The campus is so cute

38 Taking Xiaomi to Happy

Two days later, Bi Yunfan was successfully replaced.When eating at the dining table, I learned the whole story through Bi Yunfan.

Bi Yunfan has been back to China for more than a year. After returning from his studies, he wants to do great things.Originally, Bi Shaohan expected him to inherit his business, but Bi Yunfan was not interested in these things, and wanted to start his own company and be the boss.

But without funds, Bi Yunfan thought about making money, because his family did not provide funds at all.At the instigation of his good friends, he became obsessed with gambling, and he did win a lot at the beginning, but people who enter the casino have a common problem, they like to be greedy.Slowly, all the money he won was lost, so he began to borrow money from other places.

His poor friends naturally had no money, but the casino owner agreed to lend him money with no interest.At this time, Bi Yunfan was already crazy, and he didn't think about the consequences of the matter at all.When he was in debt of 800 million, the casino owner stopped lending him and asked him to pay back the money, otherwise he would lose his head.

At this moment, Bi Yunfan suddenly felt remorse, regretting his original impulsiveness.At the dinner table, Bi Shaohan sternly reprimanded him, but Bi Yunfan listened quietly, not daring to refute.Liu Huiran dotes on her son, speaks good words for her son, and tells him not to enter the casino in the future, and stay at home with peace of mind.If you have a business at home, just spend enough, don't just think about making a lot of money.

Bi Yunfan was honest this time, knowing that the family spent a lot of money this time, and he must have the help of his new brother-in-law to come back, so he has a good impression of Han Zixuan, and they chatted when they were free.

Han Zixuan learned that this uncle is an overseas student from Cambridge, England, majoring in business management, and after communicating with him, he found that he really had something in his mind.Just a little bit of arrogance, which is normal.

"Brother, you really want to start your own company." Han Zixuan felt that he had already shared the bed with Bi Yunxi, and that Bi Yunfan and himself were no outsiders.

"Of course, there are many companies that invite me, and offer me a high salary and a high position. But after all, I always feel uncomfortable working for others." Bi Yunfan scratched his head and smiled: "Brother-in-law, do you think I'm a little arrogant, and to put it more harshly, I'm pretending."

"It's a little bit. To be honest, I heard about you before I met you. I thought you were an ignorant and incompetent prodigal." Han Zixuan was not polite. He felt that he had to teach him a lot. Young people's arrogance is of course a quality. , but with capital.

Bi Yunfan didn't expect that he was so bad in the impression of his brother-in-law, and his face blushed slightly: "Actually, I'm not that kind of person, I just have my pride."

"It's useless to say that, you have to show your real skills."

Bi Yunfan said that he is really talented, but he has no chance to show it.Han Zixuan made a wish: "If I give you some money to invest or start a company, you can be sure."

"Yes, you can really provide me with funds." Bi Yunfan knew that Han Zixuan was rich, otherwise he would not be able to drive a Lamborghini sports car.

"How much do you need."

"Not much, 500 million is enough." Bi Yunfan said, licking his face.

Han Zixuan nodded: "I'll invest 1000 million for you."

"Really, it's great." Bi Yunfan was ecstatic, holding Han Zixuan's hand excitedly.

"Don't be complacent, first tell me what feasible projects you have." Han Zixuan hurriedly let go of his hand, he didn't want to be misunderstood by Yunxi.

"Well, I haven't figured it out yet. But with money, I can definitely have a project. I have a lot of friends, and they can help." Bi Yunfan's eyes showed excitement.

Han Zixuan was quite discouraged, this brother was still too flamboyant, he sneered and said, "You are my brother, otherwise I wouldn't bother to talk to you."

"Brother-in-law, I...I'm too excited, let me think about it, I will definitely get the project out in two days."

"Forget it, I'm not interested anymore." Han Zixuan intends to pull away and leave. Talking nonsense with him here is better than talking to Yunxi, especially Yunxi, who has studied very fast in the past few days. Although the tricks of mathematics are a bit rusty, immaturity can make men sink even more.

Bi Yunfan immediately grabbed him: "Brother-in-law, help me, now only you can help me."

"Brother, let me point out a way for you. You go to a big company to study and practice for a few years, and then I will definitely provide you with funds." This is Han Zixuan's bottom line.

Bi Yunfan was reluctant at first, thinking why you, Han Zixuan, planned my life, but after thinking about it, this time I committed a crime, and my mother also criticized him quite a bit, and I really need to prove myself with actions.

Going to a big company for experience is the best choice, and the key point is Han Zixuan's promise that makes him even more tempted.

"Brother-in-law, don't talk big. I must see the money first. Don't watch you drive a sports car or pick up beautiful women. Who knows if you are really rich." Bi Yunfan was careful.

Han Zixuan smiled: "Well, you are really right, I am now almost penniless except for that car."

Bi Yunfan was about to go crazy, he negotiated with me if he had no money, and even boasted that he would spend 1000 million, which is fucking nonsense.But Han Zixuan said that he can get the money now, and it will not take a few days.

"Really, you wouldn't ask your family for money, would you?"

"I'm not as prodigal as you are." Han Zixuan gave him a contemptuous look: "I'll also go to the casino to get some money."

Bi Yunfan was stunned. At this time, he actually became a preaching teacher: "Zixuan, my way is a lesson learned from the past. Don't be like me and enter it again. My family will not be able to afford it."

"Okay, you have to keep this matter a secret. I'll go to the casino tonight."

