The campus is so cute

386 Don't bring such shame

I didn't expect the old man's thinking to follow the trend of the times and have an ambiguous relationship. Han Zixuan is a very straightforward person. He has been in contact with many women, and there is really no ambiguous relationship. How about developing a relationship with Yang Xueyi in the future.

Yang Xueyi's face was pink like a delicate flower, she took her grandfather's arm and said coquettishly: "Grandpa, what are you talking about. Look at what you watch every day, your mind has become corrupted."

"Hmph, Xueyi. Don't think I don't know. After you returned to school, you immediately changed schools to get closer to Han Zixuan." Yang Qihua tried to save face and exposed it in public.

Yang Xueyi immediately denied it: "No, he asked me to go."

Han Zixuan kept complaining, why did he involve me.

Yang Qihua looked back and forth between the two of them, thinking that I guessed wrong, the two really have nothing to do with each other.Impossible, Yang He had just talked to him on the phone a few days ago, paying close attention to the two children, there may be further development.You always pay attention to them by their side, and especially tell that girl Xueyi that it's okay to fall in love, but don't have radical behaviors, such as trying love before marriage.

Yang Qihua is an old bone, so he naturally doesn't want his granddaughter to do such a detrimental thing.He didn't expect Han Zixuan to come today, so he just tried to ask.

Probably the two of them are too embarrassed to admit it, that's fine, he decided to adopt a strategy of defeating each other.He first called his granddaughter his study, and asked Han Zixuan to think about it in the living room.

When Yang Xueyi came to the study, Yang Qihua tortured her severely.And threatened that if he refused to admit it, he would go to school in person tomorrow, change her major, and return to her original class.If you don't admit it again, then transfer to another school, and you will return to your parents in Beijing.

It seems that the old man is really playing for real, Yang Xueyi had no choice but to nod and said: "Grandpa, I do have a crush on him, but I haven't confessed it yet."

Yang Qihua frowned: "How can a girl take the initiative to confess this kind of thing, so confused. Let me ask you, when did you start to like him."

Yang Xueyi recalled that she couldn't remember when, anyway, it should have been quite a long time.Especially after knowing his special identity, Yang Xueyi paid more attention to him, saying that she supervised his every move for her father, but she actually wanted to get in touch with him more.

Yang Qihua didn't ask any more, it's understandable for girls to be shy.But he reminded: "Xueyi, girls should not only have self-respect and self-love, but also self-respect. I have no objection to falling in love, but you can't cross the line, you understand what I mean."

Yang Xueyi nodded.Then the old man asked her to go out and call Han Zixuan in. Yang Xueyi warned grandpa that I can't tell him that I like him, otherwise I will lose face too much.

Seeing Yang Xueyi coming out, Han Zixuan immediately asked, "What's the matter, have you recruited yet?"

Yang Xueyi gave him a hammer: "What's the trick, I didn't make a mistake. I can warn you, don't talk nonsense."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not betray you." Han Zixuan hurriedly walked towards the old man's study.

When he arrived at the study, Yang Qihua asked directly: "Zixuan, do you like our family Xueyi? How long have you been secretly in love?"

Han Zixuan was dumbfounded when asked, what is the situation, how could your Yang family be so shameless.

He immediately reacted: "Grandpa, you got the situation wrong, I don't like Yang Xueyi, let alone have a secret love, you should drag it far."

Yang Qihua is a little angry, good boy.I deliberately let you take advantage of it, and you don't appreciate it.What to pretend, I have to take some special measures.

"I really don't like it. I heard something. During the military training, you and Xueyi used a martial arts competition as an excuse. Xueyi lost to you, so you stretched out your wolf's paw to take advantage." This matter was wrapped in paper If you can't stop the fire, it will naturally be transmitted to the old man's ears.If it was any other kid, Master Yang would have gone all out.

Ah, Han Zixuan hastily explained: "Grandpa, I guarantee my personality, I really didn't touch it."

"Bullshit, who will admit it, I don't believe in your personality." Yang Qihua abruptly overturned Han Zixuan's guarantee.

Yang Qihua continued and said that there was another time when you were on a mission, Xueyi played your girlfriend, and you took advantage of the opportunity to get a lot of money.

Han Zixuan was about to cry, that time was a mission, how could it count.

"Han Zixuan, I can warn you, as a man, character and so on are secondary. The key is to be like a man and be brave."

Han Zixuan met the old man's gaze, and said firmly: "Grandpa, I really didn't do it. If I did, I will definitely admit it. How about calling Xueyi in and confronting him face to face."

"Okay, she is a girl, she was humiliated by you, and you still have to call her in to confront her, you are too inhuman." Yang Qihua revealed.

Han Zixuan saw that he couldn't reason with the old man, so he simply stopped arguing and wanted to see what would happen next.

Seeing him bow his head, Yang Qihua sneered in his heart, but said seriously on his face: "After you go out, find a romantic place and confess your love to Xueyi. I believe she will accept you."

Han Zixuan grinned, in great pain.

Yang Qihua stared, what's the matter, just say what you want.

"Is it okay not to be so embarrassing, I have never confessed to a woman." Han Zixuan coaxed.In fact, speaking of it, the women he has chased and had a good time with really didn't chase after his ass with great effort, and they didn't have romance or flowers.They were all condensed in the revolutionary ranks, and love came naturally.

Yang Qihua was annoyed: "Really, then you made money this time, man, there is always a first time in everything. Go, I wish you success."

Han Zixuan would not listen to the old man and confess his love.He doesn't bother with the old man, he will talk about it after leaving this ghost place.

Yang Qihua was very happy, holding hands for a good marriage.

Seeing him coming out, Yang Xueyi immediately asked how he was doing.Han Zixuan said that he can't stay in this place until he goes back.

The two bid farewell to Yang Qihua, Yang Qihua waved happily, go quickly, come over often when you have time, come back when you two have nothing to do on weekends.

After leaving here, Yang Xueyi immediately asked what was going on and what grandpa had said.

Han Zixuan said: "Your grandfather is not only a trendy guy, but also a love expert. He asked me to find a romantic place to confess my love to you."

Yang Xueyi listened, and burst into laughter: "There is another thing, you agreed."

"Can you not agree, otherwise he won't let me out." Han Zixuan said aggrievedly.

Yang Xueyi's heart was pounding, as if she was looking forward to it.

Han Zixuan looked at the time, it's all right, let's go back to school, there are still classes in the afternoon.

Yang Xueyi stomped her feet angrily, followed closely and asked: "Then what are you going to do, it's about my grandpa."

"When the left ear catches on the right ear, it's like listening to a story." Han Zixuan looked at her with a smile, and found that her face had changed.

Hastily said: "You won't let me confess to you stupidly, I'm sick, I'm done confessing, how embarrassing it is to be rejected by you."

"Besides, you don't like me, and I don't have that kind of thought about you, why bother to destroy our pure comrade-in-arms relationship, right? Let's go and have a whore at night."

"Get out, go to hell." Yang Xueyi dropped these words and left alone.

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