The campus is so cute

361 The Counterattack

Cai Xiaomeng didn't look at Wang Fang too much today, Han Zixuan told her all this, if you want to pursue a girl, it's one thing to show sincerity, but sometimes you can't lower your posture too much, you have to show the courage and courage of a man.

You just lack self-confidence right now, and you have to please each other every day.As time goes by, the other party will look down on you even more.Cai Xiaomeng went home and thought hard, and felt that what Han Zixuan said was very reasonable.So today he wants to change his appearance and become a successful man. He doesn't know if it will work or not for a man who makes women fall in love with him.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the supervisor who usually rarely appeared appeared at this time.Everyone immediately put down their work and waited quietly, because they knew that there must be something to announce.

The supervisor, surnamed Zhang, is a middle-aged man in his forties who looks very capable.He stood in the front and said that today an important announcement was made. Because of his excellent performance, our newcomer, Cai Xiaomeng, has now become a full-time member ahead of schedule and has been promoted to the position of team leader.

Although Cai Xiaomeng was prepared, he was still very surprised, my god, he acted too fast.He knew in his heart that Han Zixuan must be behind it, but it was too powerful.

Colleagues were surprised, but immediately applauded and congratulated.The supervisor surnamed Zhang asked Cai Xiaomeng to go to the office alone to explain some work matters.

Wang Fang and other colleagues were also very surprised. Among the four newcomers in their group, it can be said that Cai Xiaomeng's conditions were the worst among the four. To be honest, I was able to join the company entirely because the company valued newcomers and gave everyone a trial opportunity. After the trial period expired, they would be dismissed if they failed.

Everyone thought that Cai Xiaomeng must be just going through the motions, but he was the first to be retained.Wang Fang and the other three couldn't help feeling jealous.

Most people suspected that Cai Xiaomeng must have a background. One of the old employees asked Wang Fang what kind of family background Xiaomeng came from. Wasn't it nonsense that he was promoted after only a week in the company?

Wang Fang knew Cai Xiaomeng best, and she felt inexplicable about his background. Could it be that this person had some shit luck.

Cai Xiaomeng entered the supervisor's office a little nervously, Zhang Ze looked at Cai Xiaomeng with a smile and asked him what he thought or what plans he had in the future.

"Director, thank you for your great love for me. I will definitely not let you down. Be good and dedicate all my enthusiasm to the company."

Zhang Ze smiled: "I don't have much love for you. To be honest, I don't even know your name, but I know you are fat. When I joined the job, they were interviewed by the personnel department. I can say to you Don't understand at all."

Cai Xiaomeng felt ashamed, but he immediately straightened his back: "Director, why did you promote me, and make me a regular."

Zhang Ze cursed inwardly, brat, you deliberately made things difficult for me, didn't you, you are a person hand-picked by the boss above.If I don't answer well at that time, you can sue me.

"Xiao Meng, talents always shine. I read your resume. Although it is very simple, I know that you must be an extraordinary person. Come on, work hard, and if you encounter problems you don't understand in the future, you can come to me directly. Me." Zhang Ze originally wanted to ask about your relationship with the boss, but he was afraid of offending him.

Cai Xiaomeng was very grateful and said that he would definitely do a good job.

When Cai Xiaomeng came back from the supervisor, he immediately felt different.When the colleagues looked at him, they no longer had the contemptuous eyes they used to. Immediately, someone moved a chair for him, and a beautiful senior sister poured him a glass of water herself, her eyes full of flattery: "Xiao Meng, from now on you You have to take care of us, we all come from the same school."

Cai Xiaomeng is also not modest: "Don't worry, everyone will work hard in the future, and come to me directly if you have any problems."

Damn, this feeling is so good, Cai Xiaomeng pinched himself hard, it hurts, it's real, it's not a scene I often dream about.

At this time, someone asked Xiao Meng where you bought your suit, it must be a high-end product.Another person said, in your opinion, it's either a seven wolves or a bird of good news, you silly hat, don't you understand.

Xiao Meng, your leather shoes are a bit dirty, come and clean them for you.Immediately someone knelt down and polished the shoes himself.

The beautiful senior just now cast a wink at her: "Xiaomeng, I'm here for lunch, I wish you a high promotion." The others also echoed, and took me to welcome Xiaomeng.

Seeing Cai Xiaomeng's sudden transformation from a silky boy, Wang Fang felt very uncomfortable.Especially when the senior sister deliberately teased her, she was even more uncomfortable.

Cai Xiaomeng waved his hand: "Let's work first, let's get together again at noon."

Now, he is the team leader, he doesn't have to do the work himself, he leads a group of people.He sat on the office chair and leaned back hard, feeling really comfortable. He clicked on the computer, entered the game page, and just wanted to play like crazy.

The phone rang, and when he saw it was Han Zixuan, he immediately trembled.

"Xiao Meng, how do you feel?"

Cai Xiaomeng looked at the hard-working employees outside the door through the big glass, and said in a good mood: "Zixuan, you are so awesome. It's really nice to know you. Do you know that I am the team leader now. What is the concept? There are a group of people under his control."

"Okay, sober up, don't get carried away. In addition, I can warn you, don't occupy the latrine and don't shit. Work hard for me. Since I can make you rise, I can also let you go down."

