The campus is so cute

380 Roll around

Although Duan Hongying was half joking, she was telling the truth. After all, she did have more experience than these people when it came to killing people.

Lei Yun looked at Duan Hongying, he was not very interested in this pretty, quiet woman, after all, Guo Linghua moved his heart even more.On the day he entered the school, he also heard about Duan Hongying killing Li Shunjie's master and apprentice in a flash. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to have too violent a conflict with her.

However, now that the arrow is on the string, there is no possibility for him to draw the bow.He still has the confidence in his heart, he is from the bottom, and there are nearly 20 hard-core brothers around him, he doesn't believe that he can't subdue the two women in front of him.

Lei Yun shouted, brothers, pick up the guy and give it to me.But you all be careful, you've broken something important, especially their pretty faces.

Those people stood up from the dining table wretchedly, and the guys with their hands moved forward in groups, speaking obscene and insulting language.

Guo Linghua glanced at Duan Hongying: "Xiaoying, work harder, my sister will help you."

Duan Hongying nodded excitedly. After all, she likes to fight, and even said that she likes to kill. After all, it is a habit for a long time.It's just that recently, under the influence of Han Zixuan and those women, she has learned to restrain herself and understand that it is better to be gentle, especially a woman, such as Shen Hanyu, who is a role model for her to learn from.

However, once there is a chance, and Han Zixuan must be watching her behind him, and also acquiescing to her actions today, she must perform well.She feels that she has no outstanding characteristics in other aspects, so she can only use her strengths.

She took out two pistols from her waist with both hands, and looked at the man opposite with a smile.

The men on the opposite side were suddenly dumbfounded, I am stupid, the other party has a gun, it is too perverted.Looking at the guys in their hands, wooden sticks, sharp knives, and even wine bottles, the grades are too far behind.Immediately, the group was too frightened to move forward.

Lei Yun was also shocked. Although he was a mixed society, he often fought.However, I have never dared to use guns. After all, once I use a gun, the nature is different.He also has a few shotguns, but how to compare with the guy in the other woman's hands.He is also a half-expert, and it is clearly an American-made Browning, but he does not know the exact model.What kind of women are they? They are more underworld than themselves.

But he changed his mind, the other party might not dare to shoot, it was probably used for self-defense and against perverts.

"Stinky bitch, take a gun to bluff people. Do you dare to fight? If you have the guts, shoot at the young master." Lei Yun stood in front of the two women, posing as if he was not afraid of death. He smashed hard at his chest.

Without blinking his eyes, Duan Hongying raised his pistol and aimed at Leiyun. With a bang, the gunshot rang out, and thick smoke came out in front of his eyes.Seeing that Lei Yun fell to the ground in response, Duan Hongying didn't aim at the opponent's heart, but just fired a shot near the heart.

After ordinary people shoot, they will inevitably panic, and even be shocked by the powerful recoil of the pistol.But Duan Hongying looked at Lei Yun with his mouth curled up as if nothing happened.

Wow, those little bastards behind Leiyun suddenly froze and didn't dare to make a fuss.This bitch really dares to shoot, really dares to kill.Looking at Leiyun again, there is a black wall hole in his stomach, blood is flowing like a spring.

Du Jing couldn't help vomiting, thinking of the humiliation she had just suffered, it was nothing compared to this, not worth mentioning.

Guo Linghua was also very surprised, thinking that Duan Hongying used fist and kick to deal with them, but she didn't think it would be easy for her.Xie Wenhao, who was squatting at the door watching, had a very strong impact. The scene he saw in the Sports Academy before has made him unforgettable in his life.And the scene just now will be permanently imprinted in his mind.It is estimated that one or two days will definitely wake up in sleep.

Guo Linghua looked down at Lei Yun, still smiling and said: "Master Lei, how do you feel?"

Lei Yun covered the bleeding wound with one hand, not daring to be tough anymore.Now I must go to the hospital quickly, otherwise I will only die.

"Guo Linghua, spare me, let me go." Lei Yun struggled to speak.

Guo Linghua shook her head and said: "It's a pity that it's too late. If you apologized just now, the matter would have been over. It's a pity that you insisted on messing with our sisters. I can only blame you for being unlucky. Just wait for your death."

Among the younger brothers behind Lei Yun, there was a person secretly making a phone call. Guo Linghua saw him and walked over leisurely. The person was suddenly frightened, and the hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

"Why, call the police." Guo Linghua said coldly, staring at him coldly.

The little bastard shook his head hastily, but there was a voice on the phone, hello, may I help you.

Guo Linghua snatched the gangster's phone and shouted: "Sorry, I made a wrong call. We were playing a killing game, but I didn't expect a fool who acted too much and actually called the police. Beautiful girl, I'm causing you trouble. "

A voice came from the other end of the phone: "It's okay, but this idiot is not stupid yet, he also knows how to protect himself, reward him for me, goodbye."

Guo Linghua took a look at the little gangster, flew up her high heels, and kicked him directly in the crotch.The little bastard howled and died of pain. Looking at his crotch, it was slowly bleeding.

Everyone was even more dumbfounded, my day.It's too **** domineering, it's so domineering, no one can stop it.

A little frightened, she hurriedly knelt down and shouted: "Eldest sister, please forgive us, we don't know what happened, it was Lei Yun who asked us to come here."

Guo Linghua glanced at them and said: "If you want to forgive you, you can, you all roll over to me, whoever rolls round and looks good, I will spare him."

Everyone listened and looked at each other, each seeing humiliation and grievance on each other's faces.This group of people is usually used to being arrogant. Although they dare not provoke big people, they are still masters in front of small people.Now, in front of the two women, he has to roll around.

But, there is no way, who let the other party have a gun, and women's high heels are simply too scary in their eyes at the moment, don't be a beautiful woman in high heels and stockings in the future, leaving a deep shadow in their hearts.

This time it became even more lively, the group rolled around on the ground, bumped into each other, giggled silly, and continued rolling quickly.

Guo Linghua sat on the chair and commented, which one rolled better, you can stand up, stand on the side, and pass the level first.

Lei Yun was lying on the side watching, those were his brothers, because of his call today, they all came, but they didn't expect to be humiliated like this.Today's business is over, and I am also finished, who will mess with him in the future.

But right now, he hastened to settle his own affairs: "You two beauties, what should I do to spare me."

Guo Linghua ignored him, and continued to watch the group as if watching a good show. Slowly, they all rolled well, and finally they all stood up bravely.

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