The campus is so cute

364 A Man with a Sense of Justice

When Han Zixuan was worrying at home, he received a call from He Hongchao. He said he was going to a certain place and had already contacted Chu Xiangdong, who wanted to see him.

Han Zixuan didn't hesitate to think too much, walked out of the villa, a black car was parked outside, the occupant of the car saw him coming out, opened the door and invited him in, all of this was arranged by He Hongchao.

When he got in the car, he didn't ask any more questions. The car twisted and left. Finally, it stopped at a very deserted old factory. It seemed that it had been decadent for a long time. When we met here, it seemed that the other party was really careful.

Han Zixuan got out of the car and walked towards the gate of the factory.As soon as he entered the gate, He Hongchao flashed out from the side, stopped him, and led him to see Chu Xiangdong.

The two walked in for another few tens of meters, and then they saw two men, one old and one young, who should be Chu Xiangdong and his son.

At this moment, both of them were staring at him with deep eyes, unable to see emotions.

He Hongchao introduced them to each other. The man in front of him was Chu Xiangdong, who looked somewhat similar to Chu Xiangnan. This young master named Chu Weichen looked a bit embarrassed, his face was covered with wind and frost. It seemed that their life was going well. not good.

Chu Xiangdong asked He Hongchao to avoid it for a while, and they wanted to talk alone.He Hongchao nodded, glanced at Han Zixuan, then turned and left.

Han Zixuan met their eyes and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Chu Xiangdong looked at him and said, "Han Zixuan, you must be wondering why we are looking for you."

Han Zixuan nodded: "Indeed, and to be honest, I really don't want to see you, after all you are in trouble now."

"That's right, my father is dead, my brother and my nephew are also dead. It can be said that Tianxing exists in China in name only." Chu Xiangdong said here, his eyes full of sadness.

Han Zixuan understood them. After all, they had been working hard for the country, even for Liu Peng, but in the end they were killed by their masters.

Today, he can say that he has experienced many things and has seen everything through. He will never feel comfortable working for others.Especially being a thug for the chief is even more dangerous.

"We came to you with only one purpose, and we need your help to avenge us and kill Liu Peng." Chu Xiangdong said coldly, with determination in his eyes.

Before Han Zixuan came here, he had thought a lot about this possibility, but he had a different feeling when he heard it. After all, assassinating Liu Peng was not an easy task.

Looking at Han Zixuan's expression, Chu Xiangdong continued: "I know you may not be willing to help, but I want to remind you that Liu Peng will do something to you sooner or later."

"Why do you say that?" Han Zixuan was a little surprised, maybe he already knew his true identity.

At this time Chu Weichen said: "Because you have the Molong Token on your body, he also wants to get this. Moreover, Liu Peng is cruel, he will never let you live."

Han Zixuan agrees with his statement, he is always alert to himself every day, there may be a killer around him at any time.

But now is not the time to kill Liu Peng.Because Han Qingyun hasn't figured out whether she and Liu Peng are related, and if so, what is the relationship.And the key point is that if Liu Peng is killed, then the mastermind behind the scenes must point to Zhao Zekai, the No. [-] leader, and there will be many problems at that time.

Right now, he won't be so rash.

Chu Xiangdong knew that it would be difficult to convince Han Zixuan, and he had to show sincerity: "Han Zixuan, as long as you promise us revenge, our father and son will definitely do things for you in the future."

Han Zixuan smiled softly: "To be honest, I don't trust you, after all we have never dealt with each other before. Besides, I had conflicts with your brother Chu Xiangnan before."

"Those are not important. To be honest, I arranged for He Hongchao to assassinate you before, and at the very beginning, you sabotaged some of our affairs. For example, when Xie Wenxuan investigated us, we secretly competed with each other. But it's not important anymore After all, I was working for Tianxing at that time, and now I just want to avenge my father and brother."

Han Zixuan recalled that when he was in Nanhai at first, because of Liu Likun's incident, many things happened in the future. He found out Gao Sen, the deputy mayor of Nanhai.

On the contrary, he found the shadow of Tianxing in Beijin, so Han Zixuan devoted all his energy there.

At that time, Tianxing was very powerful, it could decide a person's life or death, and of course it could pull a person back from death.Presumably Gao Sen is from Tianxing, so he finally came out safe and sound.

"Okay, but why did you choose me." Han Zixuan was very puzzled.

Chu Xiangdong murmured, "It can be said that today the stars are all destroyed, only our father and two are left. Even Gao Sen and the others are gone."

Han Zixuan understood that Liu Peng could be said to kill all the people who got involved, it was really vicious.

"But why did you survive?"

Chu Xiangdong said: "We also hid in Tibet. We once went to Japan by boat, and then fought in Southeast Asia from Japan. We just came back recently. The journey was very difficult. The reason why we chose you is because you have a sense of justice. , love the land under your feet."

Han Zixuan didn't understand a little bit, and felt that the other party's words were false.

Chu Xiangdong said frankly: "I know that you are a descendant of Molong, and you have an important mission on your shoulders. But don't forget that we are all Chinese, and at least we must be patriotic."

Han Zixuan still didn't understand: "Chu Xiangdong, can you not be so high-profile when you speak, I really feel uncomfortable listening."

Chu Xiangdong sighed: "I have been in Tianxing for so many years. It can be said that I have been serving the country and dedicating my blood. This heart has never changed. But I didn't expect that the country abandoned me in the end, and Liu Peng and his gang killed me. crushed my dreams, shattered all my wishes."

Speaking of this, Chu Xiangdong actually shed tears.Han Zixuan was very surprised, he didn't expect Chu Xiangdong to have such great feelings.In this way, this person's heart is not bad, but he is too obsessed with his dreams, and a little too blind.

"I love Tianxing, and I put my heart and soul into Tianxing. I think that in the future, Tianxing will become a legend, surpassing the existence of Mo Long at that time. Unexpectedly, in the end, he died at the hands of the people I assisted. I am very sad. You have to remember that Liu Peng was nothing at the time, it was the country we laid down for him that made him where he is today."

Chu Weichen said coldly at the side: "Dad, forget it. Don't mention it again. Now, as long as I mention those two words, my body is shaking. Han Zixuan, please, you are a person with a sense of justice, you must not Will watch him harm the country like this and ignore it."

Damn, this hat is too big, what's the use of a sense of justice, it can't be used as a gun, and it can't be used as a cannon.However, it is necessary to kill Liu Peng, but now is not the best time.

Seeing the father and son begging him so much, Han Zixuan couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded slightly, as he agreed.

However, he has conditions. It is not the time for him now, but there will definitely be opportunities in the future.

Chu Xiangdong said: "No problem, we will follow your suggestion. But if you want to kill Liu Peng, there is actually a very simple way, which is to let him be infamous forever."

"Every time we act in Tianxing, there will be some video evidence or call recordings. After all, we have done some shady things. If these things are exposed, Liu Peng will definitely be implicated. When the general election next year, he will definitely Fall."

Han Zixuan's eyes lit up immediately: "Do you have any evidence?"

Chu Xiangdong shook his head: "We don't have one, but there must be one person, Fang Zhixin, who is Liu Peng's personal lackey. He shot and killed my father at that time. This person is an insidious villain."

Fang Zhixin, Han Zixuan knew him.In the operation to wipe out Yangcheng, he was the chief person in charge.The chief of staff of the national military region, a first-level general, is very powerful.

Chu Weichen said: "As long as we sneak into his house, we will definitely find evidence."

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