The campus is so cute

374 Camera in Ladies Changing Room

Many colleagues in the office were dumbfounded when they saw Du Jing being so promiscuous. Although they knew she was a prostitute, most of them were behind their backs. Today, when she teased Jiang Yong in public, everyone's blood spurted.

Physical education teachers are different from other teachers. Most of them come from half-baked backgrounds, so they are very casual in their style.It's okay to make dirty jokes in the office, or talk about some obscure topics.

However, Du Jing's performance today is a bit too much. After all, this is still a campus, and it is a sacred place to use a classic saying.Two female teachers felt that Du Jing was going too far, so they taunted her a few words.

Du Jing didn't care at all, instead she teased the two of them for pretending to be innocent, you even discussed with me the size of Lei Shao's crotch, I know you two have long wanted to share the same bed with Lei Shao, but you can't catch Lei Shao's eyes at all inside.

The two female teachers were ashamed by Du Jing's words, they gave Du Jing a hard look, and then quickly slipped out of the office.

Jiang Yong felt even more embarrassed, so he ran away quickly, and other male teachers followed immediately.

In Shen Hanyu's office, the three girls had dinner together.Shen Hanyu is concerned about their situation and how they are progressing.

Guo Linghua said that there is no class for the time being. After all, she just came here with little experience. In the morning, she just learned the theory of teaching and discussed it with other teachers.In the afternoon, go to observe and learn from the experience.

Shen Hanyu nodded, approving their positive and serious attitude.

Duan Hongying was very annoyed and said: "I have to follow Lei Yun to class in the afternoon, I hate that guy, his dog eyes are looking around. Sister Ling, that guy didn't do anything else all morning, just staring at you."

Guo Linghua chuckled: "What are you afraid of, he won't be able to watch it for a few days, and he made my aunt unhappy, so clean him up."

Shen Hanyu smiled bitterly and said: "You all calm down. There was a violent incident in the cafeteria just now, and it has something to do with Zixuan."

The news that Yang Xueyi taught Zhang Yunfei a lesson soon spread, and now that the Internet is convenient, Weibo, WeChat, etc. have already posted their photos.

Shen Hanyu took out his mobile phone and showed it to the two of them in turn.Guo Linghua admired Yang Xueyi's approach, this girl is very nice, is she Zixuan's new girl?

"I don't know, just go home and ask him if he knows." Shen Hanyu smiled: "What's wrong, I'm jealous."

Guo Linghua said disdainfully: "Jealous, what's there to be jealous with these little girls. But I don't think the relationship between the two has reached that point. Besides, Zixuan's energy is limited, especially with a beauty like you, no matter how beautiful the wild flowers outside are." , would not be of any interest."

"Come on, but Yang Xueyi is a descendant of the Yang family. We know Zixuan's background, which is very useful to Zixuan."

About Han Zixuan's body with a seal, his women basically knew about it.Because it's not a secret, since they all chose him, they must understand him and help him.

Guo Linghua took another look at the photo: "Fortunately, if the descendants of the Yang family are ugly, it will be a pain for our good man."

A few people chatted and laughed, finished lunch, took a short rest, and started the afternoon class.Separate each other, see you at home at night.

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying returned to the Institute of Physical Education and came to the office. The teachers basically also came back and dealt with things at their desks.Seeing the two women coming back, they greeted each other symbolically.

When Lei Yun saw the two came back, he immediately came over to greet them. He was concerned about how the two had lunch. He was still not used to it on campus.If there is something you don't understand, you can find him.

Guo Linghua thanked Lei Yun for his kindness, and looked at the time, it was time for afternoon class.

Lei Yun said: "Linghua, I have a basketball class this afternoon. Although it is different from the martial arts class you teach, the teaching method is basically the same. Come and see."

Guo Linghua nodded: "Okay, but Teacher Lei, I hope you can call me Teacher Guo or my full name from now on. Only my husband can call Linghua. I get goosebumps when you call me that."

Lei Yun's face quickly darkened, he nodded and said nothing.Other teachers in the office whispered, Guo Linghua is really domineering, she won't give him a chance.

Because of the physical education class, the teachers must prepare sportswear or casual clothes. They can't go to class in suits and skirts. It is inconvenient after all.

Guo Linghua and the others had already prepared sportswear in the morning, and they took the clothes to the changing room. There were two changing rooms for men and women. After entering, it was similar to a public bathhouse.There are several showers next to it. After all, after the physical education class, the whole body is covered in sweat. The teachers don't want to go home with stinky sweat.After class, I will wash it.

As soon as Duan Hongying came in, he immediately became alert and said, "Sister Ling, there won't be a camera here, I always think that guy Leiyun is unreliable."

Guo Linghua nodded and said, "I know that, Hong Ying, check it out."

Both were trained in this area and several cameras were quickly spotted.And Lei Yun, who was facing the computer in his lounge and was about to take off his pants and masturbate, immediately turned dark, "Fuck me, these two women are really not simple."

At noon, because Lei Yun was weak, in the final analysis, because the other party was not as stunning as Guo Linghua, so he thought of this method.Speaking of which, it was still at noon.

