The campus is so cute

358 Inspirational Counterattack

After Cai Xiaomeng finished listening, he was very surprised: "Deng Bochao, that guy is dating He Lizi, it's impossible."

"Anyway, they get very close every day, and that kid actually declared war on me."

Cai Xiaomeng waved his hands and laughed loudly: "Zixuan, in my heart, you are a man like a god. How could you be defeated by a dick like Deng Bochao? He has no strength, no background, and he is not worthy of He Lizi at all."

"Hey, who can say clearly about feelings. Nowadays, there are too many stories about Diaosi's rebellion against Bai Fumei, and I can't take it lightly. You are all from the same academy. Help me investigate this Deng Bochao in detail."

Cai Xiaomeng picked his nose and said: "Brother, Deng Bochao is not on the same level as Liu Likun last time, so you don't need to spend so much effort. You are handsome and handsome now, since you are afraid of a poor woman .”

"Fuck off, don't flatter me, and help me investigate quickly, and your benefits will be indispensable. By the way, do you have a girlfriend?" Han Zixuan asked with concern.

Cai Xiaomeng rolled his eyes: "Zixuan, you also said that I am getting fatter and fatter. Hey, there is no market for our kind of food, and we have been unknown, and no one cares about it."

"Brother, don't be pessimistic. Then, do you have a crush on a girl? I can help you out." Since you are asking for help, you should naturally give the other party some favors.

Cai Xiaomeng's eyes lit up immediately, and his heart was beating wildly: "It's true, but you also said that it's hard to talk about feelings, and girls these days are very straightforward, whether they value each other's family background or I have nothing about the other party's skin."

Han Zixuan immediately corrected his point of view, one should not belittle oneself too much in one's life, everyone has their own specialties.For example, you, you are very kind, enthusiastic, and sincere, and use a sincere heart to influence the other party.

Cai Xiaomeng burst into laughter: "Brother, is sincerity worth anything?"

Sincerity may be worthless, but Han Zixuan felt that his first failure was due to these two words, and this time he will never make another mistake.So, he told Cai Xiaomeng about his history of heartache, blood and tears, and the separation from He Lizi before was because of this reason.

Cai Xiaomeng rolled his eyes: "What you said also makes sense, but it's for girls like He Lizi who are schoolgirls. They don't expect too much, and they really need a sincere heart."

"Okay, let's stop poking each other's pain. Do you have a crush on a girl? If so, my buddies will help you."

Cai Xiaomeng did not hide it, saying that he did have a crush on a girl, and they both belonged to the same college.Although they know each other, they rarely speak.Once, he secretly passed a small note, but the other party sent him a good person card.

But Cai Xiaomeng was not discouraged, and continued to ask why I couldn't.

The girl said that he is lazy and does not seek to make progress. She doesn't like such boys.So, Cai Xiaomeng woke up, started to give up his gaming career, and started to study and study seriously, and his grades improved by leaps and bounds.

After listening to Han Zixuan's constant praise, it's alright, it's still a perfect inspirational story.If you want me to say, you should thank this girl, who is she, I want to see, I guess she must be a beauty.

Cai Xiaomeng shyly pulled out a photo from his mobile phone. It was a photo taken at a sports meeting before their class. It was a group photo of this girl with other female classmates.

Han Zixuan glanced at the photo and asked, "Which one is it?"

Cai Xiaomeng pointed with his finger, Han Zixuan took a look, although he was not a beauty.But at first glance, she could tell that the other party was an intellectual and learning girl, but Cai Xiaomeng's taste was quite heavy.

"Very good. How is your relationship tense now? Is there any breakthrough?"

Cai Xiaomeng shook his head: "Not yet, but I haven't given up. We have been interns in a company recently, and we just want to take advantage of the opportunity to get closer to each other."

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be better than me. But she must know your motives, so this is not good." Han Zixuan said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can see her every day, I feel very happy." Cai Xiaomeng showed a silly face.

"Xiao Meng, I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Since she likes motivated, studious and educated boys, you might as well work hard in this direction. I believe you will definitely arouse her goodwill."

"But I don't have any talent, you know my background." Cai Xiaomeng smiled wryly.

"It's okay, can we pretend to be cultural people. By the way, which company do you do an internship with, maybe I can help."

"We are the most powerful listed company in Nanhai, an advertising company under He's Enterprise. I am in charge of some network management. There is no way, I will do this."

"That's pretty cool, that's all, leave it to me, and it will definitely help you pick up girls smoothly."

"Really or not, how can you make a fuss? Dude, you've got the bottom of it." Cai Xiaomeng's heart became active. As long as Han Zixuan guarantees it, he will basically be inseparable.

