The campus is so cute

366 Return of Yunxi

He Hongchao's words gave Han Zixuan a lot of inspiration and pointed out the direction.After leaving the abandoned factory, Han Zixuan returned home.

When I walked to the door of the villa, I found a car parked outside.Whose car is this, and the number is still a license plate from another place, he was slightly taken aback.

He slowly approached the car, trying to see if anyone was inside.Before he could get close, the car door suddenly opened, and a slender and handsome girl walked out, it was Bi Yunxi.

Han Zixuan froze, but Bi Yunxi threw himself into his arms.Han Zixuan's body was stiff and he didn't reach out to hug her.

Bi Yunxi's tears flowed out, telling her endless longing.But she found that Han Zixuan seemed to be a little cold towards her, so she slowly raised her head and looked at him in surprise.

"Zixuan, don't you know me? Why didn't you react at all when you saw me?" Bi Yunxi looked at Han Zixuan aggrievedly, her pretty bright eyes instantly lost their brightness.

Many things quickly flashed through Han Zixuan's mind, the real identity of Bi Yunxi in front of him, what was the purpose of her sudden return this time, and that Han Qingyun, there were always mysteries surrounding it.

He actually thought about how he should behave when Bi Yunxi came back.Ignore her, alienate her, or pretend not to know, and cater to the other party with hypocrisy.I thought of Bi Yunxi's sudden appearance when he just came down from the mountain to enter school. That bright and charming face, agile and graceful figure exuded a kind of quiet charm everywhere.And knowing that she is his future wife, any man will feel that this is the favor of God.

However, with the passage of time, after experiencing various things, especially the last time a strange woman called and sent him a video that made him feel unbelievable, he realized that some people were not worthy of trust.

"Yunxi, you're finally back. I couldn't believe my eyes just now." Han Zixuan smiled, and stretched out his arms to hug the beautiful girl in front of him.

Bi Yunxi smiled sweetly: "I was scared to death. I thought I hadn't seen you in a year. You forgot me. This is not okay. From today onwards, I will never leave your side."

"Well, we won't be separated." Han Zixuan said softly.

At this moment, the car door opened again, and a muscular man walked out of it. He came to Han Zixuan with a smile on his resolute face: "Young Master Han, I'm back."

Ling Tao, Han Zixuan let go of Bi Yunxi, and immediately came to him, scrutinized him for a long time: "Ling Tao, you are back too."

Ling Tao nodded: "Escort Miss Bi back."

"Then are you going back?"

Ling Tao shook his head: "I won't go back. Ms. Han told me to stay by your side to help you. Everything is stable over there, so I won't be needed for now."

Han Zixuan nodded, feeling a chill in his heart.He immediately opened the door, let the two of them in, and said something inside.

Bi Yunxi said that when I first came back, I called Sister Yu, and she said that it was great to move into the big villa again.No one has touched my previous room, Zixuan, you didn't let other women live there, did you?

"How could it be, besides, no one else will live in." Han Zixuan said with a smile, "Yunxi, go to the room first to see if there is any change, take a bath and relax."

Bi Yunxi agreed and went upstairs immediately.

Han Zixuan let Ling Tao to his basement, Ling Tao wondered, "Young Master Han, whose room is this?"

"How about my room? It's not bad. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. It's good." Han Zixuan felt good about himself.

Ling Tao didn't say anything, he knew that this Young Master Han was not an ordinary person, since he was not an ordinary person, he would definitely do something different from ordinary people.

Han Zixuan asked how he was doing, especially in Sichuan.

Ling Tao said it was not bad, every day was full, especially during this period of rapid development and the team gradually expanded.And under the guidance of that man named Mike, the situation over there is getting better and better.

"Why did you come back suddenly this time? Did you ask for it?" Han Zixuan was more concerned about this question.

"No, Ms. Han asked me to come back. He said that you have returned to the South China Sea, and there is a shortage of manpower around you. Let Ms. Bi and I come back to help you." Ling Tao spoke very cautiously, not saying anything unnecessary.

"Oh, that's right. All right, I really need someone. I'm so happy that you're back." Han Zixuan patted him on the shoulder.

"By the way, there must have been a lot of missions over there in the past few years. You must know a lot. Tell me about it." Han Zixuan asked.

Ling Tao shook his head in bewilderment: "I really don't know about the mission. This one was made by Ms. Han and the others, and I am the instructor. Young Master Han, Ms. Han is the person in charge there. Doesn't she always follow your arrangements? Well, if there is a mission, don't you know?"

"I seldom participate in the affairs over there. To be honest, I don't know anything about it." Han Zixuan smiled bitterly.

"Oh, so that's the case. To be honest, I don't know much. You can ask Ms. Bi, or Ms. Han directly. What's the matter, maybe something went wrong between you two." Ling Tao asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm just asking casually. What do you think of it over there?"

