The campus is so cute

40 doubt is old

Han Zixuan feigned surprise: "Honey, you're so smart."

Bi Yunxi pinched his thigh severely, and blamed: "Don't think I don't know your little thoughts, I have seen Shen Hanyu, she is a vixen-like woman."

"No way, she has a very dignified character and a very conservative heart." Han Zixuan hastily defended, indeed, Shen Hanyu's appearance really made people have too many fantasies.

"You understand quite well. Could it be that you have had in-depth exchanges with her?" A strong smell of vinegar permeated the air, and the sour Han Zixuan couldn't help being speechless. He originally thought Yunxi was a sensible and well-behaved girl who didn't care about gain or loss. Child, it turns out that no matter how kind a girl is, deep down in her heart, she longs for the love of the only man.

Suddenly, Han Zixuan felt a little lost, and his evil hand quietly left Bi Yunxi's increasingly plump breasts.

Bi Yunxi firmly grasped his hand, and bit her lips tightly: "Zixuan, I know my own identity, and I don't care about my status. As long as you like me and pamper me, I will be satisfied in this life." .”

"Yunxi, I owe you too much. Since you were born, I am destined to owe you. I will never pay it back in this life." Han Zixuan hugged her tightly.

The corners of Bi Yunxi's eyes were slightly moist, she shook her head lightly, buried in his broad chest and murmured: "Zixuan, you have to promise me that you will never abandon me."

"How can I be willing." Han Zixuan kissed her smooth forehead: "I haven't tasted your wonderful taste yet." Then the bad hand slowly stroked down along the corner of the skirt.

"Rogue." Bi Yunxi pressed his hand in confusion: "Shen Hanyu's family is in Beijin, why should he live in South China Sea?"

Han Zixuan began to explain Shen Hanyu's story, and of course he only learned about it from Ye Tianyu, telling her about her tragic life experience. Now that her mother died young, her father was paralyzed and bedridden, and there were intrigues in the family, she was overwhelmed and had to leave the sad place.

Bi Yunxi didn't expect that Shen Hanyu, who had a bright and beautiful appearance, was born in such a gloomy family environment.

"Help me find out who is in the Shen family, who is in charge of the family, and who is in power. The main purpose is to understand the condition of Shen Hanyu's father. If necessary, I will go there in person." Han Zixuan reached into the hem of his skirt and gently rubbed alley.

Bi Yunxi gave him a charming look: "Hmph, if Shen Hanyu found out, she would definitely be grateful to you. No wonder you insisted on coming to Beijin with me back then. It turned out that you had other motives." She patted his face hard Hand: "Don't insert it, if the membrane is broken, what should I do?"

"Oh, I'll just touch it and feel it." Han Zixuan reluctantly took his hand away.

The next day, Han Zixuan was going to the casino as usual, because Bi Shaohan and his wife were worried about Yunxi, so they didn't let her follow, and Han Zixuan planned to go by himself.

Bi Yunfan felt itchy in his heart and wanted to follow, but he didn't dare. He just looked envious: "Brother-in-law, you said that there is really no comparison between people. You drive a luxury car, pick up beautiful women, and go to the casino to have fun. Look again I stayed at home all day, facing the wall and thinking about my past."

"If you make a mistake, you have to bear it." Han Zixuan whistled and left.

When he came to the car, unexpectedly there was someone waiting here. Seeing that slim and charming figure, Han Zixuan immediately recognized his aunt Han Qingyun.

He took a few steps: "Auntie, why are you here?"

Han Qingyun turned around and smiled: "Zixuan, I heard you went to the casino."

"Well, I would like to take this opportunity to find out the details of the Chen family and earn some pocket money, so why not do it." Han Zixuan didn't know why his aunt appeared, and he couldn't even make out her figure.

"I'll go with you." Han Qingyun said softly.

Han Zixuan hurriedly waved his hand: "It's okay, I can do it by myself. The environment where you go alone as a woman is not good, the smell is stinky, the smell of smoke is full, it is not good for your skin, otherwise I would have asked Yunxi to follow. "

"I'm not that delicate. Besides, you've just entered society, so I'm worried about you." Han Qingyun's eyes showed concern and warmth.

Han Zixuan couldn't refuse, thinking about it: "Auntie, when I went yesterday, they all knew that I was a playboy and Yunxi was my close friend. You went today, so your status is not suitable."

"Why isn't it appropriate?" Han Qingyun wondered.

"People ask me your identity, how can I introduce you, I can't say you are my aunt." Han Zixuan felt that the playboy took his aunt to gamble, who would believe it.

Han Qingyun immediately understood, and smiled sarcastically: "Okay, then I will play your Xiaomi today."

That's impossible, Han Zixuan hastily waved his hands and refused, asking his elders to be his little honey, he's not that crazy yet.Han Qingyun frowned. Could it be that you think I am old and not as good-looking as Yunxi.

Han Zixuan was overjoyed. In fact, in terms of appearance alone, Han Qingyun was even three points more gorgeous than Bi Yunxi, and she smelled like ripe apples all over her body. When she came to the casino, she couldn't tell how many men's lower body desires had been seduced.

"Auntie, you are joking, you are so beautiful, prettier than Yunxi." He secretly prayed in his heart, Yunxi forgive me, who made you a junior.

Be slick, be careful that I'll go to Yunxi's place to show you off, don't hesitate, you don't have to treat me as your elder today, just look at me from a different angle.

From another perspective, could it be that she really took her aunt as Xiaomi.Without giving him time to think, Han Qingyun pulled him into the car and ordered him to drive.

