Huang Mao leaned in front of Lei Yun and flattered him: "Young Master Lei, this must be your favorite. By the way, you have quite a lot of beautiful teachers at Nanhai University, and the most famous one is Shen Hanyu, the dancing beauty."

Before, Lei Yun also pursued Shen Hanyu, and tried to do some tricks, even resorted to despicable means.But later, Xie Wenxuan picked up Shen Hanyu at school, and the two were very close, so he dismissed the idea.

Does he know that Xie Wenxuan's name is not only his deadly enemy, but also the key Xie family people are not easy to mess with.He didn't want to poke a hornet's nest. Although he felt that he was doing well, he hadn't yet become a big brother.

It's just a pity that such a peerless beauty appeared in front of him every day, but he could only look at it.Later, it was reported that Shen Hanyu was married and seemed to be taken care of by a gangster, and he didn't dare to think too much, it would be bad if he hit a nail.

Today, the sudden appearance of Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying made his eyes shine, especially Guo Linghua, who showed the gracefulness and softness of Jiangnan women, and at the same time carried heroic spirit and pride in his bones, any man would be moved when he met.

They are all married, Lei Yun doesn't believe it, it is probably a common trick used by women, the best excuse to reject men.He even suspected that Shen Hanyu was like this.Anyway, he was lucky. From now on, when they are under the same roof, he must make good use of the opportunity to get close to them. He believes that with his personal charm, there is still a chance to impress the other party.

Han Zixuan was playing mahjong at home, four people got together, Shen Hanyu, Xie Wenxuan, Bi Yunxi.The bureau was Zhang Luo's by Xie Wenxuan, Yunxi is back, let's have a good time.

Shen Hanyu didn't refuse either, besides, she also liked this entertainment project.In order to increase the fun, Xie Wenxuan, whoever loses, will take off a piece of clothing.

Shen Hanyu stared fiercely, this girl is getting more and more crazy, but it doesn't matter if everyone is their own.Bi Yunxi did not refuse either, because she was still very confident in her skills.

After a few laps, the clothes were taken off and put on and off, but there was no big win or loss, except that Xie Wenxuan was really unlucky today, and in the end there was only a bra and a pair of underwear left.But she lost again, and angrily slapped the table.

Shen Hanyu smiled and said: "Go ahead and take it off, don't try to play tricks."

Xie Wenxuan didn't hesitate, looked at Han Zixuan who was sitting opposite and said coquettishly: "Husband, do you think I should take off the top or the bottom, I'll listen to you."

Han Zixuan smiled: "I don't mind taking it all off."

"Beautiful thinking." Although Xie Wenxuan was crazy, she was still a little shy, ready to take off her underwear, and reached out to unhook the hook on the back.

Han Zixuan hurriedly stopped him: "Don't, how can I play cards like this? You still look at the cards, which will distract me." In fact, he has no intention of playing cards now, and Xie Wenxuan's white breasts are dangling in front of his eyes.

"I don't care, I just let you lose." Xie Wenxuan shook her hand slightly, her underwear fell off, and a pair of plump jade rabbits jumped out immediately.

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying happened to come back and witnessed this scene.

Guo Linghua frowned fiercely and said, "Officer Xie, I can't stand you when you come back and throw a fit."

Seeing her come back, Xie Wenxuan got even more excited: "Yo, I'm jealous. When it comes to flirting, I'm not as good as you. I work overtime early in the morning. Today I want to report criticism. Guo Linghua is not allowed to make out with her husband for a month."

The room suddenly became lively, everyone knew what Guo Linghua did this morning, no wonder he got up so late, so he ate a small stove.

Guo Linghua added in shame and indignation that this Xie Wenxuan was her nemesis, and the two girls wrestled together again, starting a bloody wrestling game.

"You wait, I'll change clothes, and I'll settle the score with you later." Guo Linghua went back to her room disheartened.

Seeing the two girls coming back, Shen Hanyu immediately said: "Let's end the game today, everyone take a break. Wenxuan, put on your clothes and pay attention to the impact."

Xie Wenxuan picked up her underwear and called to Han Zixuan: "Honey, come and wear it for me."

Han Zixuan waved: "Come here."

Xie Wenxuan happily came to Han Zixuan's side. Han Zixuan personally put on a bra for her, not forgetting to praise that her breasts are getting more and more attractive, and she can't hold them with one hand.

Xie Wenxuan said charmingly, "It's not all due to you."

After all, Bi Yunxi was still a virgin, and she hurriedly turned her face away when she saw this scene.Duan Hongying finally found a friend, and she couldn't stand Xie Wenxuan's coquettish energy, so the two sat together and chatted.

Shen Hanyu asked how the drinking party was tonight, the PE teacher and the group were very drinkable.

Duan Hongying shook her head and said, "It's not that good, it's not interesting. And those male teachers are all perverted, asking questions, it's annoying."

"Hong Ying, what are you afraid of? If anyone dares to look around, just put him down and goug out their eyeballs. It's okay, I'll cover you." Xie Wenxuan fell into Han Zixuan's arms and said with a stare.

Shen Hanyu said: "It takes a long time to get used to it, but the teachers are generally of good quality, so they won't be too presumptuous."

