about you, you will be fine."

Seeing that he was very honest, Guo Linghua shook her head and expressed her opinion: "It would have been long ago, otherwise my father would not have let me come with me. But you, I am very worried."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

The two arrived at the hospital, registered, and waited in line. The people who came here to see a doctor were all men with gloomy complexions. Some were accompanied by their wives, and some were alone.

After all, most people who see male diseases have one problem, impotence.Han Zixuan felt very unlucky to be in the army.After all, I had this disease at a young age.

Many patients around him looked at him with regretful expressions.Of course, I feel sorry for Guo Linghua's god-level beauty, but my health is failing. If I can, I will replace him to fulfill the obligation.

In addition, some people think that the young man in front of him must have this disease because of the disasters around him. If any woman grows into such a monster, her body will collapse sooner or later.

Han Zixuan could almost guess what they were thinking, he just smiled and looked at Guo Linghua.Guo Linghua could basically guess the score, and secretly bemoaned why she had to come to see a doctor with her.

Soon, it was Han Zixuan's turn, and he followed Guo Linghua into the ward.

The doctor is an old man, he seems to know a lot, and there is a sign on his desk with the title of Professor XX.

The old man glanced at Han Zixuan, surprised at his youth, then looked at Guo Linghua next to him, he seemed to understand.

"Young man, at such a young age, your body will break down. Hey, pay more attention to your body in the future. I will prescribe some Chinese medicine for you. You can take it on time when you go home. For now, don't have sex." The old man began to scribble. diagnosis.

Han Zixuan couldn't laugh or cry.

Guo Linghua hurriedly said: "Doctor, the situation is not like this. My husband has no health problems, but we have been married for many years and we are not pregnant yet."

Oh, what happened, the old doctor was a little ashamed, and hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, because there are too many young people coming to the doctor nowadays. To be honest, young people nowadays, regardless of gender, are too indulgent. I don’t care about my body, and when I encounter problems, I come to the hospital to solve them. But I’m telling you, some people can’t be cured at all. In the end, they not only hurt themselves, but also lose their families and marriages.”

The old man can speak very well, and he speaks clearly and logically.Finally, the old man returned to the topic: "How many years have you been married?"

Han Zixuan glanced at Guo Linghua, hesitating how to answer.

The old doctor smiled bitterly to himself: "What's the matter, I forgot how many years I've been married."

Guo Linghua immediately said, "It's been more than two years."

The old doctor continued to ask: "On average, how many times a week do you have sex, and how many minutes do you have once?"

Uh, Han Zixuan is about to burst out laughing, continue watching Guo Linghua.

The old doctor frowned and looked at Han Zixuan: "Young man, you can answer this question. You don't have to be shy. I'm a doctor and I won't laugh at patients."

The old doctor thought that Han Zixuan was thin-skinned, and thought to himself, "Look at your virtue, you married such a beautiful daughter-in-law for nothing, and wondered how you got it."

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Han Zixuan could only answer: "Two or three times a week, each time can vary from a few minutes."

The old doctor immediately understood that the so-called few minutes was only about half a minute. All the men who came here to see a doctor were like this and refused to admit their impotence.

The old doctor continued: "Well, the inability to conceive may be the joint responsibility of both parties. Madam, please check your body."

Guo Linghua didn't hesitate, it didn't matter to check it out, after all, she was a little worried because she was seriously injured.

So, the old doctor arranged for a female doctor to come and accompany the lady for a comprehensive examination.

On Han Zixuan's side, the old doctor also began to conduct a full body examination on him.About an hour later, the female doctor came out with Guo Linghua's physical examination report, with a strange expression on her face.

The old doctor took a look at the report, and suddenly said in horror: "Han Zixuan, Guo Linghua, play me to death, your wife is obviously a virgin, how could she be pregnant."

Han Zixuan and Guo Linghua looked at each other, they didn't expect to have a big oolong.

Guo Linghua didn't know what to do for a while, and hurriedly took the experience report, feeling complacent, and then threw this on Xie Wenxuan's face to see what she had to say.

"Doctor, we came here for the examination just because we were worried that we would not be able to conceive." Guo Linghua hurriedly corrected her.

What a mess, the old doctor asked: "Are you a husband and wife, are you married?"

Han Zixuan immediately said: "I'm about to get married. Actually, today I just came here for a pre-marital checkup. It's just that I'm here for the first time. I'm a little confused. You just asked us some questions, and we don't know how to answer them."

The old doctor remembered what they were at a loss for when they asked the question just now, and instantly understood what was going on, and smiled: "Why didn't you say it earlier, you deliberately joked with me, I encountered such a situation once, this joke is a little bit Too much."

Han Zixuan apologized cheekily: "Doctor, it is indeed our fault, please help me to see if we can get pregnant."

The old doctor has a good temper. First of all, he looked at Guo Linghua's diagnosis results and nodded: "She has no problems, and all physical signs are normal."

Then, he picked up Han Zixuan's physical examination results and looked at it carefully, with a serious expression on his face.

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