He Lizi recognizes Cai Xiaomeng, he has a very close relationship with Han Zixuan.

She asked them why they did it. Both of you are very honest students.

Deng Bochao explained the reason, Han Zixuan sent him to keep me away from you.We disagreed with each other, so we fought.

He Lizi frowned immediately when she heard this, this man is getting worse and worse, he hasn't seen him for a few years, and his ability to pick up his sister is not as good as before.

With a cold snort in her heart, she came to Deng Bochao, concerned about his physical condition.Seeing that his nose was bleeding, I personally took out a tissue and wiped it for him.Deng Bochao did not refuse, but was very grateful for Cai Xiaomeng's appearance, which allowed her to have further contact with the goddess, and he could feel that He Lizi despised Han Zixuan even more, and his chances were getting bigger and bigger.

Cai Xiaomeng felt remorse, he seemed to have messed up the matter.He shook his head vigorously to make himself more awake.

After He Lizi dealt with Deng Bochao's nosebleed, she turned her head to Cai Xiaomeng and said, "Cai Xiaomeng, go back and tell Han Zixuan, please don't interfere with my life in the future, and tell him that I have a boyfriend now, and it's Deng Bochao."

No matter what happened, He Lizi and Deng Bochao went back to the self-study classroom, and he stood alone for 2 minutes in a daze before he regained his composure.Fuck, I completely overturned the boss's plan to pick up girls, what should I do, the boss insists on killing me.

He immediately took out his phone to report the situation. Han Zixuan thought he could hear good news, such as some information about Deng Bochao, his family situation, some of his personal weaknesses and so on.I didn't expect it to end like this.

Cai Xiaomeng explained that he was too impulsive at the time, and he looked down on the boss. I was so excited that I made a move.Boss, even though things got messed up, I let you out and taught him a lesson.

"Fuck you, I still need you in a fight, I can kill him instantly." Han Zixuan cursed angrily.This Cai Xiaomeng has more success than failure.I really regret how I have taken a fancy to him, thinking that he is a talent to create.

Cai Xiaomeng was very nervous, what would he do if the boss was impulsive and sent him directly from the sky to hell.

Han Zixuan sighed: "Okay, you have worked very hard, you must be tired from fighting."

"Not tired, just very cool, never before." Cai Xiaomeng chattered endlessly, still reminiscing about the feeling just now.

Han Zixuan didn't want to blame Cai Xiaomeng, after all, this kid is completely on his own side, and this kind of person will be used heavily in the future.Just to warn him not to be impulsive in the future, stop pretending to be aggressive, and be more pragmatic.

Cai Xiaomeng remembers the lesson and promises that it will not happen in the future.

After hanging up the phone, Han Zixuan hastily called the Third Brigade, asking them to reassign his relationship to school as soon as possible. He wanted to return to school as soon as possible.

The third brigade naturally hoped that Han Zixuan could stay in the army, after all, he was a talent.However, Han Zixuan was determined to leave.There is no way, they can only go through the formalities as soon as possible.Moreover, Yang He also greeted Han Zixuan and asked Han Zixuan to return to Nanhai to study.

Today, he was alone at home, Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying went to the school to interview to be a teacher, and they didn't know the result.In fact, she thinks it's good to let Linghua and the others stay at school. We can take care of each other together.

Shen Hanyu greeted the principal and the personnel department, and introduced her good sister to the school as a teacher.The principal was very happy, thinking that he was another dance teacher, and he was even more surprised when he met him. He didn't expect that she was also a superb beauty like Shen Hanyu.

In other words, because of the existence of Shen Hanyu, the school's reputation in the society has improved a lot.The number of candidates applying for the art class is increasing year by year.And Shen Hanyu is working hard as a dancer, I believe she will succeed.At that time, Nanhai University will definitely become more famous.

Therefore, the principal immediately struck while the iron was hot and asked her to be the dean of the dance academy, and he would promote the dean of the art academy in the future.

Shen Hanyu introduced two people, and said that their specialty is martial arts.Although our school has martial arts teachers, their level is limited, and they are definitely not as good as my two sisters.

The principal was very surprised. It turned out that it was not a dance teacher. Seeing the exquisite figure of the two, he thought it was a dance teacher.But it would be too wasteful for a woman to learn martial arts.And from Shen Hanyu's point of view, the two are very powerful, isn't it too exaggerated.Speaking of their school's martial arts teacher, he was a national martial arts master hired from the south with a high salary.

In recent years, the country has attached great importance to sports, not only football, but also martial arts, taekwondo, judo, etc., and many colleges and universities have also developed them.Absorbing talents is very likely to provide excellent players for the country in the future.

Nanhai University will not lag behind, respond positively, and maybe even train an Olympic champion, and his face is also good.

The principal asked them what school and school they graduated from, and who their teacher was.Guo Linghua said that there is no need to tell you, don't you have teachers in your school, why not let us directly discuss each other, if we can do it, we can do it, if we can't we will let it go.

At home, Guo Linghua can be very gentle because she has her own man.On the outside, though, she's tough.

The principal frowned, but he didn't care about Shen Hanyu's face.Everyone who learns martial arts is like this, with personality and temper.

Soon, the school invited the internal martial arts teachers. When they heard that there were two new competitors, everyone was very curious. The other taekwondo teachers and judo teachers also found it interesting and came to watch.

The name of the martial arts teacher at Nanhai University is Li Shunjie, but it is a pity that his name is not Jet Li.But many people joked and called him Jet Li's younger brother. After all, his kung fu is indeed very powerful.

Li Shunjie is 30 years old and unmarried.I have been a teacher at Nanhai University for more than three years.He claims to be very powerful, and many martial arts fans in the school admire him, and he has taken in several apprentices, and by the way, he also brought his two juniors as assistants.

Li Shunjie didn't expect that it was two women who came to challenge him, and they were also very beautiful women, so he instinctively looked down upon her.

The principal respected Li Shunjie very much and explained the situation.You can help to investigate and see if the two of them are capable of serving as teachers.

Li Shunjie frowned and said, "Principal Zhou, inspections are fine, but after all, you are the family members, so you have what you say. But I say from the bottom of my heart, they are not suitable to be teachers."

Principal Zhou wondered, "How do you say it?"

"They are women. Let me tell the truth. Women are not suitable for martial arts, and there are no so-called masters. There used to be some female masters in Emei Mountain, but now there are no masters there. And Emei masters will not come here to be teachers. Of course Zhou Principal, you have your own considerations, and think that the two of them have outstanding looks, and they will definitely attract students. For example, Teacher Shen Hanyu is a typical example."

Shen Hanyu also stood aside, frowning in displeasure.

Li Shunjie immediately said: "Ms. Shen taught dance, of course it's another matter. But if the two of them are martial arts masters, I wouldn't believe it if they were killed."

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