The campus is so cute

359 follow the shift

Han Zixuan will not be overly sad because of He Lizi's incident, on the contrary, this incident has stimulated him, or inspired him. After reading Cai Xiaomeng's inspirational story in the afternoon, he feels that God still takes good care of him, and there are these lovely women around him accompany.

After returning home, Xie Wenxuan came back earlier. Seeing that the elder sister Shen Hanyu had returned, she was clamoring for hunger, so she hurriedly cooked and ate.

Shen Hanyu glared at her: "You know how to eat every day, and you don't cook. I'm on strike today. With so many people in my family, it will take a lot of energy and energy to cook every day."

Han Zixuan knew that what Shen Hanyu said was a joke, but it was also a real problem.But I'm about to move into a big villa soon, so I really need a nanny.When I talked with He Hongchao in the morning, I ignored this issue.In fact, Li's mother was very good at that time, she did things cleanly and neatly, and the food she cooked was also very tasty.

Han Zixuan immediately got in touch with He Hongchao to discuss the matter. He Hongchao said that there is no problem. Now that you have all moved out, although the house is empty, it needs to be cleaned regularly. Li Ma is still there.

Xie Wenxuan understood from the sidelines that she was about to move, and the house was found.She regained her spirits immediately and asked which house was big or not.

Shen Hanyu explained the situation to her with a smile, Xie Wenxuan frowned slightly, I don't want to owe her the house where He Lizi lived before.Sister Yu, there are so many houses, why do you have to have this.

Shen Hanyu glanced at Han Zixuan. The reason why Han Zixuan chose this house was that the villa was indeed what they needed, and they had lived there before, so they were very comfortable with it.The more important reason was that Han Zixuan was looking forward to He Lizi's return.

Xie Wenxuan seemed to understand: "Okay, since you have all discussed it, I won't interfere."

Of course, the house they live in now is not for sale, and they are not short of money, so if they keep it, they may be able to use it in the future.

It was easy to move, because everything was available there, and He Hongchao must have said hello to Mama Li and cleaned it up long ago.

Soon, everyone packed up and drove three cars to their new home.

When I arrived at my new home, the car just stopped.The door opened immediately, and a middle-aged woman came out from inside, it was Li Ma.

Seeing Han Zixuan and Shen Hanyu, Li's mother politely called out to Master Han, and then Miss Shen leaned to one side, afraid to look at the two of them.

Of course Han Zixuan understood the specific reason and didn't point it out.Ask her how the room is tidy, not only Ms. Shen and I, but also two more ladies.By the way, I introduced Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying.

Seeing the astonishing looks of the two young ladies, Li Ma didn't dare to neglect her. After saluting respectfully, she said that the preparations were already made. The six rooms upstairs have been cleaned up. If there are not enough, there are still four rooms downstairs.

Shen Hanyu was very satisfied and asked her to lead the way, so she asked Zixuan and the others to drive in the car.

Revisiting the old place, Han Zixuan was filled with emotions.Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying were very satisfied with their new house, and followed them with their luggage.

Han Zixuan pointed to the basement and said to the three women: "This is where I used to live. How about it? It's not bad. I'll sleep here tonight, and none of you are allowed to snatch it from me."

Li Ma was dumbfounded: "Master Han, that's not acceptable. This is where servants stay."

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying didn't understand what was going on. Shen Hanyu told me that Zixuan was really a servant when he first arrived. He was the free bodyguard of our three sisters, so he could only live in the basement.But it was really interesting at that time, especially when that girl Tian Yu was around, every day was lively.

Han Zixuan couldn't help feeling nostalgic when he thought of that girl with a childlike face but big breasts.He can conclude that he is the descendant of master Ye Qingsong.I don't know why this girl went and lost contact.

Shen Hanyu said again, but the most interesting people at that time were He Lizi and Zi Zixuan. At the beginning, Lizi looked down on Zixuan at all, thinking that he was a person from the countryside who had never seen the world, but you all know that Zixuan is capable , and later made Li Zi fascinated.At that time, I still had to be wary of him, worried that one day he would explode and eat my two little sisters.

Xie Wenxuan added: "In the end, instead of protecting them well, you took the lead and became Zixuan's meal."

"Fuck you, go upstairs and choose your own room."

They went upstairs together, and Shen Hanyu came to the room he used to live in first, the inside was still unchanged, it was still the same.

Han Zixuan took a greedy breath of the room's air and said, "You know, back then I dreamed of entering this room, but I never had the chance."

Xie Wenxuan chuckled coquettishly: "Since that's the case, you can stay here at night. If you want to leave, Sister Yu won't drive you away."

Shen Hanyu ignored her gossip, and then went to two other rooms, one of which belonged to Li Zi and the other belonged to Tian Yu.The things inside are basically not moving. Seeing this, it seems to have seen the past.

Han Zixuan said, "Don't move these two rooms for now."

Everyone else understood and didn't say anything.

