The campus is so cute

36 only communication, no hands

It's really enough to test people, let you live with beautiful women every day, you can only watch, you can't touch, torture people to death.

Bi Yunxi blushed when she heard this: "Auntie, there's no need for that. Zixuan is actually pretty good at this. He's just a coward, and he's not a good guy in his bones."

Just as Han Zixuan was about to refute Bi Yunxi, Han Qingyun interrupted: "Zixuan, you seem unconvinced. Let me ask you, what progress have you made with those three girls when Master sent you to He's house."

Han Zixuan came to the truth and said: "There is not much progress, and you also know that the relationship needs to be cultivated slowly. Besides, He Lizi and the others are all stunning, how can they be easily acquired."

"If you can't make it, it means you are incapable. Don't make excuses for yourself." Han Qingyun asked seriously: "Zixuan, do you know girls well?"

Han Zixuan nodded: "I still understand."

"Really, let me ask you, do you know a girl's menstrual cycle, do you know what girls like, do you know the size of a girl's underwear, do you know how to make love to a girl?" Han Qingyun asked continuously There were a bunch of questions, and the student Yunxi on the side was confused and blushed.

Han Zixuan was dumbfounded, this aunt is really wicked.But to be honest, he really doesn't understand these questions, and even if he understands, he doesn't know much.

"Don't be dumbfounded. If you want to find a beautiful woman, you need not only appearance and knowledge, but also a lot of skills. But these skills are not found in books, and you can only find them in practice. Yunxi is your good cauldron. You are here every day. Let's study and discuss together." Han Qingyun turned to look at Bi Yunxi, and said with a smirk: "You two sleep together at night, and you are not allowed to wear clothes. You should also learn how to seduce men. In the future, you will have many competitors. , and they are all amazing girls."

Han Qingyun left the room, snickered and said, "Okay, don't be dumbfounded, you guys should wash up and sleep quickly."

Han Zixuan felt that although what his aunt said was unreasonable, some things were still very correct. He knew too little about girls, and the only knowledge he had was seen in Japanese movies.But the men and women here are too straightforward, they take off their clothes and take off their pants as soon as they come up.Too rascal, no romance at all.

After washing up, Han Zixuan waved at Bi Yunxi: "Yunxi, come, let's have a chat and study the body structure."

Bi Yunxi sat on the edge of the bed coyly, her face flushed: "Zixuan, do you really want to communicate? Another day, I'm a little uncomfortable today."

"Oh, just right, let me learn more about women's physiology." Han Zixuan had a cheeky face. Anyway, he had received the imperial edict from his aunt, and he could do whatever he wanted except for the last process.

Bi Yunxi lay on the bed, pretending not to hear.Han Zixuan gently lay beside her, seeing that her face was red and her breathing was a little short.

"Yunxi, don't be afraid. I won't play hooligans. Today we only communicate and don't do anything. If you want me to do it, I will think it over."

Bi Yunxi turned her pink and tender face, and said angrily, "It's all your fault to be a good boy, why did you come back with me?" She stretched out her thin white hand to beat the man's chest, but it seemed to be tickling, a little The meaning of teasing.

Han Zixuan took the opportunity to grab her hand and hold it tightly.Bi Yunxi's body trembled violently for a few times, and then he obediently let him hold her: "Zixuan, hug me to sleep."

Soon, the ten-day deadline came.But Bi Shaohan only collected 500 million yuan, which is all his family property, and there is still a lot of money away from 800 million yuan.

Han Zixuan planned to go to the gambling house in person today to meet the members of the Chen family.When Bi Shaohan saw his son-in-law going with him, he felt more or less courageous.Still worried: "Zixuan, if the money is not collected, can the other party release him?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Bi Yunxi sent the two of them to the gate of the community, and took Han Zixuan's hand worryingly: "Zixuan, be careful and protect my father's safety."

"Don't worry, he is my father-in-law and my father now." Han Zixuan gently scratched her face: "It's okay, you have to trust me."

Bi Yunxi walked up to him, raised her toes, and kissed him on the face: "Zixuan, if you rescue my brother, I will give you a bigger reward." After finishing speaking, she disappeared before Han Zixuan could think about it.

Bi Shaohan was rather horrified in the Lamborghini sports car: "Zixuan, this is your car." In his impression, Han Zixuan is not like a rich son-in-law. After so many days, to be honest, he knows this son-in-law well. There are very few, I just think that this child is handsome, speaks well, and coaxes his own daughter to be happy.

