The campus is so cute

370 I have no idea about you

When Han Zixuan returned to school, his friends were naturally the happiest. During get out of class, the classmates gathered together and had endless topics to talk about.

Li Xiaoxu said with emotion: "You are back, and Shangguan Fei is the only one missing. He has disappeared for a long time, and I don't know how long it will take for him to come back."

Shangguan Fei, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back.Young Master Shangguan is very busy now, but not necessarily, because they just talked on the phone a few days ago, and Shangguanfei heard that Han Zixuan had returned to Nanhai University, and he was planning to come back.

The other boys in the class looked at Bi Yunxi and Yang Xueyi with fiery eyes. After all, it has been a monk class for a long time, and there have been no girls for a long time.And when they appeared today, there were two stunning beauties.

Now the notorious museum department is estimated to be against the sky, and the coverage rate of beauties in the class is 100%, what kind of situation is this.

"Wen Hao, can you make a difference, change your posture." Han Zixuan said mockingly.

Xie Wenhao just came back to his senses, he looked at Han Zixuan embarrassedly and said: "The two of them came back with you, what's the situation, why was Yang Xueyi kidnapped by you."

What is abducted, she insisted on following.

Everyone immediately expressed admiration. It seems that Yang Xueyi's sister may have sunk under Han Zixuan's crotch.Xie Wenhao looked wretchedly at Han Zixuan and said, "Brother-in-law, it's been a long time since I've seen you. Picking up a girl is still a knife."

Han Zixuan chuckled: "What have you been up to lately? You're still fooling around every day."

Xie Wenhao sighed: "You are not here, no matter how good you are, you are my real opponent."

After he finished bragging, he immediately changed his tone: "I'm coming back this time, I won't stay for a few days and then disappear."

"It won't disappear right now, and it will stay in the South China Sea permanently. Is there anything going on?" Seeing him, Han Zixuan seemed to have something on his mind.

Xie Wenhao said: "I have always wanted to start a career. After all, I am not a student. I will graduate in two years. My family has set a direction for me. After graduation, I will enter a company. I don't want to waste my life there."

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Xie Wenhao said ambitiously: "Brother-in-law, we are a family, so I won't see you anymore. I like to play and want to mess around with the society, but my family doesn't allow it, and my sister is in charge of me. Helpless."

"It's okay to be a mixed society. I agree, and I will support you behind the scenes." Han Zixuan said after making a decision. He is cultivating his own influence.

Xie Wenhao is indeed not bad, after all, he is from his own family, and he is really not talented in studies, but he is very good at pretending. I remember when he first entered school, he arrogantly beat up the counselor. This kind of person It's a waste of talent if you don't mix with society.

"Fuck me, you are really willing to help me." Xie Wenhao was very excited, but immediately said: "But my family may not agree."

"It's okay, with me here, what are you afraid of." Han Zixuan said lightly.

The two immediately reached an agreement. Xie Wenhao said ambitiously: "Brother-in-law, I have always had a plan. I will go home tonight and write an outline. I will hand it over to you for review tomorrow. You can help me see if it works. Let's discuss it together."

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be so serious, but we have a rule to make, I am in the dark, you are in the light. After all, I still want to be a good person, and you can do the bad one."

Hahaha, Xie Wenhao laughed crazily, and the class felt puzzled seeing him.

The morning class ended in a daze, and Han Zixuan fell asleep listening to it.To be honest, he really doesn't like the feeling of sitting in the classroom, it's boring.

When it was time for lunch, everyone went out, some went to the cafeteria, some went outside, some went back to the dormitory to eat instant noodles, whatever they were doing anyway.

Li Xiaoxu, Zhao Ming and the others are very conscious and will not pester Han Zixuan, after all, there are two beauties beside him.

In the end, everyone in the classroom dispersed, leaving only the three of them.Yang Xueyi stretched and woke up in a daze, good guy, she doesn't like studying anymore.People change, after all, they haven't come to class for a long time.

Bi Yunxi turned her face to search for Han Zixuan's figure, and found that he was staring at the two of them, his face flushed slightly.She didn't listen to the class in the morning, but she was thinking wildly in her mind. She found that after returning this time, the relationship between the two seemed to be a lot more distant.

Girls are very sensitive, especially when it comes to emotions.She didn't think much about it, thinking that the reason why the two hadn't been together for a long time.Now the opportunity came, she had to seize it, and there were too many excellent women around Zixuan, although she was also excellent, but compared with Shen Hanyu, Guo Linghua and the others, she seemed a lot dimmer.

However, she has no special requirements, as long as she can be by his side all the time, as it is now, the two of them can go to and leave school together, and life will be fine.

Han Zixuan called Bi Yunxi to have dinner together, but Yang Xueyi also wanted to follow.

"Hey, student Yang Xueyi, it's rare for us young couple to be romantic, why are you joining in the fun?" Han Zixuan stared.

