The campus is so cute

Chapter 367 The Family Has a Child

After a sweet kiss, Bi Yunxi curled up in Han Zixuan's arms like a kitten, expressing her endless longing.

Han Zixuan remained calm and asked, "Yunxi, is there any news from Auntie when you come back this time?"

Bi Yunxi raised her clear eyes and said: "Everything is fine over there. My aunt asked me to come back, mainly to tell you to break the seal as soon as possible. I will supervise you when I come back. How about it? I went to He Lizi's room just now, and it was very empty. Doesn't she live here?"

Han Zixuan was distressed, saying that the two were in the cold war stage.

"How did things become like this? It seems that a lot of things happened during the year I was away. But it doesn't matter, I believe Lizi will definitely change her mind." Bi Yunxi smiled sweetly.

"Yunxi, you have been staying in Sichuan, have you ever gone out to perform missions. For example, go to Yangcheng."

Bi Yunxi looked confused and shook his head: "No, I've never left there, why would you ask that?"

"It's nothing, just ask casually." Han Zixuan forced a smile, feeling very heavy in his heart, she was deceiving me.

At this moment, the sound of a car honking came from outside. It was obvious that someone had come back, probably Guo Linghua and the others. I don't know the result of the interview in the morning.

"Who, who's back." Bi Yunxi asked.

"It's your sister, the two beauties I just picked up. Don't you always want to see her?"

"Really, then I want to meet, since the woman Zixuan likes, it must not be bad."

Guo Linghua walked in one after the other with Duan Hongying, and saw a bright and beautiful girl standing in the room, she must be Bi Yunxi.When they heard from Shen Hanyu that Bi Yunxi was back, Guo Linghua clamored to go back and have a look, since she would only start work tomorrow anyway.

When the three women met, Guo Linghua was very enthusiastic and praised Bi Yunxisheng for her beauty and Han Zixuan for her vision. You have found such a good girl.Han Zixuan pretended to be stupid, and looked at the scene in front of him cheerfully.

Bi Yunxi is a modest and well-behaved girl.Seeing Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying, the elder sister called her by name, even Duan Hongying, who seldom praises others, couldn't help falling in love with her.

Several people sat around and chatted about their own affairs.Duan Hongying was very talkative today. He talked about sister Ling's arrogance in school and forced the former director of martial arts to be kicked out. Now he is the director of the martial arts association.

Han Zixuan frowned and said, "Why did I tell you guys back then, keep a low profile, you didn't listen to my words seriously, did you, you need to clean up." As he spoke, he reached out and squeezed Guo Linghua's buttocks.

Seeing that Xie Wenxuan was not there, Guo Linghua acted coquettishly, leaned against Han Zixuan and said, "Who made that Li Shunjie speak so badly and insult us women. I told Hong Ying to take care of them. You didn't see, Hong Ying is quite famous today, killing all his brothers and sisters instantly."

Duan Hongying was worried that this matter might cause trouble. She felt that the martial arts teacher named Li Shunjie seemed reasonable on the surface, but she always felt that this person was a bit sinister and might retaliate.

Guo Linghua looked at Han Zixuan, what was she afraid of? We men are responsible for everything.

Han Zixuan is not afraid of trouble, because he has his own ideas now.Since he intends to create a dynasty of his own, why would a little martial arts teacher be afraid.

Guo Linghua said she wanted to go back to her room to change clothes, so she went back to her room first.Bi Yunxi and Duan Hongying were chatting, even if they were getting to know each other.

Han Zixuan seemed preoccupied and speechless.Suddenly Guo Linghua poked her head out of the room and said, "Zixuan, come here, the school is going to hold a welcome reception for me tonight, please help me see what clothes I should wear, it's too revealing, you must not like it."

Han Zixuan looked at Duan Hongying, Duan Hongying smiled and nodded: "Indeed, but sister Ling seemed to refuse at the time, who knows, she will participate again."

Han Zixuan saw Guo Linghua winking at him fiercely, got up and walked over.

Seeing Han Zixuan coming in, Guo Linghua immediately closed the door, observed his expression and said concernedly: "You seem to have something on your mind, what is going on with Bi Yunxi?"

About Bi Yunxi, only Guo Linghua knows, and Han Zixuan doesn't hide it, this girl is deceiving me, she obviously went to Yangcheng, but she said she didn't.

"The problem is very serious now, so it can be seen that Bi Yunxi deliberately concealed the situation from you. I can't believe it, Yunxi looks very innocent."

Han Zixuan was also very distressed by this, worrying about how to get along with Yunxi in the future.

Guo Linghua suggested that he must be calm, especially not to show his external expression, this girl has a quick mind, once she sees something, it will be bad.You don't have to worry too much, she alone can't make much trouble.I will observe her secretly. I am a latecomer to these people, and only I know the situation. Leave it to me.

Han Zixuan is still very relieved of Guo Linghua's work, but now he can't pass this test for the time being.

"Don't think about it too much. In fact, our life is still very beautiful. There is a reception at school in the evening. Would you like to go?"

"I won't go, wouldn't it expose our identities."

"That's right, I almost got into trouble this morning and exposed Sister Yu." Guo Linghua talked about that incident.