"Probably." Han Zixuan said indifferently, he secretly decided that when he returned to the South China Sea, his next goal was to get He Lizi done.

Under the guidance of Bi Shaohan, he came to the outskirts of Beijin.Nowadays, casinos are generally located in the suburbs. The main reason is that they are hidden and not easy to be discovered by the police.But looking at the current development of the Chen family, there must be someone to take care of them at the police station.

Because it was daytime and the gambling game hadn't opened yet, the guard who guarded the door looked at the two of them with a puzzled look on his face: "You two, the gambling game starts at five o'clock in the afternoon, so you should come earlier."

Bi Shaohan took a step forward: "Excuse me, is your boss there? We are here to pay back the money."

The guard asked Bi Shaohan's name, and then went inside to report. Not long after, the guard came out: "You two, please follow me."

Han Zixuan looked at the environment here. It was a small two-story building, but he didn't lead them into the second floor. Instead, he went to a small attic with brick and tile structure next to it. It had a beautiful appearance and a bit of European architectural style.

When the two reached the living room, the doorman left.Han Zixuan looked around carefully, it seems that the second floor should be a gambling game, and this should be the office of the Chen family.

After waiting for about 2 minutes, a young man opened the door and came in.Bi Shaohan hurriedly stood up and greeted him respectfully, with a flattering expression on his face: "Excuse me, are you the boss here?"

The young man was fit and handsome, his face was as sharp as a knife, and he was handsome.He nodded coldly: "Did you bring the money?"

Han Zixuan looked at this young man carefully, could it be that he was Chen Jingzhi, probably not, he knew from his aunt that Chen Jingzhi should be in his fifties, the young man in front of him was obviously not, he probably was an important figure in the Chen family.

Bi Shaohan nodded: "I brought it, but I didn't get all the money, I only got 500 million. Please give the boss a few more days, and we will definitely pay it off."

The young man frowned, and said in a bad tone, "What, I didn't get it all together. Could it be that you don't want your son anymore."

Bi Shaohan hurriedly explained: "Boss, you also know that I am just an ordinary jewelry store owner, and 500 million is already all my property in the store. Please allow a few more days, I borrowed money from my friend, and I will definitely pay it back." .”

The young man snorted: "Boss Bi, we are all honest people, but you are not sincere. It seems that you don't want to see your son anymore."

Han Zixuan couldn't see his father-in-law being so low-spirited, and stepped forward: "I said boss, who said that we are not sincere, today we brought 500 million to pay back the money, if we are not sincere, we will definitely not come, and we will call the police End your gambling nest."

Han Zixuan's words were obviously extremely ridiculous, the young man laughed wildly, and looked at Han Zixuan playfully: "Your words are interesting, who are you?"

Bi Shaohan was very nervous, and apologized hastily: "Boss, don't be angry, he is my son-in-law, if what he said just now offended, please forgive me."

"Your son-in-law." The young man frowned slightly and immediately frowned: "Boss Bi, I heard that your daughter is studying, why suddenly a son-in-law appeared."

"Yes, my daughter is studying, and my son-in-law is a student at their school. This time my son committed a crime, and they came here on purpose." Bi Shaohan was trembling in his heart. Who is this boss? Why does he know so much about our family? clear.

The young man looked at Han Zixuan, quite envious: "Boy, you are lucky. I heard that Boss Bi's daughter is a beautiful woman. I didn't expect to be picked up by you."

Han Zixuan looked proud: "It's just luck."

The young man gave Han Zixuan a vicious look, then turned to look at Bi Shaohan: "Boss Bi, we won't let him go if we haven't got all the money. Go back."

Naturally, Bi Shaohan couldn't go back empty-handed, and begged the young man for a few more days.

Han Zixuan took a step forward: "Boss, don't be so disrespectful. Isn't it just money? There is a Lamborghini sports car parked in front of me. I'll give you the top bill. Is it enough?"

The young man immediately showed a surprised expression, as if he had eaten manure.Even if he was beaten to death, he couldn't believe that the young man in poor clothes could drive such an expensive sports car.

"Cheat me to play." The young man sternly said.

Han Zixuan shrugged: "You can go and have a look."

The young man immediately called the doorman and asked to make sure that there was indeed a Lamborghini sports car parked at the door.His face turned bright, and he patted Bi Shaohan on the shoulder: "No wonder, Boss Bi got such a good son-in-law."

Bi Shaohan just smiled naively: "Boss, that's enough, you can let my son go."

