The campus is so cute

373 Strong Joke

When Zhang Yunfei heard Yang Xueyi speak loudly, it was obvious that the other party had no intention of making peace at all. What to do, he is now in a dilemma.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other two younger brothers beside Zhang Yunfei discussed it for a while, and then they came to Yang Xueyi, nodded and bowed, and said soft words, hoping she would forgive her, and we will definitely behave well in the future and will not mess with the queen again.

Queen, Yang Xueyi dismissively, this name is not good.She was in a bad mood today, mainly because of Han Zixuan's inexplicable irritability.So she had to find a chance to vent, Zhang Yunfei and these idiots hit her muzzle.

"Go away, can you replace Zhang Yunfei?" Yang Xueyi didn't say anything, and continued to look at Zhang Yunfei coldly: "No money, if you lose money, we will sign an arrears agreement now. If you don't lose money, there is no way , Get out in front of my aunt."

Zhang Yunfei had a smile on his face: "I'll lose money." The hero doesn't take immediate losses, he settles the immediate matter first, and then settles with them later.

Yang Xueyi didn't expect the other party to agree to be forthright. In fact, she just wanted to humiliate Zhang Yunfei, give him some color, and let him not be so arrogant in his future affairs. As a son of an official, many people look at you.It can't be said to contribute to the country, but at least don't be a scumbag.

She also didn't want to make Zhang Yunfei into something, the other party's thin figure would definitely not be able to withstand her attack.If the other party is also repaired, it doesn't make sense.After all, he was not the one who came to pick things up just now, and this kid understood the situation very well. When he saw something was wrong, he immediately bowed his head and admitted his mistake. Besides, he nodded and agreed to pay the compensation now.

He signed a note in arrears, stipulating that Zhang Yunfei should pay 1000 million within seven days.In fact, it was already embarrassing for the other party, Yang Xueyi guessed that the other party would definitely not give out so much money, not to mention that their family didn't have it, even if they did, they wouldn't be stupid to take it out.

Yang Xueyi was nothing more than teaching the other party a lesson. After all, there were many people watching the excitement in the cafeteria. Zhang Yunfei was a failure this time.

However, Yang Xueyi still ordered him to clean up the mess in the cafeteria. The broken dining table and chairs should be compensated for the damage. From now on, eat in the cafeteria in a more civilized way.

Zhang Yunfei dragged the group of injured brothers out of the cafeteria, and when he heard the applause in his ears, his face turned red and then turned pale, and he was paralyzed. He was so ashamed today.

The fun was over, Han Zixuan and others left the cafeteria, he asked Xie Wenhao to go to the infirmary to check, so as not to leave any scars.

Xie Wenhao felt that his performance today was passable, but compared with Yang Xueyi, he was simply weak.It seems that he needs to practice hard in the future. Although Han Zixuan and the others are behind him, he should not be too weak.

There are extremely wonderful stories happening on Han Zixuan's side, and there are also stories happening on Guo Linghua's side.

In order to please the two of them at noon, Lei Yun specially ordered a set meal from a nearby restaurant, eight dishes and one soup, and planned to have lunch with the two beauties.When the food arrived, Lei Yun greeted them eagerly, but they politely refused.

Seeing this, Jiang Yong and other teachers kept drooling: "Young Master Lei, I'm afraid you can't finish all the dishes you ordered by yourself. Why don't we get a share and improve the food."

Lei Yun had no choice but to invite everyone to enjoy it together.Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying went out to find Shen Hanyu for dinner.

Lei Yun was so annoyed that he didn't eat much for lunch.Jiang Yong and others naturally saw Lei Yun's thoughts. In their circle, Lei Yun was undoubtedly the best. After all, he belonged to the level of the rich second generation, and Lei Yun had some social connections, so they all knew it.

Among the colleagues, many female teachers have a crush on Lei Yun, but Lei Yun doesn't care about them at all.Among them is Du Jing, a teacher who teaches aerobics, who has a close relationship with Lei Yun. Lei Yun likes to have fun, and Du Jing is also coquettish enough. The two used to sneak together.

But Lei Yun said, we are just playing for fun, you love me.Du Jing also understands that there is no result with Lei Yun, and she only hopes that the two can work together and occasionally enjoy the passion between the two women.

Du Jing could see Lei Yun's special care for the two women, and she felt strong jealousy in her heart.She sneaked into Leiyun's lounge and saw Leiyun smoking a cigarette depressed.

So, Du Jing hurried over, stood behind him, and hugged her with her arms, a pair of upright twin peaks firmly pressed against Lei Yun's back.

Lei Yun pulled her hand away fiercely, and said annoyedly: "Go away, I'm not interested today."

Du Jing said angrily: "Young Master Lei, I know what you're thinking, and you've got your eyes on the new female colleague. But they say they're married, and they obviously don't like you at all, so why do you have to be ashamed? Your family background, your connections, and your appearance and figure, why don't you find better beauties than them, why don't you look at me more, in fact, I am not bad."

