The campus is so cute

376 Two Devil Heads

After sending Yang Xueyi away, Han Zixuan found Xie Wenhao alone, there was a good show to watch tonight, and asked him if he would be interested.

Xie Wenhao knew that there must be excitement, how could he refuse, but he put on a righteous look, but let's talk about it first, I will definitely not prostitute.

Han Zixuan looked at him in surprise, Xie Wenhao reminded: "You don't want to whoring, if my sister finds out, she will definitely punish you to kneel on the washboard when she gets home."

Unexpectedly, this kid was also serious, Han Zixuan patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, I'll listen to you. But you don't have a girlfriend, so you don't always masturbate to the computer."

"Go away, how do you know I don't have a girlfriend." Xie Wenhao said confidently.

Han Zixuan regained his energy, and he hasn't had a good chat with Xie Wenhao these days since he came back. It seems that he really has a girlfriend. He hurriedly asked who's girl, if there is a photo.

Xie Wenhao looked at him nervously: "Boss, you can't be so cruel, you have to compete with me for the girl I fell in love with at the beginning, and you have top school beauties like Bi Yunxi and Yang Xueyi, it's not enough. "

"Fuck, who do you take me for? Besides, I'm worried about people now. How can I get rid of troubles? I don't have time to talk to your horse." Han Zixuan frowned, wondering if he was that evil, and what he said to other women? But not the slightest interest.

Xie Wenhao muttered that he had to guard against it. When our relationship is not particularly stable, I can't let you see my darling, what if I don't want you to fuck.Let's go, hurry up and watch the fun.He pushed Han Zixuan towards the door.

You kid, the more you talk, the more shameless you are.Han Zixuan didn't continue this topic, and took Xie Wenhao to the Sports Academy.

The teachers were all gone, but Du Jing didn't dare to leave. She was really scared, and she still stayed in her lounge. She was wasting time, maybe Duan Hongying was just scaring her.

Seeing that Du Jing hadn't come out, Guo Linghua pouted at Duan Hongying, indicating that it was time to start the action.

Duan Hongying came to Du Jing's room and asked Du Jing to come out.Du Jing didn't come out even after being beaten to death, she even cried and begged them to spare her, let's stop this matter, let's work together, there is no need to be so stiff.

Duan Hongying said that when you put the camera in the changing room, you probably didn’t think so. You must be with Lei Yun and want to see our jokes.Du Jing, we don't make things difficult for you, we just want to talk to you, you can't just stay inside forever.

Du Jing said, don't bully people too much, I'll call the police, or else I'll call the school security department.

Duan Hongying has no fear, and asked her to call now, what if the security guards come, we just want to chat with you, Teacher Du.

Guo Linghua told Duan Hongying not to talk nonsense with her, although the door is locked, it will definitely not be difficult for you.

Duan Hongying smiled, and took out a key chain, the so-called master key, from the satchel beside her. She put the key into the keyhole and twisted it up and down, left and right, only to hear a rattling sound from inside.

Du Jing was stunned, she was the only one with the key, how did they open it.Not allowing her to think too much, Duan Hongying and Guo Linghua have already entered the room one after the other.

Du Jing panicked, "What do you want?"

Duan Hongying said, as long as you tell the truth, Lei Yun ordered you to do the camera. I know what your relationship is, and he will definitely threaten you not to tell it.But I want to warn you, our sisters are not good-natured, if you dare to use our crooked brains, that person will have a dead end.

At this moment, Duan Hongying showed a fierce look, Du Jing watched her shrink back and forth, and she was about to get close to the window.She grabbed the window with one hand, shook her head and said don't force me, or I will jump off the building.

Guo Linghua stood up at this time, looked at Du Jing, shrugged and said, "Let's jump, Lei Yun is the happiest person after you die, and he can find a new love again, just getting rid of your burden."

Du Jing is disheartened, who are these two women? They don't understand human relationships at all. Why do you have to drive me to a dead end.

Guo Linghua sneered and said with a sneer: "Du Jing, we have limited time, so we won't spend too much time with you. We only give you two choices. The first is to commit suicide by jumping off the building as you wish. The second choice is to go find Lei with us." Yun, correct him face to face, and then it's none of your business."

Du Jing was about to go crazy, suddenly the small universe in her body exploded, her body jumped out, she stretched out her hand to grab Guo Linghua's face, making him disfigured.However, she couldn't touch the opponent at all, Guo Linghua flew up and kicked Du Jing's chest, and Du Jing's body hit the wall with a thud.

"I will not be sympathetic, nor will I be merciful. Because everything framed me, anyone who is not good for me, I will let him die." Guo Linghua has been very elegant since entering the school. Although she is a martial arts teacher in name, she has not yet See her move.

Du Jing also thinks that the other party is pretending to be aloof. As for whether she knows martial arts or not, she can't tell whether she knows martial arts, and even if she knows it, it's just a show.I didn't expect that when she hit someone, it was so scary.

Duan Hongying suddenly pulled out a sharp knife from his purse, came to Du Jing and gestured: "Mr. Du, I know that you care about your appearance the most, especially your figure. But you won't have them in the future. I will use them." The knife cut your clothes, and then scraped your chest flat, and when you die, the police will definitely think that the murderer is a sex monster, and they will not suspect us sisters."

Han Zixuan and Xie Wenhao came in and just witnessed this scene.Xie Wenhao almost vomited blood, what's going on, two top-notch beauties are actually playing a killing game in the office, it's too domineering.

"Boss, who are these two women?" Xie Wenhao's feet trembled slightly.

Han Zixuan said distressedly: "How do I know, this is terrible, too bloody, let's withdraw quickly, maybe you want a hero to save the beauty."

"Save me, hurry up and slip away." Xie Wenhao ran away.

When the two came downstairs, Xie Wenhao came to his senses, something was wrong, the boss insisted on coming here to watch the fun, which meant that he must have known about it beforehand, and he must know those two women.

"Brother-in-law, what's the situation? Why did Mr. Du offend those two female devils?" Xie Wenhao received such a strong impact. How can there be such a vicious woman in the world? My sister is relatively vicious, but that's how to treat bad people when.But it's not as evil as the two women showed just now, insisting on forcing each other to jump off the building.

"Look at your virtue, I'm afraid, how can you mess around in the society in the future. I don't think you should go home and write any proposals. After graduation, go to your company to hang out." Han Zixuan sarcastically.

Xie Wenhao suddenly realized that his brother-in-law was giving him a make-up lesson. I am stupid, the other party's acting is too realistic.

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