The campus is so cute

387 Fighting Chicken

Han Zixuan returned to school, and when he was approaching the entrance of the college, he ran into Cai Xiaomeng, who looked around as if he was waiting for someone, and when he saw Han Zixuan's appearance, he immediately jumped up, as if seeing a beautiful woman.

Cai Xiaomeng looked at Han Zixuan and smiled, because life has been so exciting recently.

Han Zixuan frowned, and asked angrily, "What are you doing here? You're causing me trouble again, right? I haven't settled with you for what happened last time."

"Boss, let me tell you some good news. He Lizi and Deng Bochao are separated. To be precise, Deng Bochao was dumped." Cai Xiaomeng said excitedly.

Han Zixuan asked what was going on, and Cai Xiaomeng said that in the morning at school, Deng Bochao was pestering He Lizi to the mangy dog ​​as usual.However, He Lizi didn't give him a good face, and ignored him, which actually showed that the relationship between the two had completely broken down.

Cai Xiaomeng continued: "I knew that the toad wanted to eat swan meat, it was impossible."

Han Zixuan was very surprised to hear this result, after all last evening, He Lizi made things difficult for him.There was such a change in one night, so it might have something to do with Bi Yunxi, it's very possible.The two of them were together and didn't know what was going to happen.

"Good thing, thank you very much. How are you doing recently? Have you been in love with your beauty god?"

Speaking of this, Cai Xiaomeng smiled from the corners of his eyes and brows: "Boss, I still have to thank you for your help. Now my goddess of beauty is approaching me, and she is currently chasing after me."

This kid started to be embarrassed, Han Zixuan warned him not to pretend too much, since girls have started to pay attention to you, you have to show sincerity and cherish your fate.

"Of course, I will remember the boss' teaching. I have an important matter to discuss with the boss today."

Han Zixuan nodded: "Let's talk, it's possible that the current status is not enough, boy, you can take it easy for me, I still say that, if you can fulfill you, you can also destroy you."

"No no no, Boss, you're overthinking. I just want to discuss life with you. After all, you have a lot of experience. I have to learn more from you, little brother." Cai Xiaomeng flattered him, and Han Zixuan wanted to kick him a few times.

"Life is too long, I can't finish it in a while, find a place another day, and I will teach you well." Han Zixuan ignored this guy and planned to go back.

But he was stopped by Cai Xiaomeng with a deadpan face, only delaying a few minutes.

Han Zixuan stopped and told him to speak quickly, don't waste time.

Cai Xiaomeng groaned for a long time before asking: "Boss, what did the man do the first time? Although he has watched a lot of movies, he still doesn't understand the details."

"Fuck, why do you think life is such a big deal. Ask me about this shit, and figure it out for yourself. But I warn you, remember to wear a condom." Han Zixuan gave him a hard look.

"Boss, what brand of condom is good? They also said that the first time is very short, so I don't need to buy some medicine. I'm afraid I'll make a fool of myself. After all, I'm not the original Cai Xiaomeng now. I want to be braver." Cai Xiaomeng looked forward to it Said.

Han Zixuan stopped in his tracks, looked at his round belly and asked, "How long are your words?"

Speaking of this, Cai Xiaomeng showed a helpless face, gestured with his index finger and said: "It's similar to this, all my troubles are here."

Han Zixuan sighed and said, "Xiao Meng, don't worry too much. If your goddess likes you, she will help you and make you ambitious. Even if you only have half a second, in her heart you are still the one who makes you The man she loves. Work hard and believe in yourself."

Cai Xiaomeng nodded and asked, "Boss, how long do you usually spend?"

"What's the matter, could it be that you want to surpass me." Han Zixuan squinted at him.

Cai Xiaomeng hurriedly shook his head: "No, I just want to learn and communicate with senior."

"One day, one night." Han Zixuan dropped these words and walked away gracefully.

Cai Xiaomeng was fortified like a stone statue, and suddenly he came to his senses, bragging, you thought yours was a fighting chicken.

Lei Yun and Du Jing did not come to the School of Physical Education.

At first, Lei Zhenyang thought that Lei Yun drank at night and woke up late during the day, and this kind of thing used to happen.And he also knew about the relationship between Du Jing and Lei Yun.Could it be that the two had an affair last night, damn it, they didn't pay attention to the influence at all.

But until noon, there was still no news of the two of them.Lei Zhenyang couldn't sit still anymore, he took out his phone and called his son, but the phone was turned off.Called Du Jing again, and it took a long time for the other party to get through.

Lei Zhenyang asked why he didn't come to work, Du Jing suddenly cried: "President, I am in the hospital, and Lei Yun is also in the hospital."

When Lei Zhenyang rushed to the hospital, he saw that his son and Du Jing were tightly wrapped in white cloth.One person was shot in the stomach, and the other was stabbed through the chest with a knife, which is sad enough.What's going on, could it be that the two of them rolled over on the bed and were injured.

He asked what was going on with the two of them, but no one answered.He was so anxious that the doctor happened to come to the ward to check on the condition. Lei Zhenyang immediately asked the doctor how the two were injured.

The doctor said the physical condition of the two people. Although they were not fatal injuries, the wounds were deep and needed recuperation.Du Jing was stabbed with a knife, and Lei Yun was pierced by a bullet. The doctor suggested that Lei Zhenyang should call the police. The gangsters probably did it.

Lei Zhenyang immediately understood that the trouble must have been caused by Lei Yun's messing around.He didn't dare to call the police. It would be troublesome to implicate his son again.

He returned to the ward and asked the two of them what was going on again.Du Jing didn't talk about life or death, she was really scared to death, Quan Dang experienced a nightmare.

Lei Zhenyang couldn't bear it anymore and asked: "Lei Yun, did you cause trouble, the underworld did it?"

Lei Yun said irritably, "Dad, you can go out, you don't have to worry about my affairs."

"I don't care, your little life is going to die." Lei Zhenyang stomped his feet anxiously, and began to ramble, complaining that his son was disobedient, why did he insist on taking the road of bastard.Sooner or later, something will happen, and I am seriously misfortune.

However, Lei Zhenyang was not the one to let others bully him. It was fine to make small troubles, but the other party actually used a pistol, which seriously surpassed the category of gangsters.

Lei Yun suddenly thought about whether Guo Linghua and the two would bring up what happened yesterday.But it seems that Guo Linghua and the others didn't do it, otherwise my father must have known about it.Damn bitch, I'll take that back.

Lei Zhenyang asked the other party's leader's name, how many people they had, and which street gangster they were.However, Leiyun didn't speak, and he didn't let go.

Helpless, Lei Zhenyang asked the two of you to recuperate first, and I will discuss with the school about your leave.How about this, the two of you should get a marriage certificate, and you should go on a trip to relax during this time.

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