The campus is so cute

368 Not convenient to disclose

Han Zixuan said that you have been deceived, our head Liu Peng is indeed very good at playing tricks.

Yang He didn't understand, so he squinted his eyes and asked, "Could it be that you know something?"

Han Zixuan took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and played a video for him.It was the video of Han Qingyun leading a group of people to Yangcheng to clean up the mess and capture Wen Lan.

Yang He didn't say a word, and watched all of them, showing a shocked expression: "It turns out that Wen Lan is not dead. Who is Han Qingyun? It seems that she has a close relationship with the authorities."

"Where did you get this video?" Yang He asked immediately.

Passed to me by a strange woman whose name and identity I don't know.But her purpose is very clear, let me get to know Han Qingyun again, and know another face of my so-called aunt.

Yang He fell into deep thought and asked, "What do you think?"

Han Zixuan said: "I have another news to tell you that Fang Zhixin has been to Sichuan."

Yang He was even more astonished, and in an instant he understood that it was so.Here in Sichuan is another star, but it is completely controlled by Liu Peng, and it is his mysterious power.

"Director Yang, are you surprised?" Han Zixuan asked.

Yang He slowly came back to his senses, looked at Han Zixuan and said, "Liu Peng has greater ambitions. He not only possesses mysterious power, but also captured Wen Lan. His final target must be you, to open the Molong Token."

Han Zixuan nodded, and what is even more tragic now is that Bi Yunxi, who is the key to breaking his seal, is also Han Qingyun's person.

"However, this is not a reason to kill Liu Peng. He has these powers only for self-protection. I understand him. Any head of the country will have his own power under his command."

"However, Liu Peng shouldn't have betrayed the country and cooperated with the Americans." Han Zixuan gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Yang, let me ask you, why didn't the Americans have any reaction."

"Today is not the past, our country has become stronger. Moreover, Tianxing is an illegal organization, and the Americans dare not speak up." Yang He said.

Han Zixuan smiled bitterly: "That's not true, because Liu Peng reached another agreement with the Americans. As long as Liu Peng succeeds in becoming the No. [-] head of the country, he will cede certain islands in the Southeast China Sea to the Americans."

"What, Han Zixuan, don't just talk about it, you have evidence." Yang He asked coldly.

Han Zixuan smiled: "Of course not. If so, can Liu Peng still be in his position arrogantly? I also heard what Chu Xiangdong told me. As for whether what he said is true or not, I can't judge. But we would rather I believe so, what if a tragedy happens in January next year."

Yang He was silent.

"So, now we need to search for evidence. In any case, Liu Peng cannot be allowed to succeed."

"Zixuan, don't meddle in this matter, I will handle it. You should study at ease, and don't get caught up in it because of this matter." Liu Peng suggested.

Han Zixuan asked: "Could it be that you want to ask him in person, don't be stupid, or you might lose your life. Just relying on you, the head of the National Security Bureau, is just a dream."

"Then what do you think, go directly to Liu Peng's house. Although you are very powerful, you certainly can't do it." Liu Peng retorted.

"Yes, we don't have the strength to compete with Liu Peng now, but we still have half a year to use this time to collect evidence and develop power. Don't forget, I still have a lot of power behind me." Han Zixuan was full of confidence Said.

Yang He suddenly understood: "Zixuan, you are thinking for Zhao Zekai, after all, you are the real father and son."

"I didn't think about it that much, and we don't recognize each other now. Actually, I don't care about the status of the so-called prince. My grades today have nothing to do with this status." Han Zixuan said conceitedly: "I only do what I want. Do what you do, and do it the best you can.”

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying participated in the cocktail party held by the teachers of the Physical Education Institute, with the purpose of welcoming the two beauties. After all, although there have been many female teachers joining the Physical Education Institute for many years, they have never been as outstanding as the two of them.

And today, Guo Linghua acted vigorously and forced the former martial arts minister Li Shunjie to leave. While everyone was surprised, they were full of deep admiration for the two.

In particular, Jiang Yong, the head of Taekwondo, flattered and flattered the two of them. He knew that Guo Linghua was married, so he set his sights on Duan Hongying, hoping to win the favor of the beauty. He tried his best but couldn't use it.

The dean of the School of Physical Education is called Lei Zhenyang. He is in his fifties this year and is very handsome. Because of practicing sports, he looks much younger.As the head of the family, he took the lead in raising his glass to welcome the joining of the two new colleagues.

There are also many female PE teachers, but their looks are incomparable with Guo Linghua's.When they saw the male teachers looking at the two women like wolves and tigers, they felt intense jealousy in their hearts.

One of them asked Guo Linghua how old she was, whether she was married, and what her husband did.

Guo Linghua smiled lightly: "Anyway, I have a husband, but this is a personal affair, so it's not convenient to disclose it."

Asked about Duan Hongying's family situation, Duan Hongying said flatly: "I have a husband, so it's inconvenient to tell."

