The campus is so cute

382 Sister Yu's performance chapter

Although what Han Zixuan said was reasonable, his incompetent younger brother did not make much progress in other ways, but in their eyes, taking the way of bastard is absolutely unacceptable.

"Wen Xuan, believe in my vision, Wen Hao will definitely succeed in the future. And in other words, I want to take this path, and I need Wen Hao to help me."

Since Zixuan wants to go this way, Xie Wenxuan will definitely support her strongly.But she has to understand the bottom line. After all, as the judicial authority of a state organ, if her husband does something illegal, she will be very sad.

Han Zixuan smiled and told them a true story.When it was Yangcheng, Fang Zhixin personally solved the three of Chu Xiaotian and the others. Do you understand the real reason?

Xie Wenxuan and others personally participated in this matter, and they don't know much about the inside story.Han Zixuan decided to explain the situation to them. After all, he might become the country's number one public enemy in the future.

Several women, including Shen Hanyu, listened carefully, with shocked expressions on their faces.Han Zixuan took a special look at Bi Yunxi, but didn't see any other abnormalities.

In fact, the country is pure and clean on the surface, but in fact it is a big underworld behind the scenes.The law can only be used to restrain ordinary people, and the law only solves the things on the table.And sometimes, you still have to use your fists to solve the problem.

Han Zixuan also revealed: "I may encounter a lot of trouble, which you may not have imagined. So I use the time now to develop my own power to prepare for future needs."

"But don't worry, I won't implicate you. On the contrary, I have strong guilt deep in my heart, especially for Hanyu and Wenxuan. After all, you have your own life." Han Zixuan apologized Looking at two people.

Xie Wenxuan immediately stretched out her hand to hold Han Zixuan, and said softly, "What's your name? If we choose you, we won't regret it."

Shen Hanyu came to the other side obediently, and said softly: "At least I met you, and I am what I am today. From now on, I will cherish our current life even more. If there is no tomorrow, I will regard today as our last One day, even if I die now, I will feel that I have no regrets."

Guo Linghua frowned and said, "What are you talking about? We won't die. I believe that if we stay close to Zixuan, unite with sincerity, and don't split, our family will definitely become stronger and stronger."

Xie Wenxuan could clearly hear another meaning in Guo Linghua's words, that is, I split.He stared immediately, wanting to fight Guo Linghua.

Guo Linghua curled her lips and said that your younger brother has learned a lesson today, he is not much better than a waste, I guess you are just a braggart.

"Grass, Guo Linghua, let's practice solo now and go to the yard outside, I don't believe it anymore, I insist on getting you down."

After the two girls changed their clothes, they really went out to exercise.Han Zixuan wanted to go and have a look, but was held back by Shen Hanyu, his face was full of amorous feelings: "Honey, go to my room, I want to give birth to you a child."

Han Zixuan was so embarrassed that he wanted to give birth, but he couldn't.Shen Hanyu muttered, we have been here for such a long time, and we haven't taken protective measures, so why don't we have children.Husband, is it because I'm not in good health? I'll go to the hospital tomorrow to have a checkup.

Han Zixuan understood Shen Hanyu's intentions, she didn't know what the future would hold, so she wanted to give birth to a child for her man, which was also a sustenance in the future.

"Go, make a baby, believe me, we will definitely have one." Han Zixuan picked up Shen Hanyu and rushed to her room.

Xie Wenxuan and Guo Linghua really used all their abilities this time, and they fought very well. In the end, Xie Wenxuan still lost to Guo Linghua with a slight disadvantage.She stopped clamoring, and lowered her head with a gloomy face.

Guo Linghua smiled and said, "Hurry up and call me sister." The two had an agreement before, the loser would call the winner sister, which meant that he would be one point shorter than the other in the future.

Xie Wenxuan admitted that the other party was better than herself, and that she was the kind of person who would do what she said, so she called Sister Ling.

Guo Linghua came to her and held her hand tightly: "Is that true? Let's go, my sister will go back and get you a lollipop."

"I don't want it, I'm not a child." Xie Wenxuan smiled awkwardly.

Guo Linghua said with a chuckle: "You don't want the lollipop under my husband's crotch, hurry up and take a shower, let's go together."

Xie Wenxuan immediately regained her spirits, and the two women began to discuss the next position, who was on top and who was below.She lost a move just now, and she can't lose when it comes to serving men.

Back in the living room, Duan Hongying and Bi Yunxi were watching a series, but when Sister Yu was nowhere to be seen, they asked why they were there.

Duan Hongying blushed and said, "Having sex in Sister Yu's room."

Xie Wenxuan immediately took out the small notebook she carried with her, and exclaimed, "No, it's not Sister Yu who is on duty today. She committed a foul, so go upstairs. I have to teach Sister Yu well today."

The two of them pushed away Shen Hanyu's boudoir. In the room, a bloody scene was being staged.Shen Hanyu has long hair and a shawl, kneeling on Han Zixuan's lower abdomen, moving up and down, groaning fumblingly, her beautiful body shaking up and down, a pair of plump D-cup jade rabbits jumping around, and a pair of demonic big hands on top stroking.

When Shen Hanyu saw the two people coming in, with embarrassment on his face, his body stopped immediately.

Xie Wenxuan ran over and touched her body: "Sister Yu, you are too bad, you don't follow the rules."

Shen Hanyu asked confusedly: "I remember my class today, maybe I remembered it wrong."

Guo Linghua sarcastically said: "I can't remember this wrong, you must have done it on purpose. What about Wenxuan? According to the rules, is she punishing Sister Yu not to touch men for a month? You punish me like this, you can't be partial."

Xie Wenxuan nodded: "Well, it should be punished."

Shen Hanyu begged for mercy: "Wenxuan, it's too harsh. My sister just remembered the wrong shift, and no one is allowed to make mistakes. You can punish me in another way."

Xie Wenxuan glanced at Guo Linghua, her expression was extremely evil.

"Okay then, Sister Ling and I will watch the battle from the sidelines. Sister Yu, show your most sexy scene. If you perform well, I won't punish you."

Guo Linghua echoed from the side, that's right, that's a good idea, and it will be decided in the future, I will go to the two girls downstairs, and they will be a witness.

Guo Linghua went downstairs and asked the two of them to go upstairs to watch adult shows.Duan Hongying turned around and said, "I won't go, you go." She has a very low face, and she doesn't like a group of people messing around, and always feels that it violates ethics.Of course, unless the man asks, that's another matter, and she will spare her face.

Bi Yunxi was asked to go upstairs to learn experience, but Bi Yunxi blushed and shook his head and refused to go.Guo Linghua sighed: "Hey, forget it, this is Sister Yu's performance, it would be a pity to miss it."

Duan Hongying hesitated for a while about Sister Yu's show, she should go and watch it, to see how her idol has fallen.

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