At first, everyone didn't pay attention to Han Zixuan, and mistakenly thought that he was a rich playboy who came here with his own horse.

When people realized that there were more and more chips in front of him, they couldn't help but look at him in surprise.The man who just gave way to Han Zixuan hurriedly approached and flattered him: "Little brother, you are really lucky, and it is really extraordinary to have a beautiful woman to help you."

Bi Yunxi also specially changed her outfit today. She wore a pink dress. Her originally delicate face was now a little feminine, which made her look like a peerless fairy, attracting the attention of everyone in the casino.

Han Zixuan smiled heartily: "Yeah, I didn't expect my luck to be really good today, but it's still good for you, brother."

The cheaters who were secretly observing everything in the casino began to pay attention to Han Zixuan. Two people stood behind him, carefully watching his every move to see if he was cheating.

Han Zixuan knew that there were eyes staring at him from behind, so he didn't panic. While looking at the cards, he flirted with Bi Yunxi, playing the playboy to the fullest.

Through observation, he has discovered some marks of playing cards.It may be difficult for ordinary people to find out, even for the famous cheaters. He has a pair of distinctive eyes, unique and sharp.In fact, the most important point was that when the croupier dealt the cards, he used Mo Long's true energy to lift up the poker kick like no one else, and only he knew that this action was done in an instant.Of course, Bi Yunxi, who was smiling sweetly in front of him, also knew it, but she just played the role of an idiot Xiaomi. When Han Zixuan won money, her face was full of excitement, and occasionally she gave Han Zixuan a hot kiss, teasing the men around her. Full of jealousy.

This kid, not to mention winning the money, is accompanied by such a peerless beauty.

The few secret observers found no trace, and they were anxious, so they went upstairs immediately, and he wanted to tell the boss about the situation.

Chen Yuqi was sitting in a private room on the second floor. On his lap sat a beautiful woman with bare breasts. She was gorgeous and charming, and she was lying on his lap and kissing Chen Yuqi.

Chen Yuqi was about to raise his gun and mount his horse when there was a knock at the door.He was a little disgusted: "What's the matter, didn't I tell you, don't bother me if it's nothing serious."

"Master, a kid came to the casino today. He won a lot of money, but we haven't caught him yet. What should we do?"

Chen Yuqi said impatiently, "Stupid, keep staring."

"We have been watching for a long time, and we have not found it. If we continue like this, I am afraid it will be bad for the casino." The person outside the door said nervously.

Chen Yuqi asked: "What kid, what does he look like?"

"A young man, very handsome, like a playboy, by the way, he has a beautiful woman by his side."

"Beautiful beauty, how beautiful she is." Chen Yuqi asked curiously.

The woman on his lap was immediately dissatisfied and pinched him hard. Chen Yuqi smiled and said, "Lisa, don't make trouble."

"It's pretty, all the men in the casino are looking at her."

Chen Yuqi regained his energy immediately and put Lisa down on his lap: "Just wait for me obediently for a while, I'll go downstairs to have a look."

"Hmph, I must have heard that there are beauties who are attracted to you." Lisa pouted dissatisfied.

"Little darling, you are thinking wrongly. Something happened downstairs. No matter what my boss says, I will go and have a look." Chen Yuqi put on his clothes again and came downstairs.

After pointing, Chen Yuqi immediately saw Han Zixuan, and he naturally remembered the woman in front of Han Zixuan, that was Bi Yunxi.Because in his own house, he has collected many photos of Bi Yunxi.

Suddenly, inexplicable jealousy slowly burned in my heart.

When Chen Yuqi went downstairs, many people knew that he was the boss here, and they all came up to say hello to him.But he responded indifferently, and then went directly to Han Zixuan's side.

Han Zixuan looked around and listened to all directions, and immediately found Chen Yuqi.He turned around with a smile on his face: "Boss Chen, how are you?"

Chen Yuqi forced a smile: "Han Zixuan, Young Master Han, I didn't expect you to come to my casino today, welcome."

"Hehe, we are also acquaintances, so I naturally want to visit and cheer you up." Han Zixuan hypocritically agreed.

People around saw that Han Zixuan was very familiar with Chen Yuqi, and they respected Han Zixuan even more in their hearts, and they didn't dare to underestimate him.

Chen Yuqi said thank you, turned his gaze to Bi Yunxi, pretending to be surprised and envious, and said: "Young Master Han, what a blessing, who is this beauty?"

"Ah, I'm Xiaomi. She has never been to a casino, so I came to see her today." Han Zixuan leaned into Bi Yunxi's ear and said affectionately, "Yunxi, this is Boss Chen of the casino. Say hello."

Bi Yunxi nodded gracefully with a smile: "Boss Chen, hello." Then he fell into Han Zixuan's body and reached out to help him touch the cards.

Chen Yuqi couldn't help staring at Bi Yunxi's smile, but he immediately came back to his senses, feeling very depressed.He changed his smiling face and exaggerated: "Young Master Han, you're lucky today, did you win a lot?"

Indeed, Han Zixuan had nearly 50 chips in front of him. He scratched his head: "I'm lucky, it's just good luck, but I still have to thank Boss Chen. Your casino is awesome, comparable to Macau."

"Don't dare, it's just a small fight. Young Master Han, you play first, let's get together and chat about family affairs when you have time." Chen Yuqi secretly used his eyes to make those people continue to stare at him, and then he came to the monitoring room on the second floor .