Everyone was dumbfounded, Jiang Yong asked: "Could it be that you both have the same husband, and there is also teacher Shen Hanyu from the dance department."

Guo Linghua pursed her lips and smiled: "It's inconvenient to reveal this, I said, Teacher Jiang, you are such a gossip, you like to inquire about other people's secrets."

Jiang Yongsao said with a blushing face, "No, I'm just curious. You are all beauties of national beauty, how can ordinary men be worthy of you."

Guo Linghua glanced at Jiang Yong, and said mercilessly: "Anyway, you are not worthy, so don't worry about it."

Jiang Yong ate the door shut, closed his mouth in disgrace, and didn't dare to get angry. After all, his taekwondo kung fu seemed to be no match for the two women in front of him.

Lei Zhenyang doesn't care about the family life of the two girls. He only hopes that they can work hard in the future to improve our school's sports career.

Guo Linghua said that I am a newcomer, and I hope that teachers can help me a lot in the future.In addition, today's meal is my invitation, thank you for your support.

Everyone could tell that she was a rich person, because the dress alone probably cost tens of thousands of yuan. Although the physical education teacher's income was good, she was not lucrative, and her salary was a bit of a mess.The male and female teachers who came today are also in suits and leather shoes, and beautiful skirts.But compared with the two women, there is a huge difference.

No need to ask, the husband behind them must be a rich man, probably the woman who was taken care of by the richest man in South China Sea.But it's impossible, the woman who was taken care of by the big money came out to be a teacher, and the consciousness of the third party is so high these years.

Moreover, the two women are obviously not the kind of seductive women, but more like wealthy women from famous families.It's not realistic for a rich woman to be a teacher.The two are like a fascination, confusing all the men and women present.

The wine was almost finished, Guo Linghua basically knew all the teachers present, and the purpose of the reception was achieved.

Someone suggested going to the karaoke hall, the physical education teacher team is generally younger, and there are many single men and women.I like the way of consumption that is popular nowadays.

Lei Zhenyang didn't dare to be interested, but he couldn't disappoint, so he asked his son Lei Yun to greet everyone.

Lei Yun is also a physical education teacher. He is very young and handsome.Coupled with the reason of practicing sports, he is full of masculine charm, which attracts many female students in Nanhai University.However, he is still unmarried. Everyone knows that Lei Yun has a high vision and likes to pursue beautiful women.He was also one of the army that pursued Shen Hanyu before.

Guo Linghua heard that she was not interested in going to sing, because she promised Zixuan to come back early in the evening, so she refused.

Lei Yun immediately said: "Teacher Guo, don't lose face. We are all young people, get together and increase the relationship between colleagues."

Guo Linghua took a look at Lei Yun, but still insisted that she couldn't go on, she wanted to live a sweet life with her husband when she went home, so go ahead.

If Guo Linghua didn't go, the atmosphere would be lost immediately, and many people would clamor not to go.Going home and looking for my partner to live a two-person world, everyone gradually separated.

Seeing this, Lei Yun didn't force it. Seeing that Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying were about to drive back, he asked to take them home, worried that the two women would drink too much and there would be danger on the road.

Guo Linghua chuckled: "Thank you Teacher Lei for your concern, we are fine."

Lei Yun watched the car leave, staring deeply until the car disappeared.He turned around and went back to the bar, where he was just now.

As soon as he sat down, three young men immediately surrounded him.

"Lei Shao, those two girls are your colleagues, they are too pretty." One of them said with yellow hair.

The other one said: "Young Master Lei, I was watching from the sidelines just now, and I almost couldn't help masturbating." Another man with a slightly wretched appearance said.

The last man with a square head and a scar on his face said, "Young Master Lei, who are these two women? It doesn't look easy."

At this time, Lei Yun slowly raised his head and greeted him for a drink.The three of them immediately raised their wine glasses and yelled.

On the surface, Lei Yun is a physical education teacher. He has another identity, which is the behind-the-scenes owner of this bar. At the same time, he is doing well in this beer street. Every bar gives him face, and he has to hand in some protection every month. fee.He protects the ground here from being bullied by outsiders.

Lei Yun was born in sports, and he started to get in touch with the society when he was in college, and he was naturally fond of fighting, so he followed a few big brothers.Gradually, he also became famous, and became famous in this beer street.

His father, Lei Zhenyang, found out and was very angry at first, but Lei Yun was also spoiled, and his parents couldn't control him at all.In the end, Lei Zhenyang compromised, hoping that he would enter the school and become a teacher, at least on the surface, he would live well. He didn't want to spread the word that his son was a bastard, it was too ugly.

Lei Yun also agreed to his father's request, to be a teacher at school, and come here to hang out at night. He thinks this kind of life is very good. A man should be like him, with a career, ability, and power .

Hearing the noisy inquiries of the three, Guo Linghua's figure appeared in front of Lei Yun's eyes. He was deeply attracted by this woman from the first time he saw it.However, after these years of experience, he will not be as restless as Jiang Yong, and he must try his best to get her.

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