In fact, Han Zixuan has long wanted to go to the casino, not only to provide funds for Bi Yunfan, the key point is that he wants to take this opportunity to deal with the Chen family and learn about their strength from the side.

Bi Yunfan's hands were itchy again, hehe said: "I'll follow you too, you don't know the market there, and I can be your military advisor."

"You still use a military advisor to gamble. You think you're marching to fight a war." Han Zixuan naturally knew what was going on in his heart, and shook his head: "Be more honest at home, don't forget that you are still in the period of self-reflection."

After dinner in the evening, Han Zixuan left.Bi Yunxi followed closely and asked, "Zixuan, why are you going?"

"Oh, go out and get some fresh air." Han Zixuan made it up.

"Hmph, you won't go out to have sex, right?" Bi Yunxi said jealously, her face flushed slightly.

Han Zixuan was surprised, how could she have such an idea: "Yunxi, we have been together for a while, you touched me, I touched you, do you think I am that kind of person?"

Bi Yunxi put his arms around his waist: "Zixuan, I know that you are with me every day, and you have been holding fire in your heart. But I really can't break my body, you can bear it for a few days, and when you return to South China Sea, you can go to He Lizi , I allow her to be with you."

He Lizi, Han Zixuan was secretly depressed, He Lizi could only touch, not eat.The key is now, even touching is enough.

After He Lizi heard the news that Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi got married in their hometown, she only called him once. The content of the call was very simple, wishing him a happy wedding.After that, there was no contact, no text messages.

Han Zixuan touched her face, lowered his head and kissed her: "Yunxi, you are overthinking. You have behaved very well these days, and I am very comfortable."

Bi Yunxi recalled the scene where the two were together, her face was ruddy and her heartbeat quickened, angrily: "It's not all about you, trying to torture me."

"Who made you so charming." Han Zixuan couldn't help stretching out his big hands to touch Bi Yunxi's charming breasts through his clothes, and said in surprise, "Hey, it's grown a lot."

Bi Yunxi suddenly became short of breath, and hugged him tightly with both hands: "Zixuan, don't go, take a shower, let's continue communicating."

Han Zixuan felt a little itchy in his heart, but he immediately killed the thought.Sticking to her delicate earlobe, she said, "I'll go meet the Chen family."

Bi Yunxi immediately understood: "I will accompany you, I am afraid that you will be in danger."

Han Zixuan thought about it, although Bi Yunxi was a girl, her kung fu was not bad, and the two of them occasionally sparred.In contrast, I found that she was stronger than Yang Xueyi, and it was difficult for ordinary people to be her opponent. Taking her with her was better than that uncle.

Seeing that the two of them went out at the same time, Bi Yunfan hurriedly followed, grabbed his younger sister and said, "Little sister, I'll tell you that Han Zixuan doesn't learn well, so he's going to the casino."

Bi Yunxi said with a cold face, "Go back quickly, I understand, I will go with him."

Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi drove to the casino and entered the small building on the second floor. At this time, the gambling game had already started. The room was full of people, men, women, young and old, of all shapes and sizes.But they all have one thing in common, they are all well dressed, like company bosses or urban white-collar elites.

It was the first time for him to enter the Chen Family Casino. The casino is huge and has a complete range of gambling equipment. There are almost all kinds of games in the world.The beautiful croupiers deal out the cards on each gaming table, and the gamblers carefully stare at the cards to see if they have won. The scene is very lively.

Through observation, Han Zixuan found that there were quite a few spectators around. He understood these rules, and they were actually checking to see if anyone was cheating.Once someone is caught, the consequences can be dire.Not only will he lose money, but he may also need a beating.

Bi Yunxi should be here for the first time, a little nervous, holding Han Zixuan's hand tightly and looking around.Because of her pretty face, she immediately attracted the attention of many people, but seeing that there was a man beside her, they gave up their attention to strike up a conversation.

Gamblers all know that people who come to gamble are not easy to mess with, and everyone has a little background. Once they get into trouble, they have to pay for it.

Han Zixuan brought Bi Yunfan to the baccarat board, where the most people were and the busiest.He just took a look at the beginning, naturally to see if the inside was clean or not.

After watching it carefully for a while, I found that it was so.Sure enough, the casino is not clean, which is understandable.The beautiful croupier obviously knew her own cards, and she also knew the player's cards very well, so there must be marks on the playing cards.

Because Han Zixuan just arrived, he has never had a chance to get started, so he has been waiting.Today he specially changed his clothes, an expensive black suit, coupled with the glamorous Bi Yunxi beside him, making it easy to see that the rich boss brought Xiaomi to have a good time.

After half an hour passed, the people in front of Han Zixuan had almost lost. He was cursing and reluctant to leave the table.

Han Zixuan took the opportunity and said, "Brother, I'm not feeling very lucky today."

The man turned his head and took a look at him, and immediately saw Bi Yunxi, who was as beautiful as a flower, and couldn't help but take a few more glances: "Well, I'm a bit back today. My little brother is so lucky, your little honey is so pretty."

Han Zixuan pretended to be stupid: "It's normal."

Grass, the man cursed a few words in his heart, and understood Han Zixuan's intentions, so he moved away: "Little brother, I've given you the seat, I wish you success."

Han Zixuan took the opportunity to give him 5000 yuan: "Thank you."

The man was very surprised, and couldn't help but look at him a few more times: "You're welcome, brother, come on, seeing that you are accompanied by beautiful women, you will definitely win."

Han Zixuan had exchanged 5 yuan in chips early on, and finally got a seat, so he sat there and waited quietly for the dealer to deal the cards.

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