"Okay, of course you can let your son go." The young man changed from the two-fifth to eighty-thousand expression just now, and replaced it with a hospitable attitude, and asked someone to serve tea and water, with a sincere face.

But he looked more at Han Zixuan: "This little brother, your name is great."

"No big name, Han Zixuan." Han Zixuan sat down and said: "Boss, we have already paid back the money, let my uncle go quickly."

"No hurry." The young man heard Han Zixuan's name, and asked again: "Brother Han is not from Beijin, right?"

Damn, you still call me brothers and sisters, do we know each other that well?

Han Zixuan nodded: "Nanhai people."

"Oh, no wonder. If Brother Han was in Beijin, I would know someone like you." The young man said with a smile, "Brother Han's family must be doing big business."

Han Zixuan understood what he meant, he could drive a sports car, but if he was a farmer at home, he would vomit blood and die.But Han Zixuan just wanted to piss him off: "It's not a big deal, just a few acres of land."

Sure enough, the young man showed a deflated expression, and looked at Bi Shaohan suspiciously.

Bi Shaohan hurriedly said: "Well, my son-in-law is from the countryside, and the family has a few acres of land."

My day, farmers are now rich.The young man felt that Han Zixuan must be talking nonsense, and he said a few polite words, but he couldn't get a real answer, so he simply ignored him and looked at Bi Shaohan: "Boss Bi, you are in the jewelry business, and we can often cooperate in the future."

"Definitely, if the boss needs this, I will definitely do my best to help." Bi Shaohan just dealt with it, but he didn't dare to mention his son's affairs.

"Well, by the way, Boss Bi, your family's craftsmanship should be passed down from your ancestors."

Bi Shaohan nodded: "Well, my father is a master craftsman, and I only learned a little bit."

"Oh, where does your father live now?"

Bi Shaohan shook his head and smiled wryly: "My old man likes to visit the mountains and rivers, and visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. I don't even know where he is staying."

"Travel is good. Now there are many tourist attractions in the country. It is a good thing to go and see more."

Han Zixuan was amused when he heard them chatting.This kid is quite calm, don't pretend, let's get to the point.

Sure enough, the young man took out a piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to Bi Shaohan: "Boss Bi, have you seen this pattern before?"

In fact, this blueprint is Molong's pattern, which Chen Jingzhi saw in a book, so he asked someone to copy it.

Bi Shaohan shook his head: "I haven't seen it, it should be a dragon."

"Yes, it's an ink dragon pattern, it's very elegant." The young man pretended to be thoughtful: "A few years ago, a friend of my father had such an object with an ink dragon pattern. It was very exquisite. My father liked it very much. I only found out after asking. This thing was made by your family."

Bi Shaohan hurriedly said: "Impossible, our family has always only made jewelry, and rarely made this kind of handicraft."

"I guess it was made by your father." The young man smiled slightly.

Bi Shaohan thought for a moment: "Maybe, my father sealed the knife ten years ago."

"Yes, it must have been made by your father. My father wanted to make this thing and asked Boss Bi for help."

"Impossible, my craftsmanship can't reach this level, and my father has sealed the knife. Now that he is old and his eyes are dim, he can't make such exquisite treasures." Bi Shaohan was telling the truth. When he first saw this drawing, He felt that this was an extraordinary thing, and he felt that no one could make it except his father Bi Xiao.

The young man sighed with regret: "Hey, what a pity. Do you know who else can make this thing except your father?"

Bi Shaohan shook his head thoughtfully: "Anyway, I can't do it. Maybe there are masters in the world. For things like skills, the masters are all among the people."

"That's great, Boss Bi, I copied this blueprint. There must be many omissions. Your family must have a complete blueprint. Can you lend it to me? Father is happy." The young man asked happily.

Bi Shaohan pondered: "I don't have one at home."

"Boss Bi, you go back and look for it. If you lend me the blueprint, we will release your son immediately. You can take back the 500 million. The lawsuit between us is over, and we can also become a business cooperation in the future." Partner." The young man put forward a very tempting condition.

Han Zixuan was immediately excited: "It's true or not, a blueprint can be exchanged for my uncle."

"Really." Seeing that Han Zixuan was so excited, the young man was secretly happy.

"Father-in-law, let's go home and look for it. If we really find it. My sports car doesn't have to pay the debt. To be honest, it's a car I borrowed from someone else. If I really pay the debt, I don't have to pay the debt." It's not easy to explain."

Only then did the young man realize that Han Zixuan was playing tricks on him, and he was almost fooled by this kid. He turned out to be a counterfeit.

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