"You will know when the time comes, but don't forget the task I gave you."

"Okay, leave it to me. By the way, did you change your phone number? No one answered your previous calls."

Han Zixuan had indeed changed the phone number, told the other party the latest number, kept in touch, and the two separated.

Cai Xiaomeng is a very kind person, and Han Zixuan decided to help him.

Really bored, Han Zixuan went to find Guo Linghua and the others, they were in the school auditorium.The school celebration rehearsal was going on there, Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying sat below to watch, like some leaders.

On the stage, the performances of the students were very good, no less than some stars.Shen Hanyu sat in the first row, holding a pen in his hand, recording something, looking very serious.

Since the last time Shen Hanyu led the students to stand out in the South China Sea Dance Competition, her personal status has been greatly improved. In the past two years, her work has become more prominent, and she has been promoted to the position of dean of the dance academy.It can be said that she achieved today's achievements at such a young age, making many of her peers envious.

Many people slandered her that she must have an affair with the school leader, and got her position by relying on unspoken rules, but Shen Hanyu ignored these and worked hard.In recent years, she has not had any scandals, but only heard that Shen Hanyu is married. As for who her husband is, no need to ask, he must be a powerful person, otherwise, how could she be promoted so quickly.

After the rehearsal was over, Shen Hanyu communicated with the teachers around her. She also noticed that Han Zixuan and the others had come, so she smiled at them and continued to work hard.

After she finished her work, she came to them: "Several, our students' performance level is not bad, please feel free to ask if you have any comments."

Guo Linghua nodded: "It's really good. But you are a famous dancer, when will I see your demeanor."

"Linghua, don't come here to bury me, I don't have that level yet."

Duan Hongying said enviously: "Sister Yu, you are already very powerful. Anyway, I admire you all over the place. And I heard some teachers call you the dean just now, it's too majestic."

Han Zixuan didn't know that Shen Hanyu had been promoted long ago, and thought she was still a little teacher.He jokingly came over and said, "Really, when did it happen?"

Shen Hanyu was a little embarrassed and said: "In the last month, our old dean retired and temporarily pushed me up. But this position is difficult to take. This school celebration is a stage for testing. If I mess up, I can Disgraceful."

"It's okay, I trust you." Han Zixuan said.

Shen Hanyu smiled knowingly: "There is nothing to do today, I should get off work too, let's go back, we have to move at night."

So, the four of them left the auditorium together and came to the parking lot.When they first arrived, they found that He Lizi was getting into a white BMW, and a boy on the side got into the co-pilot, it was Deng Bochao.

Apparently He Lizi also saw the four of them, but she pretended not to know them. The car started, turned a corner, and left.

Shen Hanyu came to her side and said: "Don't worry, Lizi is not a casual child, it should not be as serious as you think."

Han Zixuan waved his hand, beckoning them to get in the car and go home.

As for He Lizi's car, Deng Bochao didn't say a word. He noticed that He Lizi's behavior was different today. He was very irritable and didn't pay attention in class.

He didn't dare to say anything more, after all, He Lizi was the goddess in his heart, and he would choose to stand by her side silently.

He Lizi felt too depressed and asked, "Deng Bochao, where is your home? I'll take you home."

Deng Bochao was very happy, because it was the first time she sent him home, maybe she also started to be interested in me.This is a good direction, although I have no money, but I have a sincere heart, I believe I can counterattack.

He gave his address and said thank you.

He Lizi smiled: "Why are you being polite to me, you have also helped me a lot in my studies, it's okay if I drive you back."

Deng Bochao smiled: "That's fine, I won't be polite from now on, you can take me home every night."

He Lizi was stunned, and nodded: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm going along the way."

Soon, when they arrived at Deng Bochao's house, Deng Bochao felt that today was an excellent opportunity. Although He Lizi seemed a little sad, there were pros and cons in everything, or this was the arrangement of fate.

He didn't get out of the car quickly, and after thinking about it for a long time, he finally said: "Lizi, I like you. Although I know that we are not compatible at all, I will treat you with my sincere heart. I also know you It will definitely reject me, but I still have to speak out."

He Lizi was not surprised when she heard his words, she smiled lightly: "I know what you are thinking, you are a good boy who is motivated and optimistic."

Deng Bochao sighed in his heart, it's over, it must be another good person card.

Who would have thought that He Lizi would actually say: "I appreciate your sincerity, and you are also very brave. I will consider it and answer you when the time comes."

Deng Bochao was dumbfounded, no way, the counterattack was successful.

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