Du Jingren looks average, but she doesn't feel bad about herself.And she has a good figure, especially that pair of breasts. Physical education class has become the focus of boys.And she also likes to express herself. She often wears backless or low-cut dresses, and she feels very refreshed when she sees men showing greedy eyes.

From the first day she entered the school, she was fascinated by Leiyun, and began to pursue frantically, for money of course.At first she thought the other party was a good boy, after all, he was the dean's son.It took a long time to realize that the other party was a scumbag.But there is no way, who made her fall in love with Leiyun.

She is waiting slowly, when Lei Yun gets tired of playing and matures, her chance will come.

Lei Yun glanced at Du Jing, rolled his eyes in disgust and said, "You are the only one, how can you compare with them?"

"Okay, I'm a prostitute, but they don't look like prostitutes. Didn't you hear that when they were drinking last night, they went back early to have sex with their husbands, and they might be more flirtatious in their bones." Du Jing felt that she was being affected Why did you become coquettish without being insulted? It's not all because of you.

When Du Jing first came here, she was considered a pure girl, but she was more courageous than ordinary girls.During college, my hymen disappeared long ago, but I still have a bottom line in love, and I am determined not to be an underground lover, a mistress, a mistress, and so on.

But when she met Leiyun, everything changed for her.In this lounge, the two of them crackled countless times.Men and women out there are aware of their unclean relationships.But Du Jing showed her face, but when no one was around, she would cry secretly.

When Lei Yun heard Du Jing say that Guo Linghua was raped by a certain man at night, he felt a surge of anger in his heart, and Guo Linghua's figure flashed in front of his eyes. Lei Yun didn't do anything all morning, but just looked at her intently. He didn't even blink at the back of the other party.

"Little girl, you're getting fussy again, right?" Lei Yun rushed over angrily, pulled Du Jing up and fell directly on the big bed beside her.

Du Jing didn't resist, but was a little happy in her heart, and the two quickly entered a fighting state.

Outside the door, Jiang Yong and the others had been eavesdropping countless times, and each of them covered their mouths and whispered: "Young Master Lei is not idle at noon, and he still has classes in the afternoon."

"Young Master Lei has very strong physical strength, and it won't be over in half an hour." Someone said with envy or jealousy.

"I guess today may be longer, after all, Mr. Lei is very angry." Several rogue teachers talked about it.

But they all guessed wrong. Today's Lei Yun was obviously out of shape. He raised his gun and mounted his horse. After a cutscene, he became discouraged.

And Du Jing under her body had just finished warming up, so she was very surprised.So she was in a hurry and used various skills, but Lei Yun was always soft.

He pushed Du Jing away irritably, and continued smoking on the sofa beside him.I was so stupid, I thought of Guo Linghua's figure in my mind, but when I saw Du Jing under me when I was doing business, I suddenly became soft.

What should I do, I have to have sex with this woman, otherwise I'm afraid I will become impotent.

Du Jing thought that Lei Yun was restless last night, so she made some sarcasm, hoping that he would pay attention to his body. Although he is a physical education teacher, his body is his own.

"Get out, you bastard. Are you not satisfied? There are many strong men outside, and they can definitely satisfy you." Lei Yun cursed.

Du Jing was very angry. He Leiyun treated her like a chicken and didn't care about her at all. Okay, then I will fight it out today. I will go outside to find a man.

Du Jing pushed open the door of the lounge, many men outside were still eavesdropping, and heard the first part of the two scolding each other.Covering your mouth and snickering, the door opened accidentally, and everyone quickly dispersed, pretending they didn't know anything.

"Jiang Yong, did you enjoy eavesdropping just now?" Du Jing glanced at Jiang Yong.

Jiang Yong shook his head hurriedly, but then nodded again. He didn't know whether he was happy or not.He was a little embarrassed to avoid Du Jing's gaze, but then he hardened immediately.

Du Jing said: "Jiang Yong, go to your lounge, I will make you feel better."

Jiang Yong is still unmarried. Although he is a decent teacher, Nai He is indeed a physical education teacher. Although he knows Taekwondo, he seems very cool.But this person is not good looking, has no characteristics, and has no fixed girlfriend so far.When you need it, find a hair salon to solve it.

Du Jing has attracted Jiang Yong since she came to Nanhai University.However, Du Jing likes Lei Yun, and is willing to be an underground lover for him.Jiang Yong was very distressed and melancholy, what a beautiful flower withered like this.

But Du Jing was Lei Yun's woman after all, Jiang Yong didn't dare to touch her, and even if he wanted to touch her, he would never be in front of Lei Yun.

Jiang Yong hurriedly refused: "Du Jing, this joke is too far. You and Lei Shao have a conflict. It's normal for the couple to quarrel, but don't make such a serious joke."

Du Jing glanced at Jiang Yong: "I know you've always liked me, why are you pretending?" She came to Jiang Yong, then stretched out her hand to take out a handful, and immediately pinched Jiang Yong's protruding part and smiled stupidly: " It's all hard."

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