Han Zixuan looked at his watch, it was past nine o'clock, and it was almost time to leave.It's the first time I came here today, just to step on the spot and see the environment here, but it's a pity that I didn't see Chen Yuluo.

The two exchanged chips and left the casino. He was about to drive when someone shouted from behind, "Young Master Han, wait."

Turning his head, he saw the man who had just given up his seat chasing after him. He smiled fawningly and said, "Young Master Han, you are really good. You won a lot today."

"Thank you, are you busy?"

The man looked at the luxurious Lamborghini sports car he was driving, and he was sure that this young master was extraordinary. He licked his face and said, "Young Master Han, are you coming tomorrow? I want to make some money with you."

Han Zixuan understood and smiled: "You should come back. If you are not afraid of losing, you can follow."

"Okay, thank you, Young Master Han." The man opened his mouth and smiled, and opened the door for him obediently: "Young Master Han, I wish you a good night's sleep."

"Brother, what's your surname." Han Zixuan was amused, and it was the first time someone flattered him. To be honest, he was quite pleased with it.

"My surname is Dong, Dong Changhua. From now on, you can call me Old Dong or Changhua." Dong Changhua's slightly fat face showed a naive smile.

"You're older than me, so I'll call you Brother Dong. It's a bit late today, so I'll treat you to a drink another day." Han Zixuan closed the car door and left in a hurry.

Dong Changhua looked at the disappearing shadow of the car in an instant, only the exhaust gas filled his heart, and felt that he had met a noble person, and he could make a fortune in the future.

In the car, Bi Yunxi raised her mouth: "Han Zixuan, you are a big villain, and you actually let me be your Xiaomi."

"Why are you upset, then I will bring another woman next time."

"Don't you dare, isn't it just Xiaomi? What are you afraid of? Besides, she is your personal Xiaomi." Bi Yunxi blushed and said, "Zixuan, my performance today is not bad, I will give you a face."

"One hundred points." Han Zixuan suddenly remembered Chen Yuqi's greedy eyes on Bi Yunxi, and felt very uncomfortable: "That Chen Yuqi probably has a crush on you, he looks at you like a hungry wolf."

Bi Yunxi said coquettishly: "You are the hungry wolf. I am afraid of you now."

"To be honest, when the Chen family blackmailed your eldest brother, Chen Yuqi might have thought of blackmailing you. This Chen Yuqi is not a good guy, so be careful in the future."

"The Chen family is in danger. I didn't see Chen Jingzhi and Chen Yuluo today. I learned from my aunt that they are the most dangerous people."

Han Zixuan felt that what Bi Yunxi said was right. Although Chen Yuqi was also very powerful, a man was addicted to drinking and sex every day. People are animals of habit. Once a certain habit is formed, it is not a good sign.

Back home, Bi Shaohan and his wife were very anxious, especially their daughter went to the casino, which is not a good place.The son of the former has just fallen into it. If the daughter and son-in-law fall into it again, how will the old couple survive.

Seeing that the two returned safely and soundly, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Bi Yunfan immediately came over and asked, "Brother-in-law, how was the result?"

Han Zixuan still put 50 on the table: "It's okay, it's the first time I went today, I didn't dare to do too much."

Bi Yunfan excitedly took the money on the table, and looked at his sister in disbelief: "Yunxi, it's true or not, these are all won by the casino."

Bi Yunxi nodded: "Of course, you think Zixuan is as stupid as you. You are stupid and bet. Let me tell you, the casino is dark and full of dirty water."

Bi Shaohan was still worried: "Zixuan, forget it, don't go there in the future, it's not a good thing to always win money, it's easy to cause trouble."

"It doesn't matter, I have my own measure, but I just don't want Yunxi to follow me from now on." Saying that, Han Zixuan handed 50 to Bi Shaohan: "Father-in-law, I'll give you the money. To be honest, I came here empty-handed this time. I cheated your daughter away, and I feel uneasy, this little money is just a little bit of my heart, I hope you will accept it."

Bi Yunxi pouted: "You only know that I was tricked by you."

Liu Huiran saw that Qian's eyes were wide open, and she could not close her mouth in joy: "Zixuan, then we will accept it and take it as your betrothal gift." To be honest, such a beautiful daughter of hers left with Han Zixuan in a daze, and now the two of them Still sleeping together, cooking raw rice and cooked rice, I always feel that I am at a disadvantage.

Bi Shaohan didn't say anything, but he was still worried. He had seen the ability of the Chen family, and Han Zixuan's actions would cause trouble, but he couldn't say anything.

Back in the house, Han Zixuan thought about it: "Your parents are right, you shouldn't follow from tomorrow on."

"Why, don't listen to them, besides, I won't cause you any trouble." Bi Yunxi put his arms around him: "I know you are worried about me, but I don't want to be your burden. In fact, I can assist you and be your last... Good help."

"I know, but recently, I'll arrange other tasks for you." Han Zixuan took the opportunity to hug the weak woman, and consciously stroked the twin peaks on her chest with both hands. Getting used to it is not a good thing.

"What's the matter?" Bi Yunxi leaned her body hard so that Han Zixuan could play with it better.

"Secretly investigate the Shen family. There is a Shen family in Beijin. Help me find out."

"Shen family, Shen Hanyu." Bi Yunxi asked quietly.

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