Cai Xiaomeng woke up immediately, and hastily closed the game page, promising that he would work hard and not embarrass you.

"Don't forget what I gave you."

Cai Xiaomeng immediately expressed his opinion: "No problem, I will definitely let that kid Deng Bochao get out of here, damn it, fuck my boss's woman and rebel."

At lunch, Cai Xiaomeng was invited to the celebration banquet, which was organized by the old employees.He didn't flinch, and followed the crowd. When he passed by Wang Fang's seat, he ignored it and walked away with his chest held out.

Wang Fang was very depressed, and the other two newcomers walked to her side, shaking their heads and sighing secretly.They are all girls, and when they came together, they looked down on Cai Xiaomeng at all, especially for his painstaking pursuit of Wang Fang, and often ridiculed him.

Now, Wang Ba has turned into a phoenix.

One of the girls said: "Wang Fang, tell me what your vision is. If you agreed to Xiaomeng's pursuit, why is this happening now? We all follow the light and can become regulars."

Another said: "Wang Fang can't be blamed. Who would have thought that Cai Xiaomeng would hide his secrets, but I haven't heard that their family has any backstage."

You don't understand this, Xiaomeng is a low-key man.I really regret it, if I took the initiative to pursue him, it would be great.

Forget it, Xiaomeng likes Wang Fang and has no interest in you at all.

Wang Fang was very annoyed by the chatter of the two, and told them to disappear quickly.The two of them shut up and don't talk, since they eat a big meal, we also have to eat, Malatang.Asked whether Wang Fang would go, Wang Fang shook her head and continued to work.

Cai Xiaomeng was full at noon, and his belly became rounder.He didn't go back to the company, and went to school to do something in the afternoon.Others said that Team Leader Cai, you can rest assured that we will call you if you have any questions.

Because it is an advertising company, I don't have to work every day.Cai Xiaomeng came to the school to look for Deng Bochao when he was free.

Sure enough, they found him in the self-study classroom, and Cai Xiaomeng immediately sat beside him.The two are classmates, and they rarely communicate with each other. After all, they have nothing to do with each other. One is a good student with excellent academic performance, and the other is a poor student who wastes his life playing games all day. dislike; despise.

Deng Bochao glanced at Cai Xiaomeng, ignored him, and continued to read with his head down.

"Reading." Cai Xiaomeng hiccupped and said, this kid did not drink less at noon, although the company's regulations do not allow alcohol, but still often secretly drink.

Deng Bochao frowned in disgust: "Cai Xiaomeng, are you sick? Is there something wrong?"

"Well, there is something, go out and talk about it."

Deng Bochao wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible, without hesitation, the two left the self-study classroom and came to a deserted place in the corridor.

Deng Bochao urged him to speak quickly.

Cai Xiaomeng glanced at him: "I heard that you have been getting very close to the school belle He Lizi recently, what's the matter, you plan to play counterattack and pick up the school belle."

Deng Bochao frowned, because some of the words he said were ugly, especially the "babble", he treated He Lizi sincerely.

"Does it have something to do with you?" Deng Bochao was tough.

"Of course it has something to do with it, because you're planning on my boss's woman. You're so tired of your job, kid, you want to die, don't you?" Cai Xiaomeng doesn't usually talk like this, but today is different. After a little cat pee, I lose my tone of voice.

Everyone has this problem, they like to pretend.Cai Xiaomeng, who has never dared to pretend to be coercive, and who doesn't know what pretentiousness is, finally pretended today.

Deng Bochao squinted his eyes and looked at him: "Who is your boss talking about, could it be Han Zixuan."

"Of course, what's the matter, I'm afraid, I'm trembling." Cai Xiaomeng said triumphantly.

Deng Bochao took a sip: "Why am I trembling? He should be trembling. We adopt fair competition. It's really shameful that he would send an incomprehensible person like you as a lobbyist."

"Deng Bochao, you can insult me, but you are not allowed to slander my boss." He waved his fist angrily, and punched Deng Bochao in the face.

Deng Bochao is an obedient boy and has never fought.Cai Xiaomeng has never played a game before, but he is passionate and coquettish in his bones. Maybe because he often plays games, he often fantasizes that he will become the number one male in the play, wielding his sword to the end of the world, and killing all directions.

Cai Xiaomeng swung his fist, and Deng Bochao, who was vulnerable to a blow, fell to the ground. After all, Xiaomeng has a huge body and has an advantage in strength.

Deng Bochao got up from the ground, staring at the red eyeballs, and rushed up fiercely. He still raised his fist and attacked Cai Xiaomeng.

Normally, Deng Bochao would never do such a thing.But today, Cai Xiaomeng, who is usually weak and incompetent, dared to hit someone, and because of He Lizi, the fighting factor in him was aroused.

In this way, a ridiculous scene happened in the school corridor.The two usually very civilized people fought, and the fight was very interesting.

Cai Xiaomeng didn't expect that he also had such a passionate side, and seeing the opponent in a weak position, about to be crushed by him, this feeling is even more wonderful.

At this time, He Lizi came over and found that the two were fighting, she scolded, and the two stopped their movements.

Seeing He Lizi, Cai Xiaomeng immediately sobered up a lot, shook his head, "Damn it, what did I do here, by the way, I forgot what the boss asked me to do here."

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