The campus is so cute

363 Dominating the Style World

Principal Zhou was caught in the middle and didn't know what to do for a while.Although she didn't believe that Shen Hanyu's sisters were martial arts masters, after all, they were introduced by Shen Hanyu, so she had to show some face.

To be honest, just based on their looks, even if they are still working as support staff in school, they are still very capable.These days, the beauty effect is still very popular.Principal Zhou is also someone who has seen storms, and he can tell at a glance that these two women are by no means ordinary people.

He looked at Shen Hanyu with a troubled look on his face.

Shen Hanyu didn't know what to do anymore, but at this time, a teacher of Taekwondo, the deadly opponent of the Wushu Association, spoke up. He severely hit Li Shunjie's point of view, why look down on women, don't talk big.Since the two female masters are going to compete with you, don't pretend, you will know if you try it.

This person is Jiang Yong, a teacher of the Taekwondo Association of the Sports Department, and it is said that he looks very good, a master black belt.At Nanhai University, he and Li Shunjie were rivals, and the two of them didn't like each other, so they had to compete in person.

However, neither of them did it themselves, because no one dared to take risks. Once one side lost, it would inevitably cause an uproar in the school.The losing party is not only discredited, but has cascading consequences.

Li Shunjie ignored Jiang Yong's provocation, instead, he came to Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying, bowed politely and said, "You two, I'm sorry, I have something to do, so I won't accompany you."

In fact, it's not that Li Shunjie doesn't want to compete, and he has concerns about what to do if he loses, he will be ridiculed to death.And just now he secretly observed Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying carefully, the two women are not weak, because they have fierce murderous aura, this feeling made him a little scared.

Guo Linghua said abruptly: "Mr. Li, it seems that you are timid."

Jiang Yong and several other teachers immediately agreed, what they said was extremely ugly, and Li Shunjie could still hold back.However, his two younger brothers, Wang Song and Wang Tao, were not happy, their faces were flushed, and they looked at Li Shunjie with a little resentment.

Seeing that the situation was a bit stiff, Principal Zhou immediately said to Shen Hanyu: "Mr. Shen, let me see this, let your two sisters stay in the sports department first, and see if they are good enough. Alright."

Shen Hanyu thinks this is pretty good, and she doesn't want to cause too much trouble.Although this Li Shunjie's words were a bit harsh just now, he is a master. Once Guo Linghua and the others lose, what will they do? When they go home and talk to Han Zixuan, and then lure him out, it will be lively.

But Guo Linghua is not a good person, she can stay in the sports department, but the minister must belong to her.

The atmosphere suddenly turned into excitement, Shen Hanyu still didn't know Guo Linghua very well, thought she was a very calm and calm woman, but she didn't expect her temper to be so hot.When he came to her, he lowered his voice and said, "Linghua, don't mess things up."

Guo Linghua smiled calmly: "It's okay, don't be afraid of trouble, our husband is behind."

What is our husband? Everyone looked sideways at Shen Hanyu.Because many people pursued Shen Hanyu before, in order to reduce trouble, Shen Hanyu told some suitors that he was married and made them give up.Gradually, everyone on campus knew that Teacher Shen was married, but no one knew who her husband was.

Guo Linghua's shocking sentence today is undoubtedly a blockbuster.Shen Hanyu actually became someone's mistress, or she agreed with her husband to take care of her mistress.It doesn't matter who is the mistress, this man is too awesome, if you say this Guo Linghua is even better than Shen Hanyu.

Shen Hanyu was about to die of worry, this Guo Linghua was not honest at all.

Guo Linghua saw Shen Hanyu's embarrassment, but she was negligent, after all, Shen Hanyu was a celebrity in Nanhai University.In order not to embarrass her further, she immediately diverted the attention of others.

"Ms. Li Shunjie, let's go heads-up. If I win, you can choose to leave Nanhai University. If I lose, just pretend I haven't been here today." Guo Linghua's words immediately ignited the tense atmosphere again.

Finally Wang Song couldn't wait anymore, grabbed Li Shunjie's clothes and said, "Senior brother, since the other party has declared war, why should we avoid it? Don't worry, senior brother, I can knock down this arrogant woman myself without you going to fight."

Li Shunjie felt so useless that others were riding on his neck and shitting.But he really has no guts, and once he loses, he will leave here.Leaving is a trivial matter, the key is not to lose this person.He wanted to stop Wang Song, but it was too late.

Wang Song came to the center of the arena, tidied up his clothes, felt that there was nothing inappropriate, then cupped his hands to signal Guo Linghua to come up.

Guo Linghua looked at Duan Hongying and said: "Hong Ying, you go, my sister will watch the battle for you."

Duan Hongying nodded, and then walked steadily to the arena.She is dressed in black today, with a black trench coat on her upper body, a pair of black trousers on her lower hand, and black high boots on her feet.She looked very cold, especially when she was silent just now, giving off a very mysterious feeling.

Immediately, it became lively, and Jiang Yong and other people who watched the show immediately applauded.After all, nothing like this has happened in school.Especially men and women sparring is a rare scene.

