The campus is so cute

375 It's a good show after school

Lei Yun performed hard on the stadium, and his fans also tried their best to cooperate. Some idiots couldn't even catch the ball and were directly intercepted by Lei Yun.The prostitutes next to him immediately booed, Mr. Lei, he is so handsome, and he grabbed it beautifully.

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying glanced at each other, curled their lips at each other, then they were not in the mood to continue watching, and casually went to the playground.

There are quite a lot of physical education classes today. There are four or five classes on the basketball court alone, and there are quite a few classes on the football court. Basically, there are all kinds of classes.The two women looked fresh, watching everywhere, and wherever they went, they attracted the greedy eyes of many women.

Du Jing also has classes in the afternoon, her aerobics.The students are basically girls, and occasionally a few boys with personalities also called in, so don't ask, they must have an excuse to pick up girls.

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying came to Du Jing's side and stood by and watched silently.This woman is really flirtatious, wearing a vest with her belly button exposed, a plump meat ball is constantly bouncing along with her beating, just look at the eyes of a few boys on the opposite side.

But Du Jing didn't care at all, and danced even more happily.Shouting beats in his mouth, the movements on his legs became faster and faster, his face was covered with sweat, revealing a wild charm.

The appearance of the two women quickly caused a commotion. The students were not concentrating on practicing, they always sneaked a glance at the two of them, regardless of men and women, they would pay special attention to beauties.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Du Jing was very flustered, and hurriedly yelled, telling the students to focus on training and not to be distracted.

Duan Hongying said that I would test this idea later, Guo Linghua didn't refute, she nodded, stretched herself, then sat on the steps under the railing beside her, watching everything around her.

Du Jing was disturbed and was not in the mood to continue the class. Soon it was time for the students to practice freely. She wiped the sweat off her face with a towel in her hand, wondering what the two of them were going to do.

At this moment, Duan Hongying came over and shouted, "Ms. Du, class is on."

Du Jing hesitated a little and said, "Oh, Teacher Duan, you're here."

Duan Hongying beckoned: "Mr. Du, I have something to ask you."

Du Jing didn't say anything, but she was very nervous inside, but she still walked over and asked, "Teacher Duan, what's the matter?"

Duan Hongying took out a few camera gadgets from his pocket and showed them in front of Du Jing, saying, "Why is there such a thing in the women's changing room of our Sports Department? Who did it?"

Du Jing glanced at it and pretended to ask: "What is this thing and what is it for."

"You really don't know." Seeing her pretending to be stupid, Duan Hongying asked angrily.

Du Jing continued to play dumb, but she didn't dare to look at Duan Hongying.

Duan Hongying is not Guo Linghua, she likes to be tactful, she said directly: "Don't play dumb with me, I know you put this thing in, and Lei Yun must have done it. I just came to make sure."

Du Jing immediately panicked, no matter what she said, she was guilty of guilt: "Mr. Duan, I don't understand what you are talking about." Then, she immediately said that she would continue the class and left quickly.

Duan Hongying sneered behind her and said, "Du Jing, you'll be waiting after school this afternoon. I'll have a good show for you." This tone was a bit like a provocation between male classmates.

Du Jing didn't know how she continued to teach, her mind was in a mess, the next teaching movements were messy, and she couldn't keep up with the rhythm. In the end, she didn't feel in the mood to continue teaching, so she hurriedly announced her dismissal and left in a hurry.

Du Jing hurriedly went to the basketball court to look for Lei Yun. Seeing that Guo Linghua had left, Lei Yun was not in the mood to continue performing hard. He was smoking a cigarette on the basketball court, depressed.

Seeing this flamboyant woman coming, I was even more depressed, and just wanted to curse a few words.Du Jing's face was pale, and she said nervously: "Young Master Lei, the two of them know, what should we do?"

"Fuck, you admit it." Lei Yun stared fiercely.

"I haven't, but they obviously know everything, and that Duan Hongying asked me to wait at night, it seems that they are trying to harm me. Lei Shao, what should I do." Du Jing almost cried.

Lei Yun saw many students looking this way, fearing that the influence would be bad, so he asked Du Jing to go back to the college immediately, and he went back immediately, and the two discussed it later.

The two returned to the academy one after another, and Du Jing immediately rushed towards Leiyun.Lei Yun pushed her fiercely, and said viciously: "Du Jing, I've made it clear to you, if you dare to tell me about this matter, you're fucked up too, I'll let me It's your turn buddy."

Du Jing naturally understood what Lei Yun meant, and he would definitely do such a beastly thing.Tears flowed from her eyes: "Young Master Lei, how could you treat me like this, I follow you wholeheartedly, you can't do this."

"Go away, don't think I don't know, you are so horny at noon, you even want to lick Jiang Yong's shoehorn, you have become a celebrity in our college, use it Soon you will become a public toilet." Lei Yun continued to humiliate her.

Du Jing was extremely sad, how could he humiliate herself like this.

Lei Yun saw that there was no class in the afternoon, so he didn't want to stay here any longer.Hurry up and retreat first, go to the brothers to discuss what to do.Before leaving, he kicked Du Jing who was limp on the ground: "Remember it for me, if you dare to say something nonsense, you have to figure out the consequences."

Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying came back from the playground like nothing happened.As if nothing happened, they continued to sort out the courseware and seek experience from other teachers, but the two also found that Lei Yun had disappeared, and Du Jingwo went to sleep in her lounge.

Time passed quickly, and school was over at five o'clock in the afternoon. The teachers all began to tidy up their things and say goodbye to each other.

Guo Linghua called Han Zixuan, told about what happened in the afternoon, and planned to have fun in the evening.

Han Zixuan was very annoyed and paralyzed when he heard that, he dared to hit his woman.He expressed that he also wanted to participate in the show, and Guo Linghua was naturally very happy.

Han Zixuan asked Bi Yunxi to ask Shen Hanyu to go home first, and he would go out to do some errands at night.Bi Yunxi didn't say much, just reminded him to be careful and go home early.

Yang Xueyi looked at him suspiciously: "Hey, what are you going to do, it's definitely not a good thing."

"It has nothing to do with you, you should go home quickly." Han Zixuan said.

Yang Xueyi asked curiously: "Tell me, maybe I can help."

"We're going to whoring at night, how can you help? Maybe you want to be a prostitute." Han Zixuan said viciously.

"Han Zixuan, you're a hooligan, you're a bully." Yang Xueyi snorted, and hurriedly caught up with Bi Yunxi to file a complaint: "Yunxi, look at him, you don't care if he has a girlfriend and messes around."

Bi Yunxi just smiled and said: "I believe he would not do such a thing."

"You really believe it, why don't I believe it at all. Tell you, this guy has a lot of women outside, it's not a good thing." Yang Xueyi remembered that when she went out with Han Zixuan to perform a mission, she was in a room with two foreigners Hang out, and there are almost beautiful women everywhere.

Bi Yunxi looked at her curiously: "I'm not nervous, why are you nervous, maybe you like him."

Yang Xueyi blushed slightly: "Silly woman, I'm worried for you."

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