The campus is so cute

385 Ambiguous Relationship

Han Zixuan looked helpless, so he had no choice but to follow Yang Xueyi home.

Yang Xueyi has her own home in Nanhai. She lives alone all year round, but she has a babysitter by her side.Every weekend, I go to my grandpa's house and reunite with my grandpa.Her parents are not around, so she has developed an independent and proud personality.

Han Zixuan has been here once before and is no stranger to this place.Yang Qihua lives in a large three-bedroom apartment. Apart from walking cats and dogs and reading newspapers every day, his life is very comfortable.Of course, there is a little conflict in the family, which has always been a hurdle in his heart.But he doesn't know how to speak humanely to outsiders, he keeps it in his heart.

Because Yang Hong didn't go home, his wife finally fell ill in a fit of anger, and then passed away in a depressed mood.Of course, people of the younger generation don't know these things, Yang Xueyi thinks that grandpa only has one son and that is his father Yang He.

But Yang Hong's Yang Tianjun is also in Nanhai City, but he knows that Yang Hong has been expelled from the Yang family. His father Yang Hong told him that you have to work hard on your own, not rely on the shell of the Yang family.If not, you are a normal person.

Yang Tianjun met Yang Xueyi, Yang Tianjun respected this younger sister in his heart, who made her the authentic Yang family, but himself became a marginal figure.

Of course, Han Zixuan didn't know about these things about the Yang family. When he saw Mr. Yang Qihua, he respected him very much and called him "Grandpa" sweetly.

Yang Qihua took a look at Han Zixuan, and immediately understood that it was Xueyi who came to find help for him.This ghost girl is really smart.

Yang Qihua asked Han Zixuan to sit in the living room and rest first, and he took his granddaughter to his study.But Yang Xueyi said not to move the place, just talk in the living room.

Han Zixuan glanced at the two of them and said, "How about I go to the study."

Yang Xueyi stared fiercely, Yang Qihua laughed, looked at his granddaughter, and said in his heart that this is the helper you invited, doesn't it seem to be very effective?

Forget it, Yang Qihua didn't insist anymore. In the living room, he asked his granddaughter why she beat the sons of these new officials.This morning, Grandpa, my old face was embarrassing. I have never been so useless in my whole life.

Yang Xueyi explained the actual situation without adding any details.Zhang Yunfei and his group are used to being arrogant and domineering in school, I just don't like it, so I just teach them a lesson.

Yang Qihua nodded silently, and it was as expected as he thought.

"Zixuan, why don't you speak? Didn't Xueyi invite you to be a lobbyist?" Yang Qihua looked at Han Zixuan and asked.

Han Zixuan nodded: "That's what happened, what else should I say?"

Yang Xueyi stared fiercely, you can't add fuel to the picture, after all, the other party humiliated your woman.Thinking of this, her face blushed, and she hurriedly lowered her head to cover up the panic in her heart.

Yang Qihua said that this matter should be left as it is, and Zhang Jian and his gang of children will definitely not make trouble for you.

But Yang Xueyi quit, this matter can't just end hastily.Grandpa, they shit on your neck, why don't you resist.

Han Zixuan was eating an orange, and after hearing such vulgar words, he really wanted to slap her a few times.He found that after Yang Xueyi joined the army, her personality didn't change much, but her words became less and less particular, and indecent words like prostitution and shit came out of her alluring little mouth frequently.Such an elegant little beauty is completely discounted.

"Forget it, one thing more is worse than one thing less. After all, Zhang Jian is the number one person in our South China Sea, and it's not bad to work in South China Sea, and there is no big mistake. As for their children, I think after this experience, they must also It will restrain a lot." After all, Yang Qihua is an old man, so he doesn't want to make trouble.

Yang Xueyi understood her grandfather, so she stopped arguing, but she had a calculation in her heart, and she would not let this group of people go.But relying on one's own ability is definitely not enough, only to play Han Zixuan's idea.Although this guy doesn't have any hard power, his soft power is still good.

At noon, Yang Qihua stayed with Han Zixuan for lunch.Han Zixuan wanted to refuse, but Yang Xueyi persuaded him to stay. The food in the school cafeteria was not good, but my aunt made delicious food.

Yang Qihua glanced at the two of them, with a secret smile on his lips.

The three sat around and ate together.The food was really good. Han Zixuan had a big appetite and ate a lot.Yang Xueyi next to her was very happy, and kept talking about it, my food is delicious.You earned it today.

After lunch, several people sat down to rest and chat.The old man looked at the two and asked, "When did you start?"

The two of them were dumbfounded, and they understood what the old man meant.

The apple in Han Zixuan's hand hadn't been peeled yet, and the orange in Yang Xueyi's mouth had just been eaten halfway. Their eyes were full of astonishment, they looked at each other, and then quickly separated.

Yang Qihua thought to himself, "Did it start when you entered the army?" He looked up at the two of them, and said to himself, you two little brats, what are you pretending to be in front of my old man.

Han Zixuan took the lead and said, "Grandpa, what do you mean?"

Yang Qihua became angry: "Zixuan, you think I'm confused or demented. Answer the question head-on. How far have you progressed?"

Yang Xueyi also hurriedly asked: "Grandpa, you are asking nonsense, we really don't understand."

Hey, these two little bastards came together to deceive me.

"How long have you been in love?" Yang Qihua asked with a stare.

Han Zixuan and Yang Xueyi looked at each other again.Han Zixuan's expression was very helpless, and Yang Xueyi's face was filled with joy.

Han Zixuan felt that this question must be answered seriously. To be honest, Yang Xueyi is indeed very attractive, not only because of her outstanding appearance, but also because of her sense of justice in her heart. Any man will be moved by seeing her.

However, they have not been together for a short time. There have been minor conflicts since entering school, and then they went to the army together, and they even performed missions together.Originally, he was hugging her to soak her heart, and his motives were indeed impure.

However, after knowing that she was not really a descendant of Molong, Han Zixuan felt a lot more relaxed in his heart. Even if he had sex, it was out of sincerity, and if he didn't, he wouldn't feel any regrets.But now, because of He Lizi and Yunxi's affairs, Han Zixuan was in a state of desperation, so he really didn't have much thought to hook up with Yang Xueyi.

Therefore, he said very frankly: "Grandpa, Xueyi and I are classmates, and we can also be regarded as comrades-in-arms. It's not the couple relationship you mentioned, we haven't made any progress."

Yang Xueyi seemed to have expected such an answer a long time ago, and she didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow.But anyway, the guy was honest.If it was someone else, I'm afraid he would have used this opportunity to get close to him.

"Grandpa, we are just friends, you are overthinking it." Yang Xueyi said from the side.

"Hmph, young people nowadays are really strange. Friendship, I think it is an ambiguous relationship. This word is popular nowadays. Maybe you are also playing with it."

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