"That's true, but that Leiyun looks a bit sinister. It's the son of the sports director. He looks like a dog. He insists on sending me and sister Ling home."

Shen Hanyu knew Lei Yun, Lei Zhenyang's son, and immediately reminded him: "You are in the same office as Lei Yun, so be careful in the future. This Mr. Lei is a teacher on the surface. I heard that he has a gangster background behind him. Don't provoke him."

At this time, Guo Linghua came out, and hurriedly echoed: "Hanyu, you are right. And I have a hunch that he is troublesome."

Han Zixuan just sat on the sofa and listened. He didn't know who Lei Yun was. After all, his time in school was very short. He probably even forgot who his counselor was.

"Hanyu, what's your opinion on this guy named Leiyun?"

Shen Hanyu frowned and said: "Because his father is the dean, he is messing around in school anyway, without any special achievements, but he hasn't done anything extraordinary in school. As for outside, I don't know, Zixuan, what do you want?" what."

Guo Linghua answered for Han Zixuan: "Why, abolish him. If you don't abolish him, how can I be the dean in the future."

Xie Wenxuan immediately regained her spirits when she heard this: "That's right, he dared to hit our Hong Ying's idea. Such a man is determined to be destroyed."

Han Zixuan thinks this is an opportunity, and now he is worried that he will not have the opportunity to expand his power. Although he doesn't care about the South China Sea underworld, he will not give up any power.

"Linghua, Hong Ying, be careful when you go to work tomorrow. If this Lei Yun really does something wrong, don't be soft."

Guo Linghua nodded: "I'm just worried that I don't have anything to do recently, and I feel like my muscles and bones are going to loosen."

Xie Wenxuan immediately called out: "Don't brag, someday we will continue to practice."

Guo Linghua put on a nonchalant attitude, ready to wait anytime.

The next day, Han Zixuan went to report to Nanhai University, and Bi Yunxi followed him. After all, the two were in the same college before, which seems to be called the Museum Department.Han Zixuan was not sure and asked Bi Yunxi beside him.

Bi Yunxi covered her mouth and said, "I forgot too, it should be."

Hey, I read this book, and I forgot what major I studied.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they met Yang Xueyi. Obviously she was waiting for him, and when she saw him appear, she immediately walked towards him.

Yang Xueyi didn't expect that Bi Yunxi also appeared, she was a little surprised, and greeted her friendly.

Now that they met, the three of them walked towards the teaching building together. As soon as they entered the campus, the three of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. Many freshmen didn't know them, and they suddenly saw two beauties at the school beauty level, blinding their eyes.

Many old students spotted them, and someone recognized them immediately.When Han Zixuan and Yang Xueyi joined the army, they were still very popular. It can be said that they made a big splash in school.Now that the two have returned to school, they have once again become the focus.

The three of them went to the teaching office first to confirm their student status.The reception teacher obviously knew about the situation a long time ago, and extended a warm welcome to the two of them when they returned to school. They also commended the two of them, because they performed well during their military service and made contributions, which was clearly written on their resumes .

Finally, after reading Bi Yunxi's introduction, she asked for a leave of absence from school to go home and have a baby.The teacher looked at Bi Yunxi carefully, his figure was exquisite, not like a woman giving birth.But this matter is a private matter after all, and it involves the student's personal feelings. She will not ask too many questions, but only symbolically ask her about her physical condition and whether she can cope with her studies.

Han Zixuan saw that the middle-aged female teacher was a bit menopausal and asked too many questions.Let her go through the formalities quickly so they can go back to their respective classes.

The female teacher said that you have delayed your study for two years, I am afraid you may not be able to keep up, and suggested that they start over.

Han Zixuan immediately refused: "Teacher, our time is precious, and we have to work after graduation, so just go back to the original class."

"But if your grades are not enough credits, the school will not give you a graduation certificate." After all, the teacher is still kind and worried about the students' grades.

Han Zixuan said it's okay, if you don't give it, you will be pulled down.

The female teacher was defeated and said nothing more.Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi returned to the original Museum Department. They chose this major because the number of students was the smallest and the courses were relatively shortest.Looking at it now, it's the right choice.

And Yang Xueyi returned to her previous major in economic management, but Yang Xueyi refused, and she asked to also go to the museum department.

Both Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi were surprised, this woman didn't have a fever.The female teacher was also surprised, because Yang Xueyi had excellent grades, so it would be a waste for such a talent to go to that hopeless major.

However, students can change majors, and the school respects students' preferences.Yang Xueyi insisted on changing majors, but the female teacher had no choice but to follow the student's request. In the end, Yang Xueyi became Han Zixuan's classmate.

Leaving the teaching office, Han Zixuan asked: "Yang Xueyi, what are you doing, what do you mean?" He vaguely understood in his heart that he was being followed by her.

Yang Xueyi said: "I just want to be with Bi Yunxi as a companion, I know she is the only girl in your class, she is too lonely."

Bi Yunxi was really happy, with Yang Xueyi as her companion, class would not be too boring.

Han Zixuan gave her a blank look: "I can tell you, when you are in my territory, don't act wild."

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