The campus is so cute

37 Use beauty tricks

Han Zixuan saw Bi Yunfan, a man who looked gentle on the outside, but his brows were full of vigor and stubbornness, but he didn't know if his mind was pretending to be shit.It seems that he didn't suffer here, but his spirit was slightly sluggish.

When Han Zixuan revealed his identity, Bi Yunfan was naturally surprised, because there was no news before, and a brother-in-law appeared inexplicably.And this young brother-in-law even boasted that he would be able to rescue him safely.

Back in the car, Bi Shaohan was full of worries: "Zixuan, I don't have that blueprint, where can I find it?"

"Don't worry, there must be." Han Zixuan couldn't help admiring his aunt, her investigation result was indeed correct.

The young man in the gambling game returned to the inner room with a look of excitement, and said impatiently: "Dad, things are going as expected, and Bi Shaohan will definitely come up with the blueprint."

Chen Jingzhi looked at his son and was quite relieved: "Well, I heard all your conversations. You performed well today, and you are relaxed. It seems that Bi Shaohan is really scared."

Chen Jingzhi, who looked much younger than his actual age, looked like a refined gentleman, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his nose, like a university lecturer.But the sharp look in his eyes made Chen Yuqi tremble a little.

"Thank you for your father's appreciation. As long as we have the blueprints, we will find a master to make them. Then you will be Molong's new master." Chen Yuqi was very afraid of his father, and he had to be careful every time he talked to his father. His father would not spare him lightly.

Sure enough, Chen Jingzhi's face suddenly became gloomy: "Yu Qi, you think things are too simple, and this matter needs to be seen slowly." He changed the subject suddenly: "By the way, what do you think of Han Zixuan?"

Mentioning Han Zixuan, Chen Yuqi felt angry in his stomach, and his face showed sarcasm: "Dad, I don't have any skills, I just like to brag, but I have become Bi Shaohan's son-in-law." Speaking of this, his brows were tightly frowned.

He knew that Bi Yunxi was a stunning beauty, and originally planned to use the final ultimate move to blackmail Bi Yunxi in exchange for her brother, but it was a pity that Han Zixuan took the lead.Therefore, Chen Yuqi was full of anger and even hatred towards Han Zixuan.

Chen Jingzhi was extremely shrewd, and instantly sensed his son's thoughts, and was quite annoyed: "Yu Qi, women can't help you grow, but will wear down your willpower."

Chen Yuqi hurriedly stated: "Dad, I understand."

Chen Jingzhi stroked his chin and pondered: "Han Zixuan is a strange person, as if he suddenly fell from the sky. You should pay attention to this person, he may be our opponent."

Chen Yuqi agreed, but thought in his heart that his father was too nervous and cautious.Han Zixuan will also become his opponent, nonsense.

"By the way, where is your sister Yuluo? I haven't seen her for several days." Chen Jingzhi showed concern, as if his son's attitude changed immediately when he reprimanded his son just now.

Chen Yuqi shrugged: "Who knows, you also know that Yuluo has an independent personality and likes to be alone, and I can't control her."

Mentioning this daughter, Chen Jingzhi felt quite relieved. Comparing the two children, Chen Yuluo was much better than her elder brother, in terms of skill and ability to handle affairs.Although Yuqi is also a good seedling, there is always a little bit missing.Fortunately, he can leave the family affairs to his brothers and sisters in the future, and he can feel a little relieved.

"Yuqi, sometimes you should learn more from your sister. Don't eat and be lazy all day long, and spend more time on serious things with snacks."

Regarding this matter, Chen Yuqi has a different opinion: "Dad, my sister and I just have a different division of labor. I run outside every day, not just eating, drinking and having fun. Our Chen family wants to grow in Beijin, so we can't rely on our own strength alone. Sometimes you need an ally. One less enemy is the greatest help you can do to yourself.”

Chen Jingzhi didn't say anything, but just nodded: "Then don't neglect the training of kung fu, and don't forget what our Chen family relies on to develop."

The Chen family, the older generation is a family of well-known killers, who specialize in killing people for others.If you want to be a killer, hard work is the truth.

When Han Zixuan came back with his father-in-law, the whole family waited with peace of mind.Seeing that her precious son hadn't come back, Liu Huiran immediately fell into sadness.

Bi Yunxi hurriedly asked about the progress of Han Zixuan's situation, Han Zixuan nodded: "Everything is normal, wait for the news from aunt."

In the afternoon, Han Qingyun came back, and the three of them entered Bi Yunxi's boudoir.

Liu Huiran looked at the three of them suspiciously and asked: "Shaohan, I think it's a bit strange. The three of them often get together, and they are mysterious, as if they have something to do with their backs."

"Hey, don't worry about it. Miss Han is a nobleman in our family, everything should be arranged by her."

Liu Huiran snorted: "Old Bi, I can warn you, Miss Han is still single, so don't have any crooked ideas."

Bi Shaohan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, saying that she was approaching menopause and her thoughts were too tense, and told her to relax, Yunfan would be back soon.

Han Zixuan saw his aunt take out the drawings and compare them.It was quite similar to what he saw during the day, but he soon discovered that there were many differences.For example, the dragon's eyes and dragon scales are slightly different.

Bi Yunxi was surprised that Grandpa Bi Xiao actually wanted to exchange the blueprints, and Han Qingyun saw her concerns: "Don't worry, your grandfather Bi Xiao is the only one who can make the Ink Dragon Token in the world, so it doesn't matter if you give the blueprints to Chen Jingzhi."

