The campus is so cute

381 Taking Over the Bar

Now it's time to deal with Lei Yun's matter. In order to show his sincerity, this silly bird also rolled on the ground like his brother, but the movements were much slower, and every time he moved, he would leave a pool of blood on the ground. This scene looked hideous and terrifying.

Guo Linghua was very satisfied, and the matter had come to an end.He looked at Lei Yun and said, "From today on, your bar is mine, do you have any objections?"

Resisting his helplessness, Lei Yun reluctantly nodded.As the saying goes, there is no need to worry about firewood if you leave the green hills. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. He can only bear it now. It turns out that the other party is not out for personal revenge, but is rushing to my territory. It seems that this woman is really behind the scenes. Has a gangster background.Unfortunately, I don't know which big brother wants to punish me.

But even if you die, you have to understand what happened, and whose hands you fell into.Lei Yun endured all kinds of pain and asked: "My little brother doesn't know Taishan with dog eyes. If you dare to ask the two ladies, there must be big people behind you."

"You're smart, Xie Wenhao, come out." Guo Linghua shouted towards the door.

Xie Wenhao was still at a loss when he heard his name.But Han Zixuan gave him a hard push and forced him to be placed in the crowd.

"He will be the owner of this bar from now on. From now on, you all have to obey Master Xin's arrangement. Hurry up and call Big Brother." Guo Linghua instructed.

The group of people who rolled very beautifully just now came to Xie Wenhao respectfully, some even knelt in front of him, calling big brother, brother Hao, brother Wen, etc., flattering and flattering people to watch All teeth.

Xie Wenhao suddenly realized, and finally understood the ultimate purpose of what happened today, and pushed himself out to become the new big brother character.Seeing this group of dog-like people surrounding him was exactly what he was demanding in his dream, so it was so cool.

The kid immediately trembled, and waved at everyone: "Okay, everyone just understands how to do it from now on, and I will take Teacher Lei's place for this occasion."

Lei Yun fell through his glasses, how could it be him, one of his students.And his sister is Xie Wenxuan, his deadly enemy, it's unbelievable.

Xie Wenhao looked at Lei Yun and said very coldly: "Lei Yun, I'm sorry, I took your place. While you are still awake, let's complete the handover procedures quickly. Brothers are here, so don't try to deny it."

After completing the handover procedures, Lei Yun signed.Since then, this bar has been owned by him, Xie Wenhao, and he has a younger brother in minutes.

After everything was done, Lei Yun was let go.When Lei Yun was about to leave, he looked at Du Jing beggingly, hoping that she could help him to go to the hospital.Du Jing didn't say anything, and quickly left this place of right and wrong with Lei Yun.The two went outside, saw Han Zixuan, quickly dodged, and then disappeared into the night.

Han Zixuan would not take Lei Yun's life. After all, Lei Yun is just a small guy. Although this person is not capable, there are powerful people around him.He needs to wait for an opportunity to unify the underworld in the South China Sea.

And in the coffee shop opposite the bar, He Lizi watched what happened not far away.Although I don't know what, I guessed ** points.She naturally understood who Lei Yun was. It seemed that Lei Yun had given up his position, so could it be that Han Zixuan had inherited his position.Is this man so depraved?

He Lizi knew that Han Zixuan was by no means an ordinary person. He must have experienced a lot of things outside these years, and she didn't know why he came back this time.But he didn't learn well and began to go downhill, which was not what she wanted to see.Why, could it be because he rejected his chicken, so he gave up on himself.Thinking about how the two looked at each other just now, and she assumed a superior posture, He Lizi felt a little ashamed.

And she deeply remembered the scene that happened in the cafeteria, was it a bit too much for her to do this, what exactly was she going to do.If I don't want to get back together with him, why would I do that? If I don't want to care about him, why would I come here to watch the fun today.In fact, she was so nervous just now, even though she believed that nothing would happen to him, she was still nervous.

She looked at the window for a while, until Han Zixuan entered the bar and disappeared from sight.She left her seat and walked outside.

In Leiyun's bar, Xie Wenhao dismissed all these little brothers, telling them to report at this time of night, and he was going to announce new disciplines and some related rules.

When the group left, Xie Wenhao immediately took out champagne to congratulate them. He poured wine for the three of them respectively, and said polite and thankful words. Especially for the two women, his admiration was like overwhelming and endless.

Han Zixuan hastily poured cold water on him: "It's easy to build a business, but difficult to keep it. Wen Hao, this is a small gift from me, but don't forget, Lei Yun will definitely not be appointed just like this, when the time comes, the people behind him will come to you Please, don't get carried away."

"What are you afraid of? You can help me." Xie Wenhao said boldly.

Han Zixuan glanced at him: "You can help for a while, but you can't help forever. From now on, you still have to rely on yourself. Today's Leiyun may be tomorrow's you. You have to think about whether to go this way. If you don't have confidence , then tell me immediately, and I will replace you."

"I can do it, no need to change." Xie Wenhao said stubbornly.

Han Zixuan smiled: "Well, I also believe that you have no problem. But let me explain a few points in advance. Those little bastards will come over tomorrow and explain to them clearly. Be a low-key person and don't just sit around all day. They all have their own problems. The bar, keep it open, even if you are a bastard, you must also be a promising bastard. Kick out those kind of evil heretics and dubious people as soon as possible, do you understand?"

Xie Wenhao nodded: "Brother-in-law, I think so too. Today's underworld has reached the age of civilization, and it is no longer the unskilled fighting work of the past. I will use this bar as a starting point and develop slowly If you are strong, just watch me slowly rise from the sidelines."

"Okay, if you really can't get up after being killed, remember to contact me." Han Zixuan drank a glass of wine and greeted the two girls to go home.

Xie Wenhao flattered immediately: "Thank you two sister-in-laws and teachers, I hope you will help me a lot in the future."

Guo Linghua looked at Xie Wenhao and said, "You have to work hard, your sister is very powerful, you are far behind her."

After returning home, all the girls had a big gathering, Xie Wenxuan heard what happened at night, she stopped doing it immediately, and glared at Guo Linghua and Duan Hongying, "You guys are doing bad things, why did you drag my little brother who likes to be twitchy into the water? Isn't this making him court death? I The family will definitely not agree.

Guo Linghua said it was all her husband's idea, and besides, that younger brother of yours is still a promising figure, maybe he will really become a generation of heroes in the South China Sea in the future.

Xie Wenxuan asked Han Zixuan why he did this and what he was thinking.

Han Zixuan pulled her over, sat next to him and asked: "I have communicated with Wen Hao, I didn't force him, and you know him very well, besides this road, can you do something else?"

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