Everyone else in the office dispersed, and Du Jing also calmed down. Some of the actions just now were indeed too slutty, and I regretted it a bit. Completely fucked.

She calmed down, went to Lei Yun again, and used all her strength to tease and stimulate him.Leiyun finally stood up again, but after a few strokes, he failed again.Du Jing didn't complain, and helped him analyze the reason.

Lei Yun said that he just wanted to fuck Guo Linghua, as long as he could see her naked body, he would be satisfied.

In order to please her lover, Du Jing simply came up with an insidious trick, secretly placing a camera in the dressing room.

Lei Yun slapped his thigh immediately, why didn't he think of this way.If the casting is really successful, these photos can be used to blackmail Guo Linghua, asking for nothing but to treat her as her own woman.

But it's too risky to do so, once things are revealed.Not only will his reputation be ruined, but his father will also be implicated.

Although his father is the dean, he has some status in the South China Sea after all, and he has received a lot of private money over the years. Once they are all found out, their family will be ruined.

What is Du Jing afraid of? Even if Guo Linghua and the others find out, they won't suspect you.I put the camera in secretly, what can they do to me.And don't worry, I'll be careful.

Lei Yun reminded her to be careful, once exposed, you have to think about what to say.

Seeing the small object in Duan Hongying's hand, Guo Linghua curled her lips and said, "That's really interesting, it seems that this Young Master Lei is going to die."

Duan Hongying was very angry: "Sister Ling, I will go out and destroy him now."

"Don't be impulsive, there is no evidence now. After all, these cameras can't represent anything, and it's impossible for Lei Yun to enter the women's changing room, so he's not going to kill himself. Go to class first, and talk about it after class is over."

Sitting with Lei Yun, Du Jing also wanted to appreciate some of the goddess' demeanor, and then see how she can continue to be proud.I didn't expect the other party to notice it so quickly, and his expression immediately became tense.

Lei Yun scolded her as a waste of work, and she couldn't handle such things well.

Du Jing felt very wronged, I am not for you.

Lei Yun said with a gloomy face: "Okay, let's pretend we don't know. Especially you, don't f*ck reveal your secrets. Get out of here quickly, I'll be annoying just looking at you."

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying came out of the changing room, just in time to see Du Jing coming out of Leiyun's room, and her expression was very bad.When I met the two of them, I was so frightened that I left immediately.

Duan Hongying said with a sneer: "It seems that this girl has a problem."

Guo Linghua smiled: "It's okay, I will settle accounts with them at night."

Lei Yun came out of the room and continued to show his mean and shameless smile. Seeing that the two had changed into casual sportswear, he did not forget to praise the two for their good looks, and they looked good in everything they wore.

Guo Linghua didn't say anything, and asked Lei Yun to lead the way, and they went to observe and study.

Lei Yun has come to the playground. His class today is basketball.Physical education is an elective course, and students from many majors are mixed together, both male and female.Just choose your preferred sport and PE teacher.

There are many physical education programs in Nanhai University, the three major balls are the main items, and other balls, badminton, table tennis, etc. are also available.Plus martial arts, tai chi, taekwondo, grappling and more.Girls like aerobics, yoga, etc., as well as some special items such as roller skating and unicycle.Anyway, there are many. Of course, the three major balls are popular items, and they can be chosen repeatedly. In the two-year physical education class, one item can be chosen repeatedly.

Lei Yun's basketball class is very popular. First of all, he is the dean's son, so he has to take care of him.Moreover, he is young and handsome, he plays basketball well, and it is normal for him to attract many boys and girls.

The sudden appearance of Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying was even more attractive. The students had already noticed the arrival of the two beautiful teachers, but they didn't know what to teach.

Lei Yun introduced two people, the new teacher of the School of Physical Education, the master of martial arts, and they are here to observe today.At the same time, I am here to advertise, hoping that students who like martial arts will sign up enthusiastically.Many students secretly regretted it. If I had known that the martial arts teacher had changed, I would have signed up.There is no hope for this semester, and we can only look forward to the next semester.

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying were standing not far away watching. Lei Yun worked extra hard today, trying to show himself in front of the beauties, dribbling, dribbling, and shooting. A series of movements flowed smoothly, and warm applause erupted from the side.

During the break between classes, Lei Yun immediately came to the two of them to ask how they were doing.

Guo Linghua said it was very simple, just get along with classmates and play around with each other.

"That's right, physical education class is for leisure and entertainment, to enhance students' physique, don't need to be too rigid, you can play freely." Lei Yun immediately greeted his classmates, and came to a confrontation game. The boys who are good players responded one after another, wanting to show off , attracting the attention of the beauties.

Lei Yun's fans immediately asked, "Teacher Lei, are these two teachers married?"

Lei Yun gave him a hard look: "Why do you ask this, what other ideas do you have?"

The boy immediately waved his hand: "Mr. Lei, you misunderstood, I just think your chance has come, such an upright woman, if you don't make a move, what are you waiting for?"

Lei Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at them: "Okay, let me borrow your good words. Let me order for a while, and let me perform well."

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