Ling Tao was full of praise, the current scale is no less than the power of terrorist organizations.Young Master Han, fortunately you are not a terrorist force, otherwise our country would definitely be in danger.

"Really, what do you think that place is and how it should develop in the future. You should know about some major events that have happened in the country recently." Han Zixuan asked.

Ling Tao thought for a while: "In fact, if it develops well there, it can become a mysterious power of the country and solve many problems without revealing its identity. Really, that place is so well hidden. Now that I go back, I can't find any specific information about it." Where is it?"

"The recent major event you mentioned must be in Yangcheng. Han Shao, I understand. You are worried that Sichuan will be exposed. Don't worry about this. Miss Han is indeed very powerful. She has already contacted the high-level officials of the country. , which has been affirmed by the country."

"Tell me exactly what happened."

"To be honest, I was also worried at first, worried that this place would become a base of terror. But because of you, I wasn't afraid. But the people who came had different ideas, and many of them had different ideas. In order to dispel everyone's ideas, Ms. Han, Suddenly one day, a high-ranking figure from the country came to the base, and he explained that this is a secret training base for the state, and that everyone is a secret agent trained by the state, so we can study and experience here with peace of mind, and serve the country in the future.”

"Oh, who is this character?"

Ling Tao said: "Fang Zhixin, I know him. I knew him when I served in the army. A general in the military region. His appearance dispelled everyone's doubts. Everyone had no extra thoughts and worked hard. Training, looking forward to serving the country in the future."

Han Zixuan frowned, and it was Fang Zhixin again.This person has connections with Tianxing, and is from Liu Peng.In this way, Han Qingyun is indeed close to Liu Peng.Suddenly, he understood in his heart why Liu Peng would kill Tianxing, because he had mastered the new power, Tianxing was useless, not to mention Tianxing was a customized bomb.

I have to admire Liu Peng's scheming, borrowing the remaining prestige of Yangcheng to wipe out the terrorist forces as an excuse, not only sweeping up Yangcheng, but also clearing away the stars, killing the two most deadly forces in China, clearing the way for his future general election obstacle.

It can be said that both fame and fortune have been gained, and now everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

What about his father, Zhao Zekai, doesn't he have any chance of winning?Although Han Zixuan didn't recognize them, everything was kept silent.No matter from a personal point of view or national interests, he would not allow Liu Peng to take over.

So, now it is necessary to cultivate one's own power in a short period of time and strive to be able to compete with the Sichuan base. Is it possible? It is too late.

Seeing that his brows were furrowed, Ling Tao thought that he was still worried that those in Sichuan would be exposed or be destroyed by the country, etc.Let him not worry too much, everything is under Miss Han's control.

Han Zixuan didn't dare to tell Ling Tao too much, he was not sure about Ling Tao's loyalty to him now, maybe Han Qingyun arranged to test him, Bi Yunxi was already very distressed, now there is another Ling Tao, too much trouble Bar.

At this time, after taking a bath, Bi Yunxi walked down the stairs, with her flowing black hair draped over her shoulders, she looked soft and beautiful, no different from before.Han Zixuan felt confused in front of him, and the two of them who came out suddenly would definitely bring troubles to him.

Seeing Bi Yunxi going downstairs, Ling Tao said to Han Zixuan: "Young Master Han, there is nothing else, I'll go back first, so I won't bother you. If you have anything to do, please contact me. I will try my best to help."

After Ling Tao left, Han Zixuan sat on the sofa in the living room thinking about the problem, and Bi Yunxi came to him and asked, "Zixuan, have there been a lot of women here recently, and who are they? Tell me, I'll definitely be there tonight." I want to meet, let me know."

Han Zixuan returned to his senses and stared at Bi Yunxi's clear eyes, trying to see something, but inside was still as peaceful as a lake.

"What's the matter, I find you weird, why are you looking at me like this. Did I become unattractive, and you don't like it anymore." Bi Yunxi pouted, revealing the inherent cuteness of girls.

Han Zixuan immediately said: "It's been a long time since I've seen you, so I'm afraid to look at it. Yunxi, you seem to have grown a lot."

With a flushed face, Bi Yunxi took a sip and said, "You know where to look, rascal." She stretched out her hand, put her arms around Han Zixuan, and gently pressed her body against him.

Han Zixuan still felt uncomfortable, and his mind was in a mess.But the virgin-like fragrance of a girl in front of her wafted into her nose, it smelled very nice.It made him feel a little helpless.

And Bi Yunxi leaned closer, looked up at him, slowly stretched out her neck, her attractive red lips kissed his face, and then his lips, warm and moist.

Han Zixuan knew that he could not refuse, otherwise it would be very troublesome.Recalling the happy days with Yunxi in his mind, he gradually became intoxicated with it, then turned over, pressed the girl under him, and kissed her deeply.

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