The campus is so cute

360 working overtime indiscriminately

After He Lizi went home, she was in a very bad mood. He came back, and he came back quietly, and the scene of the cafeteria at noon today appeared in her mind.What is he going to do, come pick me up again, probably just cheating me again.The so-called caring is nonsense, and I will not give him any chance.

And Shen Hanyu and the others, do they look very affectionate?By the way, who are those two women, and the outstanding woman who came to her today, why such a beautiful woman followed him, he is really so good.

She had no appetite during dinner, Shen Yuelan was worried about her physical condition and asked her if she was not feeling well.He Lizi said she didn't have much appetite, so she wanted to go back to her room.

He Hongchao called her to stop, he had something to explain to her.

"Lizzie, you seem to have something on your mind. Your parents are here, why don't you tell us about it." He Hongchao put down the bowl and chopsticks, and looked at his daughter lovingly.

Lizi He could feel the changes in her father, and the changes were great.Now he basically goes home for dinner every day, treats his mother well and cares about her.A warm family is what she yearns for, and she is very happy.

For this reason, she has greatly improved her view of He Hongchao. She can chat calmly and occasionally joke.Of course, after going through many things, only family members are the most real.

"It's nothing, I'm just busy reviewing recently, maybe I'm a little tired."

Shen Yuelan told you not to work too hard, just do your best, our only hope is that you will be in good health and happy every day.How about this, you rest and rest this weekend, let's go out and have fun as a family, why not go to the playground, the place you most wanted to go when you were young.But at that time, your father and I were too busy and had no time. This time, we will make up for you.

He Hongchao nodded in agreement, thinking his wife's suggestion was very good.

Lizi He is very happy, if there is nothing in school, she can consider it.

He Hongchao looked at his daughter's gradually thinning figure, and said worriedly: "Lizi, I know you are unhappy because I ruined your relationship with Han Zixuan before. But it's different now, and I won't interfere with your affairs."

He Lizi frowned suddenly and said: "Dad, this matter has long passed, there is no need to bring it up again."

Shen Yuelan also said at the side that it has been so long, don't make trouble for yourself.

"Okay, then let me ask you, do you still like him?" He Hongchao asked directly.

He Lizi didn't understand why her father asked such a question, but after thinking about it, he must know that Han Zixuan was back.

"That was in the past, now I have my own life." He Lizi remembered going home with Deng Bochao at night, and sending him off for an unprecedented time, she suddenly felt a sense of joy in her heart, she understood what she was doing, to take revenge on him.

Listening to her daughter's tone, Shen Yuelan seemed to be in trouble, and hurriedly asked: "Lizi, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you have a boyfriend?"

He Lizi nodded: "Well, that's right. My classmate Deng Bochao is excellent in study and sincere. Every day we go to school together, study by ourselves, and come back after school together. We are getting along."

He Hongchao couldn't believe his ears, he knew Deng Bochao before.But he believed that his daughter would not like him, he knew He Lizi.From this point of view, Li Zi should see Han Zixuan.

"Lizi, it seems that you have met." He Hongchao sighed.

He Lizi raised her eyebrows and asked, "Who is he?"

He Hongchao had no choice but to say: "Han Zixuan is back, and he came to me today to consult with me about buying a house. I will give him the villa I gave you."

He Lizi suddenly felt dissatisfied, not because He Hongchao gave the house to others, but because Han Zixuan brought his women to live in the place where he used to live.Her room is still there, there are many memories about her, sweet, warm and romantic.In short, the best parts of her are there, but he is fooling around with other women there, and she feels very sad.

She got up and left the table, and quickly returned to her room.

Shen Yuelan looked anxious: "What can I do, what should I do."

"There's nothing to worry about. Liz is an adult and knows how to handle her own feelings. Let's not interfere too much, let's see her own choice."

At this moment, Han Zixuan was fooling around in the villa.

"Xie Wenxuan, get out, I don't want to see you." Guo Linghua was ashamed and angry, and she forcibly took off her clothes.

"No, I'm the squad leader, and you're a member of the team. Apart from Zixuan, I have the final say. Guo Linghua, you don't have as much experience as I do in this area. I'll teach you, otherwise the first time will be very painful."

Han Zixuan was surprised how Wenxuan discovered Guo Linghua's girlish body.

Xie Wenxuan was complacent: "I have seen the world, and I discovered it through observation when I took a bath with her yesterday."

Guo Linghua was very ashamed, and begged for mercy: "Sir, please forgive me. From now on in this family, I will listen to you."

"Since you all said to listen to me, then follow my request. I will personally supervise and see if your work is in place. Serving men is not as easy as you think. Come, sister will teach you." Xie Wenxuan personally She took off her clothes to demonstrate her actions, and her eyes were alluring, revealing a seductive style.

"Cut, I don't need you to teach me." Seeing that she couldn't escape, Guo Linghua went all out, took off her clothes, and kissed Han Zixuan.