Han Zixuan smiled bitterly: "I will be killed by you sooner or later."

"Hee hee, what are you afraid of, my husband is tall, rich and handsome, and I can show off when the time comes."

Tall, rich and handsome, he was useless, but he was counterattacked by that kid Deng Bochao.Speaking of it, it was all good things done by that bastard Cai Xiaomeng.

"By the way, Hong Ying said that you rejected the reception, didn't you?"

"I thought about it and decided to participate. After all, if I want to be a minister, I must have a good relationship with my colleagues. I have already discussed with Shen Hanyu. In the future, I will be the dean of the School of Physical Education. Hanyu is the dean of the School of Art. We hold up half the sky in the cultural and sports world of the South China Sea." Guo Linghua said happily.

These two women really have extraordinary ambitions. After all, I am the most useless.It seems that I should really work harder.

"Then be careful at night and let Hong Ying accompany you. I can rest assured that you sisters are together."

"Zixuan, I'm going back to class tomorrow, when are you going back?" Bi Yunxi asked.

"I'm still waiting. My student status is still in the third army. Waiting for the situation there. By the way, how did you ask for leave from the school at that time?"

Bi Yunxi blushed and said, "Go home and have a baby."

I was dizzy, Han Zixuan fell into memory, during the military training, the beautiful past was vivid in my mind.

"Where is your child, who is your man?" Han Zixuan asked teasingly.

"It's disgusting, you are laughing at me, we don't have that, how can there be children coming out." Bi Yunxi said shyly.

Han Zixuan couldn't laugh, because his health is not good now, it's really sad to say it.

In the afternoon, everyone was busy with their own business, Yunxi cleaned up the room, Guo Linghua discussed with Duan Hongying about the evening reception, Han Zixuan was bored and playing games, I remember learning from Ye Tianyu.

When I was playing, I received a call. The call came in with encryption, and it was probably only Yang He.

Sure enough, it was him. Yang He said that your student status has been transferred to the school, and you can resume school tomorrow.

Han Zixuan was very happy and expressed his gratitude to Yang He.

Yang He asked him if he had time now, and he wanted to ask him to come out for a chat.Han Zixuan also has a lot of things to ask, and the two parties agreed to meet.

When Han Zixuan arrived at the meeting place, he unexpectedly saw Yang Xueyi, and she came back no matter what.

Seeing Han Zixuan, Yang Xueyi said angrily, "Hey, you sneaked back, why didn't you call me?"

"Why did I call you? Aren't you very good in the army?"

"What a fart, it's meaningless at all. Since you're back at Nanhai University, I'm back too."

No, you also come to join in the fun.

Yang He sneaked close to Han Zixuan's ear and said, "Xueyi likes you, if you leave, she will naturally come after you."

Han Zixuan rolled his eyes and ignored it.Although Yang Xueyi is very beautiful, Han Zixuan is not interested in it now, because she is not the woman of the Yang family that is needed at all.

The three sat down and ordered food.Yang Xueyi looked like she hadn't eaten for a long time, gobbling it up.

Yang Xueyi knew that she didn't look good when eating, so she blushed a little and said, "It's not like you don't know that the army's meals are not edible at all. I'm back this time, and I will never go back to that ghostly place again."

Han Zixuan chatted with Yang He, it was basically a daily routine, and he didn't say anything important. After all, Yang Xueyi was here, and there were some things he couldn't say.

After Yang Xueyi was full, she seemed to see that her father wanted to chat with Han Zixuan alone.She took out a piece of paper from the satchel beside her and handed it to him: "This is your student status transfer certificate. Remember to bring it with you when you go to school tomorrow. I'll go home and rest first. See you tomorrow."

Han Zixuan waved his hand to signal goodbye.Yang Xueyi glanced at him, then turned and left.

Yang He asked: "Zixuan, what do you think of my Xueyi?"

"I don't have any ideas. Now my family is overcrowded and there are not enough rooms, so don't trouble me." Han Zixuan said exaggeratedly.

"Stinky boy, you are awesome now, I don't even want my old man who stuck in the door." Yang He said with his eyes widened.

Han Zixuan laughed dryly: "How dare you, why don't I call you father-in-law right now, my lord father-in-law."

"Go away, it's just right that you don't like Xueyi, which saves me from worrying all day long. Tell me, what can you do with me?" Yang He resumed his seriousness.

Han Zixuan talked about Chu Xiangdong, and the two of them begged me for help and asked to kill Liu Peng.

Yang He immediately stared and said: "This matter is absolutely impossible."

"But I agreed to them, Uncle Yang He. It's only human to take revenge after the death of a father or brother. Besides, this Chief Liu Peng is indeed not honest."

"Liu Peng is not authentic, but he is an important head of state of our country after all. Now he has wiped out Yangcheng and cleared the stars, and he has made great achievements."

Really, Han Zixuan asked with a sneer: "Since it needs to be cleaned up, why not clean it up. You also know that I have a secret base in Sichuan, why not get rid of it."

"At that time Liu Peng also wanted to kill him, but I begged for you, so he was lenient."

What, Han Zixuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.Yang He, you have been deceived.

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