Shen Hanyu didn't expect Xie Wenxuan to propose such a punishment method, and immediately stated that she couldn't do it, and changed to a softer one.

Guo Linghua shook her head: "No, this method is already very generous. How about asking our head of the family to hear his opinion."

Xie Wenxuan immediately ran to the window, and asked coquettishly, "My husband, do you think my method is good? Do you like it?"

Han Zixuan is in the half-baked stage at the moment, Shen Hanyu on the top is not moving, he needs passion, no matter what method they use, let's feed himself first.But thinking about Xie Wenxuan's method is quite good, although Hanyu's performance with her is quite satisfactory, but if she can break through a little bit, wouldn't it be more enjoyable.Therefore, he immediately nodded his approval.

Shen Hanyu got angry and turned a blind eye to the man under him, you are bullying others together.

At this time, Guo Linghua brought Duan Hongying along, and the room became even more lively.Shen Hanyu glanced at Duan Hongying in disbelief: "Xiaoying, why don't you join in the fun, you are a good boy."

Duan Hongying covered her mouth and said, "I'm here to learn from experience, and at the same time I want to see another side of Sister Yu."

Xie Wenxuan laughed loudly, and came to Shen Hanyu: "Sister Yu, hurry up, or you will choose not to touch men for a month, otherwise you have no choice."

Regardless of physical needs or psychological needs, Shen Hanyu cannot do without Han Zixuan.And she also wanted to make a little baby as soon as possible, so she decided to go all out.

At this moment, the room became a lair, several women were playing wildly, when everything returned to calm, Han Zixuan got off the bed, and the four women were lying side by side, only soft snoring.

When he left the room, he suddenly remembered that there was Bi Yunxi. He hurried to her room and opened the door. Bi Yunxi was lying on the bed, as if asleep.

Han Zixuan took a few steps and came to the front.The little girl turned her body around immediately so that he would not see her loss.He caught it right away, a few tears in the corners of her eyes.

Suddenly, a strong apology welled up in Han Zixuan's heart. Since Bi Yunxi's return, although he restrained himself strongly, he was still slowly alienating her.It's different from He Lizi's, it's a sense of distance from her instinct.

Yunxi has always been a girl with calm emotions, and her emotions are rarely shown on her face.But when she heard the bustle in the other room just now, she felt lonely, because there was no place for her here, she didn't belong to herself.

Han Zixuan walked onto the bed, lifted the quilt, and stretched out his hand to hug her tightly in his arms.Bi Yunxi suddenly turned her head, and gently pushed him away with her hands, and said in a cold voice: "I'm fine, you can go and accompany them."

Han Zixuan was stunned for a few seconds: "Yunxi, I'm sorry, I left you out."

"It's okay, I'm just a little homesick." Bi Yunxi tried her best to hide the sadness and loss in her heart.

Han Zixuan continued her topic: "Then bring your parents here, do they still live in Beijin?"

"No, they went to Sichuan." Bi Yunxi thought back to before, life in Sichuan was actually quite good, and he could live with his parents every day.But she missed this place and the people here, so she came back.

"Oh, how about I arrange for someone to bring your parents over?" Han Zixuan suggested.

"No, they're used to living there, it's their hometown. My grandpa is also there."

Bi Xiao was also there.As for Bi Xiao, Han Zixuan has never met him so far. Among the few brothers around Han Xiaotian back then, only Bi Xiao was a mystery because he was in Sichuan.

Han Zixuan immediately asked about her grandfather, wanting to know more about this person.But Bi Yunxi answered very simply: "My grandfather is a vegetable now."

Han Zixuan was silent, he believed that Yunxi would definitely not deceive him on this matter.He originally wanted to ask when, because he had never heard of it before, but he didn't have the courage.

Suddenly, Bi Yunxi asked: "Zixuan, do you still want to break the seal? If you don't, that's fine. I choose to leave here. After all, I don't need me here. It's the same with me or without me."

"Why do you think so?" Han Zixuan frowned.

Bi Yunxi said that I am just a feeling, you may be tired, and now you have a new life, I understand your mood.

"If I say no, will you really leave me?" Han Zixuan asked uncertainly.

Bi Yunxi's eyes turned red, and she nodded: "Yes."

"Bi Yunxi, have you forgotten our previous agreement, you will stay by my side forever." Han Zixuan suddenly felt a lot of reluctance in his heart. Once Yunxi really left him, he would be sad.

"I haven't forgotten, but you have changed. I found that you have changed since I came back this time, maybe it has something to do with your experience. But I think in my heart that although the seal binds us together, we should have feelings Yes, even love. But I feel that feeling is getting more and more distant." Bi Yunxi said quietly: "Lizi is an obvious example. This time you came back, you didn't contact her personally, and you gave up on her yourself. Then me, will you abandon me too?"

Han Zixuan was silent, he really should think it over and make a new judgment.

Bi Yunxi, oh Bi Yunxi, you are going to embarrass me to death.What kind of person are you now? Have you become deep, or have I become sensitive?He really wanted to show her the mobile phone video, but he hesitated again, after all, now is not the time.

"Yunxi, before I came back from Yangcheng, I did think about this question, how to take the road in the future. But for me now, you are still an important person by my side, and I never thought of abandoning you." Said After finishing these words, Han Zixuan left the room silently.

And Bi Yunxi on the bed, tears flowing uncontrollably.

In the morning, as always, the villa was very lively, it could even be described as noisy, everyone was busy taking care of themselves to welcome the new day.

While having breakfast, Bi Yunxi was not seen.Shen Hanyu asked everyone who saw her in confusion, and everyone shook their heads and said they didn't see her.

Han Zixuan's heart skipped a beat, then he ran upstairs and pushed open the door of Bi Yunxi's room. The room was empty. He came to the bedside and reached out to touch it, and it was still warm.

He went downstairs decadently, and everyone immediately saw the difference.Xie Wenxuan went upstairs quickly and saw that the room was empty.She came downstairs and said anxiously, "Yunxi is gone."

Shen Hanyu looked at Han Zixuan differently: "How could this be?"

Guo Linghua complained about Xie Wenxuan, it was all caused by you, the goblin, we were happy together, how could Yunxi not be sad, it was all caused by you.

Xie Wenxuan was very wronged, it was too wrong to put this shit pot on her head.

After all, Shen Hanyu has friendship with Yunxi, and the relationship between the two is closer. She immediately took out her phone and dialed the number, but the other party turned off the phone.She anxiously asked Han Zixuan: "How could this be? Did Yunxi really leave home because of this?"

Han Zixuan looked at everyone and said: "It's okay, I'll go to the school to have a look, don't worry too much, you can work at ease."

When I came to the classroom, I didn't find Bi Yunxi.Yang Xueyi was also very suspicious, and asked Han Zixuan why Bi Yunxi didn't come.

Han Zixuan made up that she was unwell and asked for leave.

Yang Xueyi let out a cry, and looked at him suddenly: "There's something wrong, your eyes are flustered, what's wrong with her."

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