There are six rooms upstairs, and there are three left.Opening one of them, Han Zixuan was stunned, because he suddenly found a photo of a couple in wedding dress hanging on the bedside, of him and Bi Yunxi.

Xie Wenxuan looked at the handsome man and beautiful woman in the photo, and couldn't help but taste: "Husband, you are too partial, when did you take the photo with Yunxi?"

Shen Hanyu asked: "Zixuan, is Yunxi coming back soon?"

Han Zixuan nodded slightly, staring at the photo intently.

Xie Wenxuan said that she can't be at a disadvantage, and I have to take a photo tomorrow and hang it on the wall. Although I can't hold a wedding with you justifiably, the wedding photo must be taken, otherwise the woman will regret it for the rest of her life.

Han Zixuan immediately came back to his senses: "Okay, I'll go tomorrow, you all go, let's take a family portrait."

After leaving Bi Yunxi's room, there were two rooms left, but there were three women to choose from. Han Zixuan immediately ordered Mama Li to tidy up one room downstairs.

Xie Wenxuan said that she wanted to live upstairs, and she was used to living with Sister Yu, so she didn't want to be separated.Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying faced the remaining problems.

Guo Linghua immediately said that she wanted to live downstairs and she didn't want to climb stairs.Duan Hongying humbly let Guo Linghua live upstairs, and she wants to go downstairs, the two humbly let each other.

In the end, Guo Linghua convinced Duan Hongying that she didn't like the excitement and didn't want to get too close to someone.

Xie Wenxuan gave her a white look: "I don't want to see you yet, Hong Ying, you stay here, and then we sisters can have a good chat."

After the house was allocated, Shen Hanyu asked Zhang Luo to prepare dinner, and Li's mother said that the meal was ready.

Xie Wenxuan was starving for a long time, so she hurriedly asked Li Ma to prepare.Mama Li didn't dare to neglect, knowing that she was a policeman, she couldn't be offended.

When the food was served, it was immediately fragrant, and the mouth watered. Several people sat around and praised Mama Li's cooking skills.

Han Zixuan said that we will live here in the future, and I hope Mama Li will work hard.Prepare breakfast and dinner every day, and we will pay more.

Mama Li knelt down on the floor with a plop: "Master Han, Miss Shen. Thanks to your lordship, I will do my best to serve you well."

Han Zixuan immediately helped her up: "Mama Li, don't mention the past, just pretend it never happened. You continue to be your nanny here, and we will get along like a family from now on."

After eating, Mama Li cleaned up and left the villa. There is a small house next to the villa, where the servants live.

Without outsiders, Xie Wenxuan became active. Now that she has moved into a new house, should there be a new rule?

Several people were surprised, we are not tenants, so there are no rules.

Xie Wenxuan said that other problems are secondary, the key is the problem of sleeping at night.Now Zixuan is equivalent to the emperor, and we are his concubines, how to solve the problem of going to bed at night.

Shen Hanyu took a sip and said: "You think about this every day, we won't fight with you, we will sleep with you every day."

Xie Wenxuan blushed and said: "I'm fine, but you must scold me behind my back, and Guo Linghua, what kind of eyes do you have, envy and hatred."

Guo Linghua sneered: "I just doubt whether your body is good or not. I sleep with you every day. You think you are hardcore. You don't have your period every month. Zixuan does that with you every day. His body can withstand it." ."

Xie Wenxuan was choked up and couldn't say a word, she just stared resentfully.

Han Zixuan hurriedly said: "This problem is easy to solve. I live in the basement on the first floor. Anyone who needs it can come to me. As long as I am healthy, I will definitely do my best to serve you well."

The girls burst out laughing, he seemed to have become a slave when he said that.

Shen Hanyu looked at Xie Wenxuan and said, "Wenxuan, from today onwards, you will be the head of the internal affairs team of our room. You arrange the shift, and we will go in shifts."

Xie Wenxuan felt that Sister Yu's proposal was very good, and asked the other two if they had any opinions.Duan Hongying was embarrassed to express his opinion, and lowered his head shyly.

"Hong Ying, if you don't speak, you're acquiescing." Xie Wenxuan looked at Guo Linghua and asked, "How about you, show your attitude."

Guo Linghua came in lazily, Xie Wenxuan said that now it's [-] to [-], you don't have the right to choose, well, I'll schedule shifts from today onwards, and follow the shifts from now on.Of course, it can be adjusted flexibly, such as whose body has a red signal, etc. Of course, when the shift is transferred, remember to return it, and the matter will not be made up for more than a week.

Han Zixuan let them go crazy, he was more concerned about who was on duty tonight, so he immediately asked, "Who is it tonight."

Xie Wenxuan looked at Guo Linghua with malicious intentions: "Of course it's her, and I have to supervise the battle from the sidelines."

Guo Linghua is very annoyed, this woman still suspects that I am a broken shoe, well, let's see if I insist on showing the evidence and throw it in your face.

Xie Wenxuan said kindly: "Are you the first night, let me help you."

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