Yang Xueyi was stunned, yes, they are lovers after all, why should I join in.She sat on the seat sullenly, her eyes slightly lost in thought.

Han Zixuan took Bi Yunxi's hand, and the two left the classroom happily.Bi Yunxi turned her head to look at Yang Xueyi, and sighed silently in her heart.

In the corridor, Bi Yunxi whispered: "Xueyi is quite pitiful. Don't look at her as high above her, but she has no friends or companions. She regards us as friends, and she came to our class entirely because of you."

Han Zixuan stopped in his tracks and stared into Bi Yunxi's eyes: "You mean she's interested in me."

Bi Yunxi laughed aloud: "Of course, you are not a fool, you can't even tell. Besides, Xueyi is not bad, why are you so cold to her?"

"Is there, I just don't want to add burden."

"But, don't forget, Xueyi is also the key girl to break the seal. She is showing her favor to you now, why do you refuse." Bi Yunxi didn't understand.

Han Zixuan said that she has a secret to tell you that she is not Yang He's biological daughter, in other words, Yang He only has one biological son.He suddenly felt a little sad and thought of He Lizi.When he approached her back then, he did have a purpose in pampering her.It is because of my lack of honesty that the two of them are in today's situation.

Bi Yunxi was stunned, so it was.

"Don't tell her, or she may not accept it in her heart." Han Zixuan sighed: "It's very embarrassing, and I don't want to make things too complicated."

"If I get close to her, I'm afraid it will be another He Lizi. Of course, the sadder one is yet to come, and she will definitely discover her true life experience." Han Zixuan gave a wry smile.

Bi Yunxi was also silent, not knowing what to do.But when she left the classroom just now, she saw Yang Xueyi's disappointed expression and felt extremely sad.

"Zixuan, but I don't think it's good to leave her alone in the classroom. I'm worried that she may not be willing to eat, and girls are prone to get sick when they are sad. You should do me a favor and don't deliberately refuse her , Slowly, she will definitely give up. I think this is a better way to deal with it." Bi Yunxi suggested sincerely.

Han Zixuan stopped, thought carefully, and what Yunxi said made sense.And now he doesn't dare to judge that Yang Xueyi definitely likes me, maybe she just treats me as a friend, after all, the two of them once went to the army together and performed missions together.

He returned to the classroom and saw Yang Xueyi lying on the table, so he walked over slowly and woke her up.

Yang Xueyi looked at him unexpectedly: "What are you doing?"

"Go eat." Han Zixuan said.

"I'm not hungry, and besides, I don't want to be a light bulb." Yang Xueyi pouted, her words were a little sour.

Han Zixuan smiled: "What kind of light bulb are you? It can't flash on me at all. Besides, I don't have any thoughts about you, so don't be too sentimental."

"If you really don't want to go, well, you can cry here yourself."

"Who is crying." Yang Xueyi stood up stubbornly, and followed behind Han Zixuan: "You don't want to be beautiful, let me tell you, don't think about it, I don't have any thoughts about you."

Deng Bochao's counterattack succeeded, and he was overjoyed.But he found that He Lizi's attitude towards him was still the same as before. Boy and girl friends should not be like this.Talking about love, the beautiful scenes in his mind flashed before his eyes one by one, and he looked at the goddess in front of him, his heart thumped wildly.

Is it because I am not active enough? Yes, I should take the initiative.

Deng Bochao took a few steps and called out to Li Zi.

He Lizi frowned and said, "Deng Bochao, is there anything wrong?"

"Lizi, let's go out for lunch at noon. I'll treat you." Deng Bochao was very magnanimous, showing the strength of a man.

He Lizi chuckled: "Deng Bochao, I know your family situation, don't waste too much money. Now you should put all your experience into your studies, get admitted to graduate school, have a good job in the future, and earn more money."

"However, since we are boyfriend and girlfriend, I feel that I owe you too much, and I didn't treat you to a meal." Deng Bochao said a little wronged, and He Lizi's words hit his heart, yes, I am a fool after all. Silk.

He knew that He Lizi was not the kind of person who hates the poor and loves the rich, and if the family has money, he doesn't care whether the other party is rich or not.But in the past two days, some of his friends have learned about him, and they are not very optimistic about the outcome of their love, after all, there is a big gap between the two.Moreover, He Lizi's father is the number one business tycoon in this city, how could he choose someone like you as his son-in-law.

Deng Bochao was sober, but in his heart he was looking forward to a miracle.Only if He Lizi really likes him, he can judge that He Lizi must not have come from the heart that day.But no matter what, now he can stand by her side openly.

"Those are not important. I personally value the character of the other party more." He Lizi said so, but there was a shadow of a man in front of him, which he hated.

"My character is nothing to say, I can guarantee this. But Lizi, since we are boyfriend and girlfriend, we should look like a couple, like holding hands or something. In this life, I have never held a girl's hand It." Deng Bochao said expectantly.

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