And Han Zixuan, a free laborer, could only be forced to enjoy it. The two beauties took turns to stimulate and tease, and the room was filled with the smell of sex.

After all, Guo Linghua is a rookie and still lacks experience.The gestures and movements were a little immature, and Xie Wenxuan on the side personally pointed out, and told her her man's preferences and where his sensitive areas were.

In the end, Guo Linghua dedicated her first night, and a sharp pain hit her.Xie Wenxuan comforted and cared.

Guo Linghua stared fiercely and asked, "Did you see that, my wife is a virgin, please apologize to me immediately."

Xie Wenxuan took out a silk scarf to help wipe it off, but smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I wronged you."

"Wait for me for a while, I have to give you two slaps to relieve my hatred." Guo Linghua cursed, and then the pleasure came from deep in her body, and she couldn't help moaning.

"Haha, go ahead, husband, work hard so that she won't be able to get up tomorrow morning." Afterwards, Xie Wenxuan ran away in a hurry.

When it was time for breakfast in the morning, Shen Hanyu couldn't help being worried when he saw that Guo Linghua didn't show up.

Xie Wenxuan teased and said, "Sister Yu, it's okay. I guess I used too much force last night."

Shen Hanyu gave her a blank look, and greeted us to eat first, after the meal, we will be busy with our own business.Hong Ying, come with me to school, aren't you going to be a teacher?

Duan Hongying was a little uncertain: "Sister Yu, I'm a little uncertain, wait a while for Sister Ling, we will go together, and I will be an assistant for Sister Ling."

It's okay for Shen Hanyu to say, just go to the school and contact me when the time comes.

"Linghua, why don't you get up, it's time for breakfast."

Guo Linghua arched her body into the man's arms: "Wait for them to leave first, I don't want to be grabbed and humiliated by Xie Wenxuan."

"But I'm hungry." Han Zixuan said.

Guo Linghua was reluctant to leave the man's warm embrace, and said coquettishly: "Wait, stay here with me."

"I'm hungry here." Han Zixuan arched his body, and pressed his lower body against Guo Linghua's lower abdomen.

She immediately understood, she gave him a beautiful look, and pressed her body tightly against him.

Xie Wenxuan finished her breakfast, but she still didn't see Guo Linghua coming out, she felt bad and wanted to tease her.

As soon as I came to the door, I heard the sound of crackling and the soft moaning of men and women.

Xie Wenxuan was furious, and slammed the door open, watching the man and woman entangled on the big bed, and came in front of them.

Han Zixuan didn't care, but Guo Linghua still couldn't let go.But she has confidence in her heart, and she is not afraid, on the contrary, she will regain face in a while.

"Guo Linghua, you are too presumptuous. Who stipulated that you were allowed to work overtime. At the beginning, the rules were clear and you were not allowed to work overtime indiscriminately. To punish you, you are not allowed to touch men for a month. Go find a cucumber by yourself at night." Xie Wenxuan finished speaking, Angrily left.

Guo Linghua looked at the door and smiled: "She really did her best, so what?"

Han Zixuan went to He Hongchao during the day because of Cai Xiaomeng's affairs.I hope He Hongchao can promote and reuse this young man, he is my very good friend.

He Hongchao is worth more than [-] million yuan. He has many properties in Nanhai, mainly real estate, hotels, other advertisements, catering, etc. He rarely looks at them, and they are all managed by his team.

Just to say that Cai Xiaomeng is in a very good mood today, and he dressed up well.Although wearing a cheap suit with a fat body is a bit out of place, it caused ridicule from many people around.

And Cai Xiaomeng's goddess Wang Fang didn't laugh at him, because she knew that Cai Xiaomeng's family background was an ordinary working class.And I understand Cai Xiaomeng's good intentions in coming to this company.

However, Wang Fang did not punish him, but encouraged him, hoping that he would work hard and strive to become a regular as soon as possible.

The company where Wang Fang and Cai Xiaomeng came together is doing well in its own position.

Usually, Cai Xiaomeng would prepare breakfast for Wang Fang graciously.Usually two buns and a cup of soy milk, although the price is very cheap, but it represents Xiaomeng's heart.

Wang Fang refused to accept it every time, not because she didn't give face, but because she really didn't want to give the other party a chance to let the other party stop thinking as soon as possible.

Today was an exception, Cai Xiaomeng didn't prepare breakfast, nor was he attentive.Many colleagues around me looked a little strange.The reason why Xiaomeng was ridiculed was also because Xiaomeng's pursuit behavior made them feel ridiculous.

Although Wang Fang is not a goddess, she is much stronger than Cai Xiaomeng.How could his counterattack be successful?

It seemed that Xiao Meng had finally woken up and understood what he should do.

Wang Fang was also very surprised. To be honest, she felt a little lost.Women all have a problem, they like to be complimented and appreciated by men.

Is Xiaomeng planning to give up? Hey, this man doesn't have any willpower at all.

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