Wang Song felt that the other party was a woman, and he didn't have much hatred, so he must be gentle.He said some polite words, and I will be merciful if the discussion is the main thing.

Duan Hongying didn't speak, didn't say anything.

Wang Song felt that he was a man, so he should be humble and signaled the opponent to attack first.

Duan Hongying doesn't care about these things, she has a plan, and she will kill the opponent with one move.The body suddenly jumped out, like a spirit fox, approaching the opponent.

Wang Song felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the figure approached.I thought to myself, move so fast.But the faster one is still behind, Duan Hongying unleashes a set of whirlwind leg combo attack, Wang Song can barely block it twice, and then he can't resist.For the third time, he was kicked in the chest by Duan Hongying, and he took a few steps back abruptly, before falling to the ground with a plop.

Wang Song felt a burning pain in his chest, and he knew that two of his ribs were broken.He was pale, clutching his chest, unable to stand up.

Duan Hongying cupped his hands and said, "I've accepted it."

For a moment, the air was heavy, and everyone looked stunned on each other's faces.Except Guo Linghua, of course, who just pouted.

Li Shunjie could see that the opponent was too strong.He immediately ordered Wang Tao to help Wang Song up quickly, and quickly went to the infirmary for treatment.

At this time, people came back to their senses, Jiang Yong and others applauded immediately, she was too awesome, too domineering, this chick is simply a god.

Principal Zhou kept saying "great, great", with little stars in his eyes and a look of admiration on his face.

Li Shunjie is now in a dilemma, his younger brother has failed, logically he should go on stage to restore his younger brother's face.But he knew in his heart that he might not be an opponent either.

"Miss, my junior brother is injured. I'll take care of them first. You are qualified and can be a martial arts teacher." Li Shunjie said bravely.

Jiang Yong booed and said, "Li Shunjie, what does it mean to be qualified? I think your minister should step down and give it to the two ladies."

"Jiang Yong, you've gone too far." Li Shunjie secretly complained in his heart. There was a gap between the two of them, and the other party would definitely make trouble.

Guo Linghua looked at Li Shunjie and said, "Mr. Li, you can choose to stay, but I will be the boss here from now on. Otherwise, you can leave here."

Li Shunjie secretly called it unlucky, what day is it today, it's too sad.It is humiliating to stay, and it is also humiliating to leave. It is not a choice.But even if you want to leave, you have to let your opponent see your bloodiness, otherwise you will have to stealthily kill yourself when you go home today.

"Well, I choose to accept the challenge." Li Shunjie took off his coat and walked to the center of the field.

Jiang Yong got more excited, applauded and shouted: "Mr. Li is so good, show your true qualities as a man, I am optimistic about you."

Principal Zhou was also fascinated at this moment, staring intently.

Shen Hanyu's head got bigger, and he really regretted bringing the two of them.If I had known this earlier, I should have thought about it before coming here.

It was still Duan Hongying vs. Li Shunjie. Li Shunjie was more careful because he knew his opponent was strong.

However, after the three moves, he was in a passive position. He had self-knowledge and didn't want to get hurt.Taking time out, he jumped back, cupped his hands and said, "I admit that I am not my opponent, I will leave here."

Li Shunjie then picked up the clothes on the ground and quickly left the martial arts arena.

Principal Zhou was very excited. Although Li Shunjie had left, two masters came.Although Guo Linghua didn't make a move, he firmly believed that this person was also very powerful.He immediately fulfilled his promise and made Guo Linghua the minister of sports.

Sign the contract now, no, he wants to make the other party a regular, such an excellent teacher must stay.

However, Guo Linghua waved her hand: "Principal, there is no need. You just need to pay the salary as usual every month. I may not work for a long time, you have to be mentally prepared."

Principal Zhou understands, and doesn't care about it, as long as Shen Hanyu is here, she should be here, and their sisters have a common husband, this man is so powerful, I admire him.Who it is, I must investigate.

Seeing the wind, Jiang Yong immediately came to congratulate Guo Linghua.And I introduced myself, and said that in the future, their Taekwondo department will follow the arrangements of Minister Guo. We are also a system, and I hope to cooperate more in the future.

Guo Linghua didn't even look at him, and left with Shen Hanyu.Shen Hanyu smiled: "You, this is going against the sky, take a look, you will soon become a celebrity of Nanhai University."

"What are you afraid of? Maybe they dare to challenge me."

Shen Hanyu smiled wryly: "On the first day, you'll just be a minister. I think you'll be the dean of the School of Physical Education tomorrow."

"It's not bad to be a dean. It seems to be very powerful. Our sisters can be said to dominate the cultural and sports circles at Nanhai University. Isn't it very cool?"

"Yeah, with you here in the future, I'm not afraid. Hurry up and call and report the situation to my family. I think Zixuan will be shocked." Shen Hanyu is actually very happy, after all, we are a family now.

Afterwards, she immediately remembered what happened just now, and said bitterly: "That's it, my reputation must be rotten, and it's all because your mouth didn't hold the door."

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