Helpless, Han Zixuan had no choice but to agree aggrievedly.

When we arrived at the casino, it was still very lively. Han Zixuan won a lot of money here yesterday, and he had communicated with the boss Chen Yuqi, so many people knew him.Seeing him coming, he smiled at him.When he saw that the woman next to him had changed, and this woman was charming, elegant and noble, completely different from Bi Yunxi yesterday.

Dong Changhua waited early, and when he saw Han Zixuan coming, he hurried up: "Young Master Han, you are here." He glanced at Han Qingyun enviously: "Young Master Han, I really envy you, your Xiaomis are more beautiful than each other. "

Han Qingyun was puzzled by the fat middle-aged man in front of him, and Han Zixuan explained this fat man in his ear.Because the two were very close, Han Qingyun felt a little itching in his ears, and an inexplicable feeling came over him.

She nodded, smiled at Dong Changhua, then walked towards the gaming table holding Han Zixuan's arm.Many people saw them, the men showed envious and greedy eyes, and the women showed jealous and annoyed eyes.

In fact, the women who come here to the casino have ulterior motives, this is the best place for big money, whoever has money, just look and see.Therefore, they wear gorgeous clothes, even a little revealing, in order to attract men.

Dong Changhua helped Han Zixuan occupy a position early on, and the game began.Seeing Han Zixuan coming, the beautiful croupier and those spectators trembled in their hearts. They thought something was wrong in their hearts, and they were going to bleed again today.

The spectator hurriedly went upstairs to report to Chen Yuqi. Yesterday, Chen Yuqi was so depressed that he went back to the monitoring room and watched for a long time but found nothing.In fact, Han Zixuan won some money, it was nothing, the main reason was that Bi Yunxi, whom he coveted with all his heart, fell into his arms. He was unwilling to do so, and felt that he was too late to start, and Han Zixuan had taken the lead.

No matter how Lisa stimulated him, he lost his energy.He didn't come to gamble today, he went out to drink to vent his anger.

The man in charge had been standing behind Han Zixuan, but it was useless, I saw more and more chips piled up in front of him.People have also discovered this rule, and they all follow him to press money.

Han Zixuan didn't want these pig-headed men to be exposed, and sometimes he deliberately played tricks, and this group of people could only hold back their breath.When they didn't follow suit, Han Zixuan started to win money crazily again.

Dong Changhua was very happy, because Han Zixuan secretly passed eyes with him, telling him when to press too much and when to take small money to slip the game.Although everyone suspected that Han Zixuan was cheating, but with so many eyes and surveillance cameras staring at him, nothing was discovered.

After nine o'clock, Han Zixuan actually won nearly 200 million.The chips were exchanged for cash, and the money was handed over to Han Qingyun for safekeeping.

Han Zixuan didn't leave, because he didn't see anyone from the Chen family today, he was a little puzzled, where did Chen Yuqi go.He asked the supervisor: "Where is your boss Chen? Why didn't he come today?"

The supervisor hated Han Zixuan to death, and said that if you want to win money, you can't choose a good day, but choose a time when the boss is not around. If the boss finds out afterwards, he will definitely scold me. Maybe this month's bonus will be wasted.

He cried and said: "Go out, there may be something."

"What a coincidence, I wanted to have some drinks with you, Boss Chen. It seems that I have no chance today." Han Zixuan said with a smile.

The supervisor complimented: "Young Master Han, you won a lot today."

"It's okay, I'm just lucky." Han Zixuan sat on the sofa beside him, picked up an apple, and bit it as soon as he opened his mouth, but was stopped by Han Qingyun, she blamed: "It's too dirty, you have to peel it to eat."

"It's okay, it must have been washed." He turned his head and asked the supervisor: "It should be washed."

The manager's face was sweating a little: "It's been washed, Young Master Han, you can eat with confidence." Suddenly he moved closer to Han Zixuan, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Han, don't think we don't know, you are cheating."

"Really, you caught me." Han Zixuan put down the apple and looked sharply at the young supervisor in front of him.He is about thirty years old and looks quite capable.

"Although we don't know what kind of tricks you used, it is not easy to win money so easily in our casino." The supervisor showed a stern look, without a smile, which was quite ferocious.

Han Zixuan understood, the casino started playing tricks.

"What do you mean, could it be that I can't take away the money I won today." Han Zixuan was playing with an apple in his hand, with a cynical expression on his face.

"Young Master Han, you are overthinking. There are casino rules in casinos. Gamblers can definitely take away money if they win. But I warn you, don't come here in the future. You can't offend the Chen family. Be careful Something to eat."

Han Zixuan nodded: "Your last name."

The supervisor said proudly: "My surname is also Chen, Chen Ming."

"Chen Ming, right? Go back and tell your bosses that I'll come back tomorrow." Han Zixuan's words seemed to be angry, a little cute.

Chen Ming was very surprised, and then laughed inwardly, that's how playboys are, and they feel that they are invincible.Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind, he needs to find someone to fix him up, this is the rule in the casino, if you find someone cheating, you don't need to report to the boss, you can directly find someone to teach him.

Chen Ming nodded: "Okay, congratulate Young Master Han and come back tomorrow."

As soon as Han Zixuan and Han Qingyun left, Chen Ming immediately called for someone, and secretly whispered something in their ears.

These people were quite nervous: "Young Master Han is the boss's friend. If things don't go well, we will cause trouble."

"It's okay, I'll take care of things." Chen Ming patted them: "Follow up quickly."

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