Han Qingyun asked Han Zixuan about his gamble today, and whether he met Chen Jingzhi.

Han Zixuan said that he was interviewed by a young man, who had a bad attitude at first, but then made a U-turn and became very enthusiastic.Through the conversation, he judged that this person should be Chen Jingzhi's son.

Han Qingyun nodded: "He is Chen Yuqi. Chen Jingzhi has a pair of children, and a daughter, Chen Yuluo."

Han Zixuan had always admired his aunt's ability to find out information, and asked tentatively, "Auntie, why are you so good and know the Chen family so well."

"Hehe, because the Chen family has my eyeliner." Han Qingyun smiled: "Zixuan, the Chen family has always been a family of assassins, and they made a living by assassination in the early years. Now they have started to develop industries. There are companies on the Baidao, and there are casinos behind the scenes , and the current development in Beijin is impressive."

Han Zixuan didn't understand: "Since the Chen family is so powerful, why do they need Molong's drawings? It seems that they want to be Molong's new owner."

Han Qingyun thought about it for a while: "First, it is their regret that the Chen family failed to enter Molong back then. Secondly, I think Chen Jingzhi wanted to use the Molong order he created to call the wind and rain again, and get rid of the disbanded Molong. The descendants of the dragon have regrouped and grown stronger."

Han Zixuan seemed to understand: "Chen Jingzhi thinks that his strength can be developed, and he intends to exaggerate further. How to exaggerate needs to be absorbed and developed, and the descendants of Molong were the best choice before. This move is extremely beautiful, and it satisfies him. vanity, and allows himself to develop. But he faces many dangers."

Han Qingyun showed appreciation: "Zixuan, talk about it later."

Han Zixuan said: "First, Molong's descendants are now flying solo, and some families are even more powerful than Chen Jingzhi, who will obey his orders. Second, Molong's enemy, if Tianxing knows about this , will definitely pay attention to the Chen family. The Chen family has such a huge opponent invisibly, so they will shoot themselves in the foot. Third, he ignored me as a competitor, because I am Molong's newcomer in the future. Owner."

Bi Yunxi listened with gusto, especially the last sentence, she burst into laughter: "Zixuan, you have finally admitted your identity now."

Han Qingyun also feels relieved, because Han Zixuan has gradually accepted from the initial resistance to now, as long as he has the heart, coupled with the efforts of the day after tomorrow, Molong's future will definitely belong to them.

"Zixuan, your analysis is right. It's the second point that makes me feel a little uneasy. Chen Jingzhi is not a reckless person, and he naturally knows the reason why Molong disbanded back then. Could it be that there are people from Tianxing behind him who are manipulating him." Han Qingyun Look faint.

Han Zixuan felt that this was very possible, and hurriedly asked: "Auntie, what do my master and the others think, and what attitude do they take towards the Chen family?"

"Low, absorb, don't make enemies unless it is absolutely necessary." Han Qingyun nodded: "Now we need to expand, not the time to make enemies."

"It should be difficult. The Chen family is planning to become the leader, so how can they be easily won over by us." Han Zixuan smiled wryly.When he saw this young master of the Chen family today, he could tell at a glance that this person was a master, although he was a bit domineering. Presumably martial arts and courage must be superior to others.This opponent is very strong. For the first time, Han Zixuan felt a little bit of tension in his heart.

"Zixuan, do you have a guilty conscience." Han Qingyun's eyes were unique, and he could sense his inner thoughts instantly.

"No, I'm just a little excited. To be honest, it's the first time I've met an opponent like the Chen family since I came down the mountain." Han Zixuan was actually a little excited. The duel between masters is often more enjoyable than trampling on the weak.Thinking about military training, dealing with the Xie family brothers is simply too childish.

Suddenly, he thought of Yang Xueyi.Han Zixuan has always kept the contest between them secret, and will not come to outsiders.Because Yang Xueyi is very powerful among girls, and it is also the first time he has competed with girls.But the result was still the same, Yang Xueyi lost.

He deeply remembered that day, Yang Xueyi took the initiative to take off her clothes, with a dignified face, as if death was at home.This girl has a really strong character.

"Zixuan, what good countermeasure do you have?" Han Qingyun saw that he was a little distracted, and thought he was thinking.

Han Zixuan scratched his head: "Not yet, let's talk about bringing Bi Yunfan back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. This kind of matter needs to be discussed slowly. The opponent is very strong, and it is not an easy problem to solve."

Han Qingyun suddenly asked Bi Yunxi: "Yunxi, you have gotten along well with Zixuan these few days. Seeing your rosy face, you really look like a pretty daughter-in-law."

"Auntie, you're making fun of me again." Bi Yunxi recalled these days, the scene where the two were sleeping together, embracing each other, and the waves of happiness bloomed quietly.

Han Zixuan was afraid that his aunt would say something shocking again, so he hurriedly changed his mind: "Auntie, what can you do to deal with the Chen family."

"Yes, Chen Yuluo is the breakthrough point. He is Chen Jingzhi's darling. If Chen Yuluo favors us, we will have the upper hand."

"No way, let me use the beauty trick."

"That depends on your ability, but I can tell you in advance that Chen Yuluo has a wild personality, and this woman kills people without blinking an eye. Don't patronize beautiful women and forget about your family and life." Han Qingyun warned.

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